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These 102 comments are related to an article called:

Roy Hodgson RUINED Liverpool Football Club

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posted on 6/8/12

And the op is a jester if he thinks it's all down to Roy?

The carpet beneath our feet was being pulled from under us in that season where we finished 2nd! How rafa never capitalised when we had that leas, started falling out with just about everyone and just started turning plain weird!!

Alonso goes the season after and up steps Aqua man or should I say 2 holding midfielders against every team! Torres started looking not the same player, there was no back up and then the public soap opera and lack of funds from G&H!!

All in all IMO they all had to go, board And manager!! Rafa hasn't been employed since inter and G&H almost put us I'm administration!

Roy came at the wrong time, expectations very high, squad poorer and in all truth the boo boys wanted KK...

posted on 6/8/12

H&G burned the club nearly to the ground. Hodgson was just a little extra petrol poured on the flames.

Roy is a horrendously bad manager and serial bus parker.

posted on 6/8/12


posted on 6/8/12

The 'boo boys' wanted someone to play the right football, Roy didn't.

Defend the club in public, Roy didn't.

Uphold the values and tradition of the club, Roy didnt.

posted on 6/8/12

That's why I had a pop at Roy.

I'm Welsh, I also couldnt care how he does for England but he played the way HE wanted. Time or no time.

posted on 6/8/12

H&G really took the club through hell. But Rafa is no angel as well. Some of his decisions were just baffling

Changing our style of play in 09/10 is as much a fault for our "fall"
Although H&G holding back our proceeds from sales didnt help as well.

posted on 6/8/12

Leiva la vida Lucas

all of them just lot the plot in my view rafa included (never knew if G&H knew what was happening in the first place lol)!!

posted on 6/8/12

Are there any Liverpool supporters on ja606 that are even English never mind being scousers

posted on 6/8/12

To be truthfully honest this isnt really about Roy. It's about Fernando Torres.

I miss that sexy git.

posted on 6/8/12

Everybody knows that Everton have exactly 38,157 fans. All of these fans are from Liverpool, and all of them go to every single game, handily filling Goodison's capacity along with a couple of thousand away fans.

Change the record, you tiresome wastrel.

posted on 6/8/12

Roy Hodgson wasn't the right manager for Liverpool at the time but where you are now he would be perfect, a top class manager for mid table team managing a big mid table team.

posted on 6/8/12

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

posted on 6/8/12

Rafa was beginning to get Fergie's number and 08/09 should have been the start


but he didn't...did he?


Hence the word 'beginning'.


you don't win anything for doing better at the "beginning"...whoops oh dear!

posted on 6/8/12

Roy Hodgson wasn't the right manager for Liverpool at any time. Anywhere. Ever.

posted on 6/8/12

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posted on 6/8/12

Dr Seven Grater - Farewell Biscan, we're all Igor Beavers. (U13441)
posted 29 minutes ago

Everybody knows that Everton have exactly 38,157 fans. All of these fans are from Liverpool


posted on 6/8/12

Eh? Are you 'special'. Nobody said anything about 'winning' did they. Dear God, someone put this r tard out of his misery.


then the comment "Rafa was beginning to get Fergie's number" is an irrelevant comment. name calling clearly reflects your frustration that i have clearly got each of your points one by one and smashed them into the ground. better luck next time kid!

posted on 6/8/12

then the comment "Rafa was beginning to get Fergie's number" is an irrelevant comment. name calling clearly reflects your frustration that i have clearly got each of your points one by one and smashed them into the ground. better luck next time kid!


Dear oh deary me.

posted on 6/8/12

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

posted on 6/8/12

joelie_the_goalie (U14826)


You misunderstood the original comment so naff off.

posted on 6/8/12

joelie_the_goalie (U14826)

Quite apart from the inherent hilarity of you thinking that the shît-mince you come out with is capable of disproving any argument, weren't you the one who accused me of disliking Hodgson because of the way he speaks?

With you and Phil Neville's 3 Left Feet on the same thread, I'm surprised that your collective codswallop hasn't irreparably damaged the space-time continuum.

posted on 6/8/12

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

posted on 6/8/12

"your collective codswallop hasn't irreparably damaged the space-time continuum."

Continuum Transfunctioner

posted on 6/8/12

I used to get modded all the time on the old 606 until I realised there was another way.

I wouldnt want to be without this facility (especially in work) and started to get tired of being banned.

Once, I stupidly shared an account with some other burk and that got both of us the chop. Thankfully i've not seen him on 606 since

posted on 6/8/12

You're lucky, redrob - he sure was telling you.

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