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Sandro; another Modric?

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posted on 8/9/11

Cheers Mafia that is interesting to know

posted on 8/9/11

I meant club football

posted on 8/9/11

Liverpool were originally called Everton FC

Liverpool were created to fill the stadium Everton left.They were created for the stadium. SIMPLE,a bit like yourself.

posted on 8/9/11

geniusgreaves, I like your tribute to Chelsea by naming yourself after one of the most famous players Chelsea produced!

posted on 8/9/11


Don't be silly, we have no history remember?

posted on 8/9/11

comment by CPofL. (U9740)
posted 20 seconds ago
Liverpool were originally called Everton FC

Liverpool were created to fill the stadium Everton left.They were created for the stadium. SIMPLE,a bit like yourself.

The original name of Liverpool F.C. was to be Everton F.C. and Athletic Grounds, Ltd., or Everton Athletic for short, adopting blue. The name was registered on 15 March 1892 while Everton was still occupying and playing at Anfield in a attempt by Houdling to hijack the club. Houlding wanted to take over Everton's fixtures and position in the Football League. However the club name was changed to Liverpool F.C., after protests from Liverpool R.F.C., when the Football Council refused to recognise the team as Everton. The company changed the name from Everton F.C. and Athletic Grounds Ltd to Liverpool F.C. and Athletic Grounds Ltd in June 1892.

posted on 8/9/11


posted on 8/9/11

According to the records the all time average attendances for the Top flight are (only Top 6)

Man U 81,296,563 Ave Gate 37,900
Liverpool 72,434,577 Ave Gate 34,023
Spurs 62,964,133 Ave Gate 33,509
Arsenal 70,164,451 Ave Gate 32,957
Chelsea 61,344,397 Ave Gate 31,621
Newcastle 67,513,290 Ave Gate 31,475

posted on 8/9/11

They may have changed their name but they did not exist until he founded them to fill the stadium he owned.He tried to give them the same name yes but they weren't in existence until he founded them to fill his empty stadium.

God,it's like teaching kindergarten.

comment by Obers (U3904)

posted on 8/9/11

To the OP:
Why Sandro? why not say any player who is under contract? for example Torres, if Chelsea didnt win the Prem, or the Champions League, would he be happy with this, and could this cause problems for Chelsea?

Is it the length of his contract that is the issue, if so how would signing him for 3 years make any difference, except for making his re-sale value less?


I'm suggesting Sandro, as he is a future star and will need Champions League in the future.

To be honest, I can't see Tottenham getting CL for quite some time...

posted on 8/9/11

Brummie..............................Greaves was great wherever he went!!

posted on 8/9/11


posted on 8/9/11

Bubba..................................You didn't say club football though did you?????

posted on 8/9/11

Despite of Spurs were playing in the top division between 1984-1994, the average attendance was well below 30,000. Only once they recorded 30,000+. STAT

posted on 8/9/11

So we can confirm that before being called Liverpool they were called Everton

Now - let's see your defence for the Arseanl (sic) claim

posted on 8/9/11

The football league's best supported clubs (in terms of seasons)

Man Utd 36
Everton 13;
Arsenal 12;
Newcastle/Chelsea 10;
Aston Villa/Liverpool 7

posted on 8/9/11


posted on 8/9/11

Bubbs! Who needs RRP? Eh, EH?

posted on 8/9/11

Sorry Bubba, you did say Club!!

So Man United don't hold that unofficial record too?? Who won the game by the way?

posted on 8/9/11


Unlike Spurs, none of the above mentioned clubs plagiarized their current name.

posted on 8/9/11

Tell us more

posted on 8/9/11


comment by oddiY.. (U1585)

posted on 8/9/11

I'm suggesting Sandro, as he is a future star and will need Champions League in the future.

To be honest, I can't see Tottenham getting CL for quite some time...

I dont understand how any club could avoid the potential problem, what exactly is your point? and how is it unique to Sandro? We could easily say the same about Lukaku as He is a future star - if Chelsea dont win the CL he could be a cause for potential problems?

To be honest, I can't see Chelsea winning the CL for quite some time...

posted on 8/9/11

They didn't plagiarize the term Hotspur they used it.

: to steal and pass off (the ideas or words of another) as one's own : use (another's production) without crediting the source
intransitive verb
: to commit literary theft : present as new and original an idea or product derived from an existing source

As the name Hotspur already existed all Tottenham Hotspur did was adopt the name Hotspur as had the other club using the name Hotspur.

A little like more than one club including United or Rovers, or County in their name.

Clear now?

comment by Obers (U3904)

posted on 8/9/11

My point is that the Modric saga did no one any good. Unsettled some of your players and angered the fans.

My question is do you want a possibility of that happening again with Sandro?

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