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video of some fans reaction to last night

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posted on 20/2/13

I agree Solbakken was a little soft Simon.

But The dressing room issues began under Mick, Rj, henry the main cause of problems.......even youth team players were coming out with remarks, mendez laing wasn't it. We all know hammill fell out with a few.

So lets not pretend Mick was the guy with the iron fist.....in reality, his little knitting circle is the issue we still have.

posted on 20/2/13

Brilliant support lads

Great to see such pride shown for your team.

posted on 20/2/13

I'm amazed you managed to see all this from thousands of miles away - and through changing-room walls. You're Superman, right?

posted on 20/2/13

cinci knows it all, he has contacts in the club and knows exactly what was happening in the dressing room. Also although not seeing the games this season he could see exactly what Stale was trying to do. He is a remarkable wolves fan

posted on 20/2/13

Wait, so are you guys now saying that there was no dressing room unrest when RJ arrived......yes or no?

Are you now saying hamill was not a disruptive influence,and backed the wrong horse, although that was the reason he was loaned out?

Are you now denying that mendez laing did not tweet about new management and other team mates told him not to kiss ass?

posted on 20/2/13

Cinci - a Crown Prosecutor has hacked your account

posted on 20/2/13

Mick's little knitting circle was how Mick set it up. 'Henry + 10 others' etc. The iron fist rule was for non love children.

posted on 20/2/13

Denial from some fans is why we are where we are unc.

But lets not forget, these are the real fans.........ironic that many on here today put a lot of blame on those very fans, im starting to agree.

posted on 20/2/13

PS. I have done my time in court unc.......its quite hilarious.

I kid you not, this was an extract........
''so why are you known as Knuckles, Mr Baxter?........''is it because you are handy with your fists?''

''uhhhhh, NO, its because i walk like a gorilla ma'am, dragging my knuckles'' said the 6ft 5 inch man mountain..

posted on 20/2/13

The real fans live thousands of miles from Molineux cinci I thought we had agreed that. Keep blaming McCarthy, the fans, the little knitting circle, whatever you want.

What is a stone cold certainty is that we are a stronger better club going in the right direction now - better than we ever were under McCarthy. Him giving us three of the four years we have spent in the top flight in a generation is something we should certainly pour scorn on and find every reason to criticise. Just how did he achieve all that with a knitting circle I will never know.

(do any of you yankee boys know that a knitting circle is not a phrase we are familiar with in England this century?)

posted on 20/2/13

Very close to the truth that, Simon. It would elevate him to hero worship as average Championship players somehow kept us in the Prem for two years - remember, Fletcher didn't figure until Doyler got injured and his hand was forced - but would also prove to be his downfall.

I think that Ward, Henry, Doyle etc eventually came to despise his insecurity and lack of true leadership. You can never be pals with a boss. Never.

posted on 20/2/13

I see him now publicly putting a fatherly arm around Chopra at Ipswich. He might fire them to safety this season and win the golden boot next season. But he will turn and bite him just like he did Jones.

Footballers are not as stupid as they sometimes act and sound. They will be manipulated for as long as it suits them to be.

comment by TaraTV (U16260)

posted on 20/2/13

hello bully , what was the defining moment of last season that really put us down. i know the 1-5 was a milestone but behind the scenes
by sammy chung January 23 at 12:56 PM

Defining moments? Liverpool and Albion home games were nails in the coffin. But for me, I'm afraid some of the players looked as though they didn't want to play for the manager - not the club, the manager.
by Steve Bull Shropshire Star January 23 at 12:57 PM


posted on 20/2/13

I think that Ward, Henry, Doyle etc eventually came to despise his insecurity and lack of true leadership

Herbert you are so full of crap. Get out more and stop inventing garbage

posted on 20/2/13

Not seen anyone other than perton accuse mick of being a failure at first??
But we stagnated.
It seems bully could see it too.

posted on 21/2/13

How terrible to stagnate as a struggling as a Premier League team or a team bouncing between the top two divisions. Much better to be where we are do you think?

