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posted on 31/5/24

Anyway got to go but none of you have changed my mind. Amercians have a tough choice ahead of them. Go with Genocidal Joe or Twisted Trump.

Looking forward to the future debates between them and us 😂🍿.

posted on 31/5/24

comment by TheresOnlyOne7-0Reds (U1721)
posted 4 minutes ago
comment by Luka Brasi (U22178)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by FieldsofAnfieldRd (U18971)
posted 15 minutes ago
comment by Luka Brasi (U22178)
posted 38 seconds ago
Whatever Trump said about Bleach, touching women up, Covid and lies is nothing compared to the actions of gengenocidal Joe. What he has done to the millions of Palestinians and the Gaza strip with his mate Bibi is totally unforgiveable.
Which US President moved the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem further enflaming tensions in the region?
It is a good point and one I didn't like but it didn't start a war. Trump is the only leader who has publicly criticised Netanyahu and can see through him.
Of course he did. He wouldn't have if he was president however. Do you know how politics works? Whilst the person in power has to make the difficult decisions, the other guys states the opposite. He was already on camera saying nobody supports Israel more than he does and now it's suddenly the opposite. Do me a favour. The guy will say anything if it furthers his own image.
Yeah that’s a huge issue with him, he will literally say anything if it gets him attention. Even something he staunchly opposes suddenly gets flipped when theirs an opportunity. The bloke would sell his children if it benefits him in some way

posted on 31/5/24

comment by Baz tard - Ineos your face, proud owner of the 100k comment, fack you Michael Edward’s and your 5m, th (U19119)
posted 3 minutes ago
comment by Luka Brasi (U22178)
posted 24 minutes ago
Whatever Trump said about Bleach, touching women up, Covid and lies is nothing compared to the actions of gengenocidal Joe. What he has done to the millions of Palestinians and the Gaza strip with his mate Bibi is totally unforgiveable.
I think you’ll find that’s Israel doing that.
Funded by billions from Gengenocidal Joe 👍🏻.

posted on 31/5/24

comment by T-BAD (U11806)
posted 7 minutes ago
comment by Bãleș left boot (U22081)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by T-BAD (U11806)
posted 47 seconds ago
comment by Darren The String Fletcher (U10026)
posted 2 minutes ago
I doubt Russia would have invaded Ukraine had Trump not been elected. Everyone knows how Russia have been trying to destabilise America, Britain and Europe politically. Trump becoming President was a consequence of that, and him pouring petrol all over the fire has made the situation in America even worse.
Yeah it's funny how so many people can see that Trump getting into power only benefits countries other than America, yet he's still got a staunch voter base that see themselves at patriotic.
Tbf I'm not sure that's entirely true. Pulling them out of the trans Pacific trade thing was almost certainly good for American businesses and jobs. There's lots of reasons to hate Trump and I'm on board, but it's not useful to kill debate and say he only did bad things.
I'm not saying that he didn't do anything good, it would be almost impossible to have a term where he didn't put some stuff into action that would benefit some Americans. But from my understanding it would be a net negative to have him back in power, whereas other countries actively benefit from the it.
Fair enough, I think I'd have to agree there. I mean even if there are policies that benefit some sections of the country, he's such an awful person that the global perception of the whole country takes a massive dive with him in charge. It's like Brexit and the UK. Good or bad short term, everyone else is like 'wtf are you doing'?

I think on balance they're all the same shower of caants what matters to me in terms of national leadership is the narratives, how they affect your lived experience in the country. Talk of building walls to keep Mexicans out and sending refugees to Rwanda? Get in the fackin bin you evil lizards

posted on 31/5/24

comment by Vidicschin (U3584)
posted 8 minutes ago
because, imo anyway, because he's a pacifist more that he cares not a jot about the rest of the world and only thinks that America matters?


Trump does not give a crap about America. The only thing he cares about is enriching himself.

Some of his policies in his one term actually hurt America. Tariffs and withdrawal from Afghanistan come to mind.

If you ask a Trump fan what he actually achieved in his presidency they can’t come up with anything.
Fair point from someone who's amongst it I stand corrected mostly, he is a man who's only concern is how does anything benefit me

posted on 31/5/24

comment by Luka Brasi (U22178)
posted 1 minute ago
Anyway got to go but none of you have changed my mind. Amercians have a tough choice ahead of them. Go with Genocidal Joe or Twisted Trump.

