I am not over 60 - please explain how you come to the opinion that I am.
English is the most fabulous language in the world and that some idiots choose not to use it correctly is insulting. You wouldn't catch anyone from other European countries making the errors that so many English people do on this forum. If they can't be bothered to write in intelligible and correct English I'll ridicule them, and their comments, as much as I choose to.
As for the Man Pity, Man Clitty digs, yes they are childish and as such appropriate for the majority of followers of what, was once, a club with some tradition and history.
Now - what was this thread all about? Oh yes, players' wages and how some believe that Manchester City have upset the apple cart with their approach to paying players.
"I don't know about you, but I don't judge myself on the basis of other City posters on this site. If they choose to act in a juvenile fashion, that's no concern of mine. There's no pot, kettle, black going on with me. I have my opinion and I'll state it. If people want to judge my opinion based on their own experiences with people who support the same club that I do, that's their own problem. Them being nothing but short-sighted. I just see that kind of thing for what it is - a cheap shot. To be honest? I expected better of you. "
You made the broad-brush comment about juvenile Spurs 606 denizens, yet when countered with your (C)iteh kin, you went wibble.
Merely stating the (obviousl) fact.
Don't shoot the messenger cos he knocked you off your (not so) high horse so easily.
Thank you Ripley.
What I found even more interesting that it was a quote attributed to somone who was a Tax Advisor....
And you need to get that cough seen to, I know a good night nurse
Feel free to quantify "Large investment" a bit.
Massive liquidity injections (as a ratio of debt/turnover) ??
Over the lifetime of the club ?? Since it became a PLC ??
Since the bankruptcy nightmare ?? Since ENIC took control ??
I am quite happy to "normalise" any historic investment figures for Spurs in debate (so the scale of the numbers in the current game do not bias against (C)iteh etc) .
If they can't be bothered to write in intelligible and correct English I'll ridicule them, and their comments, as much as I choose to.
You can give all the big you wanted to others once you realise the difference between 'common in' an 'common to'.
"1. Pot, kettle, black."
That just shows you've not really understood my contribution to our earlier discussion. My stance, summed up, is to simply say - "let's wait and see what happens in regards to the financial prospects of City". You have an inability to read between the lines it seems, so I'll spell it out for you - it may well be City fail in regards to the owner's long term plans for the club. If that happens, the concerns you've expressed in this thread will have been justified. As it stands, my stance is - I just don't know how it will pan out. And neither does anyone else. Time will answer that.
"2. I don't think anyone who can state the fact a club was taken to the brink by an idiot chairman is afraid of anything negative being said about that club. Do you ??"
Good for you. It's easy to say now that you were critical of events in the past isn't it? Again, a common occurrance amongst fans. A thread today on City's board exemplifies this (check it out for yourself). But in regards to the present, christ, I couldn't even use your club as an analogy (that was actually being critical of people who are critical of other clubs and not of the clubs themselves) without you getting all (unnecessarily) defensive about it.
"At least a little cursory info (like the 118m MCFC Ltd wage bill that brought more reality to the debate than Tevezs' cat earns 100k/wk - FACT, nonsense) , no."
A reality into the debate that was acknowledged by myself was it not? If you care to go back to my very first post in this thread, I said one thing that I think even you won't disagree with. Namely, City have to do one of two things - either raise revenue, or lower expenses. Or preferably both.
You see, I can see the concerns that people have. I just take exception to people who make a conclusion before any enterprise has had a chance to run its course.
I am not over 60 - please explain how you come to the opinion that I am.
Learn to read for a start. I quite clearly said that if you and DC5 and Ensil are one and the same, then you are, based on previous personal admissions by DC5 and Ensil, around (or above) 60 years old.
"As for the Man Pity, Man Clitty digs, yes they are childish"
Yes they are. Thank you for admitting it. If you continue to refer to City with such names, then you're continuing to be childish.
You made the broad-brush comment about juvenile Spurs 606 denizens, yet when countered with your (C)iteh kin, you went wibble
You're more intelligent than that. At least that's the impression I get.
