comment by D'Jeezus Mackaroni (U1137)
posted 21 seconds ago
comment by CoutinhosHappyFeet (U18971)
posted 8 seconds ago
comment by HeWhoHingAbootGetHeeHaw (U19525)
posted 6 minutes ago
Fffffs the UK and Germany, Italy are triillion+ economies. While I'm bursting my arrrse of some fucukerrrr in Spain is taking a nap in the afternoon while in Athens some cant is building another pool he can't afford. The UK was 2nd biggest contributer to eu coffers.
The reasons to leave are fechhkkng endless.
The problems in Spain & Greece didn't come about because they were EU members.
Don't think he is saying it is. His problem is who is paying to help Spain and Greece continue.
How can we, as a country, on one hand bail out the banks that caused the economic crash. But on the other not assist the countries most affected by it?
No don't agree but our problems resulted in the UK being a world player politically and militarily added by the EU membership, budget, bailouts, eu expansionism, nae houses, nae docs apt. Fuchkkk them seriously.
comment by D'Jeezus Mackaroni (U1137)
posted 4 minutes ago
comment by CoutinhosHappyFeet (U18971)
posted 8 seconds ago
comment by HeWhoHingAbootGetHeeHaw (U19525)
posted 6 minutes ago
Fffffs the UK and Germany, Italy are triillion+ economies. While I'm bursting my arrrse of some fucukerrrr in Spain is taking a nap in the afternoon while in Athens some cant is building another pool he can't afford. The UK was 2nd biggest contributer to eu coffers.
The reasons to leave are fechhkkng endless.
The problems in Spain & Greece didn't come about because they were EU members.
Don't think he is saying it is. His problem is who is paying to help Spain and Greece continue.
That's because it is seen as more beneficial to help members of the union recover from the recession compared to leaving them to struggle and potentially economic failure/bankruptcy which would have a domino effect across the union and lead another deep worldwide recession, which would in turn lead countries to lose more money than they would have spent on bailing out Greece. Simply economics.
comment by {honestlivpool~five~times} 👽 🐎 #worldpeace (U1661)
posted 3 minutes ago
comment by D'Jeezus Mackaroni (U1137)
posted 4 minutes ago
comment by CoutinhosHappyFeet (U18971)
posted 8 seconds ago
comment by HeWhoHingAbootGetHeeHaw (U19525)
posted 6 minutes ago
Fffffs the UK and Germany, Italy are triillion+ economies. While I'm bursting my arrrse of some fucukerrrr in Spain is taking a nap in the afternoon while in Athens some cant is building another pool he can't afford. The UK was 2nd biggest contributer to eu coffers.
The reasons to leave are fechhkkng endless.
The problems in Spain & Greece didn't come about because they were EU members.
Don't think he is saying it is. His problem is who is paying to help Spain and Greece continue.
That's because it is seen as more beneficial to help members of the union recover from the recession compared to leaving them to struggle and potentially economic failure/bankruptcy which would have a domino effect across the union and lead another deep worldwide recession, which would in turn lead countries to lose more money than they would have spent on bailing out Greece. Simply economics.
It was also reassuring to know that should our own economy falter help was there from fellow members.
"as we still have to be part of free market/movement and subscribe to eu laws/fees. "
I don't beleive this is true. Just because a country the size of a London council like Norway negotiated a schitt deal, it doesn't mean we have to.
This is a huge opportunity (and scary as )
It'll end up what we make of it.
comment by The Kaiser's Trainers (U5676)
posted 14 seconds ago
"as we still have to be part of free market/movement and subscribe to eu laws/fees. "
I don't beleive this is true. Just because a country the size of a London council like Norway negotiated a schitt deal, it doesn't mean we have to.
This is a huge opportunity (and scary as)
It'll end up what we make of it.
As it stands the EU have got the upper hand in negotiations. We import more EU products than we export. They've also stated there will be no special treatment in the 'divorce settlement'.
