The other issue, don’t know if this has been addressed.
But why 10 years after Sith?
Was it just so we could have Leia and Luke in it talking/walking.
I mean, so what’s happened the last 10 years.
OB1 hasn’t spoken to Qui Gon Jinn.
I don’t think he’s come across Darth Maul.
So all this time, he hasn’t known Vader was around with the Emperor.
What the hell has been going on?
A great story to tell, is the 20 year reign of terror by the Sith. But oh no, that’s too dark right Disney!!
comment by Superb (U6486)
posted 1 hour, 5 minutes ago
comment by Insert random username (U10647)
posted 1 hour, 6 minutes ago
Look at most of the OB1 criticism, it's continuity based.
No issue there with Mando.
Disney need to jump to a different timeline then they can make smash hit after smash hit.
I have serious misgivings that Disney are capable of hit after hit based on everything I've seen so far tbh. I still don't think they truly understand what Star Wars is.
Anything that isn't being done by Filoni or Favreau is doomed to fail now.
The only path for Disney is to go into the past, where new stories can be created, without hampering the current timeline.
comment by Sat Nav (U18243)
posted 1 hour, 12 minutes ago
comment by Insert random username (U10647)
posted 9 minutes ago
comment by Sat Nav (U18243)
posted 40 minutes ago
comment by Insert random username (U10647)
posted 17 minutes ago
Look at most of the OB1 criticism, it's continuity based.
No issue there with Mando.
Disney need to jump to a different timeline then they can make smash hit after smash hit.
How would you rate it thus far mate?
I’m sticking with my prediction which was 6/10 - generally a bit blah with a handful of moments that are excellent for Star Wars fans.
Yeah it's average, entertaining enough that I sit down to watch it when it's convenient...
Not so good that I rush to watch it on release day, 6/10 is bang on
Yeah that’s a good way to judge it:
Rushing to watch it on release day must be an 8/10
Not rushing 4/10
Not re-watching (this applies to me with the sequels) 3/10 or 2/10 given it’s fking Star Wars
People say that back in the day the prequels got a lot of stick and they did. But I still watched them all a couple of times at the cinema and have watched them a disturbing amount since.
Sequels? Haven’t re-watched any of them all the way through once. Not even 5 mins of 8&9. TFA I’ve watched in bits since but not a lot.
Couldn't agree more with those last two paragraphs, haven't rewatched a second of 8/9 the most I've seen TFA since the cinema was my nephew's watching it while I visited my sister.
But I guess for their generation, it's the prequels all over again?
This show in a nutshell:
Obi Wan lives in a cave
Inquisitors kidnap Leia
Obi Wan rescues Leia
Inquisitors kidnape Leia
Obi Wan rescues Leia
Episode 6.
But we need to go into the present at some point.
I want a disgruntled Jedi to take out Rey.
No matter what anyone says, She’s a Palpatine.
Throw everything out, and start to a new era, with her, coming to terms with that. No matter how hard she tried. She can’t avoid destiny. She’s not a Skywalker.
She needs to revive the Sith, and have an apprentice.
No present,no future.
Go back thousands of years and create new characters and stories.
comment by The Guvnor XI -Iron sharpens Iron- (U12889)
posted 9 minutes ago
comment by MK (U9129)
posted 3 minutes ago
OB1 was always going to be a hard show to pull off.
Literally we all thought he just sat in a cave watching Luke like a weirdo.
Anything that happened that wasn’t that would’ve had continuity issues etc.
It’s been a good if not really exciting show.
Mando was definitely over hyped. They dropped many 5/10 episodes
They could have easily avoided continuity issues, stop making excuses for them.
As for the show being really exciting, I disagree but 5 episodes in, it's been an ok watch. Nothing more, nothing else.
Yea read what I said. I said it’s not exciting but a good show
comment by MK (U9129)
posted 4 minutes ago
comment by The Guvnor XI -Iron sharpens Iron- (U12889)
posted 9 minutes ago
comment by MK (U9129)
posted 3 minutes ago
OB1 was always going to be a hard show to pull off.