I do find the majority of Spurs fans on this site to be juvenile, hence why I made that comment. If you find City fans to be juvenile also, then that's your perogative. I, for one, won't criticise you because I find some of your fellow Spurs fans to be immature. I'll just take you on your own merit, irrespective of who you support. I just don't judge people as a collective like that.
So to clarify, the reason why I said "many" Spurs fans, and not "all" Spurs fans, is simply because I find "many" Spurs fans to be juvenile, but not "all" Spurs fans to be juvenile.
""1. Pot, kettle, black.""
Is about your comments on Spurs 606 denizens.
Though it does epitomise the trend with you.
"Good for you. It's easy to say now that you were critical of events in the past isn't it?"
At the time, I was f---ing FURIOUS.
Furious that non-footie activities, and not the team, was putting the club under.
Furious that it cost the club Gazza.
Furious when it transpired that the sale of Waddle to Marseille in 1989 was to alleviate the debt burden (which was by then silently beginning to take hold) .
Furious when I heard the claim Spurs might not have even signed Lineker (who allegedly came because one of the factors was that he would be playing alongside both Waddle and Gazza - and he did not know of the planned departure) .
Furious about investment in a flopped kit firm that AFAIK only ever had Spurs (its part owner) and Villa as its customers.
Yes, I can give you various shades of "critical" regarding the Scholar "adventure" .
Asking to see the facts about Spurs is not being defensive.
If they are as bad as everyone else, tough,
Nothing I can say can change that.
But just as you asked about the rubbish about the (C)iteh wages rubbish, and got the info that mattered, I should similarly expect to ask the same about "Large investment" (and get some quantitative info where it can be similarly produced) .
"Learn to read for a start. I quite clearly said that if you and DC5 and Ensil are one and the same, then you are, based on previous personal admissions by DC5 and Ensil, around (or above) 60 years old."
Do me (and yourself) a favour by substantiating the above with verifiable links to statements where either DC5, Ensiluokkainen or myself have ever given you grounds for thinking that.
Links to pages will do, no need for exact passages
Comment deleted by Site Moderator
60 - 45 = 15
59 - 45 = 14
14 = rafia girl's age
Rafia - what did you say?
"Is about your comments on Spurs 606 denizens"
I've already explained that. I've already explained that I judge people as I find them. You seem to equate me saying "many Spurs fans" as me saying "all Spurs fans". I don't care whether "many City fans" can be labelled in exactly the same way as I labelled "many Spurs fans". Understand the fact that "many" doesn't mean "all". Then you might start to comprehend what it was that was actually said.
"At the time, I was f---ing FURIOUS"
I'm sure you were. I, too, have been furious at some of the things that have happened at the club I love in the past. My point is that it's easier to admit to being so critical of such events once they've passed to people who we really don't care about in the present. Why? Because in the context (important word that) it doesn't mean so much at this particular moment in time.
"Asking to see the facts about Spurs is not being defensive.
If they are as bad as everyone else, tough,
Nothing I can say can change that."
And the truth shall set you free. Genuinely, you are clearly an intelligent guy (I presume you are male). Whatever, I'm surprised you can't comprehend what is actually being said here. I know that on the internet, it's easy to misconstrue what others say, but still. Come on. You're brighter than this. But alas, I need to spell it out - you've provided facts (which I have not disputed, and even when I questioned them, I conceded to you) that are based on ONE (that's ONE) season's financial reports. All I'm saying to you is, give Citys owners a chance, in line with their own long-term (i.e. 10 year) prospects for the club to come to fruition. That is, come back in 2018 and make your judgement then. Don't make it now, in 2011 (based on the stats from one year's financial report). At least have the consideration that affords the owner's a chance to realise the long-term vision that they have for the club.
At least I'm being fair in that regard. For I'm openly admitting that it is indeed a possibility that it'll all go t its up. But by the very same token, I'm affording them the possibility that it'll all fall into line.
