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These 170 comments are related to an article called:

Don't kill cash petition

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posted on 4/7/23

comment by There'sOne7-0Reds (U1721)
posted 26 seconds ago
comment by Irishred (U2539)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by There'sOne7-0Reds (U1721)
posted 3 minutes ago
I don't mind paying £6 for a Guinness though as you can't get one as good as out of a pump. Other drinks out of a bottle is basically the same.
Ever try the nitro cans? Haven’t myself but heard good things
Yeah I have the nitro surge unit. Not bad but still not quite there. Also expensive. Honestly the previous iteration was just as good and cheaper, can't remember what it was called but you poured it into your glass, then used a cheap jewellery cleaner to activate it, rather than the expensive and hard to find Guinness unit.

Putting me in the mood for a Guinness here 😆
Was that called a plunger?

I remember my old man using them for bottles of Guinness when I was a kid

posted on 4/7/23

I've got 12 cans in the shed, normal draught ones. Friends pub closed down during lockdown and he had loads of beer left over. A month out of date but won't be a problem 😆

posted on 4/7/23

comment by There'sOne7-0Reds (U1721)
posted 14 seconds ago
I've got 12 cans in the shed, normal draught ones. Friends pub closed down during lockdown and he had loads of beer left over. A month out of date but won't be a problem 😆
I refuse to take responsibility if you’re hungover tomorrow 😂

posted on 4/7/23

comment by Irishred (U2539)
posted 25 seconds ago
comment by There'sOne7-0Reds (U1721)
posted 26 seconds ago
comment by Irishred (U2539)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by There'sOne7-0Reds (U1721)
posted 3 minutes ago
I don't mind paying £6 for a Guinness though as you can't get one as good as out of a pump. Other drinks out of a bottle is basically the same.
Ever try the nitro cans? Haven’t myself but heard good things
Yeah I have the nitro surge unit. Not bad but still not quite there. Also expensive. Honestly the previous iteration was just as good and cheaper, can't remember what it was called but you poured it into your glass, then used a cheap jewellery cleaner to activate it, rather than the expensive and hard to find Guinness unit.

Putting me in the mood for a Guinness here 😆
Was that called a plunger?

I remember my old man using them for bottles of Guinness when I was a kid
No think it was just called surger, rather than nitrosurger.

posted on 4/7/23

I'm in the mood for a Guinness, I've just had a €400 refund off Ryanair.

posted on 4/7/23

comment by There'sOne7-0Reds (U1721)
posted 14 seconds ago
comment by Irishred (U2539)
posted 25 seconds ago
comment by There'sOne7-0Reds (U1721)
posted 26 seconds ago
comment by Irishred (U2539)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by There'sOne7-0Reds (U1721)
posted 3 minutes ago
I don't mind paying £6 for a Guinness though as you can't get one as good as out of a pump. Other drinks out of a bottle is basically the same.
Ever try the nitro cans? Haven’t myself but heard good things
Yeah I have the nitro surge unit. Not bad but still not quite there. Also expensive. Honestly the previous iteration was just as good and cheaper, can't remember what it was called but you poured it into your glass, then used a cheap jewellery cleaner to activate it, rather than the expensive and hard to find Guinness unit.

Putting me in the mood for a Guinness here 😆
Was that called a plunger?

I remember my old man using them for bottles of Guinness when I was a kid
No think it was just called surger, rather than nitrosurger.

posted on 4/7/23

comment by Irishred (U2539)
posted 21 seconds ago
comment by There'sOne7-0Reds (U1721)
posted 14 seconds ago
I've got 12 cans in the shed, normal draught ones. Friends pub closed down during lockdown and he had loads of beer left over. A month out of date but won't be a problem 😆
I refuse to take responsibility if you’re hungover tomorrow 😂
Yeah unfortunately I'm too responsible these days and never drink when work the next day. Although I make up for it when I do drink

posted on 4/7/23

comment by Boris 'Inky’ Gibson (U5901)
posted 36 seconds ago
I'm in the mood for a Guinness, I've just had a €400 refund off Ryanair.
Yeah but the hidden charges mean you only get 50 back

posted on 4/7/23

comment by Boris 'Inky’ Gibson (U5901)
posted 52 seconds ago
I'm in the mood for a Guinness, I've just had a €400 refund off Ryanair.
Don't get too pleased they'll probably take £500 from you tomorrow.

