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These 91 comments are related to an article called:

Your Maf Limericks

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posted on 19/4/16

Lost interest after the 4th line....

However ..........if you want to be picky...

That vile little caant called surrender
He really is a bellender
He loves to kiss ring
Cleaning bogs is his thing
He's a goat molesting Albanian bender

comment by (U18814)

posted on 19/4/16

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

comment by (U18814)

posted on 20/4/16

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comment by Chronic (U3423)

posted on 20/4/16

comment by The Ace Face (U18814)
posted 1 hour, 28 minutes ago
Hey Maf I've just dumped a log
So get in here and start cleaning this bog
Enjoy the work
You insufferable berk
While I go bang your mum the old dog

comment by Chronic (U3423)

posted on 20/4/16

his name is maf and he's not very bright
so cleans toilets the whole day and night
theres a gap obviously
where his brain should be
but we need poo cleaners so thats alright !

posted on 20/4/16

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

comment by Chronic (U3423)

posted on 20/4/16

comment by justanotherTopperSpur (U1409)
posted 54 minutes ago
comment by Chronic (U3423)
posted 14 hours, 4 minutes ago
comment by justanotherTopperSpur (U1409)
posted 1 hour, 23 minutes ago
There once was a lad called Maff
The local toilet he did staff
He was considered a bit of a loon
Not sure if p!key or G00n
So confused was our little MAaff
unless your northern then the first two lines don't rhyme
Maff-staff...don't rhyme?
How do you pronounce Maff that it doesn't sound like staff?
are you being serious?
I speak with a London accent therefore maf and staff don't rhyme !

posted on 20/4/16

Maf maf maf,
Cleans the bogs at Victoria station,
Is a Latvian mug because he's certainly not Asian
Thinking he's clever will take lots of persuasion.
Fu** little plank is probably sitting in his basement...

Wa** himself off with a pair of tweezers,
The mugs about as week as a Bacardi breezer,
He deserves to be chopped up and put in a freezer,
By our main man ace on here, the tottenham hotspur geezer

F** off maf you pikey little pr**
Roaming around on JA with your pencil d**
Your posts are so mundane they make me sick
Oh s*** your visa is running out.... Get this c** out the country quick!!!!!!!!

comment by Chronic (U3423)

posted on 20/4/16

comment by Don_tottenham (U3372)
posted 13 minutes ago
Maf maf maf,
Cleans the bogs at Victoria station,
Is a Latvian mug because he's certainly not Asian
Thinking he's clever will take lots of persuasion.
Fu** little plank is probably sitting in his basement...

Wa** himself off with a pair of tweezers,
The mugs about as week as a Bacardi breezer,
He deserves to be chopped up and put in a freezer,
By our main man ace on here, the tottenham hotspur geezer

F** off maf you pikey little pr**
Roaming around on JA with your pencil d**
Your posts are so mundane they make me sick
Oh s*** your visa is running out.... Get this c** out the country quick!!!!!!!!

quite the rude poet aren't you.

that isn't a limerick though

did you ever get my number off rapboob?

posted on 20/4/16

Chronic, I have always been a good lyricist .... Haven't done it for years so a little rusty but that will do for now

No I didn't mate, I don't have rap mugs number. Unless admin can email it to me?

comment by Chronic (U3423)

posted on 20/4/16

alert admin, ask him to email me (surely have my email details on their system), and I will send the number back.

don the Turkish rapper

posted on 20/4/16

Cypriot chronic, half Turkish Cypriot .... Get it right

comment by Chronic (U3423)

posted on 20/4/16

I thought you were greek Cypriot and was trying to annoy you

posted on 20/4/16

Works both ways

comment by Chronic (U3423)

posted on 20/4/16

bit like your mrs. she sucks you off and me

posted on 20/4/16

Nah chronic, she don't like party sausages

comment by Chronic (U3423)

posted on 20/4/16

comment by Don_tottenham (U3372)
posted 2 minutes ago
Nah chronic, she don't like party sausages
she does when they are a foot long

posted on 20/4/16

posted on 20/4/16

Turkish Priiiick is talking about visas

Shouldn't you be wrapping kebabs?

posted on 20/4/16

So who won in the end

posted on 20/4/16

comment by Don't Click_Hiddink the golden Guus (U14639)
posted 1 minute ago
So who won in the end
This thread has no winners.....

posted on 20/4/16

Won't somebody think of the Iambic Pentameter

comment by Chronic (U3423)

posted on 20/4/16

clicky, I won mate.

maf, do you have a contribution you would like to make? you little pikey ratcaaaant

posted on 20/4/16

A reason to vote brexit would be Maffy
his mum has the looks of a staffy
his breath smells ofshit
he has a face like a fit
and he's harder to understand than Hafi

posted on 20/4/16

he has a face like a fit


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