Looking forward to the future debates between them and us 😂🍿.
I didn’t think anyone would persuade you otherwise, I think instead of just turning down the red and taking the blue pill you munched the whole blue bottle. .

posted on 31/5/24

comment by Luka Brasi (U22178)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by FieldsofAnfieldRd (U18971)
posted 2 minutes ago
comment by T-BAD (U11806)
posted 49 seconds ago
comment by Darren The String Fletcher (U10026)
posted 2 minutes ago
I doubt Russia would have invaded Ukraine had Trump not been elected. Everyone knows how Russia have been trying to destabilise America, Britain and Europe politically. Trump becoming President was a consequence of that, and him pouring petrol all over the fire has made the situation in America even worse.
Yeah it's funny how so many people can see that Trump getting into power only benefits countries other than America, yet he's still got a staunch voter base that see themselves at patriotic.
Can understand US citizens feeling so passionately. For the life of me don't get a Spurs fan from the UK buying into him so much. Assuming Luka is from the UK.
I'm not buying into anything. I'm not a MAGA merchant but I do think he is a better world leader than Biden who is weak. And proven to be weak.
The US has been weak on the world stage for years. I would say Obama is the last leader with credibility on the political world stage. This coincides with the US losing a lot of its hegemonic power its held since the end of WW2. The global south has become more vocal, India becoming a world power for example. The BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, S Africa trade agreement as another. China has power in the amount of trade it does. The Team.America style do.as we say and not as we do is being challenged by the above countries.

The US also undermines itself by appointing people like Trump president and its almost blind defence of Israel no matter how indefensible.

posted on 31/5/24

comment by T-BAD (U11806)
posted 7 minutes ago
comment by Darren The String Fletcher (U10026)
posted 7 seconds ago
comment by T-BAD (U11806)
posted 4 minutes ago
comment by Darren The String Fletcher (U10026)
posted 2 minutes ago
I doubt Russia would have invaded Ukraine had Trump not been elected. Everyone knows how Russia have been trying to destabilise America, Britain and Europe politically. Trump becoming President was a consequence of that, and him pouring petrol all over the fire has made the situation in America even worse.
Yeah it's funny how so many people can see that Trump getting into power only benefits countries other than America, yet he's still got a staunch voter base that see themselves at patriotic.
He’s sold himself pretty well as an isolationist to his base, that’s how they’ve managed to convince themselves this is all patriotic.

But Trump, not any US president, does not have the powers to unilaterally dictate foreign policy. So many people fail to understand this.
No, but an unstable America benefits outside parties more than it does themselves surely? And that's what Trump brings, division, instability and self-interest.
It benefits certain parties, definitely. Agree with Trump brings, was just commenting on the isolationist regarding Americans that see things as patriotic.

posted on 31/5/24

Actually, reflecting on it. Trump's rhetoric creating a culture war within his own country is far more damaging for the people there than some war on another continent that actually keeps their economy ticking over nicely for another decade.

Now how evil is the military complex? Facking evil. But I don't think even the biggest Trumpet would suggest he'd bring it down

posted on 31/5/24

comment by Insufferable-Piffle (U4388)
posted 8 minutes ago
comment by Vidicschin (U3584)
posted 8 minutes ago
because, imo anyway, because he's a pacifist more that he cares not a jot about the rest of the world and only thinks that America matters?


Trump does not give a crap about America. The only thing he cares about is enriching himself.

Some of his policies in his one term actually hurt America. Tariffs and withdrawal from Afghanistan come to mind.

If you ask a Trump fan what he actually achieved in his presidency they can’t come up with anything.
Fair point from someone who's amongst itI stand corrected mostly, he is a man who's only concern is how does anything benefit me

James O’Brien does it with every Trump supporter he has on his shows. The you tube clips are brilliant. I have not seen one yet where they can come up with an actual policy that benefited Americans.

posted on 31/5/24

comment by Bãleș left boot (U22081)
posted 10 minutes ago
Actually, reflecting on it. Trump's rhetoric creating a culture war within his own country is far more damaging for the people there than some war on another continent that actually keeps their economy ticking over nicely for another decade.

Now how evil is the military complex? Facking evil. But I don't think even the biggest Trumpet would suggest he'd bring it down
They could do with another civil war to settle the matter.

posted on 31/5/24

He wasn't on trial for hush money.

