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These 154 comments are related to an article called:

An Interesting Experiment

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posted on 6/1/13

Guess what! The money ND put into the club also included the acquisition cost.
ND was at the club for around 14 years,your owners a racking up the debt at a rate of knots that will surpass what ND put into our club.

The beauty is that the debt to ND was a debt that never was.

We now have new stinking rich owners and get to start all over again

Deal with it

comment by OOE (U3473)

posted on 6/1/13

Cousin Omar:

Re DCFC debt - stop making stuff up - leave that to people like me.

You do indeed get to start all over again - but whereas Nigel Doughty was a fan, the nearest these guys get to that status is air conditioning units.

It remains to be seen how much cash your 'stinking rich' owners are prepared to put in - and how much they intend to take out. So far, late payment of wages, bounced cheques, declined credit cards etc seem to indicate questionable financial practices - but perhaps that's normal for the region and/or culture.

comment by CapnBob (U1696)

posted on 6/1/13

Serious question. How do you know they are 'stinking rich'? Do you have actual proof? Just because someone has married into a royal family that is well-to-do does not make them have access to wealth. Mike Tindall married into the Royal Family, but I doubt he has access to the Queen's credit card.

I believed it when you brought in Sharp, but the last month appears odd at Forest, where you have gone from a 3-5 year plan to going for broke. Why?

Forest had a difficult summer with their takeover, but the appointment of a top manager, some aquisitions alongside the promising youth players and you would have had a platform on which to build steadily before signing more players and going for promotion within two seasons.

I thought Caniggia, as usual, made a good post. Who knows the motives of these people? GSE came to make a quick profit and got caught out.

posted on 6/1/13

Your club need to raise £1.8 mil,is that a fact?

comment by Peeder (U1684)

posted on 6/1/13

Omar, no it's not

comment by CapnBob (U1696)

posted on 6/1/13

Cousin Omar
Not sure, but hope the new Chief Exec's rebuttal silences that rumour. Besides it would make more (business) sense to sell Hughes in the summer - if we have to - when his value has probably doubled.

posted on 6/1/13

Categorically no. End of.

comment by CapnBob (U1696)

posted on 6/1/13

One thing about our new chief executive. I guess opinions will be divided about him, fan suspicion, but why would a man who worked for a firm, a top global sports agency, and who is also a qualified lawyer join a bunch of shysters/a club in financial turmoil? He must surely have done a background check on us and research on dcfc, to ensure he was making the right move.

posted on 6/1/13

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

posted on 6/1/13

But you all choose to believe John Percy's stories about Forest.

comment by CapnBob (U1696)

posted on 6/1/13

Well, we have tried to answer your question. Are you going to answer ours about your 'stinking rich' owners?

posted on 6/1/13

John Percy admitted on Vital Forest that the players where paid only a few hours late and not days.

He also said that he contacted the company that were supposed to have put a winding up order on Forest,only for them to deny they ever did or ever intedted to do so(Why did he not contact them before writing his story?).

Also the credit card story was nothing and quickly sorted.

He still had the brass neck to claim he was right about the players being paid late,even though it was by only a few hours

comment by OOE (U3473)

posted on 6/1/13

comment by Cousin Omar (U11726)

posted 37 minutes ago

Your club need to raise £1.8 mil,is that a fact?

Well, Sam Rush was asked that question directly and he said that it was completely fabricated garbage from the keyboard of John Percy. He makes up stuff about Derby, he makes up stuff about Forest. If he told me it was daytime, I would turn the lights on.

posted on 6/1/13

Nail on head OOE! The truth is often too boring and not worth printing The media would have loved Forest to have been a Man City or a Munto story. These hacks seem to do their research from the pub on their laptops when the clubs won't entertain them.

posted on 6/1/13

Brilliant original post, nicked it for a derby forest banter group on FB, hope you dont mind

comment by OOE (U3473)

posted on 7/1/13

Indeed, Cousin Omar. There's a reason it's called 'paper talk' - you can read it, then wipe your bottom on it.

posted on 7/1/13

No don't mind at all Ilkeston Ram. The wider it goes the better

posted on 7/1/13

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

comment by Peeder (U1684)

posted on 7/1/13

Dru - welcome back!

When Clough arrived at Derby in January 2009, he spoke of a 10-year plan and reinforced this approach when he signed the new contract in 2011,

“From day one we knew this was going to be a long-term project and it is still very much a work in progress.”

The 2009 annual report put this another way, saying that the club would “operate within its means” and “not wildly speculate with the future.”

So yes, whilst GSE did take a bit of a punt when they arrived by allowing Jewell to spend £10m on players, they realised it wasnt going to work and revised their strategy pronto.

Since Clough came in, both he and GSE have been totally consistent in their approach to spending.

posted on 7/1/13

Whether you like GSE or not, one has to at least give credit for them realizing their error and quickly moving to change their tack, because the league is littered with those who 'carried on regardless' and are still in the mire.

posted on 7/1/13

Peeder & Mo,

I totally agree with both your arguements completely. GSE made a error of judgement and did what they HAD to do.

Clough has proven before even taking the Derby job that he could work to a long term strat and stick to it.

The fruits of this are clear to see at Derby. Peronally I am beginning to warm to GSE's new set up and as pointed out have at the very least been consistent and as also pointed out many may have wished to follow the GSE way of living within your means.

For me Clough has proven that with time you can build something of great strength if you take it one step at a time.

posted on 7/1/13


Clough out.

Welcome back, Dru

comment by Peeder (U1684)

posted on 7/1/13

Dru - it takes a big man to admit he got something wrong and come round to a different way of thinking.

GSE did that ................. 666? Still time........................

posted on 7/1/13


there are TWO requirements for that to happen.

The first one, about being a 'big man' and all, well I have that covered (assumingly 'big' extends to cuddly)

The second requirement is being wrong in the first place, which patently I am not.

posted on 7/1/13

The fruits of this are clear to see at Derby. Peronally I am beginning to warm to GSE's new set up and as pointed out have at the very least been consistent and as also pointed out many may have wished to follow the GSE way of living within your means.

GSE had to put in £7.7 million in 2010/11 season (last published accounts) to cover your losses and you were £42 million in debt including you £15 million mortgage on the ground. Creditors due within 1 year were £25 million and over 1 year 17 million. So not exactly living within your means unfortunately.

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