The bottom line being - at this moment in time - me? You? Anyone else here? We have no idea which way it'll turn out.
Really, is it really that unreasonable for me to say that? Is it really unreasonable for me NOT to formulate a conclusion before it's all had a chance to materialise one way or the other?
If you think it is unreasonable for me to say that, if you think I am being unreasonable to even suggest the possibility that it might all turn out good for the club, then you are being incredibly arrogant.
Running around Admins, tut tut
That comment is 2 years old, DCease..
Do me (and yourself) a favour by substantiating the above with verifiable links to statements where either DC5, Ensiluokkainen or myself have ever given you grounds for thinking that
This seems to be a big issue for you. Oh well. I'll not provide any links (simply because I can't be assed). So I'll just ask you the following questions instead.
Did you previously go by the username of DC5 on ja606?
Did you previously go by the username of Ensil on bbc606?
How old are you?
Whatever answer you give, if it contradicts with any insinuation I've made within this thread, I'll happily retract it. It's not a problem for me simply because it really doesn't matter to me at all. It was just an observation - one that I have absolutely no problem in taking back, assuming that I got it wrong of course.
"either DC5, Ensiluokkainen or myself "
When I said Ensil, how did you know that I was referring to Ensiluokkainen? I for one (and I have no problem in saying this) couldn't even remember Ensil's full username on tap, let alone spell it correctly.
You have stated that I am at least 60 - justify that statement. It's not for me to prove otherwise but for the accuser to prove his claim.
You either can ..... or you can't.
The ball's in your court.
When I said Ensil, how did you know that I was referring to Ensiluokkainen? I for one (and I have no problem in saying this) couldn't even remember Ensil's full username on tap, let alone spell it correctly.
Because I'm not an idiot - are you suggesting I am or admitting you are? Oh, how do you know it was spelt correctly when I wrote it?
As a point of interest even Admin 1 and 2 refer to me as Ensil ..... a badge of honour or not?
You're reading too much into it Jurglenn. I've already pretty much said that if I'm wrong then so be it. It doesn't matter to me. That you're pushing this says more about your need to sort it out than my need to clarify it.
Either you are DC5 and/or Ensil, or you're not. It's up to you. Say you are or say you're not. Whatever your reply is, I'll accept it. And if you're not either Ensil or DC5, I'll happily say that I was wrong to insinuate that you are them.
And it's certainly no badge of honour. Seriously, delusions of grandeur or what? I don't care what Admin 1 and 2 refer to you as. I just made an observation. Either my observation is correct, or it's not. A simple yes ("I am Ensil and DC5" or "I am DC5 but not Ensil" or "I am Ensil but not DC5" or indeed "I am neither Ensil or DC5" ) will suffice.
Like I said, I just made an observation. If I'm way off the mark with that, then just say so. I have no problem in saying that I'm wrong in making that obseravtion. But even so, you're making it sound as though it's an insult to you for someone to suggest that you are either Ensil or DC5 or both. Why? Were they such bad posters that you don't want to be associated to them? Or is it that you just don't want to be accused for being someone you're not?
If the latter, then just say so. I'll take it back and believe you. Don't see any problem with that.
But I do wonder why you're making such an issue about this. Why is that? That is a genuine question.
Because I'm not an idiot - are you suggesting I am or admitting you are? Oh, how do you know it was spelt correctly when I wrote it
How did I know that you were spelling it correctly when you wrote it? Because I don't presume that you are an idiot.
Which I guess answers your first question.
But for the record, in the world of online usernames on this wonderful world wide web, honestly, Ensil... really could have been followed with anything.
Look, I'm not insinuating anything - I'm just saying - for some (mysterious) reason, you seem intent on turning this into something that it really need not have been.
But seriously - how old are you? You've already admitted that calling Man City Man Pity is childish - so just from that perspective alone, I'd love to know how old you are, just so that I have at least an inkling of the kind of person who would be so childish.
But I do wonder why you're making such an issue about this. Why is that? That is a genuine question.
Which of the above is the genuine question?
