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posted on 4/1/24

Without the man child reaching the final no one would have cared. There's just not much to the sport, you throw from the same spot each time and it's not like there's variety in the throws, every competitor is just an overweight bloke who practised getting drunk in the pub, it's not really a sport. 99% of the crowd at Ally Pally are off their t-ts on booze and the white stuff too, they're happy whatever's happening.

posted on 4/1/24

Isn't 99% of the game just trying to get a 180 until your last throw and being able to get a double. It's a pub game.

posted on 4/1/24

Darts is not a sport

posted on 4/1/24

First time I’ve watch darts in a long time, when did cheerleaders on stage become a thing?

posted on 4/1/24

comment by Busby (U19985)
posted 52 seconds ago
comment by The Process (U20671)
posted 13 seconds ago
comment by Busby (U19985)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by Glazers Out (SE85) (U21241)
posted 13 minutes ago
Im not a Darts fan at all and even I have been watching. Warrington ain't that far away and Littler is a red too so wanted him to win as he's the local lad. I'm sure his time will come.

Is Darts a true sport though or is it a game?
The Council of Europe charter on sport uses the following definition: "Sport means all forms of physical activity, which through casual or organised participation, aim at expressing or improving physical fitness and mental well-being, forming social relationships or obtaining results in competition at all levels".

It's a sport. I wouldn't say it is any more of a sport than Chess though.
I disagree. As said above you could get someone else to make chess moves on your behalf under your instruction without any deviation in standard which doesn't apply to darts.
You can make similar comparisons in a lot of sports though.

Could an F1 driver win a race without his car and his team?

Could City have won the treble if Pep wasn't their manager?

I guess the only box chess doesn't tick is the "physical activity", which is fair enough. However a grandmaster of chess is far more intelligent and skilful than a darts world champion, in my opinion.
Yes but again an F1 team needs highly teammates as well as Pep needing top players.

In theory a world class chess player could guide a casual amateur to high level.

posted on 4/1/24

Each to their own process.

I won't watch this rubbish just like I have no interest in ever watching Golf or American football.

comment by Busby (U19985)

posted on 4/1/24

"In theory a world class chess player could guide a casual amateur to high level."

Bit of a rubbish argument though, just because somebody is sat in a seat moving the pieces doesn't mean they're playing if somebody is literally telling them the moves to make.

I think it's fair to say chess is not a sport, I'm just not sure darts is. Otherwise you could say people in an office who are throwing paper into a wastebin is a sport?

posted on 4/1/24

Last night was my first time watching the darts in decades because of the back story

I have to say he was the oldest looking 16 year old I've ever seen

It was an entertaining match

It's not a sport though

posted on 4/1/24

activity that you do for pleasure and that needs physical effort or skill, usually done in a special area and according to fixed rules.
According to Oxford's dictionary everything is a sport.

posted on 4/1/24

What a weird argument.

I'm a sick FIFA player, like elite 1 or 2 on ultimate team kind of sick.
If I tell you how to play the game, e.g. press square to shoot and use the left sticks to dribble, are you gonna be able to be as good as me? Nah bruv.

That logic applies to dozens of "sports" and e sports, not just darts.

posted on 4/1/24

comment by Busby (U19985)
posted 5 minutes ago
"In theory a world class chess player could guide a casual amateur to high level."

Bit of a rubbish argument though, just because somebody is sat in a seat moving the pieces doesn't mean they're playing if somebody is literally telling them the moves to make.

I think it's fair to say chess is not a sport, I'm just not sure darts is. Otherwise you could say people in an office who are throwing paper into a wastebin is a sport?
In theory I suppose you could

posted on 4/1/24

I also don't agree that physicality plays no part in darts. It may not be the conventional physicality that gives you the advantage in most sports but if you look at the majority of top darts players the dart goes into the board with force.

posted on 4/1/24

In regard to classification (sport) it depends on each country's own determination. Darts was formally recognised/classified as as sport in the UK back in 2005.

