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These 198 comments are related to an article called:

What Series is the Best

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posted on 31/5/13

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posted on 31/5/13

comment by The_Red_Cognoscente (U9741)
posted 8 minutes ago
VC, what is your take on Elementary depicting firstly, Watson as female and to rub salt into it, Moriarty as a young lass?



I missed the season end of Elementary so I need to catch up on that. Thanks for the spoiler.

No problem with Watson being female, not when it happens to be one of the best actresses out there, playing her.

It also helps that she is hot as hell as well.

comment by MBL. (U6305)

posted on 31/5/13

Lucy lui can play whoever she wants she's fit!

posted on 31/5/13

Oops...sorry about that VC.

I admit that Lucy Liu is excellent in her role though but it was a shock.

You should check out BBC's Sherlock.

posted on 31/5/13

You should check out BBC's Sherlock.


I have. It is outstanding. Bilbo is superb as is Kahn.

comment by MBL. (U6305)

posted on 31/5/13

Haha vidic you complete spoiler you!

Luckily I have seen it twice! Quality film.

The bbc Sherlock was brilliant, I can't wait for series three.

posted on 31/5/13

Sherlocks good, check out Luther one of my personal favs

posted on 31/5/13


I missed series two, and am waiting for the re runs.

I guess the two stars have been a bit busy of late.

Not really a spoiler loz if you have read any of the reviews.

comment by MBL. (U6305)

posted on 31/5/13

I guessed who he was quite quickly, comes with being a massive nerd for science fiction.

You will enjoy series two, a scandal in belgravia is the best episode of the lot!


posted on 31/5/13

I will. They will show the second series in the weeks before they air the third one.

comment by MBL. (U6305)

posted on 31/5/13

The third series is filming so it will be early 2014.

I bought the Blu ray box set, well worth it.

posted on 31/5/13

I have a couple of the wire series on my hard drive and haven't watched them, I take it I am missing out?

posted on 31/5/13

If you want genuine quality throughout a whole show, you all need to watch Batman: The Animated Series or Samurai Jack

posted on 31/5/13

Game of Thrones beats all

posted on 31/5/13

Whatever happened to the likely lads for me !

posted on 31/5/13

comment by Fergie the King (We love you) (U17834)
posted 4 minutes ago
Game of Thrones beats all


Not really.

I guess it is ok if you are into soft po rn and bad acting.

comment by X (U4074)

posted on 31/5/13

The Wire wipes the floor with Breaking Bad; the former is multi-dimensional and unpredictable, while the latter is a conventional good guy - bad guy character arc (although it is still excellent TV).

I would have the West Wing, Rome, the Borgias and Boardwalk Empire ahead of all the other series mentioned (except for the Sopranos).

However the Wire stands alone as the greatest TV ever made. It is a true master piece with layers and themes hidden in plain sight throughout, through a perfect mix of incredible acting, pitch perfect dialogue and genius cinematography.

The only flaw is that it is a challenging watch (although with some of the dross on the box that isn't all that much of a flaw), with every scene very deliberately performed, with even the movement of the characters in key scenes imitating the moves of chess pieces (that represent their level or role in 'the game'.

It truly is a one off, not just in TV, but in on screen entertainment x

comment by X (U4074)

posted on 31/5/13

that winky smiley emoticon was actually a genuine apostrophe followed by an end parenthesis x

posted on 31/5/13

The walking dead

posted on 31/5/13

The wire easily tops that list.

Battlestar galaxtica is the best of all time tho

I agree, except that Game of Thrones is better than both!

1. GoT
2. Battlestar
3. The Wire

posted on 31/5/13

can't believe Dexter isn't on this list. and no way should 24 be mentioned in the same breath as the likes of the Sopranos, Breaking Bad or the Wire

comment by MBL. (U6305)

posted on 31/5/13


The wires maddest scene! Enjoy

comment by X (U4074)

posted on 31/5/13

Dexter is wicked but is basically just the same as Breaking Bad as a character study with a fairly obvious and typical character arc.

I hate the walking dead, if only because you can tell in many scenes that the grass has obviously been cut relatively recently, and I have yet to have seen a zombie mindlessly pushing a lawnmower.

The comic was pretty good mind x

posted on 31/5/13

"The Shield" is better than the lot best characters, doesent hold back either not a show for puzzys

posted on 31/5/13

The Wire is the best


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