posted on 21/2/13

Correct. I'd prefer to be stagnating (a la Wigan), than to be down here now.

comment by aries22 (U1203)

posted on 21/2/13

comment by Wulfrunnut (U17298)
posted 8 hours, 2 minutes ago
I'll say this for the away fans in particular, it appears that they support the team throughout the 90 minutes, but say it how it is after the final whistle. And that's how it should be.
That is 100% spot on, Wulfrun.

posted on 21/2/13

lets cut the nonsense, nobody knew it was going to unfold this way, if morgan had made the right appointment it would have been the best thing to happen to the club.

To suggest we should just have done nothing out of fear that it would be the wrong move is rather stupid isn't it?

And you have the audacity to talk down to other fans, when thats your suggestion.

Not one fan would ever have chosen TC over Mick, but a majority would certainly have had Curbishley, Poyet among others.

posted on 21/2/13

Cinci you are a complete joke. You accuse me of talking down to people when nobody has perfected that art better than you.

To suggest we should just have done nothing out of fear that it would be the wrong move is rather stupid isn't it? How about that for a case in point

You are constantly posting that the fault for the current predicament lies entirely with McCarthy. Now you are saying its because the wrong appointment was made in replacing him. Let me know when you have decided what your opinion is today

posted on 21/2/13

??? i have never said its entirely Mick mccarthy, show me somewhere where i have said that?
In fact on Wolfgangs article yesterday i blamed morgan more.......so maybe you should get your facts right before you get all patronising for a change?

So do you think that many fans wanted TC to be appointed? Clearly No, so why are you arguing that point?
You are suggesting that the club made an error in sacking mick........its only an error because of what happened since, the reality is, Morgan DID line up a better replacement and for reasons unknown to us, he somehow managed to put both guys off........or are you now telling us that all that is lies too.
Its been well covered, so in short, just because you have a grudge against me you will argue any point i make........but instead of that, why don't you explain those questions which barely anybody disputes?

posted on 21/2/13

On the pitch the problems now undoubtedly fall on micks shoulders, he was backed sufficiently enough and just made some dreadful signings or failed to have faith in them.......

. Yes I see what you are saying cinci - you blame Morgan. When you say the problems fall on Micks shoulders and he got enough backing it is totally clear you blame Morgan. I apologise

posted on 21/2/13

didnt think you would answer the questions.....it was obvious you would just try your usual.

Who do you blame for the heartless players we are left with then, players that should have slowly been phased out but were not........are you saying that you think the fact we had 8 of the 11 promotion side playing when we got relegated had nothing to do with our demise?

I blame morgan for his part in somehow pushing curbishley and bruce away after he sacked Mick.......as im sure most other fans would?

posted on 21/2/13

Curbishley was offered the job and turned it down. Bruce was decided against because of the massive negative reaction of the fans towards his potential appointment. Many will deny that now, but that was the case.

You are almost as hypocritical as your expat mate. You ask me to show you where you said you blamed McCarthy, I do so, and then you accuse me of trying my usual, whatever that means.

The point I am making that you seem incapable of grasping is that we were a struggling Premier League team when McCarthy left and at worst under his management we would have remained a team in that position or as a promotion chasing Championship team. Far from being the reason for the demise, McCarthy had us in a position that we dreamed of for 25 years, and the way we are going we will be hankering after for another 25 years.

On that basis there are many things we can moan about with Wolves but McCarthy is one of the least eligible for criticism

posted on 21/2/13

Because you took that specific quote from wolfgangs thread and ignored the rest of the comment.

It clearly says i blame mick for the state of the squad, how anyone can't is beyond me.
It does not say i blame mick for all the clubs problems.......as i believe i partioned blame....morgan 5 mick 4 henry 1.

Its alleged that curbishley had said yes but then morgan decided to play hardball with his contract and he walked away.....all this AFTER mick had been sacked.

Speculation i know, but i believe Bruce or curbishley would have took the job if morgan had not tried to be clever with his haggling.

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