Darts was considered as a guest sport for the 2012 Olympics, and to qualify had to already be recognised as a sport in the UK.

Darts is also widely classified as a sport across Europe, so whilst folk can opine on the merits of the classification, it does not change the fact that in the UK, darts is a sport.

posted on 4/1/24

Never really understand why you always get like all these insecure people on these articles like “darts isn’t a sport” or if it’s snooker “snooker isn’t a sport”

Depends how you define sport but technically it is a sport so it is a sport, there’s no real argument. You can make an argument that it’s not a sport but you could do the same with anything, you could say football is just kicking a ball around, kids do that at a park, are they sportsman and athletes? Cricket is just hitting a ball with a bat, is that really a sport?

Anytbing can be considered not a sport. Those darts players were standing up throwing darts at a board for 2-3 hours + in front of tens of thousands of people. Also requires far more skill to be that good than at football, so don’t really understand the hate or the “it’s not a sport” because by that logic nothing is a sport

posted on 4/1/24

Is swimming a sport? It’s just swimming from one end to the other, I swim, am I a sportsman? Or because I’d be 10 seconds slower am I not a sportsman?

Running in a circle is considered a sport, what makes that a sport? Kids run around in circles all day are they sportsmen or sportswomen?

posted on 4/1/24

comment by Oscar #TeamFury. #Trump2024 (U12980)
posted 42 seconds ago
Never really understand why you always get like all these insecure people on these articles like “darts isn’t a sport” or if it’s snooker “snooker isn’t a sport”

Depends how you define sport but technically it is a sport so it is a sport, there’s no real argument. You can make an argument that it’s not a sport but you could do the same with anything, you could say football is just kicking a ball around, kids do that at a park, are they sportsman and athletes? Cricket is just hitting a ball with a bat, is that really a sport?

Anytbing can be considered not a sport. Those darts players were standing up throwing darts at a board for 2-3 hours + in front of tens of thousands of people. Also requires far more skill to be that good than at football, so don’t really understand the hate or the “it’s not a sport” because by that logic nothing is a sport
And regardless does ti even matter? It's a highly skilled game either way.

posted on 4/1/24

Exactly it’s a highly skilled game that requires substantial physical effort. I’ve played darts before, I usually get bored or my arm hurts after an hour and I’m $hit and playing with no pressure, these guys are plating for hours throwing relentlessly under immense pressure with thousands of people watching.

That classifies it as a sporting event

posted on 4/1/24

comment by Oscar #TeamFury. #Trump2024 (U12980)
posted 1 minute ago
Is swimming a sport? It’s just swimming from one end to the other, I swim, am I a sportsman? Or because I’d be 10 seconds slower am I not a sportsman?

Running in a circle is considered a sport, what makes that a sport? Kids run around in circles all day are they sportsmen or sportswomen?
Is a writer an athlete?

posted on 4/1/24

I just don’t get why the insecurity of some people are always like “nah can’t be a sport” but when you actually break it down the way they categorise the reasons why it’s not a sport can be used for pretty much any other support

posted on 4/1/24

Also if darts was just a game and not a sport surely women would be on an equal level to men.

posted on 4/1/24

A difference of opinion equates to insecurity

posted on 4/1/24

comment by The Process (U20671)
posted 38 seconds ago
Also if darts was just a game and not a sport surely women would be on an equal level to men.
Wouldn’t surprise me if we see a Greaves vs Littler final one day

posted on 4/1/24

comment by Oscar #TeamFury. #Trump2024 (U12980)
posted 2 minutes ago
comment by The Process (U20671)
posted 38 seconds ago
Also if darts was just a game and not a sport surely women would be on an equal level to men.
Wouldn’t surprise me if we see a Greaves vs Littler final one day
She looks a talent but not trying to be mean, she’s hardly the most feminine of girls either. She’s still a few levels below Littler from what I’ve seen.

posted on 4/1/24

Darts is grate.

posted on 4/1/24

Snooker is miles better.

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