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Page 7 of 15

comment by #4zA (U22472)

posted on 31/5/24

Following on from Vid

I was recently in Georgia n saw zero trump signs or maga hats

In fact have only seen ONE person warin maga hat in my life

In a diner in riral NH jussed b4 2020 election

An old senior guy who bye way was treated was the village idiot

posted on 31/5/24

Trump holding a press conference and waffling on.

Good theatre this 😂

posted on 31/5/24

comment by Luka Brasi (U22178)
posted 13 minutes ago

Trump holding a press conference and waffling on.


It is all he can do these days. he cannot hold a single thought and stay on topic for more than half a minute and it is just the same old same old, full of easily proven lies and petty grievances against anyone that does not kiss his ar$e for long enough.

posted on 31/5/24

comment by Vidicschin (U3584)
posted 33 seconds ago
comment by Luka Brasi (U22178)
posted 13 minutes ago

Trump holding a press conference and waffling on.


It is all he can do these days. he cannot hold a single thought and stay on topic for more than half a minute and it is just the same old same old, full of easily proven lies and petty grievances against anyone that does not kiss his ar$e for long enough.
At least he didn't fall asleep like the other bloke 😂.

I hope he wins in November

posted on 31/5/24

At least he didn't fall asleep like the other bloke


Trump has been falling asleep pretty much every day in court. His legal team have had to develop ways of keeping him awake.

And if you want Trump to win in November there is something very wrong with you.

comment by #4zA (U22472)

posted on 31/5/24

comment by Luka Brasi (U22178)
posted 11 minutes ago
comment by Vidicschin (U3584)
posted 33 seconds ago
comment by Luka Brasi (U22178)
posted 13 minutes ago

Trump holding a press conference and waffling on.


It is all he can do these days. he cannot hold a single thought and stay on topic for more than half a minute and it is just the same old same old, full of easily proven lies and petty grievances against anyone that does not kiss his ar$e for long enough.
At least he didn't fall asleep like the other bloke 😂.

I hope he wins in November
He fell asleep during his tryle

(Some peeple rly get bizarro info)

posted on 31/5/24

comment by Vidicschin (U3584)
posted 7 minutes ago
At least he didn't fall asleep like the other bloke


Trump has been falling asleep pretty much every day in court. His legal team have had to develop ways of keeping him awake.

And if you want Trump to win in November there is something very wrong with you.
If it's a choice between him and Sleepy Joe, it's no contest. Joe is the walking dead..

At least Trump can hold a conversation. I look forward to the debates.

posted on 31/5/24

comment by #4zA (U22472)
posted 8 minutes ago
comment by Luka Brasi (U22178)
posted 11 minutes ago
comment by Vidicschin (U3584)
posted 33 seconds ago
comment by Luka Brasi (U22178)
posted 13 minutes ago

Trump holding a press conference and waffling on.


It is all he can do these days. he cannot hold a single thought and stay on topic for more than half a minute and it is just the same old same old, full of easily proven lies and petty grievances against anyone that does not kiss his ar$e for long enough.
At least he didn't fall asleep like the other bloke 😂.

I hope he wins in November
He fell asleep during his tryle

(Some peeple rly get bizarro info)
He had nothing else to do 🤷🏻‍♂️

posted on 31/5/24

If it's a choice between him and Sleepy Joe, it's no contest. Joe is the walking dead..

At least Trump can hold a conversation. I look forward to the debates.


You are either having an epic attempt at trying to WUM or you may well be one of the most stupid people on the planet.

posted on 31/5/24

It's looking like Trump v Biden no? I didn't choose the candidates. I'm just looking from afar and out of those two, it has to be Trump.

Joe Biden is mess and unfit to lead.

posted on 31/5/24

comment by Luka Brasi (U22178)
posted 12 minutes ago
It's looking like Trump v Biden no? I didn't choose the candidates. I'm just looking from afar and out of those two, it has to be Trump.

Joe Biden is mess and unfit to lead.
Jesus Christ, and trump is fit to lead? Do you live in a parallel universe?

comment by Pun (U21588)

posted on 31/5/24

comment by Baz tard - Ineos your face, proud owner of the 100k comment, fack you Michael Edward’s and your 5m, th (U19119)
posted 42 seconds ago
comment by Luka Brasi (U22178)
posted 12 minutes ago
It's looking like Trump v Biden no? I didn't choose the candidates. I'm just looking from afar and out of those two, it has to be Trump.

Joe Biden is mess and unfit to lead.
Jesus Christ, and trump is fit to lead? Do you live in a parallel universe?

comment by Silver (U6112)

posted on 31/5/24

comment by TheresOnlyOne7-0Reds (U1721)
posted 4 hours, 20 minutes ago
comment by Vidicschin (U3584)
posted 44 minutes ago
This is just some info for Robbsie.

I live in a very red county in a blue State. At present there are very few Trump signs at people's houses and on billboards on the side of the road.

Nowhere near what it was like in 2016 and 2020. I think a lot of these people no longer want to be associated with a blatant racist, homophobe, woman hating narcissist.

That is certainly an impression I get chatting to the locals at the golf course.
I'm in Belfast and just got home after driving down the road behind a PVC window installation van. On the back of the van was a massive photo of Trump, saying 'Making Windows Great Again, we will not be impeached.'

His cult are everywhere.
Tangent but there’s a wee independent laundry round this way and their van has a sign saying ‘No dirty underpants are left in this van overnight!’

Always makes me

posted on 31/5/24

comment by Luka Brasi (U22178)
posted 17 minutes ago
It's looking like Trump v Biden no? I didn't choose the candidates. I'm just looking from afar and out of those two, it has to be Trump.

