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These 121 comments are related to an article called:

Ohara is no more

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posted on 28/8/14

Sensible !
It's insane from his point of view, must be something behind this.

Brilliant for us

posted on 28/8/14

its true its true its true

A pretty swift comment from wolves, no thanking him for his service.

Fantastic news, and says mutual consent, I assume it is likely we met halfway, fair play to Jamie if he did assist in pushing this through as well, maybe we will never know.

A dark stain lifted.

posted on 28/8/14

Possible we suggested breach of contract for his antics of late, not been professional at all.

posted on 28/8/14

It's s sensible decision, but if he's been paid off then the club has saved nothing unless a compromise was reached. Still, it's better than stubbornness. I suspect the lack of comment from the club is because they've had to blink first. Magnanimous of them to wish him well though, as I'm sure we all do.

comment by Fiddy (U11570)

posted on 28/8/14

I bet this has cost the club a few quid but probably best all around

posted on 28/8/14

I don't wish him well, I couldn't give a feck if he plays ever again.

posted on 28/8/14

Freeing up wages for a striker?????????????????

posted on 28/8/14

I meant decent football fans. Obviously there'll be exceptions.

posted on 28/8/14

Personally, I would never wish ill on another person. Particularly if I don't know all the details around their personal circumstance.

posted on 28/8/14

I am a wolves fan Bute, he was a stain on our club, now he is gone, i couldn't give a feck about him.

Good riddance to bad rubbish.

As for paying him off, I wouldn't think we paid off his whole contract, though even if we did it doesn't matter as he was never going to get a move anyway.

posted on 28/8/14

Call it apathy tam.

posted on 28/8/14

I wish him well in the future and hope he finds another club. But at the same time I'm delighted he's gone!

posted on 28/8/14

I'm the same Mike.

posted on 28/8/14

Wolves worst ever signing?

Quite possibly.

From his point of view, he will now have a clean slate when it comes to getting a club, he will now have to accept minimal wages somewhere as he can't fall back on the 30 odd grand he milked here.

posted on 28/8/14

Will be ironic if he pops up in the Prem.

posted on 28/8/14


posted on 28/8/14

Would it?

In your world maybe, but for Wolves fans it won't be ironic at all, we don't want him and have gone to the extreme, paying off his contract, to see the back of him.

posted on 28/8/14

Don't even need your keys Perton, he grabbed a taxi.

comment by Kanga (U3095)

posted on 28/8/14

'there will be no further comment'

posted on 28/8/14

O'hara comes in for a lot of stick, as a signing he has certainly been a let down, injuries and circumstances mean't he never made the impact we hoped he would.

He got paid a lot of money, but thats football, people like Johnson to my mind has been a worse signing, high wages poor attitude and devisive in the changing room I would sooner have seen the back of Johnson if I could pick anyone.

posted on 28/8/14

appearances, joined Wolves permanently in the summer of 2011. 

The Club wishes him well for the future. 

There will be no further comment. 

Short and sweet....no animosity there then in the last line.

Cinci it's such a pity I couldn't have driven him away from our club.

But who cares...The main thing is.. HE'S GONE....


posted on 28/8/14

You clearly don't understand the word "ironic" Cinci. Nothing to do with whether fans are glad to see him go.

posted on 28/8/14

Remember this.....


posted on 28/8/14

Yeah, Johnson probaly is worse, and the pair of them signing was catastrophic for our club, Johnson was the begining of the end for Mick though.

I said about 6 weeks ago that i felt he was a thoroughly unprofessional guy and could be doing more to help his career and came with too much baggage.

After those comments we only had to wait ten days for him to prove my point emphatically, and since then he has apparently been on the town during the week and all sorts.

From his perspective its now a chance for him to move on with life, he got rid of his vile wife and now doesn't have the mill stone that is Wolves(to him) around his neck, he will shift back to London in a hurry and will get offers from a few clubs now he can take much much smaller wages.

posted on 28/8/14

comment by Those Were The Days (U16473)
posted 4 minutes ago
You clearly don't understand the word "ironic" Cinci. Nothing to do with whether fans are glad to see him go.
Ironic would be us desperately refusing him a move to the prem, he then quitting us and getting a prem move. To my knowledge that hasn't happened.

Us wanting shot of him would leave the irony being that he turns up as janitor.

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