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Death threats

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posted on 14/5/23

Seriously? It wil likely be some internet idiot but why would anyone do that ffs?

posted on 14/5/23

It wil likely be some internet idiot but why would anyone do that ffs?


Think the answer is in the question there.

posted on 14/5/23

comment by Clockwork Red: With or Wout You (U4892)
posted 5 minutes ago
It wil likely be some internet idiot but why would anyone do that ffs?


Think the answer is in the question there.
Yeh you're right but it takes a special sort of idiot to think it's acceptable? Sad person

posted on 14/5/23

There's a line and that's well and truly crossed it. Football is meant to be fun

comment by Batty (U4664)

posted on 14/5/23

Made no secret of my criticisms of him as a football
player. On the pitch is fair game. To a point. As you
say Shaun, a dangerous line has been crossed.

Football's frustrating, yes. We've had a rough season,
yes. But this is inexcusable. No player's partner,
family, and especially kids should be anywhere near
targets of fans. Looks like the club is serious about
stopping it. And hopefully, finding the person(s).

posted on 14/5/23

It’s disgusting he’s received death threats and not acceptable at all. I myself have received several death threats from other users on this forum, so I empathise with him.

comment by Batty (U4664)

posted on 14/5/23

Culer, I've seen the dialogue over on your board.
You're not exaggerating.

posted on 14/5/23

I’ve even considered leaving the site over it

posted on 14/5/23

This whole sh!t show of a season is becoming a … sh!t show. End the fecking season now and put us out of our misery FFS.

posted on 14/5/23

comment by Culér (U9489)
posted 4 minutes ago
I’ve even considered leaving the site over it
Are the person's responsible still posting?

comment by Jonty (U4614)

posted on 14/5/23

Ive had people from this forum calling my neighbours, my wife's work, creating accounts to impersonate me, leaving abusive messages on a blog I used to run, that's folk on this forum.

Social Media platforms should have a responsibility to share identities with authorities.

comment by Batty (U4664)

posted on 14/5/23

comment by Jonty (U4614)
posted 3 minutes ago
Ive had people from this forum calling my neighbours, my wife's work, creating accounts to impersonate me, leaving abusive messages on a blog I used to run, that's folk on this forum.

Social Media platforms should have a responsibility to share identities with authorities.


I think you've mentioned this before, Jonty.
Outrageous behaviour. Hope to God it stopped.

posted on 14/5/23

I have had the same.

Someone rang up my mum, asking if Bamford was related to us.

Got my suspicions, batty, think it could be someone off here.

comment by Batty (U4664)

posted on 14/5/23

Promise it wasn't me LIW. That behaviour is as sad
as it gets. And dangerous. As I've said many times,
I view Ja606 as a pub. We can have a laugh. Get on
each others t 1 ts at times. But end of day we're all
Leeds and should try and be decent.

And again, I can't stand what's happening to Bamford
and in particular his family. If social media ended
tomorrow, the world might get a touch better.

posted on 14/5/23

The old saying of there's more out than in is so very true as I had a neighbour for 6 years worse than any mental health patient I've supported who got drunk and high every other night and had persistent violent phychotic episodes, and police visits were a weekly occurrence.

Eventually , myself and 3 other neighbours having spent a lot of time and energy with solicitors, social workers, council officials and after they nearly caused a massive gas explosion blowing up the neighbourhood, was physically removed by the Police and sectioned under the mental health act...The parents who owned the house put it up for sale and thankfully for the last 12 months we've had a new young family as neighbours who are an absolute joy.

Anyway let's hope PB can make a difference to us staying up... even if that's by not playing.. sorry couldn't resist that 😂 but I know all right minded Leeds fans all agree he definitely doesn't deserve this unhinged level of abuse and I sincerely hope we can avoid relegation and all this unpleasantness can be a distant memory.

posted on 14/5/23

I don’t mind people having negative opinions about certain players on here. Even when I disagree.

But I don’t understand the purpose of vocalising those opinions to the players themselves. With the only exception being if they have given up. Which is extremely rare and 99% of time fans say a player is not trying it’s nonsense.

