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“Players playing too much ..”

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comment by Tu Meke (U3732)

posted 1 day, 4 hours ago

The other guy that said it just did his ACL.

comment by Tu Meke (U3732)

posted 1 day, 4 hours ago

Also if you don't care about the players, then don't expect them to care about the fans.

posted 1 day, 4 hours ago

Sonny we only played 40 games last season mate!!
South Korean captain. And he would chose them over Spurs everyday

posted 1 day, 4 hours ago

I want them doing MORE not less

Far as I understand it, there's really not many more games players could physically play. Especially those involved in internationals..

Also why? Is 50-60 Spurs games a season not enough??

posted 1 day, 4 hours ago

No, but I'm sick of people moaning about them moaning about it - especially pundits

posted 1 day, 4 hours ago

comment by Calafiori knows how to Partey (U21076)
posted 7 minutes ago
No, but I'm sick of people moaning about them moaning about it - especially pundits
Well now I'm sick of you moaning about them moaning about the players moaning. Thanks

posted 1 day, 4 hours ago

No, I think they do play to much and I think it effects the quality of matches whilst also causing injuries.

posted 1 day, 4 hours ago

The players need to tape £1000 notes to their muscles to prevent injury from playing too many matches. If that doesn't work then pay them more so they can strap more cash your their muscles. Possibly have some surgery to inject some notes into their tendons and ligaments?

Being paid lots of money means they can't get injured from overplaying.

posted 1 day, 4 hours ago

Money or no money (there's lots of money) the OP does have a point tbf. We've got 52 weeks in a year least time I checked. And IIRC players can play twice a week without running out of money. 104 games a season seems about right

posted 1 day, 4 hours ago

105, I’m not missing out on Boxing Day footy just because someone has ruptured their knee. Buy a new one ffs.

posted 1 day, 4 hours ago

This is such a stupid post. Like, completely braindead.

You are asking people to maintain absolute peak physical fitness in order to perform, they aren’t lugging bags of cement.

Footballers have way too many games, that’s not up for debate, the injuries should be telling you that.

posted 1 day, 4 hours ago

comment by Robbing Hoody - keepy up arbiter. Don’t ... (U6374)
posted 3 minutes ago
105, I’m not missing out on Boxing Day footy just because someone has ruptured their knee. Buy a new one ffs.
Fair. Also my birthday. Who doesn't want a game on their birthday?

posted 1 day, 4 hours ago

Raphael Varanne has had enough ! all he has got to do now is count his money and enjoy a luxureous lifestyle !

posted 1 day, 4 hours ago

Exactly. No one doesn't want a game on their birthday

posted 1 day, 4 hours ago

They’re all happy to take the increase in pay that these extra games are funding though, aren’t they?

I’ll respect their complaints if they state that they’d be happy to take a pay cut in line with reduced fixtures.

posted 1 day, 4 hours ago

comment by Fred: Sign Someone!!!! (U3979)
posted 13 minutes ago
This is such a stupid post. Like, completely braindead.

You are asking people to maintain absolute peak physical fitness in order to perform, they aren’t lugging bags of cement.

Footballers have way too many games, that’s not up for debate, the injuries should be telling you that.
No your comment is brain dead. Like there was no injuries before …..and 30 years ago they played more and got less injuries……go figure, they aren’t a patch on players of yesteryear who would play 60 games and play with niggles etc now they just cry off for months

posted 1 day, 4 hours ago

comment by Sir Tottenham of Hotspur (U17379)
posted 43 seconds ago
comment by Fred: Sign Someone!!!! (U3979)
posted 13 minutes ago
This is such a stupid post. Like, completely braindead.

You are asking people to maintain absolute peak physical fitness in order to perform, they aren’t lugging bags of cement.

Footballers have way too many games, that’s not up for debate, the injuries should be telling you that.
No your comment is brain dead. Like there was no injuries before …..and 30 years ago they played more and got less injuries……go figure, they aren’t a patch on players of yesteryear who would play 60 games and play with niggles etc now they just cry off for months
Players of yesteryear wouldn’t last 5 minutes in the current game, the pace and physicality is far beyond what it was. Which is why less games are needed.

posted 1 day, 4 hours ago

comment by Winston (U16525)
posted 28 seconds ago
They’re all happy to take the increase in pay that these extra games are funding though, aren’t they?

I’ll respect their complaints if they state that they’d be happy to take a pay cut in line with reduced fixtures.
Yep and every one of them recently signed a contract with full knowledge of how many games they were expected to play - hypocrites.
If you don’t like the game don’t play it and don’t take the contracts and the money, sponsorships etc

posted 1 day, 3 hours ago

comment by Sir Tottenham of Hotspur (U17379)
posted 3 minutes ago
comment by Fred: Sign Someone!!!! (U3979)
posted 13 minutes ago
This is such a stupid post. Like, completely braindead.

