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Charlie Adam - Cheat

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posted on 28/11/11

comment by scouse-heart (U3234) posted 2 hours, 4 minutes ago

"...especially Dev who has nothing to do with it but just dislikes Liverpool... morning son"

- - - - -

Morning....Its not Liverpool I don't like, its their fans .

Listen, as rivals I don't want LFC to do well but you are and you were impressive yesterday and probably deserved 3 points. I am glad you dropped more points at home, its another game you can add to your growing "should have done better" list (you are replicating Spurs 10/11 season ).

IMO Balotelli was unlucky, there was no mallice in his raised arm. Kompany was lucky to stay on BUT Suarez does himself no favours by going down under ANY contact. It then becomes hard for the ref to know what was genuine foul and what was just Suarez making the most of things. Suarez's reputation is preceeding him somewhat. Ironically if he stayed on his feet more, he would probably get more players sent off (ie it would be clear what were poor tackles).

LFC can always gain a place in my heart by coming top 4 (with Spurs) at the expense of Arsenal and Chelsea

posted on 28/11/11

comment by RipleysCat (U1862)
posted 2 minutes ago
I'm a City fan, and having read all comments in this thread, I have to agree with the Liverpool fans more than I do with the City fans (PaulPower's being the notable exception - that was a great post).

Balotelli's first yellow was just stupid and unnecessary. Although his second yellow was not as clear cut, I don't think it can be regarded as harsh. And I do have to say, it wouldn't have been harsh had Kompany not received a second yellow either.

So in that respect, we got decisions that worked against us and in our favour.

Suarez I do feel goes down too easily. It's clearly part of his game and it's doubtful that he will change. This will probably work against him more than it will work in his favour in future (and indeed during the game yesterday).

As for the result, I'm more than happy with a point. And proud that we were able to withstand Liverpool's pressure after we were reduced to 10 men. Especially as we did look absolutely shattered in the last quarter of the game. Even then we had a great chance to win the game, although on the balance of play it would have been hard on Liverpool for them to come away from that game with nothing. Both teams impressed me, and I would think that both sets of supporters would be happy with the result.
A fantastic comment as always Ripley. If only some of our fans could show unbiased views such as yours.

posted on 28/11/11

And Spurs are guranteed a top 4 finish? I gotta love how Mancity have won the league and Tottenham have already finished in the top 4..

posted on 28/11/11

It wasn't a pop. I just saw your comment on felt compelled to reply to it.

I can only remember one or two times where things have started getting a bit heated with Balo already on a yellow and he has been taken off. Generally he gets taken off around the same point in a match whether he is on a yellow or not.

posted on 28/11/11

comment by Paul_CTID (U6119)
posted 2 minutes ago
There'sOnlyOneReds - I didn't see the game, I was travelling back from London, I only watched it on MOD. Perhaps Big Vinnie should have gone off, I didn't see it. But just spoke to my make who is a Bolton fan and he watched it and said Wheater got sent off for Bolton for a lesser challenge than Carrol did on Vinnie.

Plus are you saying a player can dive X times and not be a cheat?????? SO how many times is allowed before the player becomes a cheat?? Are some dives worse than others??
So you didn't see the game. You think Carroll should have been sent off and you think Adam is a cheat.

I am not saying a player can dive and not be a cheat, I am saying that all players do things that are against the rules and if that makes a player a cheat then every player is a cheat.

Kompany repeated the same offence over and over, therefore using your logic - he's a cheat. One hundred question marks doesn't make your question anymore important. Let's stick to the traditional one, ey?

posted on 28/11/11

There'sOnlyOneReds -
Lets stop this now it we are starting to sound mad.
I did say I saw MOD and saw Adam (and it annoyed me), plus I did say my mate said about Carrol, not me.
But end of the day you will support Adam and I have my equally valid opinions.
Good luck for the rest of the season, with one obvious exception

posted on 28/11/11

sorry - MOTD I seem to have lost a T

posted on 28/11/11

"Did he win the ball..............NO"
"did he connect with the face of the opposition player with his arm...YES"

Was it an elbow....NO, were there Liverpool players surrounding the referee making elbow gestures?....Yes

posted on 28/11/11

comment by ManCityMan (U1189)
posted 12 minutes ago
"Did he win the ball..............NO"
"did he connect with the face of the opposition player with his arm...YES"