That his narrative.

He was on trial for falsifying financial record to pay Cohen back the money.

Not quite fraud but still an offense.

Despite what he bleats about the fact is the jury didn't even consider the charges for long as it was patently obvious the financial record was as fake as Man city's.

The whole salacious testimony of daniel's was utterly irrelevant. It was a white collar crime.

posted on 31/5/24

Trump's 40-minute rant today was nothing short of embarrassing.

The man is utterly deluded. All I could think while watching/listening to him was: Is there nobody close to him, nobody within his inner circle, who can tell him that that's enough now, that all he's doing his humiliating himself?

Of course, the answer is no.

But the truly sad – and scary – thing is that there are lots of people out there who just go along with everything he says, no matter how ridiculous, irrelevant or demonstrably false.

posted on 31/5/24

comment by Bãleș left boot (U22081)
posted 40 minutes ago
Actually, reflecting on it. Trump's rhetoric creating a culture war within his own country is far more damaging for the people there than some war on another continent that actually keeps their economy ticking over nicely for another decade.

Now how evil is the military complex? Facking evil. But I don't think even the biggest Trumpet would suggest he'd bring it down
Still struggling to understand how pumping millions into a war, the global economy plummeting and currency losing strength is keeping the economy ticking over.

posted on 31/5/24

comment by TheresOnlyOne7-0Reds (U1721)
posted 59 seconds ago
comment by Bãleș left boot (U22081)
posted 40 minutes ago
Actually, reflecting on it. Trump's rhetoric creating a culture war within his own country is far more damaging for the people there than some war on another continent that actually keeps their economy ticking over nicely for another decade.

Now how evil is the military complex? Facking evil. But I don't think even the biggest Trumpet would suggest he'd bring it down
Still struggling to understand how pumping millions into a war, the global economy plummeting and currency losing strength is keeping the economy ticking over.
Not going to research it for you. If you care enough to dispute it with evidence, go for it

posted on 31/5/24

comment by Bãleș left boot (U22081)
posted 4 minutes ago
comment by TheresOnlyOne7-0Reds (U1721)
posted 59 seconds ago
comment by Bãleș left boot (U22081)
posted 40 minutes ago
Actually, reflecting on it. Trump's rhetoric creating a culture war within his own country is far more damaging for the people there than some war on another continent that actually keeps their economy ticking over nicely for another decade.

Now how evil is the military complex? Facking evil. But I don't think even the biggest Trumpet would suggest he'd bring it down
Still struggling to understand how pumping millions into a war, the global economy plummeting and currency losing strength is keeping the economy ticking over.
Not going to research it for you. If you care enough to dispute it with evidence, go for it
Not disputing it, just wondering what your angle is as I don't understand how it can be the case.

posted on 31/5/24

As the biggest arms dealers in the world, it’s good for America’s economy.

posted on 31/5/24

Not going to research it for you.


We know. There is not anything I can find on Google to back up your weird stance.

As TOOR says, wars have a habit of bankrupting the participants.

posted on 31/5/24

Lack of evidence (you can find) is not evidence of absence. Basically, all you're describing is ignorance

posted on 31/5/24

comment by Darren The String Fletcher (U10026)
posted 3 minutes ago
As the biggest arms dealers in the world, it’s good for America’s economy.
I mean this really isn't news to most reasonable folk

posted on 31/5/24

comment by Bãleș left boot (U22081)
posted 9 seconds ago
Lack of evidence (you can find) is not evidence of absence. Basically, all you're describing is ignorance

All you are showing is an inability to back up what you are saying.

Still, someone had to take the stupidity baton from the other Spurs fan.

posted on 31/5/24

The first felony conviction of a former US President wasn’t for the Iraq or Afghanistan wars, illegal CIA coups, drone striking weddings, or spying on Americans…

It was because Trump misclassified a $130,000 payment for a pawn star’s NDA.

Tells you everything you need to know.

posted on 31/5/24

Stupid would be using my time to explain

posted on 31/5/24

You guys listened to the Carlson interview of Jeffrey Sachs ?

Well worth the listen.....extremely revealing interview

posted on 31/5/24

I mean, if you don't understand how something works you don't disagree with someone that says they do she then get them to explain it to you. Unless you're a caant

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