Literally we all thought he just sat in a cave watching Luke like a weirdo.
Anything that happened that wasn’t that would’ve had continuity issues etc.
It’s been a good if not really exciting show.
Mando was definitely over hyped. They dropped many 5/10 episodes
They could have easily avoided continuity issues, stop making excuses for them.
As for the show being really exciting, I disagree but 5 episodes in, it's been an ok watch. Nothing more, nothing else.
Yea read what I said. I said it’s not exciting but a good show
Good is pushing it too.
comment by The Guvnor XI -Iron sharpens Iron- (U12889)
posted 1 minute ago
No present,no future.
Go back thousands of years and create new characters and stories.
Yeh, I’m with you on that. Lots of great stuff to tell.
Darth Bane. Or even before that. Sure.
But the Present/Future has to be addressed at some point. It will help us get over the sequels.
Cos, the thing with the prequel shows, at some point, some bright spark, will start to retcon those films, like they are doing to the Original Trilogy.
And so, that will be very jarring. Like they’ll suddenly explain, the Space hyper-jumping. Never seen before.
And you just know there will be people saying, ‘oh I must watch Rise of Skywalker now, haven’t seen it in a hot minute..’
You just know that’s gonna happen.
I disagree Stringer.
The present never has to be referenced if they go back far enough. If they were smart, they would create a new trilogy in the past, with new characters and stories and continue to play in that time period.
We've had 11 live action Star Wars movies all within a specific time period. Add to that all the shows and you realise that in terms of creativity, they haven't pushed the boundaries at all.
Has anyone seen this.
Old republic please, it has the best storylines..
Also is Rey a palpatine or is she a bane?
The popular fan theory is based around him trying to get Rey to strike him down in anger so he can take over her body..
How does he know that will work? The only answer is that it's been done before, which means at the very least he's no Palpatine, he's Plageius, but why would Plageius allow Palpatine to kill him in anger, maybe because he wasn't plageius but his predecessor.. It's what all Seconds do to the sith Lord to become the leader afterall, the chain could go all the way back to the first Sith Lord.
comment by The Guvnor XI -Iron sharpens Iron- (U12889)
posted 1 minute ago
I disagree Stringer.
The present never has to be referenced if they go back far enough. If they were smart, they would create a new trilogy in the past, with new characters and stories and continue to play in that time period.
We've had 11 live action Star Wars movies all within a specific time period. Add to that all the shows and you realise that in terms of creativity, they haven't pushed the boundaries at all.
I agree with ya.
The timeline they’ve chosen, I think is deliberate, and a bit cynical. Playing it safe almost.
Going way back, is almost a blank canvas. And I welcome that.
I just can’t accept, and will never accept, that’s where the Skywalker saga ended.
comment by StringerBell (U11749)
posted 5 minutes ago
Has anyone seen this.
That's better than every space battle in the sequel trilogy.
Tbf this is why I’m looking forward to andor show. Nothing to do really with Jedi or sith.
Plenty to get there teeth into
comment by The Guvnor XI -Iron sharpens Iron- (U12889)
posted 2 minutes ago
comment by StringerBell (U11749)
posted 5 minutes ago
Has anyone seen this.
That's better than every space battle in the sequel trilogy.
Innit!!! Very well done.
Even the Super Destroyer made sense.
Not buried under ice. ICE?!!! Why Ice?!!!
And why so many. Facking film
comment by MK (U9129)
posted 2 minutes ago
Tbf this is why I’m looking forward to andor show. Nothing to do really with Jedi or sith.
Plenty to get there teeth into
Andor dies in the end.
comment by StringerBell (U11749)
posted 6 seconds ago
comment by MK (U9129)
posted 2 minutes ago
Tbf this is why I’m looking forward to andor show. Nothing to do really with Jedi or sith.
Plenty to get there teeth into
Andor dies in the end.
Just die
I have 0 excitement for Andor. I found the character to be dull in Rogue one and it's set between episode 3 and 4, so I expect more continuity issues.
comment by The Guvnor XI -Iron sharpens Iron- (U12889)
posted 1 minute ago
I have 0 excitement for Andor. I found the character to be dull in Rogue one and it's set between episode 3 and 4, so I expect more continuity issues.
