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These 967 comments are related to an article called:

Je ne suis pas Charlie

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posted on 12/1/15

comment by ● (U4443)
posted 2 minutes ago
comment by ManUtdDaredevil (U9612)
posted 39 seconds ago
comment by Goonerbabe (U11922)
posted 2 minutes ago
Muslim extremist are terrorising the whole world. Now that is a fact and can't be disputed.

Actually that can be disputed as they are generally attacking their "enemies" who in their eyes engage in efforts against their people.

There have been no extremist attacks in South Africa, South America, Scandinavia, etc. Why is that? Are there no muslims there? Countries in Asia as well
Scandinavia - Not strictly true. Breivik was an extremist attack, based on anti-Muslim sentiments, since which the Pope and Archbishop of Canterbury have repeatedly apologised for and made huge efforts to stamp out such extremism in christianity......

I am really worried about these Christians especially as the KKK, neonázis and BNP and EDL have started working well together.

Someone save us from these extremists

posted on 12/1/15

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posted on 12/1/15


You can't really describe CH as 'mocking religions'. Their stuff on Islam amounts essentially to hate speech against an already persecuted and demonised minority group.

Note I'm not in any sense condoning the terrible crimes committed agains the cartoonist, but the OP is broadly correct here.

posted on 12/1/15

comment by Busby (U19985)
posted 52 seconds ago
"There's no justification for their crimes"

But there are a lot of people who would do so if they could.

"that doesn't mean that we shouldn't seek to understand and explain their crimes"

We already know the reasoning for their crimes, they were shouting as they murdered people in cold blood, it's in the name of Allah.

And yes, I know 99.9% of Muslims don't do the same. But the fact remains, Islam is construed in such a way that these acts are justified for those preaching and performing these acts of violence.

To be fair you could say that about any religion

comment by (U11922)

posted on 12/1/15

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comment by Busby (U19985)

posted on 12/1/15

☂ (U19684)
posted 2 minutes ago
Religion should not have a place in modern society

It should, just not in it's current format. No need to follow the preachings of men who "spoke to god" thousands of years ago.

If a Muslim was brought up in a Christian family, he'd not be Muslim, and visa-versa. There is no "right" religion, essentially it's nothing more than tribalism.

comment by ● (U4443)

posted on 12/1/15

comment by Goonerbabe (U11922)
posted 21 seconds ago
comment by ● (U4443)
posted 13 minutes ago
Muslims are the biggest victims of muslim extremism....

.....that's pretty inconvenient though.
Let them all condemn it then without making excuses. I'm sure at one point family and friend suspect these terrorists and do nothing.....

They need to grass on them if they don't support that act.
It's hard to condemn beheadings when you've been the victim of one.

comment by Busby (U19985)

posted on 12/1/15

comment by ManUtdDaredevil (U9612)
posted 35 seconds ago
comment by Busby (U19985)
posted 52 seconds ago
"There's no justification for their crimes"

But there are a lot of people who would do so if they could.

"that doesn't mean that we shouldn't seek to understand and explain their crimes"

We already know the reasoning for their crimes, they were shouting as they murdered people in cold blood, it's in the name of Allah.

And yes, I know 99.9% of Muslims don't do the same. But the fact remains, Islam is construed in such a way that these acts are justified for those preaching and performing these acts of violence.

To be fair you could say that about any religion
Agree, and I have and will continue with that belief.

What makes Christianity right and Islam wrong?

What makes Islam right and Christianity wrong?

Truth is, they are all wrong.

posted on 12/1/15

comment by Ttliv87 (U11882)
posted 7 minutes ago
comment by Walter Sobchak (U6426)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by Ttliv87 (U11882)
posted 5 minutes ago
Typical lefty "liberals" supposedly for freedom of everything but when it comes to speech their motto is "your rights end where my feelings begin" Offending someone shouldn't be illegal. America have got it right with one thing at least; true freedom of speech.
Really? Take a read:

I'm referring to their 1st ammendment. I don't care if some american cu nt disagrees with their laws.

posted on 12/1/15

comment by Goonerbabe (U11922)
posted 4 seconds ago
comment by ● (U4443)
posted 13 minutes ago
Muslims are the biggest victims of muslim extremism....