Of course they're going to insist on freedom of movement in exchange for trade agreements.
comment by HeWhoHingAbootGetHeeHaw (U19525)
posted 5 minutes ago
No don't agree but our problems resulted in the UK being a world player politically and militarily added by the EU membership, budget, bailouts, eu expansionism, nae houses, nae docs apt. Fuchkkk them seriously.
We lost the empire many years ago and being part of the leading eu members helped ensure our voice is heard around the world.
Now how do we push for sanctions on the likes of Russia, China, etc without being laughed at? Eu gave us a platform to coordinate and dish out financial sanctions. That's why Russia hated eu.
And no don't bring up NATO as they are a war mongering group who will dare not going to war with any militarily strong nation as they are fully aware of the consequences.
comment by {honestlivpool~five~times} 👽 🐎 #worldpeace (U1661)
posted 13 minutes ago
comment by HeWhoHingAbootGetHeeHaw (U19525)
posted 5 minutes ago
No don't agree but our problems resulted in the UK being a world player politically and militarily added by the EU membership, budget, bailouts, eu expansionism, nae houses, nae docs apt. Fuchkkk them seriously.
We lost the empire many years ago and being part of the leading eu members helped ensure our voice is heard around the world.
Now how do we push for sanctions on the likes of Russia, China, etc without being laughed at? Eu gave us a platform to coordinate and dish out financial sanctions. That's why Russia hated eu.
And no don't bring up NATO as they are a war mongering group who will dare not going to war with any militarily strong nation as they are fully aware of the consequences.
We seem to overestimate our standing in the world in comparison to some of the existing superpowers (Russia) and emerging superpowers (China & India). There's no way we'd be taken seriously if we implemented sanctions. Well not unless we hid behind the US whilst doing so. But that's hardly the sovereignty & independence people are crying out for is it?
comment by HeWhoHingAbootGetHeeHaw (U19525)
posted 31 minutes ago
No don't agree but our problems resulted in the UK being a world player politically and militarily added by the EU membership, budget, bailouts, eu expansionism, nae houses, nae docs apt. Fuchkkk them seriously.
---------------ha ha ha you're talking absolute nonsense skip drop the old Empire Great Brittan rubbish it's boring and completely irrelevant
{honestlivpool~five~times} 👽 🐎 #worldpeace (U1661)
Agree to a point, however, how did eu membership help France in recent atrocities? Where was the co op by Belgium in halting these terrorists?
A fellow eu member continues to antagonise the UK over Gib resulting in a USS nuke sub ordering a RN vessel to take action against the Spanish.
Europe is not United.
I don't care for cheap flights.
I care for jobs, services, tradition, identity, sovereignty, accountability.
You think Mexico, US and Canada would enter into a parallel union like the eu and lets say the US has free health care and there is room for membership from the rest of the America's.
comment by HeWhoHingAbootGetHeeHaw (U19525)
I'm proud to be British and to stand shoulder to shoulder with my brothers and sisters all over thr UK.
How brave of you - to stand by your fellow Brits in solidarity as you both sink up to your necks in quicksand.
comment by CoutinhosHappyFeet (U18971)
posted 21 seconds ago
comment by {honestlivpool~five~times} 👽 🐎 #worldpeace (U1661)
posted 13 minutes ago
comment by HeWhoHingAbootGetHeeHaw (U19525)
posted 5 minutes ago
No don't agree but our problems resulted in the UK being a world player politically and militarily added by the EU membership, budget, bailouts, eu expansionism, nae houses, nae docs apt. Fuchkkk them seriously.
We lost the empire many years ago and being part of the leading eu members helped ensure our voice is heard around the world.
Now how do we push for sanctions on the likes of Russia, China, etc without being laughed at? Eu gave us a platform to coordinate and dish out financial sanctions. That's why Russia hated eu.
And no don't bring up NATO as they are a war mongering group who will dare not going to war with any militarily strong nation as they are fully aware of the consequences.
We seem to overestimate our standing in the world in comparison to some of the existing superpowers (Russia) and emerging superpowers (China & India). There's no way we'd be taken seriously if we implemented sanctions. Well not unless we hid behind the US whilst doing so. But that's hardly the sovereignty & independence people are crying out for is it?