Honestly what would make you happy
Mando season 3
And any other project that Faloni and Favreau are working on.
comment by The Guvnor XI -Iron sharpens Iron- (U12889)
posted 14 seconds ago
Mando season 3
And any other project that Faloni and Favreau are working on.
Mando is a 5/10 character though.
I’d love a proper version of clone wars though
comment by MK (U9129)
posted 55 seconds ago
comment by The Guvnor XI -Iron sharpens Iron- (U12889)
posted 1 minute ago
I have 0 excitement for Andor. I found the character to be dull in Rogue one and it's set between episode 3 and 4, so I expect more continuity issues.
Honestly what would make you happy
Going by the trailer, it looks like they have filmed this very well. So, deffo gonna give it a chance.
But his character, wasn’t that memorable was it… so, maybe his chance to retcon that.
Don’t think they got anything to lose with this show.
But on Rogue One, I still think they got it slightly wrong.
Im sure the live camera from Return of the Jedi, about the plans for Death Star 2. Not the 1st one.
Now, we didn’t know how they got the plans for Death Star 1, until Rogue one. But we’re there any Bothans?
We need to see that story told.
comment by MK (U9129)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by The Guvnor XI -Iron sharpens Iron- (U12889)
posted 14 seconds ago
Mando season 3
And any other project that Faloni and Favreau are working on.
Mando is a 5/10 character though.
Mandos season 1 and 2 had actual development for him and his relationship with Grogu. The fact that you could sense how he felt, even with a helmet on, shows how good the character is.
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A Galaxy Far Far Away......
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posted on 21/6/22
The other issue, don’t know if this has been addressed.
But why 10 years after Sith?
Was it just so we could have Leia and Luke in it talking/walking.
I mean, so what’s happened the last 10 years.
OB1 hasn’t spoken to Qui Gon Jinn.
I don’t think he’s come across Darth Maul.
So all this time, he hasn’t known Vader was around with the Emperor.
What the hell has been going on?
A great story to tell, is the 20 year reign of terror by the Sith. But oh no, that’s too dark right Disney!!
posted on 21/6/22
comment by Superb (U6486)
posted 1 hour, 5 minutes ago
comment by Insert random username (U10647)
posted 1 hour, 6 minutes ago
Look at most of the OB1 criticism, it's continuity based.
No issue there with Mando.
Disney need to jump to a different timeline then they can make smash hit after smash hit.
I have serious misgivings that Disney are capable of hit after hit based on everything I've seen so far tbh. I still don't think they truly understand what Star Wars is.
Anything that isn't being done by Filoni or Favreau is doomed to fail now.
The only path for Disney is to go into the past, where new stories can be created, without hampering the current timeline.
posted on 21/6/22
comment by Sat Nav (U18243)
posted 1 hour, 12 minutes ago
comment by Insert random username (U10647)
posted 9 minutes ago
comment by Sat Nav (U18243)
posted 40 minutes ago
comment by Insert random username (U10647)
posted 17 minutes ago
Look at most of the OB1 criticism, it's continuity based.
No issue there with Mando.
Disney need to jump to a different timeline then they can make smash hit after smash hit.
How would you rate it thus far mate?
I’m sticking with my prediction which was 6/10 - generally a bit blah with a handful of moments that are excellent for Star Wars fans.
Yeah it's average, entertaining enough that I sit down to watch it when it's convenient...
Not so good that I rush to watch it on release day, 6/10 is bang on
Yeah that’s a good way to judge it:
Rushing to watch it on release day must be an 8/10
Not rushing 4/10
Not re-watching (this applies to me with the sequels) 3/10 or 2/10 given it’s fking Star Wars
People say that back in the day the prequels got a lot of stick and they did. But I still watched them all a couple of times at the cinema and have watched them a disturbing amount since.
Sequels? Haven’t re-watched any of them all the way through once. Not even 5 mins of 8&9. TFA I’ve watched in bits since but not a lot.
