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video of some fans reaction to last night

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posted on 20/2/13

“I´ve nothing bad to say about him” seems fairly unequivocal and not open to misinterpretation.

comment by TaraTV (U16260)

posted on 20/2/13

Solbakken: Henry stár ikke for den moderne type fotball


posted on 20/2/13

Not sure you have grasped his sarcasm in the interview - his face said it all, besides the surrounding context.

posted on 20/2/13

"to say that he´s not a representative of modern football would be putting it mildly"....pretty sure that this isn't open to interpretation either.....ouch!

posted on 20/2/13

Nephew went to the game last night and has just spoken up for the first time ever concerning his utter contempt for a number of players. Previously, he would kick off if anybody criticised his beloved idols (he is only 17 and hasn't grown out of hero worship just yet) - but having been to every Wolves game this season, he admitted to being one of the dozen or so fans who rushed to the corner to scream obscenities.

He has taken up the early bird offer but despite clocking up over 50 grounds at such a young age, is showing hints of seeing through the BS (besides last night's reaction). If Morgan, as well as the players who have got us into this mess - yet continue to spout empty rhetoric to the press - isn't careful, a generation of fans will be lost.

posted on 20/2/13

It is truly amazing that some fans still will not let this set of players get the abuse they deserve.
They have been a disgrace for a long time.....those games under TC, a guy they allegedly respected were disgusting beyond the extreme.

posted on 20/2/13

It is tantamount to blasphemy for many. Totally blind.

posted on 20/2/13

"they are not the messiahs...they are very naughty boys!!"

posted on 20/2/13

No banners? Odd.

posted on 20/2/13

What came first - the chicken, or the egg..?

posted on 20/2/13

Solbakken had some choices;

Pick Henry or not pick him - he picked him

Make Henry captain or not make him captain - he made him captain

I take it from your comments cinci and Herbert that you consider Solbakken to be a complete moron for thinking that about a player but still having him as his main man in the dressing room.

And cinci as for your comments about the players respecting Connor - makes you sound like someone thousands of miles away with little knowledge of whats going on at the club

posted on 20/2/13

Crikey!! He really is 1,000's of miles away, and he has very little knowledge of what's going on anywhere.

posted on 20/2/13

Bur he makes a great set of front legs.

posted on 20/2/13

Ummmm about 3 or 4 players came out talking about the immense respect they had for TC.
And i have never said Solbakken is blameless, i have said he should not have been sacked after 26 games.

posted on 20/2/13

Agreed they left it too long.

posted on 20/2/13

cinci if you believe everything you read in the newspapers then I understand why you thought that about Connor and were so impressed by Solbakken who was one of the worst managers in the clubs history but used nicer words than McCarthy and Saunders do when talking to the press.

posted on 20/2/13

Sesame was really the (pantomime) horse whisperer.

posted on 20/2/13

I was not ''so impressed'' by Solbakken.
I wanted a manager with a proven track record to be given the time to get it right, not for us to panic at the first bad run.
Amusing that you should think that action was ok bute, considering you love the phrase ''careful what you wish for''.
To sack any manager after 26 games of a transitional season is ridiculous, and it appears as though he lost his job through the players not pulling their weight because they ''didnt like him''.
Any fan who thinks that behaviour is worthy of applause is sadly misguided.

posted on 20/2/13

Cinci - Solbakken was part of what we were warned to be careful about wishing for...

He alienated the players because he was utterly useless at managing them. As I said before, he seems to have been able at spotting talent, but that was his limit. He'd have made a good scout.

posted on 20/2/13

........ yes I recognise some of those fans ! They were hanging around ,after the last time we played West Brom......... oh dear

posted on 20/2/13

Why do you assume that after 26 games bute.
It is well publicised these same players had dressing room issues under Mick and TC also.
Solbakken has proven himself a good manager, he did not become a bad one over night.......he ran into the exact same issues as mick had to deal with but yet some fans still want our sweet little players to be given a nice pat on the back.
Anybody can see the poison is from within the dressing room, these players mentally signed out a long time ago.

posted on 20/2/13

Any manager?

That just isn't true.

posted on 20/2/13

Bruce wasn't even given a game and people wanted him out

posted on 20/2/13

It is well publicised these same players had dressing room issues under Mick and TC also

It is categorically untrue that Doumbia had issues under Mick and TC

posted on 20/2/13

'it appears as though he lost his job through the players not pulling their weight because they ''didnt like him''.'

This appears to be the case...but Solbakken is partly to blame through not seeing the need, or not being capable, to rule with a rod of iron as Mick did...especially because that was what Mick did & what they knew.

I have a lot of sympathy for him though as his options were limited though as there was hardly any strength in depth to replace the mutineers.

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