Exactly. Now we'll probably lose our global voice. I remember when the whole Libya thing started to escalate. It was after eu emergency meeting that we saw decisive action (rightly or wrongly). It was the UK and eu partners that took action and placed sanctions on Russia to stop the fighting in Ukraine. Many warned that financial sanctions would also affect eu countries. It was minimal and Russia had to start playing their part to stop the fighting as the sanctions hit home.
comment by {honestlivpool~five~times} 👽 🐎 #worldpeace (U1661)
posted 34 minutes ago
comment by D'Jeezus Mackaroni (U1137)
posted 4 minutes ago
comment by CoutinhosHappyFeet (U18971)
posted 8 seconds ago
comment by HeWhoHingAbootGetHeeHaw (U19525)
"While I'm bursting my arrrse of some fucukerrrr in Spain is taking a nap in the afternoon"
Yes we are. But due to the heat, we're usually up and at work by 6am and we all work until sundown. You don't.
Yes the security services in France failed in stopping the recent terrorist incidents. However I'm sure there is just as much co-operation between the security services of an EU country and a non EU country as there is between Belgium & France. Also those caught and implicated in he recent attacks in Paris were done so with the help of Belgian authorities and using European arrest warrants and no need to go through formal, and lengthy, extradition processes. European arrest warrants are something the UK may not be part of following the decision to leave by the way.
The dispute between Spain & the UK over Gibralter had been going on a long time before the EU was even formed. I don't understand the relevance.
Agree to a point, however, how did eu membership help France in recent atrocities? Where was the co op by Belgium in halting these terrorists?
Yes they did through the free sharing of security information within the EU, something else you've now voted to give up
Ironic really cause the majority of leave voters voted cause of them damn immigants
We are not weak ffs.
We trained 108 navies in 18 months.
We have arguably the best diplomatic community and connections in the world.
There is no deterrence here to world peace considering US military size.
We are all to often sat side by side with the EU and America and is not working.
Russia wouldn't be in Syria and certainly wouldnt have taken parts of Ukraine if the EU and America had respected their concerns.
We should be going it alone more often. Talking to to the Chinese and Russians.
Lies and mistruths from both sides.
Farage owning up to not knowing where the additional £350m a week that was promised to NHS will come from.......the worst lie of them all in my own personal opinion.
comment by HeWhoHingAbootGetHeeHaw (U19525)
posted 3 minutes ago
We are not weak ffs.
We trained 108 navies in 18 months.
We have arguably the best diplomatic community and connections in the world.
There is no deterrence here to world peace considering US military size.
We are all to often sat side by side with the EU and America and is not working.
Russia wouldn't be in Syria and certainly wouldnt have taken parts of Ukraine if the EU and America had respected their concerns.
the mind boggles
Heehaw -- you're talking absolute pash ! I worked gor5 years in Madrid , the day starts at 0730 through to1400 when they have a 2 hour lunch and return til 2000h !!! I attended many meetings at 2000h , your perception is completely blinkered.
comment by HeWhoHingAbootGetHeeHaw (U19525)
posted 4 minutes ago
{honestlivpool~five~times} 👽 🐎 #worldpeace (U1661)
Agree to a point, however, how did eu membership help France in recent atrocities? Where was the co op by Belgium in halting these terrorists?
A fellow eu member continues to antagonise the UK over Gib resulting in a USS nuke sub ordering a RN vessel to take action against the Spanish.
Europe is not United.
I don't care for cheap flights.
I care for jobs, services, tradition, identity, sovereignty, accountability.
You think Mexico, US and Canada would enter into a parallel union like the eu and lets say the US has free health care and there is room for membership from the rest of the America's.
You need to do more research mate. An individual was arrested in Ukraine 2 weeks ago for planning mass killing in France / Euros.
The individuals that blew up Belgium airport planned a repeat attack in France and only had to hurry due to fear of being caught due to cooperation between member states.
Few months ago multiple friendly matches were called off across member states after intelligence sharing of planned attacks.
I could go on
Member states lit up iconic buildings/structure s in support of their neighbours after tragedy hit.