Was it an elbow....NO, were there Liverpool players surrounding the referee making elbow gestures?....Yes
This is all fact but did you want to add an opinion to it as I'm not quite sure what your comment is about?

comment by MBL. (U6305)

posted on 28/11/11

Hasn't Addams dived against man u this season?

posted on 28/11/11

comment by Cityblueloz, the dude abides! (U6305)
posted 4 minutes ago
Hasn't Addams dived against man u this season?
Has he? Who is Addams? I'm not sure how this guy is related to this conversation.

posted on 28/11/11

The last 2 points were my comment as the person that posted the first two points seemed to have missed them out
His arm was raised as he jumped in front of Skyrtel but as Alan Hansen and Mark Laurensen on the BBC pointed out, it was a free kick at best, he never elbowed him in the face there was minimal contact as his arm brushed the face but he went down holding his face like he had been pole axed while Liverpool players like Adam surrounded the ref making elbow gestures to get him sent off, quality.

posted on 28/11/11

Acting like a child every time somebody mis-spells Adam is really making you look like a stellar debater well done

posted on 28/11/11

comment by ManCityMan (U1189)
posted 1 minute ago
The last 2 points were my comment as the person that posted the first two points seemed to have missed them out
His arm was raised as he jumped in front of Skyrtel but as Alan Hansen and Mark Laurensen on the BBC pointed out, it was a free kick at best, he never elbowed him in the face there was minimal contact as his arm brushed the face but he went down holding his face like he had been pole axed while Liverpool players like Adam surrounded the ref making elbow gestures to get him sent off, quality.
I completely agree that Balotelli shouldn't have been sent off as there was no intent, however Skrtel DID get caught in the face! I'm sure you haven't received that treatment as you have no idea but I'm also sure that if you go around like you are on this thread then you'll know how Skrtel felt soon enough.

You nor anybody else has mentioned Kompany's five yellow card offences. You also failed to mention on the many occasions when City players asked for the ref to book somebody. Silva and Nasri committed this same 'offence' but you just choose to ignore it.

Your bias is unrivalled.

comment by Szoboss (U6997)

posted on 28/11/11

As a Liverpool fan I'd say the sending off was probably harsh and Adam's reaction a little unnecessary. Mancini blaming Liverpool players though is just deflecting from MB's actions.

MB was on a yellow, looked at where Skrtel was (who had his eyes on the ball) and led with his arm. Why? It's an unbelievably stupid thing to do. If you don't put our arm up then you don't give the ref a decision to make.

I'll say again that I don't agree with Adam's reaction but Balotelli only has himself to blame.

posted on 28/11/11

We are now 115 comments in and still out of all the City fans who came to the thread only one has mentioned the Kompany incidents. Nobody has yet mentioned that Nasri and Silve were trying to get players booked on a few occasions but have no qualms in mentioning Adam doing the same. You were lucky to come out with a draw and should be happy with the result which keeps you at the top of the table and look like worthy winners not here spewing bitter biased nonsense.

posted on 28/11/11

adams has form for being the enraged inocent,when he is also one of the players capable of the over the top leg breaker
noone seems to have mentioned what agger does when ballotelli is sitting on the floor praying the ref wont listen to the crowd or believe the cheating skrtel
first agger shoves ballotelli ,which is a red card for raising your hands ,then he knees balotelli in the ribs,all quite deliberate and to try and provoke ,so the someone might wont to take a look at agger too,balotelli has done enough positive things for city that he will be defended now ,its not open season for any smart ass to get balotelli sent off

comment by Szoboss (U6997)

posted on 28/11/11

frewin o shaugnessy (U3109)

I didn't actually see Agger do that - very Wenger of me but actually true. God knows how he managed to knee Balotelli in the ribs though given Agger 6 foot'ish and Mario was sat on the floor. Surely shoulder is about right. I wont even go into how you "raise your hands" to someone sat on the floor.

What I saw was Agger aggressively shouting at Balotelli. Not great but not the worst thing to happen on a pitch.

