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Queston to people defending Poch

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posted on 11/5/15

I did actually. He won some games, git some form out if Ade and seemed to breathe a but of life into your club.

Will be interesting to see what his signings are like this summer as it'll be his first window.

comment by Chronic (U3423)

posted on 11/5/15

ade with a point to prove against AVB.... Sherwood lucked into that one. Sherwood does however get credit for bentaleb.

ade has now reverted back to his normal self.

posted on 11/5/15

Now Sherwood has gone yes. Benteke suddenly scoring I see.

comment by theRC (U20472)

posted on 11/5/15

"Poch is better than Sherwood anyway."

Tbf, not even Chronic genuinely believes this anymore.

He just wont ever admit he was as wrong about Poch as he was about AVB.

Complete and utter fool .

comment by theRC (U20472)

posted on 11/5/15

Oh Moronic.....you are such a tool sometimes.

On Sherwood, you know full well I repeatedly said there literally zero evidence that Poch was a better manager than Sherwood. I said over and over again that having a fancy name and having one good season with Southampton proved very little.

I said this when Poch was appointed. I never once called for Sherwood to be sacked I think. I knew full well his sacking was always inevitable. As such I was completely indifferent, especially as Poch was such an uninspiring replacement. Levy intended to fire Sherwood from the moment he hired him. Joke chairman. Now that is definition of not giving a manger time or fair crack of the whip, you mugs. Not what's happening now.

The thing I got wrong is that there is now ample evidence that Sherwood is a better manager than Poch.

Anyone who denies Sherwood did a better job last season is being churlish.

Anyone who denied Sherwood is currently doing a better job is downright blind/deluded or lying. All your rubbish about how amazing it is Poch got us to the league cup final (as HR did) .

If Sherwood wins the FA Cup against Arsenal you will give him literally no credit for it whatsoever

comment by Chronic (U3423)

posted on 11/5/15

I knew full well his sacking was always inevitable. As such I was completely indifferent,


yeah alright then

you must be the first ever spurs fan that is indifferent to who the manager is.

nice try you mug.

you wanted sherwood gone like the rest of us and have been exposed

comment by Chronic (U3423)

posted on 11/5/15

If Sherwood wins the FA Cup against Arsenal you will give him literally no credit for it whatsoever


says who? i will give him credit for winning the fa cup.. like i have given him credit for bringing bentaleb through from nowhere…

i give people credit where due

furthermore, someone might actually pay attention to you if you didnt want pulis to be the spurs manager !

tony pulis ffs !!!!!!

posted on 11/5/15

Levy intended to fire Sherwood from the moment he hired him. Joke chairman. Now that is definition of not giving a manger time or fair crack of the whip, you mugs. Not what's happening now.

Completley wrong RC..............................Sherwood was hired as an Interim manager. He knew from day one it would not be for longer than the end of the season unless something remarkable happened to change it.

He was given a £1m payoff because he did not wish to remain at the club in another capacity!

comment by Chronic (U3423)

posted on 11/5/15

Arsey has been owned

posted on 11/5/15

Guardiola has just lost FOUR games on the trot!

If that was over here people would be questioning his abilities, but it is different in Germany where they look at things more objectively!

posted on 11/5/15

Let us not forget either that Sherwood does not have the required Uefa badges to manage a team in the PL or in the Champions League ot Europa Cup.

He will have had to get special permission to manage a PL club, with conditions attached which would mean he needs to get his licence within a set timescale!

posted on 12/5/15


I don't understand fans who judge football managers on press conferences.


Me and you both…. No-one is asking anyone to invite the manager round for Sunday dinner. Normal fans just want to see improvements on the pitch, in results, chances created, goal difference, higher points to games ratios, get the best out of players, and so forth. Sherwood did all of those things in just a short space of time – but just because he doesn’t string his sentences together as some would like, he wasn’t good enough – crazy

posted on 12/5/15


did you watch us under Sherwood? never in my life have I seem such a mess. the team sheets looked like he had picked players out of a hat. walker right wing at Chelsea away ffs


Yes I did. He made some teething errors but generally got the best out what he had, and improved us in nearly every department (see comment to Robbing above) .

posted on 12/5/15


ade has now reverted back to his normal self.


How do we know? Poch won’t play him? If we had a manager like Sherwood we could have had the rise of Kane (because we all know Tim backed him), together with an unplayable Ade.

More reasons in favour of Sherwood, surely.

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