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video of some fans reaction to last night

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posted on 20/2/13

Henry got five years of frustration in just three words.

posted on 20/2/13

yup...it was rather succinct was it not

posted on 20/2/13

Not often that it gets that bad from the away following.

posted on 20/2/13

Cannot wait to see the back of that clown. Can't pass, can't shoot, can't tackle - but can talk shìt all day and comes from Wolverhampton, you know.

posted on 20/2/13

Wouldn't surprise me if he is at the centre of the dressing room clique - Stale couldn't stand his guts, but the hierarchy probably insist he must play due to him being in the same lodge or something.

posted on 20/2/13

...............................not on the Christmas card list then Herb?

posted on 20/2/13

There’s plenty going on at the club to be unhappy about Herb without having to make stuff up. You seem to do that a lot.

posted on 20/2/13

Hasn't been on my Christmas card list since shortly after his injury in the Championship. Could never understand Wolves fans getting on Palmer's back and could never understand Wolves fans not getting on Henry's.

He is the luckiest footballer on the planet.

Or, he was. When away fans start to turn, you know the end is nigh.

posted on 20/2/13

Sunday should be interesting. I'm guessing that the Wolves fans in the Jack Harris (where I sit so I'm not being condescending!) will set a new record by fighting amongst themselves before the match has even started.

posted on 20/2/13

Didn't see Stale's interview, Tatter? Mocked him silly.

posted on 20/2/13

I haven't seen it UH, do you have a link?

posted on 20/2/13

Being mocked by an unemployed flop is hardly likely to worry him Herb.

Rog it might not be too bad as we’re all expecting a loss. Now if Barnsley had been a home match........

posted on 20/2/13

you're right there Herb....'zico' was a very limited player skill wise and mainly used to just hoof the ball out of the danger area(lost count of how many he put over the stand into the Waterloo road)but despite his limitations always gave 100% every game and never went missing despite his shortcomings.

posted on 20/2/13

Cinci has it. Stale really put the boot in on Henry and did so with relish. He has a power at Wolves greater than any manager.

posted on 20/2/13

And as for Palmer, yes he got merciless stick even when his name was called out before kick off. I remember him scoring a belting goal at home to Forest around 1980 and some blokes behind me abusing him even more than they had done the whole match.

There was an irrational hatred of the man.

comment by aries22 (U1203)

posted on 20/2/13

So much for Wolves' magnificent fans, home and away. Just the usual horseshit from Uncle Herbert.

posted on 20/2/13

it may have been because of his refusal to change his hair style and tash combo......he was very much the Jason King of molinuex (Alan Sunderland's doo and lip ornament couldn't hold a male grooming kit to our Zico's.....FACT!!!)

posted on 20/2/13

Herbert - do us all a favour and stop posting garbage you know nothing about. most of your comments relate to times when you were an albion fan anyway. What loyalty suits you today?

posted on 20/2/13

I seem to remember most boo boys were too busy booing Berry to even notice Palmer.

posted on 20/2/13

I'll say this for the away fans in particular, it appears that they support the team throughout the 90 minutes, but say it how it is after the final whistle. And that's how it should be.

I like to hear from anyone that attended last night's game if there was much abuse during the 90 minutes.

comment by TaraTV (U16260)

posted on 20/2/13

Stale is very diplomatic in this interview UH. Nothing about Henry.


posted on 20/2/13

comment by Simon In Oklahoma! (U16307)
posted 10 minutes ago
I seem to remember most boo boys were too busy booing Berry to even notice Palmer.

I was a mere child at the time but that’s closer to my recollection of events.

comment by Fiddy (U11570)

posted on 20/2/13

Dont worry guy's......we will not do an Albion ! you can all rest assured ................

posted on 20/2/13

sounds pretty hostile to say the least! It's never something I admire but if it hasn't sunk in yet then surely it has now. I would love to have been a fly on the wall in the dressing room after that dressing down.

posted on 20/2/13

Wrong interview, Tara. Hit translate and you will see what Solbakken really thinks about Henry:

"Typical of a captain who's the wrong side of 30 and tries to connect with a new manager and keep the armband. He talked the same way about myself and Connor. I´ve nothing bad to say about him, he´s the archetypical British footballer and gives 100% However, to say that he´s not a representative of modern football would be putting it mildly."

Nice bloke to his face but only because he is an arsé licker with no footballing nous.


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