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ja 606 record

Page 4765 of 18444

posted on 20/12/11

"but who gets to decide that?

to us, a country that still outlaws homosexuality is stupid. yet to them the fact that we don't probably makes us stupid."

It's up to each individual to decide what law is stupid and what law isn't. That doesn't mean you can break them willy-nilly but it also doesn't mean you should just shrug and accept it.

By your own logic if someone in Uganda is a homosexual then they deserve to be killed or given life imprisonment.

I, personally, think that's a ridiculous law, and I understand that other peoples attitudes towards homosexuality differ from my own but that doesn't make it any more right in my eyes.
yes, to me it's stupid as well. but to their rulers, it may well be equally stpid that we don't do the same thing.

comment by (U6361)

posted on 20/12/11

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

posted on 20/12/11

"yes, to me it's stupid as well. but to their rulers, it may well be equally stpid that we don't do the same thing."

But do you think that homosexuals in Uganda deserve to be sentenced to death?

posted on 20/12/11



posted on 20/12/11

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posted on 20/12/11

"yes, to me it's stupid as well. but to their rulers, it may well be equally stpid that we don't do the same thing."

But do you think that homosexuals in Uganda deserve to be sentenced to death?
i believe that if they practise homosexuality in a country where it is illegal then they have to take the punishment that comes with it if they are caught.

I wouldn't go so far as to say 'deserve' because i don't agree with the law, however if they commit the crime, they have to take the punishment.

comment by (U6361)

posted on 20/12/11

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

posted on 20/12/11

crap sorry andy

could you post it again i was trying to copy and paste

posted on 20/12/11

posted on 20/12/11


posted on 20/12/11

"yes, to me it's stupid as well. but to their rulers, it may well be equally stpid that we don't do the same thing."

But do you think that homosexuals in Uganda deserve to be sentenced to death?
i believe that if they practise homosexuality in a country where it is illegal then they have to take the punishment that comes with it if they are caught.

I wouldn't go so far as to say 'deserve' because i don't agree with the law, however if they commit the crime, they have to take the punishment.

sorry, had to cut that short cos someone came in....

so on the basis that they knew the punishment and did it anyway, yes they deserve to have whatever the law dictates.

posted on 20/12/11

tht is an excellent song.

posted on 20/12/11

"I wouldn't go so far as to say 'deserve' because i don't agree with the law, however if they commit the crime, they have to take the punishment."

This is exactly my point, deserving something is very different to having to take the punishment as written down by law.

They have to accept their punishment because they knew what was happening but that's not the same as deserving the punishment. Perhaps it's a fine distinction but I personally think it's an important one.

posted on 20/12/11

Serious debate on the record thread makes me scratch

posted on 20/12/11

Andy lol

posted on 20/12/11

god i'm bored! why isn't it hometime yet?!

posted on 20/12/11

You haven't found the debate with me thoroughly stimulating? Now I'm insulted.

posted on 20/12/11

it has passed the afternoon a lot faster than it would have if i was just staring at a blank screen

comment by (U6361)

posted on 20/12/11

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

posted on 20/12/11


posted on 20/12/11

JohnJensensGoal: Better than a blank screen.

There are some who would big to differ with that opinion.

posted on 20/12/11

i think you should have that as your screen name

posted on 20/12/11

right, time for me to vacate.

have a fun evening all

posted on 20/12/11

Byyyyeeee Z

it's been lively today

posted on 20/12/11

bye zz

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