Right I need to make food. I'll be back shortly fellas. Play nicely
It's no lie the eu membership has a cost
You would have thought free trade would be that price but it wasn't.
There's no lie. Surely participation without a fee is more beneficial but hay Ho. Doesn't work that way
comment by CoutinhosHappyFeet (U18971)
posted 40 minutes ago
comment by The Kaiser's Trainers (U5676)
posted 14 seconds ago
"as we still have to be part of free market/movement and subscribe to eu laws/fees. "
I don't beleive this is true. Just because a country the size of a London council like Norway negotiated a schitt deal, it doesn't mean we have to.
This is a huge opportunity (and scary as)
It'll end up what we make of it.
As it stands the EU have got the upper hand in negotiations. We import more EU products than we export. They've also stated there will be no special treatment in the 'divorce settlement'.
Of course they're going to insist on freedom of movement in exchange for trade agreements.
We import more EU products than we export.
That's not true:
comment by Don Draper's dandruff (U20155)
posted 49 seconds ago
comment by CoutinhosHappyFeet (U18971)
posted 40 minutes ago
comment by The Kaiser's Trainers (U5676)
posted 14 seconds ago
"as we still have to be part of free market/movement and subscribe to eu laws/fees. "
I don't beleive this is true. Just because a country the size of a London council like Norway negotiated a schitt deal, it doesn't mean we have to.
This is a huge opportunity (and scary as)
It'll end up what we make of it.
As it stands the EU have got the upper hand in negotiations. We import more EU products than we export. They've also stated there will be no special treatment in the 'divorce settlement'.
Of course they're going to insist on freedom of movement in exchange for trade agreements.
We import more EU products than we export.
That's not true:
I'm sure there other links that say different...
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EU Referendum and the aftermath
Page 2 of 5
posted on 25/6/16
comment by D'Jeezus Mackaroni (U1137)
posted 21 seconds ago
comment by CoutinhosHappyFeet (U18971)
posted 8 seconds ago
comment by HeWhoHingAbootGetHeeHaw (U19525)
posted 6 minutes ago
Fffffs the UK and Germany, Italy are triillion+ economies. While I'm bursting my arrrse of some fucukerrrr in Spain is taking a nap in the afternoon while in Athens some cant is building another pool he can't afford. The UK was 2nd biggest contributer to eu coffers.
The reasons to leave are fechhkkng endless.
The problems in Spain & Greece didn't come about because they were EU members.
Don't think he is saying it is. His problem is who is paying to help Spain and Greece continue.
How can we, as a country, on one hand bail out the banks that caused the economic crash. But on the other not assist the countries most affected by it?
posted on 25/6/16
No don't agree but our problems resulted in the UK being a world player politically and militarily added by the EU membership, budget, bailouts, eu expansionism, nae houses, nae docs apt. Fuchkkk them seriously.
posted on 25/6/16
comment by D'Jeezus Mackaroni (U1137)
posted 4 minutes ago
comment by CoutinhosHappyFeet (U18971)
posted 8 seconds ago
comment by HeWhoHingAbootGetHeeHaw (U19525)
posted 6 minutes ago
Fffffs the UK and Germany, Italy are triillion+ economies. While I'm bursting my arrrse of some fucukerrrr in Spain is taking a nap in the afternoon while in Athens some cant is building another pool he can't afford. The UK was 2nd biggest contributer to eu coffers.
The reasons to leave are fechhkkng endless.
The problems in Spain & Greece didn't come about because they were EU members.
Don't think he is saying it is. His problem is who is paying to help Spain and Greece continue.
That's because it is seen as more beneficial to help members of the union recover from the recession compared to leaving them to struggle and potentially economic failure/bankruptcy which would have a domino effect across the union and lead another deep worldwide recession, which would in turn lead countries to lose more money than they would have spent on bailing out Greece. Simply economics.
posted on 25/6/16
comment by {honestlivpool~five~times} 👽 🐎 #worldpeace (U1661)
posted 3 minutes ago
comment by D'Jeezus Mackaroni (U1137)
posted 4 minutes ago
comment by CoutinhosHappyFeet (U18971)
posted 8 seconds ago
comment by HeWhoHingAbootGetHeeHaw (U19525)
posted 6 minutes ago
Fffffs the UK and Germany, Italy are triillion+ economies. While I'm bursting my arrrse of some fucukerrrr in Spain is taking a nap in the afternoon while in Athens some cant is building another pool he can't afford. The UK was 2nd biggest contributer to eu coffers.