posted on 4/7/23

comment by Irishred (U2539)
posted 1 second ago
comment by Boris 'Inky’ Gibson (U5901)
posted 36 seconds ago
I'm in the mood for a Guinness, I've just had a €400 refund off Ryanair.
Yeah but the hidden charges mean you only get 50 back
They paid it Pounds so I did lose a bit, plane was delayed for 18 hours but they coughed up in less than a month.

Michael O'Leary is a City fan though.

posted on 4/7/23

comment by Boris 'Inky’ Gibson (U5901)
posted 8 minutes ago
comment by Irishred (U2539)
posted 1 second ago
comment by Boris 'Inky’ Gibson (U5901)
posted 36 seconds ago
I'm in the mood for a Guinness, I've just had a €400 refund off Ryanair.
Yeah but the hidden charges mean you only get 50 back
They paid it Pounds so I did lose a bit, plane was delayed for 18 hours but they coughed up in less than a month.

Michael O'Leary is a City fan though.

It's an EU law. They have to do it. I got near a grand out of Easyjet years ago. Best thing about it was our previous flight was delayed so we missed the flight.

posted on 5/7/23

comment by There'sOne7-0Reds (U1721)
posted 8 hours, 27 minutes ago
comment by HenrysCat (U3608)
posted 4 hours, 30 minutes ago
comment by There'sOne7-0Reds (U1721)
posted 3 hours, 51 minutes ago
comment by HenrysCat (U3608)
posted 1 minute ago
Only thing I would say is that with every electronic transaction your money diminishes ever so slightly - ie. we're all being charged to spend money. With cash a fiver is still a fiver, no matter how many people's hands it passes though. It is a bit of a con, but doesn't trouble me too much as an individual, losing pennies every day. But from a broader perspective it irritates me that people make a very good living from doing pretty much feck all.
"Only thing I would say is that with every electronic transaction your money diminishes ever so slightly"

Offset and more by the fact you can buy things cheaper without cash, online than you can using cash in a bricks and mortar location.
Online, yes, maybe, but a pint in the local costs the same regardless, or paying someone to work in your house - no discount there either. In fact probably the opposite, for quite different reasons though
I haven't done the timings and the maths since I don't own a pub but I'm sure pub owners have. For example I imagine it's possible to have fewer workers on at once if not wasting time going into the till and counting change, handing it over, after someone rummaging around their pockets for the money etc. Simple tap here, done. I'd imagine that saving is more than the miniscule amount charged for a card transaction.
Yeah, but how far can this loss of jobs continue? People need jobs and every minute technology makes a job somewhere obsolete. Job creation will never catch up so it's slowly going one way. What's the solution? I reckon that we get a technology and AI system to do everything for us and put 99% of the global population which won't be needed to run the system on some sort of super welfare with unlimited free health and education, vacations, expensive houses and cars, drinking and mean green allowances and the likes.

posted on 5/7/23

This is an ad on a local FB group.

I am looking for a regular cleaner for our house in Didsbury - our lovely cleaner is relocating. Ideally this would be for twice a week for 2 hours.(There's also the option of ironing!)
We are a busy professional family of 4 :two adults who both work partly from home, and two boys ages 17 and (almost)19.
I would prefer to employ an individual with experience, who is used to being self directed rather than micro managed.
Please drop me a DM if available /interested!
(Photographic proof of ID and address verification please for successful person, as we would probably need to give you a key. Payment by bank transfer would be good for me in these cashless times... Let me know your expectation for hourly rate and whether you provide own cleaning products )
Look forward to hearing from you!