However; I take umbrage when people accuse me of something and are unable to justify their grounds for doing so.
When wrongly accused of something by someone I question their reasons for them making their accusations.
As to who, or what I am, what does it matter - I am simply pixels on a screen ....
Which of the above is the genuine question
The sentence from "the above" that ended in a question mark perhaps?
Ok, so you take umbrage. Then I apologise to your delicate sensitivities. As for growing up, I really don't know how clearer I can make this - if I made an insinuation that you don't like, and as a result say that anything you say in response to that insinuation will result in me taking it back, then how fairer can I be in attempting to resolve this situation that has irked you so much?
As for your comment "when wrongly accused", again, I'll repeat - if I have made an accusation that is wrong, then I am more than happy to retract it. I said that in my previous post, yet still you seem intent on milking this. Why is that?
One simple sentance from you can end this. And that is a sentance that states (from you) that I was wrong to imply that you were either Ensil, DC5, or both. Yet you, for some reason, don't want to say that.
"As to who, or what I am, what does it matter - I am simply pixels on a screen ...."
Those would be the same pixels on YOUR screen that have resulted in this ridiculous discussion. You clearly care about the comment I made. Yet in the context in which you read my comment, those were just pixels on a screen also. Yet you want to labour that, even though I've said, more than once that I'm happy to retract it, upon you merely confirming, not who you are, but who you are not.
Sentence not sentance?
It is not me that is bothered as to who I am, or who I am not - I know who I am so why should I be bothered?
Question - why is it important to you?
DCease, what do you mean by 'Rafia'? You are not Ensilu or some Finnish name then?
RipleysCat, don't apologize to muppets?
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Players wages - the facts
Page 13 of 14
10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14
posted on 27/10/11
I am not over 60 - please explain how you come to the opinion that I am.
English is the most fabulous language in the world and that some idiots choose not to use it correctly is insulting. You wouldn't catch anyone from other European countries making the errors that so many English people do on this forum. If they can't be bothered to write in intelligible and correct English I'll ridicule them, and their comments, as much as I choose to.
As for the Man Pity, Man Clitty digs, yes they are childish and as such appropriate for the majority of followers of what, was once, a club with some tradition and history.
Now - what was this thread all about? Oh yes, players' wages and how some believe that Manchester City have upset the apple cart with their approach to paying players.
posted on 27/10/11
"I don't know about you, but I don't judge myself on the basis of other City posters on this site. If they choose to act in a juvenile fashion, that's no concern of mine. There's no pot, kettle, black going on with me. I have my opinion and I'll state it. If people want to judge my opinion based on their own experiences with people who support the same club that I do, that's their own problem. Them being nothing but short-sighted. I just see that kind of thing for what it is - a cheap shot. To be honest? I expected better of you. "
You made the broad-brush comment about juvenile Spurs 606 denizens, yet when countered with your (C)iteh kin, you went wibble.
Merely stating the (obviousl) fact.
Don't shoot the messenger cos he knocked you off your (not so) high horse so easily.
posted on 27/10/11
Thank you Ripley.
What I found even more interesting that it was a quote attributed to somone who was a Tax Advisor....
And you need to get that cough seen to, I know a good night nurse
posted on 27/10/11
Feel free to quantify "Large investment" a bit.
Massive liquidity injections (as a ratio of debt/turnover) ??
Over the lifetime of the club ?? Since it became a PLC ??
Since the bankruptcy nightmare ?? Since ENIC took control ??
I am quite happy to "normalise" any historic investment figures for Spurs in debate (so the scale of the numbers in the current game do not bias against (C)iteh etc) .
posted on 27/10/11
If they can't be bothered to write in intelligible and correct English I'll ridicule them, and their comments, as much as I choose to.
You can give all the big you wanted to others once you realise the difference between 'common in' an 'common to'.
posted on 27/10/11
"1. Pot, kettle, black."