Couldn't agree more with those last two paragraphs, haven't rewatched a second of 8/9 the most I've seen TFA since the cinema was my nephew's watching it while I visited my sister.
But I guess for their generation, it's the prequels all over again?
posted on 21/6/22
This show in a nutshell:
Obi Wan lives in a cave
Inquisitors kidnap Leia
Obi Wan rescues Leia
Inquisitors kidnape Leia
Obi Wan rescues Leia
Episode 6.
posted on 21/6/22
But we need to go into the present at some point.
I want a disgruntled Jedi to take out Rey.
No matter what anyone says, She’s a Palpatine.
Throw everything out, and start to a new era, with her, coming to terms with that. No matter how hard she tried. She can’t avoid destiny. She’s not a Skywalker.
She needs to revive the Sith, and have an apprentice.
posted on 21/6/22
No present,no future.
Go back thousands of years and create new characters and stories.
posted on 21/6/22
comment by The Guvnor XI -Iron sharpens Iron- (U12889)
posted 9 minutes ago
comment by MK (U9129)
posted 3 minutes ago
OB1 was always going to be a hard show to pull off.
Literally we all thought he just sat in a cave watching Luke like a weirdo.
Anything that happened that wasn’t that would’ve had continuity issues etc.
It’s been a good if not really exciting show.
Mando was definitely over hyped. They dropped many 5/10 episodes
They could have easily avoided continuity issues, stop making excuses for them.
As for the show being really exciting, I disagree but 5 episodes in, it's been an ok watch. Nothing more, nothing else.
Yea read what I said. I said it’s not exciting but a good show
posted on 21/6/22
comment by MK (U9129)
posted 4 minutes ago
comment by The Guvnor XI -Iron sharpens Iron- (U12889)
posted 9 minutes ago
comment by MK (U9129)
posted 3 minutes ago
OB1 was always going to be a hard show to pull off.
Literally we all thought he just sat in a cave watching Luke like a weirdo.
Anything that happened that wasn’t that would’ve had continuity issues etc.
It’s been a good if not really exciting show.
Mando was definitely over hyped. They dropped many 5/10 episodes
They could have easily avoided continuity issues, stop making excuses for them.
As for the show being really exciting, I disagree but 5 episodes in, it's been an ok watch. Nothing more, nothing else.
Yea read what I said. I said it’s not exciting but a good show
Good is pushing it too.
posted on 21/6/22
comment by The Guvnor XI -Iron sharpens Iron- (U12889)
posted 1 minute ago
No present,no future.
Go back thousands of years and create new characters and stories.
Yeh, I’m with you on that. Lots of great stuff to tell.
Darth Bane. Or even before that. Sure.
But the Present/Future has to be addressed at some point. It will help us get over the sequels.
Cos, the thing with the prequel shows, at some point, some bright spark, will start to retcon those films, like they are doing to the Original Trilogy.
And so, that will be very jarring. Like they’ll suddenly explain, the Space hyper-jumping. Never seen before.
And you just know there will be people saying, ‘oh I must watch Rise of Skywalker now, haven’t seen it in a hot minute..’
You just know that’s gonna happen.
posted on 21/6/22
I disagree Stringer.
The present never has to be referenced if they go back far enough. If they were smart, they would create a new trilogy in the past, with new characters and stories and continue to play in that time period.
We've had 11 live action Star Wars movies all within a specific time period. Add to that all the shows and you realise that in terms of creativity, they haven't pushed the boundaries at all.
posted on 21/6/22
Has anyone seen this.
posted on 21/6/22
Old republic please, it has the best storylines..
Also is Rey a palpatine or is she a bane?
The popular fan theory is based around him trying to get Rey to strike him down in anger so he can take over her body..
How does he know that will work? The only answer is that it's been done before, which means at the very least he's no Palpatine, he's Plageius, but why would Plageius allow Palpatine to kill him in anger, maybe because he wasn't plageius but his predecessor.. It's what all Seconds do to the sith Lord to become the leader afterall, the chain could go all the way back to the first Sith Lord.
posted on 21/6/22
comment by The Guvnor XI -Iron sharpens Iron- (U12889)
posted 1 minute ago
I disagree Stringer.