2/3 years ago it would just say "Cleaner needed, references required, £xx an hour, cash in hand"

posted on 5/7/23

I’m leaning towards a cashless society if only to avoid the are they aren’t they going to the self service till at Tesco’s, then after a delay to be waived through by the half wit as they are looking for a machine that takes cash

posted on 5/7/23

comment by There'sOne7-0Reds (U1721)
posted 13 hours, 35 minutes ago
comment by HenrysCat (U3608)
posted 4 hours, 30 minutes ago
comment by There'sOne7-0Reds (U1721)
posted 3 hours, 51 minutes ago
comment by HenrysCat (U3608)
posted 1 minute ago
Only thing I would say is that with every electronic transaction your money diminishes ever so slightly - ie. we're all being charged to spend money. With cash a fiver is still a fiver, no matter how many people's hands it passes though. It is a bit of a con, but doesn't trouble me too much as an individual, losing pennies every day. But from a broader perspective it irritates me that people make a very good living from doing pretty much feck all.
"Only thing I would say is that with every electronic transaction your money diminishes ever so slightly"

Offset and more by the fact you can buy things cheaper without cash, online than you can using cash in a bricks and mortar location.
Online, yes, maybe, but a pint in the local costs the same regardless, or paying someone to work in your house - no discount there either. In fact probably the opposite, for quite different reasons though
I haven't done the timings and the maths since I don't own a pub but I'm sure pub owners have. For example I imagine it's possible to have fewer workers on at once if not wasting time going into the till and counting change, handing it over, after someone rummaging around their pockets for the money etc. Simple tap here, done. I'd imagine that saving is more than the miniscule amount charged for a card transaction.
By persisting with this argument, you've kind of missed my point, tbh.

All transactions form an ongoing chain, with cash the fiver starts being worth a fiver, with cashless every transaction is attracting a charge (as I said, no matter how miniscule). As I also said, it barely registers on the individual transactions - but overall it's effectively an additional tax on simply money that cash wouldn't have attracted. This tax however is going to wealthy institutions and not the government.

As I also said, this doesn't really bother me enough personally to declare myself "cash only", but I get why some have a problem with it. THAT was my point.

posted on 5/7/23

^"on simply money" -> "on simply spending money"

posted on 5/7/23

Oh, and I doubt the cashless pub is saving money in the way you suggested - an experienced bartender takes seconds to get the change out of the till. With shonky wi-fi and rubbish connections to banks, and the "do-you don't-you need to enter your PIN" moments, I'd say there's little in it - if anything cash is often quicker.

posted on 5/7/23

Can really tell the old people here. There is no need for cash at all. Even drug dealers can adapt. Might be an opportunity for more tech savvy young folk to take up a career in drug dealing so everyone benefits really. Although they are already doing that.

posted on 5/7/23

comment by Pierre Reedy (U1734)
posted 1 minute ago
Can really tell the old people here. There is no need for cash at all. Even drug dealers can adapt. Might be an opportunity for more tech savvy young folk to take up a career in drug dealing so everyone benefits really. Although they are already doing that.
These days they are using bitcoins

comment by MonTT (U22775)

posted on 5/7/23

remember when a cashless society was a conspiracy theory

posted on 5/7/23

comment by HenrysCat (U3608)
posted 24 seconds ago
comment by There'sOne7-0Reds (U1721)
posted 13 hours, 35 minutes ago
comment by HenrysCat (U3608)
posted 4 hours, 30 minutes ago
comment by There'sOne7-0Reds (U1721)
posted 3 hours, 51 minutes ago
comment by HenrysCat (U3608)
posted 1 minute ago
Only thing I would say is that with every electronic transaction your money diminishes ever so slightly - ie. we're all being charged to spend money. With cash a fiver is still a fiver, no matter how many people's hands it passes though. It is a bit of a con, but doesn't trouble me too much as an individual, losing pennies every day. But from a broader perspective it irritates me that people make a very good living from doing pretty much feck all.
"Only thing I would say is that with every electronic transaction your money diminishes ever so slightly"

Offset and more by the fact you can buy things cheaper without cash, online than you can using cash in a bricks and mortar location.
Online, yes, maybe, but a pint in the local costs the same regardless, or paying someone to work in your house - no discount there either. In fact probably the opposite, for quite different reasons though
I haven't done the timings and the maths since I don't own a pub but I'm sure pub owners have. For example I imagine it's possible to have fewer workers on at once if not wasting time going into the till and counting change, handing it over, after someone rummaging around their pockets for the money etc. Simple tap here, done. I'd imagine that saving is more than the miniscule amount charged for a card transaction.
By persisting with this argument, you've kind of missed my point, tbh.

