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Arguing w/strangers cause I'm lonely thread

Page 359 of 4646

posted on 17/3/21

comment by What would Stuart Pearce do? Percy Pig aficionado (U3126)
posted 4 minutes ago
comment by Gingernuts (U2992)
posted 8 minutes ago
Oh look

EU threaten vaccines exports to U.K. and other countries yet again as the blame game continues.

What a fwcking shower. Ban it for over 65’s; criticise and question it; threaten to ban exports; hoard supplies and then postpone the roll out programme; threaten to ban exports yet again.
And yet the U.K. still has the highest Covid death toll and deepest recession in Europe.

Swings & roundabouts.

posted on 17/3/21

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posted on 17/3/21

comment by What would Stuart Pearce do? Percy Pig aficionado (U3126)
posted 6 minutes ago
comment by Gingernuts (U2992)
posted 8 minutes ago
Oh look

EU threaten vaccines exports to U.K. and other countries yet again as the blame game continues.

What a fwcking shower. Ban it for over 65’s; criticise and question it; threaten to ban exports; hoard supplies and then postpone the roll out programme; threaten to ban exports yet again.
Hardly surprising the EU is putting member states interests ahead of third countries.

Exactly. Quite absurd that the quitters STILL don’t get it.

posted on 17/3/21

comment by What would Stuart Pearce do? Percy Pig aficio... (U3126)
posted 7 minutes ago
comment by Gingernuts (U2992)
posted 8 minutes ago
Oh look

EU threaten vaccines exports to U.K. and other countries yet again as the blame game continues.

What a fwcking shower. Ban it for over 65’s; criticise and question it; threaten to ban exports; hoard supplies and then postpone the roll out programme; threaten to ban exports yet again.
Hardly surprising the EU is putting member states interests ahead of third countries.

Whilst I agree morally its contemptable, it is the shape of things to come for the UK/EU relationship. As instead of partners the UK/EU are now competitors.

About time we all just recognised that then and started properly competing with them.

posted on 17/3/21

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posted on 17/3/21

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posted on 17/3/21

comment by Gingernuts (U2992)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by What would Stuart Pearce do? Percy Pig aficio... (U3126)
posted 7 minutes ago
comment by Gingernuts (U2992)
posted 8 minutes ago
Oh look

EU threaten vaccines exports to U.K. and other countries yet again as the blame game continues.

What a fwcking shower. Ban it for over 65’s; criticise and question it; threaten to ban exports; hoard supplies and then postpone the roll out programme; threaten to ban exports yet again.
Hardly surprising the EU is putting member states interests ahead of third countries.

Whilst I agree morally its contemptable, it is the shape of things to come for the UK/EU relationship. As instead of partners the UK/EU are now competitors.

About time we all just recognised that then and started properly competing with them.
Very few areas where that is possible though.

comment by Hector (U3606)

posted on 17/3/21

comment by ttliv87 (U11882)
posted less than a minute ago
comment by Automatic For The People (U21889)
posted 7 minutes ago
comment by What would Stuart Pearce do? Percy Pig aficionado (U3126)
posted 6 minutes ago
comment by Gingernuts (U2992)
posted 8 minutes ago
Oh look

EU threaten vaccines exports to U.K. and other countries yet again as the blame game continues.

What a fwcking shower. Ban it for over 65’s; criticise and question it; threaten to ban exports; hoard supplies and then postpone the roll out programme; threaten to ban exports yet again.
Hardly surprising the EU is putting member states interests ahead of third countries.

Exactly. Quite absurd that the quitters STILL don’t get it.
I'm sure you will understand why we should have no respect for EU rules they still want us to abide by then. Good ok Boris for easing trading rules with Northern Ireland, just putting our people first, I'm sure you will understand.
He negotiated the deal, you're applauding him for reneging on the deal he did. It's like Raab resigning as Brexit sec because he didnt like his deal, absolute insanity that these charlatans get a free pass from bootlickers.

posted on 17/3/21

comment by ttliv87 (U11882)
posted 3 minutes ago
comment by Automatic For The People (U21889)
posted 7 minutes ago
comment by What would Stuart Pearce do? Percy Pig aficionado (U3126)
posted 6 minutes ago
comment by Gingernuts (U2992)
posted 8 minutes ago
Oh look

EU threaten vaccines exports to U.K. and other countries yet again as the blame game continues.

What a fwcking shower. Ban it for over 65’s; criticise and question it; threaten to ban exports; hoard supplies and then postpone the roll out programme; threaten to ban exports yet again.
Hardly surprising the EU is putting member states interests ahead of third countries.

