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These 135 comments are related to an article called:

Former united player arrested

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comment by RB&W (U2335)

posted on 8/3/13

He people who drive with no insurance though deserve to to be locked up IMO,

If you are disqualified you have no insurance... so tevez was also driving without insurance...

However depending how much money you have in the bank, you dont always need insurance to drive.

posted on 8/3/13

I am not talking about murder here

I am talking about fines.

posted on 8/3/13

What next, attractive ràpists don't get as long in prison?Women on their period at the time of killing someone can't be charged with murder?
I'm sorry but thats the most ridiculous thing ive ever heard. You cant just say 'what's next' and start spouting complete crap like that.

posted on 8/3/13

If said 'millionaire' is driving around uninsured, or parking in places he's not meant to or doing whatever on purpose because 'he has the money to pay off an unlimited amount of fines' then he should be charged an amount that will make him think otherwise in the future.

posted on 8/3/13

people make out that this is some form of light issue.

tevez is disqualified from driving, that isnt a laughing matter.

being disqualified means no insurance.

lets just say that if Mr Tevez was to crash into your partners car and she was left critically ill or paralysed, and he wasnt insured how funny would you find it then?

or if he was to hit your child as they were crossing the road.

people like that deserve to be given prison time.

posted on 8/3/13

I am talking about fines.


It should be simple.

You get a fine, a set fine which is the same for everyone.

If you do it again, you get another fine, double your last one.

If you do it yet again, you get another fine, double the last one you paid, and a criminal record.

If you do it yet again, it's jail time.

posted on 8/3/13

dunc wtf woukd him having insurance change?

comment by RB&W (U2335)

posted on 8/3/13

tevez might not require car insurance due to his wealth

posted on 8/3/13

To be fair, even if Tevez had £100m worth of insurance, I wouldn't be happy if he hit my daughter as she was crossing the road.

posted on 8/3/13

It should be simple.

You get a fine, a set fine which is the same for everyone.

If you do it again, you get another fine, double your last one.

If you do it yet again, you get another fine, double the last one you paid, and a criminal record.

If you do it yet again, it's jail time.
If said 'millionaire' is driving around uninsured, or parking in places he's not meant to or doing whatever on purpose because 'he has the money to pay off an unlimited amount of fines' then he should be charged an amount that will make him think otherwise in the future.

please read

posted on 8/3/13

dunc wtf woukd him having insurance change?


compensation wonderman

if your partner was left unable to walk, or your child was seriously injured, it would help with medical bills etc.

no insurance means you have to fork out of your own pocket.

posted on 8/3/13

If Tevez had a relevant fine to look forward to had he got behind the wheel of a car he may have thought twice.

People in privileged positions get away with far too much. Oscar Pistorius for example, would not have been grated bail had he not been who he is.

posted on 8/3/13

Well he'd have to pay anyway. And we have an NHS last time I looked

posted on 8/3/13

Greg- (U1192)


If you won the lottery tomorrow, would you be happy paying a £5,000 fine for parking in the same place as me, when I got a £50 fine?

posted on 8/3/13

comment by wonderman (U11164)
posted 5 minutes ago
What next, attractive ràpists don't get as long in prison?Women on their period at the time of killing someone can't be charged with murder?
I'm sorry but thats the most ridiculous thing ive ever heard. You cant just say 'what's next' and start spouting complete crap like that.


I believe I can, because I did

It was an extreme example of why the law should be equal for all.

Punishing people for being rich is ridiculous. Nobody seems to have made the connection that rich people already contribute more money in income tax... why should they also pay higher fines?

I'm not wealthy, but if I was arrested with a rich friend for the same crime and he was fined more than me i'd feel even more pathetic.

If anything, the people who should receive the highest fines for breaking the law are the people on income support... scrap their benefit, get them on the employment ladder and contributing to the tax man

posted on 8/3/13

I'm with Dunc, as I said earlier driving with no insurance or valid license means in the case if a serious accident (often things worse than death), the third party may be left in an awful position and never be indemnified.

I work in the haulage insurance industry and an example I can think of is a bloke who built his own house was only paid about a 5th of the value of his property because he could only claim of the RTA, others have been left in a vegetated state with little to no financial help because of the limits set by the RTA cover (the payer of last resort).

posted on 8/3/13

If anything, the people who should receive the highest fines for breaking the law are the people on income support... scrap their benefit, get them on the employment ladder and contributing to the tax man

That's a whole different ball game, they should work for their doll money IMO, most if them would soon find a job.

posted on 8/3/13

There shouldn't be benefits.

If you want money, get a job.

If you don't have a job, then you don't have any money.

When my brother came to me a few months ago, saying he needed a new job I said "go to McDonalds, or Burger King", and he said "I wouldn't work there"...

Like he had a choice..

comment by RB&W (U2335)

posted on 8/3/13

they should work for their doll money IMO

you mean call it a salary?

posted on 8/3/13


a friend of mines wife was left severly injured by someone who decided it was a good idea to drive disqualified and with no insurance.

the fact he got a small fine, while she was left in a wheelchair, and my mate had to quit work to look after her is disgusting.

insurance is there so when things like this happen compensation is available to help people cope.

the last time i looked the NHS didnt help pay peoples mortgages

insurance is there to provide co

comment by Jay. (U16498)

posted on 8/3/13

To be fair Maestro, there are sometimes mitigating circumstances. Things such as disability benefits & child benefits are the only way some people can get by - for example single mums of multiple kids, not always easy to find a job that lets you start at half 9/10 and finish at 2, while paying you a good enough wage to survive on and get everything done around the house.

For about 2 months after Uni, I was on the dole while i was applying for jobs, must have applied for around 250 before I finally got one. For the first month, I was only applying to specialist jobs to do with my degree, but in to the second month I was just desperate to get anything, so I applied everywhere I could.

IMO, it isn't always so black and white. Not to mention, I don't get how you can live off £55 a week, permanently. That barely covers my lunch for a week! My main motivation was, it is depressing going to sign on, and the minimal amount was getting, is half of what I wanted to be earning per day, in 5 years time.

posted on 8/3/13

There shouldn't be benefits.

If you want money, get a job.


it doesnt work like that maestro.

my old man used to work for a chemical comapny, and one day he was asked to move some empty drums.

one of them wasnt empty and he hurt his back, all the discs in his back disintergrated and he was left only to walk on sticks, or get around in a wheelchair.

because he couldnt get around or do any form of excercise he put weight on, which resulted in him getting diabetes and needing a triple heart bypass.

this in turn caused all of the arteries in his legs to block up, so now his legs are constantly numb and he spends most of his day in bed as the pain keeps him awake on a night time.

thats why people need benefits, its not always just people who cant be bothered to go out and work.

comment by RB&W (U2335)

posted on 8/3/13

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

posted on 8/3/13

Disability is a good reason to not have a job.

If you're just a lazy bum like RB&W then you shouldn't get anything.

comment by RB&W (U2335)

posted on 8/3/13

Disability is a good reason to not have a job.

Im surprised you dont have one yet with an attitude like yours.

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