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posted on 4/11/11

courtesy of chrisbroadfoot...


posted on 4/11/11

How would you have described Stokesys performance?

If Big Jele performed the same way as Stokesy last night,i'm sure gers fans would be giving it big-licks

posted on 4/11/11


Can't you read? Celtic showed improvement last night and won well.

posted on 4/11/11


Standing joke...take it easy mate, good article

posted on 4/11/11

Charlie, I think Stokes has been your best player all season - without his goals you would be even deeper in the grubber. as far as the SPL is concerned.

He had a good game last night - and as I said, took his goals very well.

posted on 4/11/11

Sorry TCD, i was confused about yer comment. What's your thoughts on the article's point though?

posted on 4/11/11

Yeah he has improved his fitness and work-rate..

He could be our Kris Boyd..but even better as Stokesy has more to his game

posted on 4/11/11

We certainly WERE not outstanding.Our defensive structure is shambolic and has been since MON's days...Boruc apart.

What has to be remembered though-And could be why Lenny is using such superlatives-this was a thrown together team of mostly misfits.Then at half time, we bringba teenager on.Sometimes when you are facing the abyss, it takes outstanding achievements to drag you away

posted on 4/11/11

Stokes is a better all-round player than Boyd. No question.

He's still a bit of a daft boy though - if he cuts oot the nonsense, the sky's the limit.

Dangerous player.

comment by NNH (U10730)

posted on 4/11/11

Agrree totally, i would like Lenny to have came out and said, that's more like it. We did well and it was a good 3 points and the players must now carry that on.

To be fair, winning 3-1 against a decent european outfit without:

2 Wilsons
Commons (fit enough for bench)

I think it was a very decent result

posted on 4/11/11

It's this Zonal making that fooks us up..it's clear as daylight,we don't have quick enough players to do that..Lenny must change that

posted on 4/11/11

TCD, i take your point but Lenny in general seems to band about the superlatives too much. And then when a poor performance comes along he can be ultra negative in his comments.

posted on 4/11/11

Lennon said it was outstanding given the circumstances.

posted on 4/11/11

To be fair, winning 3-1 against a decent european outfit without:

decent? celtic should be beating teams like rennes at home, 1st half hour celtic were abysmal, the 1st gifted goal changed the game, rennes defending and goal keeping was amature to say the least

posted on 4/11/11


It was a Celtic reserve team

posted on 4/11/11


Why should Celtic be beating Rennes at home?

It's changed days for the OF mate. No bankers home or away.

3-1 is 3-1, come on be fair.

posted on 4/11/11

Charlie, it was hardly a reserve team. Remember the thing about Celtic having two teams?

Ye cannae roll that excuse out when it suits you.

posted on 4/11/11

It was a Celtic reserve team

ypu are not allowed to field reserve teams in europe, only your registered players

who were the reserves?

posted on 4/11/11

We were down to the bare bones last night. A 17 year old kid at centre back ffs. Of course it was outstanding.

posted on 4/11/11


i didnt say it wasnt a good result, my point is i dont think rennes are great shakes, not a decent standard, they have no history of european football, thats why celtic should be beating them, lenny has built a brand new team up to his 3rd season

posted on 4/11/11

Irivne - Barcelona are outstanding

Celtic's performance last night was good and an improvement on recent weeks, not outstanding.

comment by (U5278)

posted on 4/11/11

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

posted on 4/11/11

technically they were streets ahead of celtic but lack of experience showed I think

posted on 4/11/11


They are first team players and would play if fit..mibi a went ott with the word reserve.. but it was far from a strong Celtic team

posted on 4/11/11

ypu are not allowed to field reserve teams in europe


What's your excuse?

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