All transactions form an ongoing chain, with cash the fiver starts being worth a fiver, with cashless every transaction is attracting a charge (as I said, no matter how miniscule). As I also said, it barely registers on the individual transactions - but overall it's effectively an additional tax on simply money that cash wouldn't have attracted. This tax however is going to wealthy institutions and not the government.

As I also said, this doesn't really bother me enough personally to declare myself "cash only", but I get why some have a problem with it. THAT was my point.
I understand your point. I was simply talking about the cost to the individual purchasing as well as the seller. In regards to the miniscule amount going to wealthy institutions well they employ people, presumably salary etc is tied into percentage of profits, like it is at the bank my wife is senior vice president at and said salaries go back into the system when people make purchases.

I really don't get this argument they peddle in an attempt to get the right wing neanderthals frothing at the prospect of cashless armageddon to control them in the first step towards Big Brother and 1984 coming true.

We need to look at all of the data, not just a simple miniscule amount that goes to the bank. It's been proven that reducing cash payments increases the GDP of a country. The UK spends £1b per year on ATM transactions, which is regressive and impacts people on lower incomes more than anybody else. There's a host of other supporting data available. Obviously it's still early in the transition and improvements need made but it's inevitable that eventually cash won't be a thing and of course to get to that point improvements in infrastructure need to be made, laws set, caps on transaction fees, protection for competitors to increase competition to avoid a monopoly etc.

In summary, the miniscule amount that goes to the bank has overall no negative impact and in fact can have a positive impact when the value of your money is higher and things are cheaper due to the ease of the transaction and the reduction in time to process it. THAT was my point.

posted on 5/7/23

I take card payments and get charged 4.9% per transaction.

Obviously given the choice I would prefer cash.

posted on 5/7/23

comment by Boris 'Inky’ Gibson (U5901)
posted 1 minute ago
I take card payments and get charged 4.9% per transaction.

Obviously given the choice I would prefer cash.
Yes but as stated that's the simplistic way of looking at it.

If somebody was able to show you that your money is worth more, you have fewer staff, your supplies are cheaper etc due to digitised transactions you would be saving more than 4.9%.

Also get a different provider. Square is 1.79% for contactless. I believe smartpay and sumup are even cheaper still.

posted on 5/7/23

comment by There'sOne7-0Reds (U1721)
posted 6 minutes ago
comment by Boris 'Inky’ Gibson (U5901)
posted 1 minute ago
I take card payments and get charged 4.9% per transaction.

Obviously given the choice I would prefer cash.
Yes but as stated that's the simplistic way of looking at it.

If somebody was able to show you that your money is worth more, you have fewer staff, your supplies are cheaper etc due to digitised transactions you would be saving more than 4.9%.

Also get a different provider. Square is 1.79% for contactless. I believe smartpay and sumup are even cheaper still.
Yeah due to competition, charges will go down or be removed. Might be part of the plans to go cashless that electronic payments have to be free.

comment by Superb (U6486)

posted on 5/7/23

comment by Pierre Reedy (U1734)
posted 32 seconds ago
comment by There'sOne7-0Reds (U1721)
posted 6 minutes ago
comment by Boris 'Inky’ Gibson (U5901)
posted 1 minute ago
I take card payments and get charged 4.9% per transaction.

Obviously given the choice I would prefer cash.
Yes but as stated that's the simplistic way of looking at it.

If somebody was able to show you that your money is worth more, you have fewer staff, your supplies are cheaper etc due to digitised transactions you would be saving more than 4.9%.

Also get a different provider. Square is 1.79% for contactless. I believe smartpay and sumup are even cheaper still.
Yeah due to competition, charges will go down or be removed. Might be part of the plans to go cashless that electronic payments have to be free.
Dream on lol

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