"when he is also one of the players capable of the over the top leg breaker"

Of course he's capable of that, he's a footballer. Doesn't mean he's done it though. As a human being you're also capable of winning a Nobel Prize, doesn't seem particularly likely though does it.....

posted on 28/11/11

the tackle on bale last season, i think, was one of the adam video collection of horrors,hypocrisy is not attractive
you will notice that although balotelli leaves the pitch early on a regular basis i cant recall a single incident where a player had an injury to prove significant contact was made,the red card should be for significant events not just to make yourself popular with baying crowds,or city bashing administrators
i fear that i will join the short list of ja606 ers with no nobel prize ,good point

comment by Szoboss (U6997)

posted on 28/11/11

I don't recall the tackle on Bale, if it was as bad as you say then I'd hope he saw red as well.

If you want to believe it was the baying crowds or administrators then that's your right. The simple truth is that Balotelli looked to see where Skrtel was and led with the arm. I've already said it was a harsh yellow but he gave the ref a decision to make, it was a stupid thing to do.

Please note that I'm not defending Adams, I'd prefer he hadn't reacted the way he did. It is you and other City fans defending Balotelli and looking for an unnecessary scapegoat.

posted on 28/11/11

There'sOnlyOneReds (U1721)

I wasn't at the match and I've not seen the highlights, so I couldn't comment with any real knowledge on any incident. I only heard it on the radio and even then it wasn't with any real level of concentration as I was trying to avoid dripping paint on the carpet. All I know is that we picked up quite a few yellow cards and Balo got sent off.

I came here because I was interested to see what happened. And I can see that, for the most part, insanity prevails. It seems that there's a few City fans who thought we should've won and a few Liverpool fans who think that said City fans are a bit up themselves. And, speaking as a City fan of thirty-odd years, I'm going to agree with the Liverpool fans.

posted on 28/11/11

comment by frewin o shaugnessy (U3109)
posted 39 minutes ago
adams has form for being the enraged inocent,when he is also one of the players capable of the over the top leg breaker
noone seems to have mentioned what agger does when ballotelli is sitting on the floor praying the ref wont listen to the crowd or believe the cheating skrtel
first agger shoves ballotelli ,which is a red card for raising your hands ,then he knees balotelli in the ribs,all quite deliberate and to try and provoke ,so the someone might wont to take a look at agger too,balotelli has done enough positive things for city that he will be defended now ,its not open season for any smart ass to get balotelli sent off
I cannot believe what I'm reading. I thought the guy before was biased but compared to you, he is a full-scale Liverpool fan. You want players sent off for 'pushing' another. Well let's send off players every week in that case.

As has been discussed before, there has been over 100 comments and still only one City fan has mentioned that Kompany should have been sent off and nobody has mentioned that Silva and Nasri committed the same offences you are complaining about Adam doing.

It is hypocrisy at its maximum. You have to understand that you were lucky to come out with a draw and don't have a divine right to win every game. Sometimes the other team plays better or equal to you despite how many millions you spend. Deal with it. Others before you have been the best and lost or drew a game and learnt how to deal with it. So get to it.

posted on 28/11/11

one reds

,im the hypocrote,ok,i want players sent off,when the whole of anfield wanted the following challenge to be a red card
balotellis forearm makes contact with skrtles upper arm ,it then slides slowly up his arm to the neck area as the players challenge for the ball,no elbow in the challenge at all,skrtel was in position first and it was a free kick too liverpool ,
however city are reduced to ten for a minor poorly timed, but honest challenge

posted on 28/11/11

comment by frewin o shaugnessy (U3109)
posted 21 seconds ago
one reds

,im the hypocrote,ok,i want players sent off,when the whole of anfield wanted the following challenge to be a red card
balotellis forearm makes contact with skrtles upper arm ,it then slides slowly up his arm to the neck area as the players challenge for the ball,no elbow in the challenge at all,skrtel was in position first and it was a free kick too liverpool ,
however city are reduced to ten for a minor poorly timed, but honest challenge
If I'd been at Anfield I'd had wanted him sent off aswell as it looked like he smashed him in the face intentionally. However after seeing replays I know that there was no intent.

City should have been reduced to ten men in the first half and STILL you aren't recognising that.

Still no mention of Nasri, Silva and co. asking for players to be booked and no mention of Kompany's five yellow card offences.

Come on, be the bigger man and admit it. Kompany should have been off and Liverpool deserved at least a draw out of the game.

posted on 28/11/11

Red, you devalue your argument by using the word 'smashed' whether there was intent or not.

But I agree that Liverpool deserved the draw for the quality they showed in the second half. (But you musty admit it was matched by the quality of City's defence )

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