Joe Biden is mess and unfit to lead.
He could be running the country from a care home with severe dementia and still a better candidate than the Tango Man.

comment by #4zA (U22472)

posted on 31/5/24

I think if I had the temerity too comment on UK polyticks I cud not do a worser job than many UK-base posters in hear do about US

posted on 31/5/24

comment by Baz tard - Ineos your face, proud owner of the 100k comment, fack you Michael Edward’s and your 5m, th (U19119)
posted 7 minutes ago
comment by Luka Brasi (U22178)
posted 12 minutes ago
It's looking like Trump v Biden no? I didn't choose the candidates. I'm just looking from afar and out of those two, it has to be Trump.

Joe Biden is mess and unfit to lead.
Jesus Christ, and trump is fit to lead? Do you live in a parallel universe?
Out of the two, yes he is fit to lead. You may not like him or his policies but he can string a sentance together unlike Joe.

Would you be happy if Joe Biden won? He farts everywhere.

posted on 31/5/24

comment by Luka Brasi (U22178)
posted 3 minutes ago
comment by Baz tard - Ineos your face, proud owner of the 100k comment, fack you Michael Edward’s and your 5m, th (U19119)
posted 7 minutes ago
comment by Luka Brasi (U22178)
posted 12 minutes ago
It's looking like Trump v Biden no? I didn't choose the candidates. I'm just looking from afar and out of those two, it has to be Trump.

Joe Biden is mess and unfit to lead.
Jesus Christ, and trump is fit to lead? Do you live in a parallel universe?
Out of the two, yes he is fit to lead. You may not like him or his policies but he can string a sentance together unlike Joe.

Would you be happy if Joe Biden won? He farts everywhere.
No he can’t. Have you actually listened to him? Also he advocates injecting bleach, orchestrated an attack on DC and has just been convicted of 38 charges. Biden for all his faults is a much better option.

comment by #4zA (U22472)

posted on 31/5/24

comment by Luka Brasi (U22178)
posted 5 minutes ago
comment by Baz tard - Ineos your face, proud owner of the 100k comment, fack you Michael Edward’s and your 5m, th (U19119)
posted 7 minutes ago
comment by Luka Brasi (U22178)
posted 12 minutes ago
It's looking like Trump v Biden no? I didn't choose the candidates. I'm just looking from afar and out of those two, it has to be Trump.

Joe Biden is mess and unfit to lead.
Jesus Christ, and trump is fit to lead? Do you live in a parallel universe?
Out of the two, yes he is fit to lead. You may not like him or his policies but he can string a sentance together unlike Joe.

Would you be happy if Joe Biden won? He farts everywhere.

Ware u get ur ‘news’ must b grate

posted on 31/5/24

comment by #4zA (U22472)
posted 28 seconds ago
comment by Luka Brasi (U22178)
posted 5 minutes ago
comment by Baz tard - Ineos your face, proud owner of the 100k comment, fack you Michael Edward’s and your 5m, th (U19119)
posted 7 minutes ago
comment by Luka Brasi (U22178)
posted 12 minutes ago
It's looking like Trump v Biden no? I didn't choose the candidates. I'm just looking from afar and out of those two, it has to be Trump.

Joe Biden is mess and unfit to lead.
Jesus Christ, and trump is fit to lead? Do you live in a parallel universe?
Out of the two, yes he is fit to lead. You may not like him or his policies but he can string a sentance together unlike Joe.

Would you be happy if Joe Biden won? He farts everywhere.

Ware u get ur ‘news’ must b grate
Gb news of fox would be my guess

posted on 31/5/24

Out of the two, yes he is fit to lead.


Seriously mate, you are trying too hard to WUM. That you are prepared to make yourself look like an utter cretin to do so is commendable, though.

I mean, if you want your leaders to suggest drinking bleach during covid, fill your boots.

posted on 31/5/24

Lets wait until the debates 🍿.

posted on 31/5/24

comment by Luka Brasi (U22178)
posted 13 seconds ago
Lets wait until the debates 🍿.
Trump will have an ear piece with someone who actually has a brain telling him everything to say. Like 2016

comment by #4zA (U22472)

posted on 31/5/24

comment by Baz tard - Ineos your face, proud owner of the 100k comment, fack you Michael Edward’s and your 5m, th (U19119)
posted 34 seconds ago
comment by Luka Brasi (U22178)
posted 13 seconds ago
Lets wait until the debates 🍿.
Trump will have an ear piece with someone who actually has a brain telling him everything to say. Like 2016
If that was him bein help then if he on his own this yr it will b hilarius

posted on 31/5/24

comment by Luka Brasi (U22178)
posted 6 minutes ago
comment by Baz tard - Ineos your face, proud owner of the 100k comment, fack you Michael Edward’s and your 5m, th (U19119)
posted 7 minutes ago
comment by Luka Brasi (U22178)
posted 12 minutes ago
It's looking like Trump v Biden no? I didn't choose the candidates. I'm just looking from afar and out of those two, it has to be Trump.

Joe Biden is mess and unfit to lead.
Jesus Christ, and trump is fit to lead? Do you live in a parallel universe?
Out of the two, yes he is fit to lead. You may not like him or his policies but he can string a sentance together unlike Joe.

Would you be happy if Joe Biden won? He farts everywhere.
A sentance eh

His rants are notorious for their incoherence you dunce

posted on 31/5/24

comment by Vidicschin (U3584)
posted 24 seconds ago
Out of the two, yes he is fit to lead.


Seriously mate, you are trying too hard to WUM. That you are prepared to make yourself look like an utter cretin to do so is commendable, though.

I mean, if you want your leaders to suggest drinking bleach during covid, fill your boots.

Calm down lad. We are talking politics here, no need with the name calling. Your heads gone and I am not even trying to WUM.

Page 7 of 15

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