Bamford certainly cannot be accused of not trying or caring. Every miss obviously eats away at him. Too much.

So as a fan of Leeds why would we want to make that worse?

And this is just so far beyond that it’s unbelievable. The idiot that pushed Howe is also behind comprehension. Just what the hell.

And I also have plenty of disagreements on here. But what’s wrong with anyone that tried to take anything beyond this site. How do you even find out someone’s name. Never mind their mum’s/wife’s details. What is wrong with you?!?

Scary how common this lunatic behaviour appears to be.

posted on 14/5/23

I can’t believe these people can’t be identified and prosecuted - just doesn’t seem to be a priority for the police.

posted on 14/5/23

BTW Lads

I was taking the pi@s, after batty called me bamford mum yesterday 🤣🤣🤣

comment by Batty (U4664)

posted on 14/5/23

Holy sh 1 t that is comedy gold. Laughing my ar$ e off.
Cheered me up no end. Seriously needed that. Soft
Bar steward got me hook line and sinker.

posted on 14/5/23

comment by LIW Rad a %#@% and so is Orta (U8453)
posted 1 hour, 32 minutes ago
BTW Lads

I was taking the pi@s, after batty called me bamford mum yesterday 🤣🤣🤣

comment by Stoopo (U4707)

posted on 14/5/23

comment by LIW Rad a %#@% and so is Orta (U8453)
posted 4 hours, 10 minutes ago
I have had the same.

Someone rang up my mum, asking if Bamford was related to us.

Got my suspicions, batty, think it could be someone off here.
That’s ridiculous! It must be someone who knows you though as they got your mum’s number.

As for Bamford. I’ve been a big supporter but even I think he’s let us down this last few games.

However he seems a good person and does try his best I think. I felt sorry for him yesterday and whoever decided to let him take that penalty carries some responsibility. We all know he’s lost his confidence and we all thought he would miss that.

But death threats are not acceptable and are a disgrace! If they find the culprits they should be prosecuted and banned for life from attending football games.

comment by Stoopo (U4707)

posted on 14/5/23

comment by LIW Rad a %#@% and so is Orta (U8453)
posted 2 hours, 19 minutes ago
BTW Lads

I was taking the pi@s, after batty called me bamford mum yesterday 🤣🤣🤣
Got me too! Shows you should read the whole thread before commenting 🤣🤣🤣

posted on 15/5/23

I’ve often tried analysis what goes in in the mind of someone making death threats to a footballer.

The only one I could come up with is someone having a meltdown tantrum because they will lose a huge amount of money if Leeds are relegated, or something like that.

Well, that would be their own stupid fault if they end up broke.

Threatening to kill anyone is a deep emotion….and sometimes routed in a response to something deeply offensive, but someone who didn’t even know that you existed on this planet? That’s just plain weird.

Patrick’s had a very tough run and is shot of his confidence.

Would it get a mention if he donated say £5k to kid’s football charity as a way to thank supporters for their encouragement? Unlikely, but Bamford isn’t there only for the money. It time see remembered that.

posted on 15/5/23

comment by Real Estate - Podemos ser Top Four de nuevo (U21471)
posted 4 hours, 57 minutes ago
I’ve often tried analysis what goes in in the mind of someone making death threats to a footballer.

The only one I could come up with is someone having a meltdown tantrum because they will lose a huge amount of money if Leeds are relegated, or something like that.

Well, that would be their own stupid fault if they end up broke.

Threatening to kill anyone is a deep emotion….and sometimes routed in a response to something deeply offensive, but someone who didn’t even know that you existed on this planet? That’s just plain weird.

Patrick’s had a very tough run and is shot of his confidence.

Would it get a mention if he donated say £5k to kid’s football charity as a way to thank supporters for their encouragement? Unlikely, but Bamford isn’t there only for the money. It time see remembered that.
Totally agree .........

posted on 15/5/23

I’ve often tried analysis what goes in in the mind of someone making death threats to a footballer.

The only one I could come up with is someone having a meltdown tantrum because they will lose a huge amount of money if Leeds are relegated, or something like that.

Well, that would be their own stupid fault if they end up broke.


Are you suggesting Radz is doing it?

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