The reasons to leave are fechhkkng endless.
The problems in Spain & Greece didn't come about because they were EU members.
Don't think he is saying it is. His problem is who is paying to help Spain and Greece continue.
That's because it is seen as more beneficial to help members of the union recover from the recession compared to leaving them to struggle and potentially economic failure/bankruptcy which would have a domino effect across the union and lead another deep worldwide recession, which would in turn lead countries to lose more money than they would have spent on bailing out Greece. Simply economics.
It was also reassuring to know that should our own economy falter help was there from fellow members.
posted on 25/6/16
"as we still have to be part of free market/movement and subscribe to eu laws/fees. "
I don't beleive this is true. Just because a country the size of a London council like Norway negotiated a schitt deal, it doesn't mean we have to.
This is a huge opportunity (and scary as )
It'll end up what we make of it.
posted on 25/6/16
comment by The Kaiser's Trainers (U5676)
posted 14 seconds ago
"as we still have to be part of free market/movement and subscribe to eu laws/fees. "
I don't beleive this is true. Just because a country the size of a London council like Norway negotiated a schitt deal, it doesn't mean we have to.
This is a huge opportunity (and scary as)
It'll end up what we make of it.
As it stands the EU have got the upper hand in negotiations. We import more EU products than we export. They've also stated there will be no special treatment in the 'divorce settlement'.
Of course they're going to insist on freedom of movement in exchange for trade agreements.
posted on 25/6/16
comment by HeWhoHingAbootGetHeeHaw (U19525)
posted 5 minutes ago
No don't agree but our problems resulted in the UK being a world player politically and militarily added by the EU membership, budget, bailouts, eu expansionism, nae houses, nae docs apt. Fuchkkk them seriously.
We lost the empire many years ago and being part of the leading eu members helped ensure our voice is heard around the world.
Now how do we push for sanctions on the likes of Russia, China, etc without being laughed at? Eu gave us a platform to coordinate and dish out financial sanctions. That's why Russia hated eu.
And no don't bring up NATO as they are a war mongering group who will dare not going to war with any militarily strong nation as they are fully aware of the consequences.
posted on 25/6/16
comment by {honestlivpool~five~times} 👽 🐎 #worldpeace (U1661)
posted 13 minutes ago
comment by HeWhoHingAbootGetHeeHaw (U19525)
posted 5 minutes ago
No don't agree but our problems resulted in the UK being a world player politically and militarily added by the EU membership, budget, bailouts, eu expansionism, nae houses, nae docs apt. Fuchkkk them seriously.
We lost the empire many years ago and being part of the leading eu members helped ensure our voice is heard around the world.
Now how do we push for sanctions on the likes of Russia, China, etc without being laughed at? Eu gave us a platform to coordinate and dish out financial sanctions. That's why Russia hated eu.
And no don't bring up NATO as they are a war mongering group who will dare not going to war with any militarily strong nation as they are fully aware of the consequences.
We seem to overestimate our standing in the world in comparison to some of the existing superpowers (Russia) and emerging superpowers (China & India). There's no way we'd be taken seriously if we implemented sanctions. Well not unless we hid behind the US whilst doing so. But that's hardly the sovereignty & independence people are crying out for is it?
posted on 25/6/16
comment by HeWhoHingAbootGetHeeHaw (U19525)
posted 31 minutes ago
No don't agree but our problems resulted in the UK being a world player politically and militarily added by the EU membership, budget, bailouts, eu expansionism, nae houses, nae docs apt. Fuchkkk them seriously.
---------------ha ha ha you're talking absolute nonsense skip drop the old Empire Great Brittan rubbish it's boring and completely irrelevant
posted on 25/6/16
{honestlivpool~five~times} 👽 🐎 #worldpeace (U1661)
Agree to a point, however, how did eu membership help France in recent atrocities? Where was the co op by Belgium in halting these terrorists?
