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People not on my Christmas card list

Page 8 of 11

posted on 5/12/14

Have to agree with him ttliv...

Not saying they shouldn't be well paid but the whole they deserve every penny they ask for..... Where does it stop?

I'd also like to cut the wages (or get rid of) the police who go around bothering people rather than solving some real crimes with actual victims!!

Also never been a fan of calling them heros just for their occupations. You get many heroic people and acts within those services but simply being in the job does not make you a hero!

posted on 5/12/14

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posted on 5/12/14

People who order coffee in a pub, there's a café around the corner, do one!

People who bring their screaming brat(s) in the Quiet Zone coach on a train.

People who have music playing loudly on their headphones and all you can hear is hiss hiss hiss, and always....always they decide to sit near me

People who bring their screaming brat(s) into pubs

Women at cashpoints, I always walk to the next one and even when I'm done I can still see said woman still farting about at the cashpoint

posted on 5/12/14

comment by Ttliv87 (U11882)
posted 55 minutes ago
comment by MARK. (U1449)
posted 37 minutes ago
People who sympathise with firemen, nurses, military personnel etc when it comes to pay disputes

"Oh they're heroes and deserve every penny they ask for"

Bollox, they knew what they signed up for.
If everyone had mentality no-one would be bothered going into them jobs then.
Yes they would, they are better paid than a lot of people

posted on 5/12/14


Do something for your money - sing/dance/draw/mime anything, but do SOMETHING other than just asking people for money. Or, get a fackin job!!!

posted on 5/12/14

Young people with large beards who discover music I like that was made before they were born and latch on to it, labeling it 'cool'.

Get your own music.

comment by (U18814)

posted on 5/12/14

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posted on 5/12/14

Contestants on cooking shows who claim " that was gruelling, the hardest thing I've ever had to do"

What?, stir some custard and peel some onions, give me a break

posted on 5/12/14

Women at cashpoints, I always walk to the next one and even when I'm done I can still see said woman still farting about at the cashpoint



People who think they can stand at the cash point, and use more than 1 card. I don't think so.

posted on 5/12/14

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

posted on 5/12/14

People who try to walk onto the train before letting people off.

posted on 5/12/14

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posted on 5/12/14

People who wait for a bus, insist on getting on first, then rummage around their pockets, purses, wallets and every other crevice, to find money.

Have it ready damnit!

posted on 5/12/14

Kids. All kids. Even my own, sometimes.

posted on 5/12/14

People that go to live music or football matches and film it on their phone/tablet. Who the feck do they show it to?

posted on 5/12/14

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posted on 5/12/14

Young parents. Anyone under 18 shouldn't be allowed to have children.

posted on 5/12/14

comment by Moostro. (U8867)
posted 1 minute ago
Kids. All kids. Even my own, sometimes.
Kids are like farts, like my own hate everyone else's

posted on 5/12/14

My farts smell like Strawberry's and Cream. You'll love 'em.

posted on 5/12/14

comment by Moostro. (U8867)
posted 8 seconds ago
Young parents. Anyone under 18 shouldn't be allowed to have children.
Agree. My eighteen year old brother has been trying to give me advice on parenthood, as I'm having my first in March.

Leave it out kid, you barely have time to see the child between playing with your action men.

comment by (U18814)

posted on 5/12/14

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posted on 5/12/14

Looks fine to me

posted on 5/12/14

Other peoples kids can be a nightmare.

Being a parent is hard work. Especially when you want to impale one or two of your child/children friends with a pitchfork.

Some people may think that is harsh, out of order even. These people obviously don't have kids themselves.

posted on 5/12/14

comment by There'sOnlyOneReds (U1721)
posted 3 minutes ago
comment by Moostro. (U8867)
posted 8 seconds ago
Young parents. Anyone under 18 shouldn't be allowed to have children.
Agree. My eighteen year old brother has been trying to give me advice on parenthood, as I'm having my first in March.

Leave it out kid, you barely have time to see the child between playing with your action men.

I have 2. Didn't have my first until I was 24. By that time, I had my own place and a job.

My cousin was 16 when she got pregnant. Still living with her parents. Now, she's 19, no qualifications, no education and still living with her parents. She'll be scrounging off the government for a long time yet.

posted on 5/12/14

comment by There'sOnlyOneReds (U1721)
posted 11 minutes ago
People who wait for a bus, insist on getting on first, then rummage around their pockets, purses, wallets and every other crevice, to find money.

Have it ready damnit!

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