.....that's pretty inconvenient though.
Let them all condemn it then without making excuses. I'm sure at one point family and friend suspect these terrorists and do nothing.....

They need to grass on them if they don't support that act.

Yes because we all know one another.

The Muslim community is like Albert Square, all we have to do is pop into the local to hear about the latest rogue extremist.

Weeding about 100,000 odd terrorists in the world out of 1.6 billion Muslims is a little hard.

Muslims have been condemning attacks for a very long time now, but how much coverage does it get?

posted on 12/1/15

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posted on 12/1/15

comment by Blarmy (U14547)

posted on 12/1/15

Charlie Hebdo is no worse than South Park tbh, France does have a much longer tradition of extremely rude and contraversial cartoons

comment by ● (U4443)

posted on 12/1/15

Breivik - Anti muslim ideology, most of his victims were white (christian)

ISIS/Al Qaeda/Whoever - Anti west ideology, most of their victims muslims

Christianity/the West has apologised repeatedly to Muslims for Breivik - It's time muslims did the same for ISIS and other extremists

posted on 12/1/15

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posted on 12/1/15

comment by UnitedRedMacca (U2024)
posted 8 minutes ago
comment by Admin1 (U1)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by UnitedRedMacca (U2024)
posted 10 seconds ago
comment by Bebe's Slow Dance With Sir Neil Warnock - A National Treasure (U13709)
posted 3 minutes ago
comment by Ruiney Reckers (U1005)
posted 14 seconds ago
comment by Bebe's Slow Dance With Sir Neil Warnock - A National Treasure (U13709)
posted 7 minutes ago
comment by Ruiney Reckers (U1005)
posted 19 seconds ago
Oh no they drew a picture of a guy who doesn't exist, and upset some deluded followers of such fictional being.

It's not about what you think is real or not. It's about the magazine INTENTIONALLY provoking and vilifying a section of society with something they hold dear. It's not about the actual content itself necessarily.

The magazine was aimed at a certain audience, an audience who buy the magazine because they enjoy the comedy and satire. I'm not sure their aim was to wind up as many people as possible.

Please watch this video containing the content and tell me what is comical or satirical about the content?


Regardless, if I wanted to do 'satire' about 9/11 would it be welcomed as equally?
You do not see a difference with mocking different religions and mocking the murder of thousands of innocent people?

Are you facking for real?
In its purest sense, as far as freedom of speech goes, there is little difference. Just the amount of buttons that would be pressed.
I think perspective is being lost personally.

If a Liverpool fan came on the United board to mock Munich or I went onto the Liverpool board to mock hills borough. Both of us would be banned instantly

This magazine did cartoons mocking religion and some maniacs turned up and murdered some of their employees in cold blood.

Sorry but this op is in terrible taste in my personal opinion.

Mate you're missing the point. How many times do I have to say that I'm not justifying actions of extremists,. I'm not even discussing that in this article.

I'm debating the integrity of the magazine and their intentions to promote social unrest and whether we as a whole should be applauding their work, despite hardly anyone having seen it.

Please understand this!

posted on 12/1/15

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posted on 12/1/15

Also if your a holocaust denier you will be thrown in prison if you are in Austria (and Germany?). Freedom of speech eh?

posted on 12/1/15

if you have studied history, and the role religious ideology played in wars etc you will be at the very least skeptical of all religion

posted on 12/1/15

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comment by Admin1 (U1)

posted on 12/1/15

I had the misfortune of being stopped and searched under some section the terrorism act. It is surprising how angry it made me having my bag searched in public and nearly missing my train. There is a danger we wholesale give up our liberties through fear. When I hear about special measures, it concerns me more than terrorism itself.

comment by (U11922)

posted on 12/1/15

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comment by Busby (U19985)

posted on 12/1/15

"Muslims have been condemning attacks for a very long time now, but how much coverage does it get?"

How much coverage did we get of Christians condemning the attacks in Norway? Probably a similar amount.

Stop feeling sorry for yourself, everybody knows 99.9% of Muslims are generally against extremism. Doesn't mean that 0.01% are out chopping their fellow Muslims heads off and attacking the West.

posted on 12/1/15

I should say that I've been misusing language concerning "derogation". I've been using it in the everyday sense but it also has a specific legal meaning that can be found in Article 15 ECHR. That's what you get when doing it from memory.

posted on 12/1/15

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