A fellow eu member continues to antagonise the UK over Gib resulting in a USS nuke sub ordering a RN vessel to take action against the Spanish.
Europe is not United.
I don't care for cheap flights.
I care for jobs, services, tradition, identity, sovereignty, accountability.
You think Mexico, US and Canada would enter into a parallel union like the eu and lets say the US has free health care and there is room for membership from the rest of the America's.
posted on 25/6/16
comment by HeWhoHingAbootGetHeeHaw (U19525)
I'm proud to be British and to stand shoulder to shoulder with my brothers and sisters all over thr UK.
How brave of you - to stand by your fellow Brits in solidarity as you both sink up to your necks in quicksand.
posted on 25/6/16
comment by CoutinhosHappyFeet (U18971)
posted 21 seconds ago
comment by {honestlivpool~five~times} 👽 🐎 #worldpeace (U1661)
posted 13 minutes ago
comment by HeWhoHingAbootGetHeeHaw (U19525)
posted 5 minutes ago
No don't agree but our problems resulted in the UK being a world player politically and militarily added by the EU membership, budget, bailouts, eu expansionism, nae houses, nae docs apt. Fuchkkk them seriously.
We lost the empire many years ago and being part of the leading eu members helped ensure our voice is heard around the world.
Now how do we push for sanctions on the likes of Russia, China, etc without being laughed at? Eu gave us a platform to coordinate and dish out financial sanctions. That's why Russia hated eu.
And no don't bring up NATO as they are a war mongering group who will dare not going to war with any militarily strong nation as they are fully aware of the consequences.
We seem to overestimate our standing in the world in comparison to some of the existing superpowers (Russia) and emerging superpowers (China & India). There's no way we'd be taken seriously if we implemented sanctions. Well not unless we hid behind the US whilst doing so. But that's hardly the sovereignty & independence people are crying out for is it?
Exactly. Now we'll probably lose our global voice. I remember when the whole Libya thing started to escalate. It was after eu emergency meeting that we saw decisive action (rightly or wrongly). It was the UK and eu partners that took action and placed sanctions on Russia to stop the fighting in Ukraine. Many warned that financial sanctions would also affect eu countries. It was minimal and Russia had to start playing their part to stop the fighting as the sanctions hit home.
posted on 25/6/16
comment by {honestlivpool~five~times} 👽 🐎 #worldpeace (U1661)
posted 34 minutes ago
comment by D'Jeezus Mackaroni (U1137)
posted 4 minutes ago
comment by CoutinhosHappyFeet (U18971)
posted 8 seconds ago
comment by HeWhoHingAbootGetHeeHaw (U19525)
"While I'm bursting my arrrse of some fucukerrrr in Spain is taking a nap in the afternoon"
Yes we are. But due to the heat, we're usually up and at work by 6am and we all work until sundown. You don't.
posted on 25/6/16
Yes the security services in France failed in stopping the recent terrorist incidents. However I'm sure there is just as much co-operation between the security services of an EU country and a non EU country as there is between Belgium & France. Also those caught and implicated in he recent attacks in Paris were done so with the help of Belgian authorities and using European arrest warrants and no need to go through formal, and lengthy, extradition processes. European arrest warrants are something the UK may not be part of following the decision to leave by the way.
The dispute between Spain & the UK over Gibralter had been going on a long time before the EU was even formed. I don't understand the relevance.
posted on 25/6/16
Agree to a point, however, how did eu membership help France in recent atrocities? Where was the co op by Belgium in halting these terrorists?
Yes they did through the free sharing of security information within the EU, something else you've now voted to give up
Ironic really cause the majority of leave voters voted cause of them damn immigants
posted on 25/6/16
We are not weak ffs.
We trained 108 navies in 18 months.
We have arguably the best diplomatic community and connections in the world.
There is no deterrence here to world peace considering US military size.
We are all to often sat side by side with the EU and America and is not working.