Exactly. Quite absurd that the quitters STILL don’t get it.
I'm sure you will understand why we should have no respect for EU rules they still want us to abide by then. Good ok Boris for easing trading rules with Northern Ireland, just putting our people first, I'm sure you will understand.
It was Frost (NIP). Johnson has effectively outsourced total responsibility to him as chair of the joint committee, and chief negotiator of the UK's EU task force.

Which doesn't bode well for diplomacy or the economic interests of the EU/UK going forward.

Especially as he's (whilst it helps us here in the short term) ignored the international treaty the UK signed with the EU a few months ago. Understand the US administration are also going to be in touch with the UKgov in regard to EU proceedings which also doesn't bode well for the UK's global reputation as a trusted partner.

posted on 17/3/21

comment by Hector (U3606)
posted 53 seconds ago
comment by ttliv87 (U11882)
posted less than a minute ago
comment by Automatic For The People (U21889)
posted 7 minutes ago
comment by What would Stuart Pearce do? Percy Pig aficionado (U3126)
posted 6 minutes ago
comment by Gingernuts (U2992)
posted 8 minutes ago
Oh look

EU threaten vaccines exports to U.K. and other countries yet again as the blame game continues.

What a fwcking shower. Ban it for over 65’s; criticise and question it; threaten to ban exports; hoard supplies and then postpone the roll out programme; threaten to ban exports yet again.
Hardly surprising the EU is putting member states interests ahead of third countries.

Exactly. Quite absurd that the quitters STILL don’t get it.
I'm sure you will understand why we should have no respect for EU rules they still want us to abide by then. Good ok Boris for easing trading rules with Northern Ireland, just putting our people first, I'm sure you will understand.
He negotiated the deal, you're applauding him for reneging on the deal he did. It's like Raab resigning as Brexit sec because he didnt like his deal, absolute insanity that these charlatans get a free pass from bootlickers.

There was a goodwill gesture behind this agreement and acknowledgment of a “light touch”.

They went quicker than you could say “Brexit means Brexit” so as far as I’m concerned and in light of the lack of any compromise instead sitting behind “themes the rules” then fwck them; rip the damned thing up.

I get the need for rules and guidelines, I really do; but they should be applied to make sense and smooth things; certainly not used as a barrier with some smug cwnts scoffing at the weaker partner. Strangely enough it seems the mantra on here at times almost as if some revel in it. We are talking about British people and the country here after all.

So it would appear the rules don’t work for either party in various guises.

So let’s stop the pretence and let’s get on with things as we wanted. There’s a lot more we can do to compete with the EU and they don’t want us right on their doorstep deliberately ripping things apart to suit ourselves despite what stance they purport to take.

posted on 17/3/21

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posted on 17/3/21

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posted on 17/3/21

I-en up the Tower and let the ravens roost.

I say

posted on 17/3/21

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posted on 17/3/21

comment by Gingernuts (U2992)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by Hector (U3606)
posted 53 seconds ago
comment by ttliv87 (U11882)
posted less than a minute ago
comment by Automatic For The People (U21889)
posted 7 minutes ago
comment by What would Stuart Pearce do? Percy Pig aficionado (U3126)
posted 6 minutes ago
comment by Gingernuts (U2992)
posted 8 minutes ago
Oh look

EU threaten vaccines exports to U.K. and other countries yet again as the blame game continues.

What a fwcking shower. Ban it for over 65’s; criticise and question it; threaten to ban exports; hoard supplies and then postpone the roll out programme; threaten to ban exports yet again.
Hardly surprising the EU is putting member states interests ahead of third countries.

Exactly. Quite absurd that the quitters STILL don’t get it.
I'm sure you will understand why we should have no respect for EU rules they still want us to abide by then. Good ok Boris for easing trading rules with Northern Ireland, just putting our people first, I'm sure you will understand.
He negotiated the deal, you're applauding him for reneging on the deal he did. It's like Raab resigning as Brexit sec because he didnt like his deal, absolute insanity that these charlatans get a free pass from bootlickers.

There was a goodwill gesture behind this agreement and acknowledgment of a “light touch”.

They went quicker than you could say “Brexit means Brexit” so as far as I’m concerned and in light of the lack of any compromise instead sitting behind “themes the rules” then fwck them; rip the damned thing up.

I get the need for rules and guidelines, I really do; but they should be applied to make sense and smooth things; certainly not used as a barrier with some smug cwnts scoffing at the weaker partner. Strangely enough it seems the mantra on here at times almost as if some revel in it. We are talking about British people and the country here after all.

So it would appear the rules don’t work for either party in various guises.