That just shows you've not really understood my contribution to our earlier discussion. My stance, summed up, is to simply say - "let's wait and see what happens in regards to the financial prospects of City". You have an inability to read between the lines it seems, so I'll spell it out for you - it may well be City fail in regards to the owner's long term plans for the club. If that happens, the concerns you've expressed in this thread will have been justified. As it stands, my stance is - I just don't know how it will pan out. And neither does anyone else. Time will answer that.
"2. I don't think anyone who can state the fact a club was taken to the brink by an idiot chairman is afraid of anything negative being said about that club. Do you ??"
Good for you. It's easy to say now that you were critical of events in the past isn't it? Again, a common occurrance amongst fans. A thread today on City's board exemplifies this (check it out for yourself). But in regards to the present, christ, I couldn't even use your club as an analogy (that was actually being critical of people who are critical of other clubs and not of the clubs themselves) without you getting all (unnecessarily) defensive about it.
"At least a little cursory info (like the 118m MCFC Ltd wage bill that brought more reality to the debate than Tevezs' cat earns 100k/wk - FACT, nonsense) , no."
A reality into the debate that was acknowledged by myself was it not? If you care to go back to my very first post in this thread, I said one thing that I think even you won't disagree with. Namely, City have to do one of two things - either raise revenue, or lower expenses. Or preferably both.
You see, I can see the concerns that people have. I just take exception to people who make a conclusion before any enterprise has had a chance to run its course.
posted on 27/10/11
I am not over 60 - please explain how you come to the opinion that I am.
Learn to read for a start. I quite clearly said that if you and DC5 and Ensil are one and the same, then you are, based on previous personal admissions by DC5 and Ensil, around (or above) 60 years old.
"As for the Man Pity, Man Clitty digs, yes they are childish"
Yes they are. Thank you for admitting it. If you continue to refer to City with such names, then you're continuing to be childish.
posted on 27/10/11
You made the broad-brush comment about juvenile Spurs 606 denizens, yet when countered with your (C)iteh kin, you went wibble
You're more intelligent than that. At least that's the impression I get.
I do find the majority of Spurs fans on this site to be juvenile, hence why I made that comment. If you find City fans to be juvenile also, then that's your perogative. I, for one, won't criticise you because I find some of your fellow Spurs fans to be immature. I'll just take you on your own merit, irrespective of who you support. I just don't judge people as a collective like that.
So to clarify, the reason why I said "many" Spurs fans, and not "all" Spurs fans, is simply because I find "many" Spurs fans to be juvenile, but not "all" Spurs fans to be juvenile.
posted on 27/10/11
""1. Pot, kettle, black.""
Is about your comments on Spurs 606 denizens.
Though it does epitomise the trend with you.
"Good for you. It's easy to say now that you were critical of events in the past isn't it?"
At the time, I was f---ing FURIOUS.
Furious that non-footie activities, and not the team, was putting the club under.
Furious that it cost the club Gazza.
Furious when it transpired that the sale of Waddle to Marseille in 1989 was to alleviate the debt burden (which was by then silently beginning to take hold) .
Furious when I heard the claim Spurs might not have even signed Lineker (who allegedly came because one of the factors was that he would be playing alongside both Waddle and Gazza - and he did not know of the planned departure) .
Furious about investment in a flopped kit firm that AFAIK only ever had Spurs (its part owner) and Villa as its customers.
Yes, I can give you various shades of "critical" regarding the Scholar "adventure" .
Asking to see the facts about Spurs is not being defensive.
If they are as bad as everyone else, tough,
Nothing I can say can change that.
But just as you asked about the rubbish about the (C)iteh wages rubbish, and got the info that mattered, I should similarly expect to ask the same about "Large investment" (and get some quantitative info where it can be similarly produced) .
posted on 27/10/11
"Learn to read for a start. I quite clearly said that if you and DC5 and Ensil are one and the same, then you are, based on previous personal admissions by DC5 and Ensil, around (or above) 60 years old."
Do me (and yourself) a favour by substantiating the above with verifiable links to statements where either DC5, Ensiluokkainen or myself have ever given you grounds for thinking that.
