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Crypto Thread-Bitcoin/ethereum/litecoin

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comment by Admin1 (U1)

posted on 5/12/17

Nope, I'm getting a red flag feeling. https://rados.io/posts/iota-hack-and-subsequent-hard-fork

Was genuinely tempted by it though. The rapid transaction validation is very useful for say a country whose currency fails.

posted on 5/12/17

You'll find FUD on every single coin.

It's not perfect yet, the wallet is fiddly. But it has so much going for it. Microsoft don;t jump into bed with just anyone.

posted on 5/12/17

comment by Admin1 (U1)
posted 10 hours, 15 minutes ago
With snapshots, pruning and controllers is IOTA not actually still centralised.
You must have read enough to know that IOTA is built for scalability... The more it is used, the faster and more decentralised it gets.

comment by Admin1 (U1)

posted on 5/12/17

comment by Ji Sung Park's Cousin - 2017 joy squids (U2958)
posted 3 minutes ago
You'll find FUD on every single coin.

It's not perfect yet, the wallet is fiddly. But it has so much going for it. Microsoft don;t jump into bed with just anyone.
I'm struggling to see where Microsoft jumped in yo bed with them? Genuinely thought it had the potential to look like a currency, but it looks so suspect. Even cryptographically some of this mistakes they gave made are concerning.

posted on 5/12/17


comment by Admin1 (U1)

posted on 5/12/17

comment by Ji Sung Park's Cousin - 2017 joy squids (U2958)
posted 1 minute ago
That's not an endorsement or partnership. It's like VW partnering with my local garage cause they service VW cars. It's also a year old announcement.

posted on 5/12/17

and this?

comment by Admin1 (U1)

posted on 5/12/17

comment by Ji Sung Park's Cousin - 2017 joy squids (U2958)
posted 33 seconds ago
and this?
Yep, again there is no counter party announcements on the partners websites. I have genuinely been looking to be convinced.

comment by Admin1 (U1)

posted on 5/12/17

The reuters article is even correct in calling it a) open source and b) a block chain

posted on 5/12/17

Well, if they want to completely ruin their project in a microsecond, then using Microsoft's name without the correct legal rights will kill them... I am very, very doubtful that is the case, but understand your scepticism.

To spend months to get legal non profit status is Germany of all places, then to spread fake news would be as daft as it gets.

posted on 5/12/17

comment by Admin1 (U1)
posted 50 seconds ago
The reuters article is even correct in calling it a) open source and b) a block chain
You think it's blockchain?

comment by Admin1 (U1)

posted on 5/12/17

comment by Ji Sung Park's Cousin - 2017 joy squids (U2958)
posted 20 seconds ago
Well, if they want to completely ruin their project in a microsecond, then using Microsoft's name without the correct legal rights will kill them... I am very, very doubtful that is the case, but understand your scepticism.

To spend months to get legal non profit status is Germany of all places, then to spread fake news would be as daft as it gets.
Yes. Indeed it is, very much so. It's also worth considering what non profit actually means in the context of this crypto.

comment by Admin1 (U1)

posted on 5/12/17

comment by Ji Sung Park's Cousin - 2017 joy squids (U2958)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by Admin1 (U1)
posted 50 seconds ago
The reuters article is even correct in calling it a) open source and b) a block chain
You think it's blockchain?

posted on 5/12/17

reread what you wrote

posted on 5/12/17

comment by Admin1 (U1)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by Ji Sung Park's Cousin - 2017 joy squids (U2958)
posted 20 seconds ago
Well, if they want to completely ruin their project in a microsecond, then using Microsoft's name without the correct legal rights will kill them... I am very, very doubtful that is the case, but understand your scepticism.

To spend months to get legal non profit status is Germany of all places, then to spread fake news would be as daft as it gets.
Yes. Indeed it is, very much so. It's also worth considering what non profit actually means in the context of this crypto.
Please expand

comment by Admin1 (U1)

posted on 5/12/17

The reuters article is even correct in calling it a) open source and b) a block chain
*not even

comment by Admin1 (U1)

posted on 5/12/17

The iota foundation is not for profit. Which is quite independent of those on the foundation who have quite possibly a humongous share of the liquid pre mined currency. Not for profit gives an air of credibility, which is exactly what you want if you plan to profit.

posted on 5/12/17

Same principal for every non profit though.

Being sceptical is fine, but it doesn't mean that everything is a scam until proven otherwise. The world would stop turning.

Ripple has proven an ICO didn't need to go down such a route, they created themselves billions... Iota are now under much more scrutiny, seems a bit of a stretch in a time of ICO easy money.

If they wanted to make a large, fast sum of cash... They really didn;t need to jump through all these hoops... If it turns out to be the case, i'll tip my hat to them for trying something a bit more inventive

comment by Admin1 (U1)

posted on 5/12/17

comment by Ji Sung Park's Cousin - 2017 joy squids (U2958)
posted 3 minutes ago
Same principal for every non profit though.

Being sceptical is fine, but it doesn't mean that everything is a scam until proven otherwise. The world would stop turning.

Ripple has proven an ICO didn't need to go down such a route, they created themselves billions... Iota are now under much more scrutiny, seems a bit of a stretch in a time of ICO easy money.

If they wanted to make a large, fast sum of cash... They really didn;t need to jump through all these hoops... If it turns out to be the case, i'll tip my hat to them for trying something a bit more inventive
You see what I'm saying about these partnerships? David Sønstebø is very good at conveying a sense of gravitas and infallibility.

posted on 5/12/17

I do, but I also know the hoops that need to be jumped through to make such an announcement without having a host of lawyer on your back. There is a partnership in place, even if IOTA overblew it (not a fact, as of now)

If they are playing with the truth, i'll forgive them this time as they made me alot of money in the last 5 days ....

I like the idea and the team though, and it fits my environmental stance, so will give them the benefit of the doubt, for now.

comment by Admin1 (U1)

posted on 5/12/17

comment by Ji Sung Park's Cousin - 2017 joy squids (U2958)
posted 21 minutes ago
I do, but I also know the hoops that need to be jumped through to make such an announcement without having a host of lawyer on your back. There is a partnership in place, even if IOTA overblew it (not a fact, as of now)

If they are playing with the truth, i'll forgive them this time as they made me alot of money in the last 5 days....

I like the idea and the team though, and it fits my environmental stance, so will give them the benefit of the doubt, for now.
Drop me an email, ill fill you in on some security stuff.

posted on 5/12/17


posted on 5/12/17


comment by Admin1 (U1)

posted on 6/12/17

comment by Boris 'Inky' Gibson (U5901)
posted 13 hours, 58 minutes ago
That's why IOTA is much more practical as a currency. If Zimbabwe were to collapse, just how many crypto currencies could support it. If it wasn't for the all the red flags in terms of security I'd seriously consider it. I think when bitcoin burst much of the money will flow two another crypto currency.

posted on 6/12/17

As much as I hate the politics of their team... Bitcoin Cash seems a good bet for a real currency. Though it is blockchain, so still has headaches too, hash power (and energy) are going to be big stumbling blocks.

Hopefully IOTA will iron out it's issues and actually scale as promised.

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