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Sandro; another Modric?

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posted on 9/9/11

it was someone from within Chelsea who revealed the details of Modric's wages offer from you..................

And no matter what you say it was someone from your club

Do you see what I did there?

posted on 9/9/11

CPofL........................................If you are going to insult, at least have the decency to spell correctly.......................and its obvious you are the defeated one, otherwise you would put forward a more cohesive answer than any of your previous ones.

posted on 9/9/11

So you can't actually quote my comment to askdanny...........................................shame that!

posted on 9/9/11


In my case the classless references are towards the Club, its owner and to a number of its followers that, by maintaining their childish and immature behaviour on this thread, continue to demonstrate that they too have no class.

posted on 9/9/11

It's not just those that support Spurs that refer to you as ch4vs - it's everyone that thinks of you as classless that does so.
That is as maybe, and we care not a jot what fans of inferior clubs think, we will however defend ourselves, it is our right.

Think of it thus, in the modern game (Premier league) Manchester United have reigned supreme and can look down on all beneath them in terms of success, they have bragging rights over all, If a United fan calls us losers we have to wipe our mouth's and swallow th dig, if Liverpool fan comes on and calls us losers after last season we can and will retaliate with the "You've never won the premiership" line, if one of your lot comes on and does it, we can dig even further, you have'nt won the top flight league since colour tv was invented, so we laugh a little louder.

If you come on here and refer to us as being classless just because Roman Abramovich chose us over you, it smacks of jealousy, and we will laud it over you.

If you come on here and call us C;Hav;vs, when the part of London you frequent is normally on fire, we will laugh in your collective faces, simples

posted on 9/9/11

You're going to need a bigger brain to try to trade with me

I always find that people who try and validate their arguments with the use of things like that, are really insecure individuals and their only respite is to become provocative and insulting on an anonymous basis!!

posted on 9/9/11

So you can't actually quote my comment to askdanny......................................

Oh dear, http://www.ja606.co.uk/articles/viewArticle/24946

Shame that face

posted on 9/9/11

CPofL........................................If you are going to insult, at least have the decency to spell correctly.......................

OK Mr Hypocrite.

posted on 9/9/11

I couldn't care less what any Tottenham fan calls us.

I can honestly say Tottenham is the most horrible area I have been in by a country mile (and I live in Witton/Morden), full of hoodrats, ch4vs and just idiots in general, only epitomised by the huge number that took pleasure in destroying peoples homes and businesses for the sake of some Air Max trainers that were most probably on a 25% off sale anyway.

I think it says a lot that Spurs were the only club that had their ticket office smashed up etc during the riots, just goes to show what your club means to the local community

posted on 9/9/11


"Having a rich sugar daddy doesn't give you class, neither does it give you style, sense or substance"

Nobody intimated that it does, it's just the jealousy of others that is ridiculous.

Greavesie, tapping up, really, come on mate, your manager wrote the book and subsequent follow ups on the subject, and as he himself said, anyone who thinks it doesn't go on and has always gone on in kidding themselves

posted on 9/9/11

just goes to show what your club means to the local community

to be fair Bubbles the owners wants to leave the area so the only surprise is that they didn't burn the place to the ground.

posted on 9/9/11

CPofL...................................Thanks for the link, must have taken you ages to find it. Nice to see you ignore all the insults hurled at me, I chose to close with a more measured insult, in my opinion.

My posting a minute for instance!

posted on 9/9/11


And I always find that people that deliberately leave out a vital fact to try to win an argument, and try to blame wikipedia should have tried to be more impartial in the first place. I hope you're more impartial than trying to deliberately ignore things that are there, when you are refereeing.

I feel quite secure in this situation in dealing with you lot at the moment!

posted on 9/9/11

You "Were responding to the crass generalisation made by myself" but chose to totally ignore one of your fans generalising about all Chelsea fans from wherever they are having "No class".
You are correct. I am ignoring a fellow fans comments.
Because, once again, and with feeling:


And as for your final comment. Grow up.

posted on 9/9/11

Nice to see you ignore all the insults hurled at me

That wasn't the point the point was you hurling insults at others and then being a big fat hypocrite about it to others.

posted on 9/9/11

"I can honestly say Tottenham is the most horrible area I have been in by a country mile (and I live in Witton/Morden), "

Do you know the Earl Beaty pub

posted on 9/9/11

Bubbles/CPofL.........................................Funnily enough 3 people who live the Royal Borough of Kengsington were arrested and charged in the riots in Tottenham High Road....................................the rioters were not just from Tottenham, but it is widely known that this is an extremely run down area.

posted on 9/9/11


Well thankfully for Spurs no further damage was done but hell would freeze over before something like that happened at Chelsea, because our fans are far less apathetic. Chelsea fans would be out of the pubs along Kings Road and coming up from South London etc in their hundreds to defend SB like Millwall and Charlton fans did with their areas.

Plus Chelsea have far more local fans than Spurs anywway. I'm willing to bet more people support Arsenal and United in Tottenham than their local team

posted on 9/9/11

Chelsea..........................And I always find that people that deliberately leave out a vital fact to try to win an argument, and try to blame wikipedia should have tried to be more impartial in the first place. I hope you're more impartial than trying to deliberately ignore things that are there, when you are refereeing.

The key in one of my posts was I am an EX Referee..............

Which fact, if I make an error I always hold my hand up................................please enlighten me!

Sandsend, we know HR is a wheeler dealer & yes it goes on in football, however the number of your fans who swear blue the you don't do it is unbelievable.

CPofL............No I am not a hypocrite, I only respond like for like, if you insult then I am more than likely going to hit back. Its not something I like doing because I see it as a form of verbal bullying................does that make sense?

posted on 9/9/11

Enjoyed the banter guys...............................off to deliver some apples. Catch you later maybe!!

posted on 9/9/11

Blanchflowers Boots

Your choosing to ignore it but I am not because whether you like it or not it is relevant, despite your comedy argument that it is not.

You are actually a shameless hypocrite, and that is also said with feeling!

What you think about anything, is absolutely irrelevant to me because it is one-eyed bias.

posted on 9/9/11


Apologies for not recognising that you had retired.
I also put my hand up when I am wrong.

posted on 9/9/11

...........................I also think that descending into pitiful insults is not the way to go about things...........................................


And yet you did to askdanny but claim that you're not a hypocrite..yes,ok then

posted on 9/9/11


Enjoyed the banter guys...............................off to deliver some apples.

And I'm off to consume some in the liquid form.

Hasta la vista


posted on 9/9/11

What you think about anything, is absolutely irrelevant to me because it is one-eyed bias.
Ouch that told me. Im really wound up now!

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