Links to pages will do, no need for exact passages
posted on 27/10/11
Comment deleted by Site Moderator
posted on 27/10/11
60 - 45 = 15
59 - 45 = 14
14 = rafia girl's age
posted on 27/10/11
Rafia - what did you say?
posted on 27/10/11
"Is about your comments on Spurs 606 denizens"
I've already explained that. I've already explained that I judge people as I find them. You seem to equate me saying "many Spurs fans" as me saying "all Spurs fans". I don't care whether "many City fans" can be labelled in exactly the same way as I labelled "many Spurs fans". Understand the fact that "many" doesn't mean "all". Then you might start to comprehend what it was that was actually said.
"At the time, I was f---ing FURIOUS"
I'm sure you were. I, too, have been furious at some of the things that have happened at the club I love in the past. My point is that it's easier to admit to being so critical of such events once they've passed to people who we really don't care about in the present. Why? Because in the context (important word that) it doesn't mean so much at this particular moment in time.
"Asking to see the facts about Spurs is not being defensive.
If they are as bad as everyone else, tough,
Nothing I can say can change that."
And the truth shall set you free. Genuinely, you are clearly an intelligent guy (I presume you are male). Whatever, I'm surprised you can't comprehend what is actually being said here. I know that on the internet, it's easy to misconstrue what others say, but still. Come on. You're brighter than this. But alas, I need to spell it out - you've provided facts (which I have not disputed, and even when I questioned them, I conceded to you) that are based on ONE (that's ONE) season's financial reports. All I'm saying to you is, give Citys owners a chance, in line with their own long-term (i.e. 10 year) prospects for the club to come to fruition. That is, come back in 2018 and make your judgement then. Don't make it now, in 2011 (based on the stats from one year's financial report). At least have the consideration that affords the owner's a chance to realise the long-term vision that they have for the club.
At least I'm being fair in that regard. For I'm openly admitting that it is indeed a possibility that it'll all go t its up. But by the very same token, I'm affording them the possibility that it'll all fall into line.
The bottom line being - at this moment in time - me? You? Anyone else here? We have no idea which way it'll turn out.
Really, is it really that unreasonable for me to say that? Is it really unreasonable for me NOT to formulate a conclusion before it's all had a chance to materialise one way or the other?
If you think it is unreasonable for me to say that, if you think I am being unreasonable to even suggest the possibility that it might all turn out good for the club, then you are being incredibly arrogant.
posted on 27/10/11
Running around Admins, tut tut
That comment is 2 years old, DCease..
posted on 27/10/11
Do me (and yourself) a favour by substantiating the above with verifiable links to statements where either DC5, Ensiluokkainen or myself have ever given you grounds for thinking that
This seems to be a big issue for you. Oh well. I'll not provide any links (simply because I can't be assed). So I'll just ask you the following questions instead.
Did you previously go by the username of DC5 on ja606?
Did you previously go by the username of Ensil on bbc606?
How old are you?
Whatever answer you give, if it contradicts with any insinuation I've made within this thread, I'll happily retract it. It's not a problem for me simply because it really doesn't matter to me at all. It was just an observation - one that I have absolutely no problem in taking back, assuming that I got it wrong of course.
posted on 27/10/11
"either DC5, Ensiluokkainen or myself "
When I said Ensil, how did you know that I was referring to Ensiluokkainen? I for one (and I have no problem in saying this) couldn't even remember Ensil's full username on tap, let alone spell it correctly.
posted on 27/10/11
You have stated that I am at least 60 - justify that statement. It's not for me to prove otherwise but for the accuser to prove his claim.
You either can ..... or you can't.
The ball's in your court.
When I said Ensil, how did you know that I was referring to Ensiluokkainen? I for one (and I have no problem in saying this) couldn't even remember Ensil's full username on tap, let alone spell it correctly.
Because I'm not an idiot - are you suggesting I am or admitting you are? Oh, how do you know it was spelt correctly when I wrote it?