Russia wouldn't be in Syria and certainly wouldnt have taken parts of Ukraine if the EU and America had respected their concerns.
posted on 25/6/16
We should be going it alone more often. Talking to to the Chinese and Russians.
posted on 25/6/16
Lies and mistruths from both sides.
Farage owning up to not knowing where the additional £350m a week that was promised to NHS will come from.......the worst lie of them all in my own personal opinion.
posted on 25/6/16
comment by HeWhoHingAbootGetHeeHaw (U19525)
posted 3 minutes ago
We are not weak ffs.
We trained 108 navies in 18 months.
We have arguably the best diplomatic community and connections in the world.
There is no deterrence here to world peace considering US military size.
We are all to often sat side by side with the EU and America and is not working.
Russia wouldn't be in Syria and certainly wouldnt have taken parts of Ukraine if the EU and America had respected their concerns.
the mind boggles
posted on 25/6/16
Heehaw -- you're talking absolute pash ! I worked gor5 years in Madrid , the day starts at 0730 through to1400 when they have a 2 hour lunch and return til 2000h !!! I attended many meetings at 2000h , your perception is completely blinkered.
posted on 25/6/16
comment by HeWhoHingAbootGetHeeHaw (U19525)
posted 4 minutes ago
{honestlivpool~five~times} 👽 🐎 #worldpeace (U1661)
Agree to a point, however, how did eu membership help France in recent atrocities? Where was the co op by Belgium in halting these terrorists?
A fellow eu member continues to antagonise the UK over Gib resulting in a USS nuke sub ordering a RN vessel to take action against the Spanish.
Europe is not United.
I don't care for cheap flights.
I care for jobs, services, tradition, identity, sovereignty, accountability.
You think Mexico, US and Canada would enter into a parallel union like the eu and lets say the US has free health care and there is room for membership from the rest of the America's.
You need to do more research mate. An individual was arrested in Ukraine 2 weeks ago for planning mass killing in France / Euros.
The individuals that blew up Belgium airport planned a repeat attack in France and only had to hurry due to fear of being caught due to cooperation between member states.
Few months ago multiple friendly matches were called off across member states after intelligence sharing of planned attacks.
I could go on
Member states lit up iconic buildings/structure s in support of their neighbours after tragedy hit.
posted on 25/6/16
Right I need to make food. I'll be back shortly fellas. Play nicely
posted on 25/6/16
It's no lie the eu membership has a cost
You would have thought free trade would be that price but it wasn't.
There's no lie. Surely participation without a fee is more beneficial but hay Ho. Doesn't work that way
posted on 25/6/16
comment by CoutinhosHappyFeet (U18971)
posted 40 minutes ago
comment by The Kaiser's Trainers (U5676)
posted 14 seconds ago
"as we still have to be part of free market/movement and subscribe to eu laws/fees. "
I don't beleive this is true. Just because a country the size of a London council like Norway negotiated a schitt deal, it doesn't mean we have to.
This is a huge opportunity (and scary as)
It'll end up what we make of it.
As it stands the EU have got the upper hand in negotiations. We import more EU products than we export. They've also stated there will be no special treatment in the 'divorce settlement'.
Of course they're going to insist on freedom of movement in exchange for trade agreements.
We import more EU products than we export.
That's not true:
posted on 25/6/16
comment by Don Draper's dandruff (U20155)
posted 49 seconds ago
comment by CoutinhosHappyFeet (U18971)
posted 40 minutes ago
comment by The Kaiser's Trainers (U5676)
posted 14 seconds ago
"as we still have to be part of free market/movement and subscribe to eu laws/fees. "
I don't beleive this is true. Just because a country the size of a London council like Norway negotiated a schitt deal, it doesn't mean we have to.
This is a huge opportunity (and scary as)
It'll end up what we make of it.
As it stands the EU have got the upper hand in negotiations. We import more EU products than we export. They've also stated there will be no special treatment in the 'divorce settlement'.
Of course they're going to insist on freedom of movement in exchange for trade agreements.
We import more EU products than we export.
That's not true:
I'm sure there other links that say different...
Page 2 of 5