So let’s stop the pretence and let’s get on with things as we wanted. There’s a lot more we can do to compete with the EU and they don’t want us right on their doorstep deliberately ripping things apart to suit ourselves despite what stance they purport to take.
On the 27th Feb the UK (Frost) met with the EU and formally promised to implement the NIP (border control posts, EU access to customs databases etc etc) in exchange for a further grace period.

A week later the UK reneged on this commitment and chose to prolong the grace period to Oct. Without consulting the joint committee or any EU rep.

To clarify the 'light touch' agreement with the EU was conditional on the UK making efforts to implement the NIP as previously agreed. Which they've failed to do.

posted on 17/3/21

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posted on 17/3/21

comment by NPEEE (U22521)
posted 40 seconds ago
Fack it, let’s invade Spain.
Bully. Picking on the only country in the EU less likely to fight back than Italy. Pfffft.

posted on 17/3/21

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comment by Admin1 (U1)

posted on 17/3/21

comment by ttliv87 (U11882)
posted 25 seconds ago
Thinking long term I hope they do ban exports and seize factories. We will be fine as we are self sufficient is vaccines. It may delay our completion by a few weeks, but the main hurdle in massively reducing deaths will be completed this week anyway (all over 50s getting their first jab). Long term this will send the message that the EU is not open to free and fair business and companies will not want to go there are be based there. I don't think the EU realise just how little a ban would affect us. The good thing is Ursula is such an amateur tactician I can actually see this realistically happen, so go on Ursula, we have been a very bad independent country, punish us
Looking beyond the vaccines, the dynamic changes considerably. The EU is capable of wrecking havoc on UK economy. Total mess.

posted on 17/3/21

comment by Hector (U3606)
posted 25 minutes ago
comment by ttliv87 (U11882)
posted less than a minute ago
comment by Automatic For The People (U21889)
posted 7 minutes ago
comment by What would Stuart Pearce do? Percy Pig aficionado (U3126)
posted 6 minutes ago
comment by Gingernuts (U2992)
posted 8 minutes ago
Oh look

EU threaten vaccines exports to U.K. and other countries yet again as the blame game continues.

What a fwcking shower. Ban it for over 65’s; criticise and question it; threaten to ban exports; hoard supplies and then postpone the roll out programme; threaten to ban exports yet again.
Hardly surprising the EU is putting member states interests ahead of third countries.

Exactly. Quite absurd that the quitters STILL don’t get it.
I'm sure you will understand why we should have no respect for EU rules they still want us to abide by then. Good ok Boris for easing trading rules with Northern Ireland, just putting our people first, I'm sure you will understand.
He negotiated the deal, you're applauding him for reneging on the deal he did. It's like Raab resigning as Brexit sec because he didnt like his deal, absolute insanity that these charlatans get a free pass from bootlickers.

I mean seriously, Lord Frost is the best we can do?!

posted on 17/3/21

comment by Admin1 (U1)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by ttliv87 (U11882)
posted 25 seconds ago
Thinking long term I hope they do ban exports and seize factories. We will be fine as we are self sufficient is vaccines. It may delay our completion by a few weeks, but the main hurdle in massively reducing deaths will be completed this week anyway (all over 50s getting their first jab). Long term this will send the message that the EU is not open to free and fair business and companies will not want to go there are be based there. I don't think the EU realise just how little a ban would affect us. The good thing is Ursula is such an amateur tactician I can actually see this realistically happen, so go on Ursula, we have been a very bad independent country, punish us
Looking beyond the vaccines, the dynamic changes considerably. The EU is capable of wrecking havoc on UK economy. Total mess.

posted on 17/3/21

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posted on 17/3/21

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posted on 17/3/21

comment by ttliv87 (U11882)
posted 3 minutes ago
Thinking long term I hope they do ban exports and seize factories. We will be fine as we are self sufficient is vaccines. It may delay our completion by a few weeks, but the main hurdle in massively reducing deaths will be completed this week anyway (all over 50s getting their first jab). Long term this will send the message that the EU is not open to free and fair business and companies will not want to go there are be based there. I don't think the EU realise just how little a ban would affect us. The good thing is Ursula is such an amateur tactician I can actually see this realistically happen, so go on Ursula, we have been a very bad independent country, punish us
Imagine thinking this country can go up ahead a union of 27 countries with a combined GDP of $18 trillion. We are a third country, everything that is happening to this country is down to us as we wrote the rules for being a third country.

The UK isn’t gonna shaaag you mate.

posted on 17/3/21


Oh God, this isn’t gonna help.

Page 359 of 4646

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