As a point of interest even Admin 1 and 2 refer to me as Ensil ..... a badge of honour or not?
posted on 27/10/11
You're reading too much into it Jurglenn. I've already pretty much said that if I'm wrong then so be it. It doesn't matter to me. That you're pushing this says more about your need to sort it out than my need to clarify it.
Either you are DC5 and/or Ensil, or you're not. It's up to you. Say you are or say you're not. Whatever your reply is, I'll accept it. And if you're not either Ensil or DC5, I'll happily say that I was wrong to insinuate that you are them.
And it's certainly no badge of honour. Seriously, delusions of grandeur or what? I don't care what Admin 1 and 2 refer to you as. I just made an observation. Either my observation is correct, or it's not. A simple yes ("I am Ensil and DC5" or "I am DC5 but not Ensil" or "I am Ensil but not DC5" or indeed "I am neither Ensil or DC5" ) will suffice.
Like I said, I just made an observation. If I'm way off the mark with that, then just say so. I have no problem in saying that I'm wrong in making that obseravtion. But even so, you're making it sound as though it's an insult to you for someone to suggest that you are either Ensil or DC5 or both. Why? Were they such bad posters that you don't want to be associated to them? Or is it that you just don't want to be accused for being someone you're not?
If the latter, then just say so. I'll take it back and believe you. Don't see any problem with that.
But I do wonder why you're making such an issue about this. Why is that? That is a genuine question.
posted on 27/10/11
Because I'm not an idiot - are you suggesting I am or admitting you are? Oh, how do you know it was spelt correctly when I wrote it
How did I know that you were spelling it correctly when you wrote it? Because I don't presume that you are an idiot.
Which I guess answers your first question.
But for the record, in the world of online usernames on this wonderful world wide web, honestly, Ensil... really could have been followed with anything.
Look, I'm not insinuating anything - I'm just saying - for some (mysterious) reason, you seem intent on turning this into something that it really need not have been.
But seriously - how old are you? You've already admitted that calling Man City Man Pity is childish - so just from that perspective alone, I'd love to know how old you are, just so that I have at least an inkling of the kind of person who would be so childish.
posted on 27/10/11
But I do wonder why you're making such an issue about this. Why is that? That is a genuine question.
Which of the above is the genuine question?
However; I take umbrage when people accuse me of something and are unable to justify their grounds for doing so.
When wrongly accused of something by someone I question their reasons for them making their accusations.
As to who, or what I am, what does it matter - I am simply pixels on a screen ....
posted on 27/10/11
Which of the above is the genuine question
The sentence from "the above" that ended in a question mark perhaps?
Ok, so you take umbrage. Then I apologise to your delicate sensitivities. As for growing up, I really don't know how clearer I can make this - if I made an insinuation that you don't like, and as a result say that anything you say in response to that insinuation will result in me taking it back, then how fairer can I be in attempting to resolve this situation that has irked you so much?
As for your comment "when wrongly accused", again, I'll repeat - if I have made an accusation that is wrong, then I am more than happy to retract it. I said that in my previous post, yet still you seem intent on milking this. Why is that?
One simple sentance from you can end this. And that is a sentance that states (from you) that I was wrong to imply that you were either Ensil, DC5, or both. Yet you, for some reason, don't want to say that.
"As to who, or what I am, what does it matter - I am simply pixels on a screen ...."
Those would be the same pixels on YOUR screen that have resulted in this ridiculous discussion. You clearly care about the comment I made. Yet in the context in which you read my comment, those were just pixels on a screen also. Yet you want to labour that, even though I've said, more than once that I'm happy to retract it, upon you merely confirming, not who you are, but who you are not.
posted on 27/10/11
Sentence not sentance?
It is not me that is bothered as to who I am, or who I am not - I know who I am so why should I be bothered?
Question - why is it important to you?
posted on 27/10/11
DCease, what do you mean by 'Rafia'? You are not Ensilu or some Finnish name then?
RipleysCat, don't apologize to muppets?
posted on 27/10/11
Has dc5 been banned?
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