You are asking people to maintain absolute peak physical fitness in order to perform, they aren’t lugging bags of cement.

Footballers have way too many games, that’s not up for debate, the injuries should be telling you that.
No your comment is brain dead. Like there was no injuries before …..and 30 years ago they played more and got less injuries……go figure, they aren’t a patch on players of yesteryear who would play 60 games and play with niggles etc now they just cry off for months
One Brexit was not enough! We need a DOUBLE Brexit!!!

comment by Firkin (U19526)

posted 1 day, 3 hours ago

comment by Robbing Hoody - keepy up arbiter. Don’t talk to me unless you can do ten (U6374)
posted 37 minutes ago
No, I think they do play to much and I think it effects the quality of matches whilst also causing injuries.
Injuries have decreased over time in the men's professional game:

Background The UEFA Elite Club Injury Study is the largest and longest running injury surveillance programme in football.

Objective To analyse the 18-season time trends in injury rates among male professional football players.

Methods 3302 players comprising 49 teams (19 countries) were followed from 2000–2001 through 2018–2019. Team medical staff recorded individual player exposure and time-loss injuries.

Results A total of 11 820 time-loss injuries were recorded during 1 784 281 hours of exposure. Injury incidence fell gradually during the 18-year study period, 3% per season for both training injuries (95% CI 1% to 4% decrease, p=0.002) and match injuries (95% CI 2% to 3% decrease, p<0.001). Ligament injury incidence decreased 5% per season during training (95% CI 3% to 7% decrease, p<0.001) and 4% per season during match play (95% CI 3% to 6% decrease, p<0.001), while the rate of muscle injuries remained constant. The incidence of reinjuries decreased by 5% per season during both training (95% CI 2% to 8% decrease, p=0.001) and matches (95% CI 3% to 7% decrease, p<0.001). Squad availability increased by 0.7% per season for training sessions (95% CI 0.5% to 0.8% increase, p<0.001) and 0.2% per season for matches (95% CI 0.1% to 0.3% increase, p=0.001).

Conclusions Over 18 years: (1) injury incidence decreased in training and matches, (2) reinjury rates decreased, and (3) player availability for training and match play increased.

posted 1 day, 3 hours ago

comment by Fred: Sign Someone!!!! (U3979)
posted 3 minutes ago
comment by Sir Tottenham of Hotspur (U17379)
posted 43 seconds ago
comment by Fred: Sign Someone!!!! (U3979)
posted 13 minutes ago
This is such a stupid post. Like, completely braindead.

You are asking people to maintain absolute peak physical fitness in order to perform, they aren’t lugging bags of cement.

Footballers have way too many games, that’s not up for debate, the injuries should be telling you that.
No your comment is brain dead. Like there was no injuries before …..and 30 years ago they played more and got less injuries……go figure, they aren’t a patch on players of yesteryear who would play 60 games and play with niggles etc now they just cry off for months
Players of yesteryear wouldn’t last 5 minutes in the current game, the pace and physicality is far beyond what it was. Which is why less games are needed.
You’re having a laugh aren’t you ?? I’m guessing you’re about 20 years old and never saw the English game as it was, was much more physical, now you can’t touch anyone without a foul or a yellow card , yes the players are fitter now but surely that should mean they can withstand more games?

posted 1 day, 3 hours ago

Hi Sir Tottenham of Hotspur

I get that you're angry but do you actually want the players to play more games? There's barely a break of a couple of weeks without football these days. Or are you just angry?

comment by Firkin (U19526)

posted 1 day, 3 hours ago

Players might be playing more, and at a higher level of intensity.

However, diet, training methods, rehabilitation, and sports science in general have improved considerably.

Playing 40-50 games a year is reasonable. Even if it is 50 games per season in all competitions, that's an average of a game every 7.3 days.

While there might be fixture congestion at certain points, it is not so different to someone working in a boarding school. They might have lots of lessons and duties at certain points, but then they have long periods of recovery in holidays.

posted 1 day, 3 hours ago

comment by Winston (U16525)
posted 8 minutes ago
They’re all happy to take the increase in pay that these extra games are funding though, aren’t they?

I’ll respect their complaints if they state that they’d be happy to take a pay cut in line with reduced fixtures.
Who's reducing fixtures?
They just don't want them increased. And they don't just work on game days FFS.
WTF is wrong with you people?

posted 1 day, 3 hours ago

The ball is in play for what - 60 mins per game if you’re lucky ? So that’s 2 hours of football, and each player runs maybe max 8 km per game - some high intensity sprints granted but come on, they can’t do that twice a week, the fitness they have and in a virtually non contact sport it’s become? They are more protected than ever before from the refs and some of them jog around half the time, some of you are being gaslighted by them

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