The present never has to be referenced if they go back far enough. If they were smart, they would create a new trilogy in the past, with new characters and stories and continue to play in that time period.
We've had 11 live action Star Wars movies all within a specific time period. Add to that all the shows and you realise that in terms of creativity, they haven't pushed the boundaries at all.
I agree with ya.
The timeline they’ve chosen, I think is deliberate, and a bit cynical. Playing it safe almost.
Going way back, is almost a blank canvas. And I welcome that.
I just can’t accept, and will never accept, that’s where the Skywalker saga ended.
posted on 21/6/22
comment by StringerBell (U11749)
posted 5 minutes ago
Has anyone seen this.
That's better than every space battle in the sequel trilogy.
posted on 21/6/22
Tbf this is why I’m looking forward to andor show. Nothing to do really with Jedi or sith.
Plenty to get there teeth into
posted on 21/6/22
comment by The Guvnor XI -Iron sharpens Iron- (U12889)
posted 2 minutes ago
comment by StringerBell (U11749)
posted 5 minutes ago
Has anyone seen this.
That's better than every space battle in the sequel trilogy.
Innit!!! Very well done.
Even the Super Destroyer made sense.
Not buried under ice. ICE?!!! Why Ice?!!!
And why so many. Facking film
posted on 21/6/22
comment by MK (U9129)
posted 2 minutes ago
Tbf this is why I’m looking forward to andor show. Nothing to do really with Jedi or sith.
Plenty to get there teeth into
Andor dies in the end.
posted on 21/6/22
comment by StringerBell (U11749)
posted 6 seconds ago
comment by MK (U9129)
posted 2 minutes ago
Tbf this is why I’m looking forward to andor show. Nothing to do really with Jedi or sith.
Plenty to get there teeth into
Andor dies in the end.
Just die
posted on 21/6/22
I have 0 excitement for Andor. I found the character to be dull in Rogue one and it's set between episode 3 and 4, so I expect more continuity issues.
posted on 21/6/22
comment by The Guvnor XI -Iron sharpens Iron- (U12889)
posted 1 minute ago
I have 0 excitement for Andor. I found the character to be dull in Rogue one and it's set between episode 3 and 4, so I expect more continuity issues.
Honestly what would make you happy
posted on 21/6/22
Mando season 3
And any other project that Faloni and Favreau are working on.
posted on 21/6/22
comment by The Guvnor XI -Iron sharpens Iron- (U12889)
posted 14 seconds ago
Mando season 3
And any other project that Faloni and Favreau are working on.
Mando is a 5/10 character though.
posted on 21/6/22
I’d love a proper version of clone wars though
posted on 21/6/22
comment by MK (U9129)
posted 55 seconds ago
comment by The Guvnor XI -Iron sharpens Iron- (U12889)
posted 1 minute ago
I have 0 excitement for Andor. I found the character to be dull in Rogue one and it's set between episode 3 and 4, so I expect more continuity issues.
Honestly what would make you happy
Going by the trailer, it looks like they have filmed this very well. So, deffo gonna give it a chance.
But his character, wasn’t that memorable was it… so, maybe his chance to retcon that.
Don’t think they got anything to lose with this show.
But on Rogue One, I still think they got it slightly wrong.
Im sure the live camera from Return of the Jedi, about the plans for Death Star 2. Not the 1st one.
Now, we didn’t know how they got the plans for Death Star 1, until Rogue one. But we’re there any Bothans?
We need to see that story told.
posted on 21/6/22
comment by MK (U9129)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by The Guvnor XI -Iron sharpens Iron- (U12889)
posted 14 seconds ago
Mando season 3
And any other project that Faloni and Favreau are working on.
Mando is a 5/10 character though.
Mandos season 1 and 2 had actual development for him and his relationship with Grogu. The fact that you could sense how he felt, even with a helmet on, shows how good the character is.
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