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These 702 comments are related to an article called:

Suarez Case vs Terry Case

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posted on 17/7/12

The panel think evra gave consistent evidence....case closed


He just doesn't get (after two hours) this very vital piece of information.

posted on 17/7/12


Yes and this is the issue I have. The panel appear to have focussed on what they see as pertinent, in Evra's case. They've ignored aspects of Evra's testimony that would have been laughed out of court.

Yet they've focussed on aspects of Suarez's testimony, and used it as a reason for reaching their decision.

posted on 17/7/12

VC honestly that is genius. You are wasted on here. You should work in politics.


Well, I do live in the real world, and not in this cocoon some of you lot have wrapped yourself in.

posted on 17/7/12

Suarez was found guilty the day Evra lied.

The panel just came up with jibba jabba to justify a predetermined verdict

posted on 17/7/12

comment by red_man23 (U1669)
posted 1 minute ago


Yes and this is the issue I have. The panel appear to have focussed on what they see as pertinent, in Evra's case. They've ignored aspects of Evra's testimony that would have been laughed out of court.

Yet they've focussed on aspects of Suarez's testimony, and used it as a reason for reaching their decision.


Are you saying it a conspiracy?

posted on 17/7/12

"The panel think evra gave consistent evidence....case closed


He just doesn't get (after two hours) this very vital piece of information."

So you think that a man's reputation, and future career should be decided with a subjective decision?

Did you have the same opinion when Rooney was banned for swearing into a TV camera?

I bet you didn't.

posted on 17/7/12

Yes and this is the issue I have. The panel appear to have focussed on what they see as pertinent, in Evra's case.


For the love of god, Evra wasn't the one on trail.

posted on 17/7/12


Evra lied, end of story. The evidence he gave to the panel has question marks hanging over it. If he was capable of lying to the panel about one or two details. What else was he lying about?

posted on 17/7/12


"For the love of god, Evra wasn't the one on trail".

That doesn't mean he can lie through his back teeth and not expect question to be asked.

posted on 17/7/12

What else was he lying about?

Was Evra on the Grassy Knoll

Evra wasnt on trial....but even with his evidence - as you say full of holes - the panel/lawyers/solicitors found Suarez guilty.....

Come on Poirot, just accept it.

posted on 17/7/12

My mum watches Poirot

posted on 17/7/12

Red-man would love your mum. Is she like this in an investigation

posted on 17/7/12

comment by red_man23 (U1669)
posted 53 seconds ago

Evra lied, end of story.


Suarez lied a lot more.

Thus > guilty. End of story.


The evidence he gave to the panel has question marks hanging over it.


This was noted by the FA. I have shown you this many times now, why do you keep ignoring it?

However the question marks are not as much as the question marks against the evidence Suarez gave, thus guilty.

End of story -again.

posted on 17/7/12

I do love Mr Chelsea's mum, more than once a week. We sit there watching Poirot and Murder She Wrote together.

Is it such a leap, knowing Evra lied, to ask what else was fictitious in this whole sorry affair?

posted on 17/7/12

To be honest, My mum figures out what's going in 5 mins into the programme. Doesnt take her long.

posted on 17/7/12


I asked Felliani's this, but for a change he didn't answer.

Refresh my memory, what did Suarez lie about?

posted on 17/7/12

Mr C

I know I've told her about that

posted on 17/7/12

I prefer Columbo myself.

posted on 17/7/12

comment by Mr Chelsea ✪ (U3579)
posted 2 minutes ago

To be honest, My mum figures out what's going in 5 mins into the programme. Doesnt take her long.


She should give red some tips, he has had troubles galour today

posted on 17/7/12

This was noted by the FA.
Lines like that make me chuckle.
Noted by the FA.
Who the fluck are the FA ?
Im sure youd be delighted, if you were wrongly accused of murder, and were told a three man panel from the FA would be looking into it.
Take my advice FA, stick to bad tackles, and dubious goal decisions.

posted on 17/7/12


The funny thing is, VC keeps banging on about how right The FA got this. How the procedure shouldn't be questioned. Yet I bet he had a different view on The FA when Rooney was banned for swearing, or when Ferguson was banned from the touch line.

posted on 17/7/12

This thread has become 'exaggerated and unreliable'.

posted on 17/7/12


The funny thing is, VC keeps banging on about how right The FA got this.

Hes on another thread going on about 'the panel' having none of it, as regards Suarez's cultural defence for the words he used toward Evra.
VC seems to believe the FA are the benchmark for true and proper justice in this country.
Funny how before the Suarez case, they were regularly laughed at as being a joke by pretty much everyone.

posted on 17/7/12

Well I hope the FA make a jugement on my upcoming murder trial....Guilty as Terry I am

Oh he was innocent anyways

posted on 17/7/12


True that, The FA paragons of true justice and a fair trial.

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