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These 6848 comments are related to an article called:

Anything Goes Politics Edition

Page 78 of 274

posted on 7/2/17

comment by Galvs...Friend of Reason (U10415)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by Kung Fu Cantona *JeSuisPalestinian* (U18082)
posted 20 seconds ago
comment by Galvs...Friend of Reason (U10415)
posted 22 minutes ago
The Canon of Medicine remained a medical authority for centuries. It set the standards for medicine in Medieval Europe and the Islamic world and was used as a standard medical textbook through the 18th century in Europe.[3][4] It is still used in Unani medicine, a form of traditional medicine practiced in India

It's principles are still practised but scattered amongst other text books.

Don't copy and paste from Wikipedia.
Why not? You get your facts from stuff written by others...one rule for you is it?

I was merely backing your point that it existed....

So does Homeopathy and astrology tho so....

I get my facts, written by others sure.

I have also met some of these people and have read enough of their stuff to determine if they are reasonable and of good character. Some of the facts I have also researched my entire life.

You don't have a clue who you copy and pasted. For all you know Donald Trump could have edited that page. Look down at the bottom of the page at the sources next time.

Regardless the principles in that book still guide people in medicine.

posted on 7/2/17

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comment by Kobra (U19849)

posted on 7/2/17

comment by Galvs...Friend of Reason (U10415)
posted less than a minute ago
Just asking a Muslim is all if you'd care to answer?

Providing you even think that in the first place.....you may not at all.....


posted on 7/2/17

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posted on 7/2/17

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posted on 7/2/17

comment by Galvs...Friend of Reason (U10415)
posted 3 minutes ago
comment by Zlatanariyan (U19849)
posted about a minute ago
OK I seemed to have missed the whole sexual repression thing.
It goes like this

You think Western women are sluuuts in the way they dress


a) This is what you were told

b) You secretly want them

c) You don't want YOUR women seeing other women having freedom....it might give them ideas


Who thinks western women are sl*ts?

comment by Kobra (U19849)

posted on 7/2/17

comment by Galvs...Friend of Reason (U10415)
posted less than a minute ago
comment by Zlatanariyan (U19849)
posted less than a minute ago
comment by Galvs...Friend of Reason (U10415)
posted less than a minute ago
Just asking a Muslim is all if you'd care to answer?

Providing you even think that in the first place.....you may not at all.....

OK don't worry.....no need to answer

Were you being serious?

I am married to a western woman and there is no secret I wanted her

posted on 7/2/17

comment by Galvs...Friend of Reason (U10415)
posted 27 seconds ago
comment by Kung Fu Cantona *JeSuisPalestinian* (U18082)
posted less than a minute ago
comment by Galvs...Friend of Reason (U10415)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by Kung Fu Cantona *JeSuisPalestinian* (U18082)
posted 20 seconds ago
comment by Galvs...Friend of Reason (U10415)
posted 22 minutes ago
The Canon of Medicine remained a medical authority for centuries. It set the standards for medicine in Medieval Europe and the Islamic world and was used as a standard medical textbook through the 18th century in Europe.[3][4] It is still used in Unani medicine, a form of traditional medicine practiced in India

It's principles are still practised but scattered amongst other text books.

Don't copy and paste from Wikipedia.
Why not? You get your facts from stuff written by others...one rule for you is it?

I was merely backing your point that it existed....

So does Homeopathy and astrology tho so....

I get my facts, written by others sure.

I have also met some of these people and have read enough of their stuff to determine if they are reasonable and of good character. Some of the facts I have also researched my entire life.

You don't have a clue who you copy and pasted. For all you know Donald Trump could have edited that page. Look down at the bottom of the page at the sources next time.

Regardless the principles in that book still guide people in medicine.

As with homeopathy as I said.....

Which sources would you like me to link in future?
If you give me a list of those you trust I'll use them to suit your view

My point is you don't who your source was... when you copy and pasted that paragraph did you know where it was sourced from?

comment by Kobra (U19849)

posted on 7/2/17

comment by Kung Fu Cantona *JeSuisPalestinian* (U18082)

My point is you don't who your source was... when you copy and pasted that paragraph did you know where it was sourced from?

I want to apologise in advance to ioag for what he said earlier abiut how we treat atheists BUT what you are saying here is my experience with 99.999% of atheists

Its simply cut and paste arguments etc from figures like Dawkins, hitchens, gervais

Even the questions asked about Islam are 99.9999% from Sam Shamoun

posted on 7/2/17

posted on 7/2/17

Someone want to provide a TL;DR version for me? I missed out on about a hundred comments or so.

posted on 7/2/17

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posted on 7/2/17

comment by Zlatanariyan (U19849)
posted 5 minutes ago
comment by Kung Fu Cantona *JeSuisPalestinian* (U18082)

My point is you don't who your source was... when you copy and pasted that paragraph did you know where it was sourced from?

I want to apologise in advance to ioag for what he said earlier abiut how we treat atheists BUT what you are saying here is my experience with 99.999% of atheists

Its simply cut and paste arguments etc from figures like Dawkins, hitchens, gervais

Even the questions asked about Islam are 99.9999% from Sam Shamoun

I just don't get some of the garbage put on here sometimes.

Although I won't pigeon hole athiests I have come across far to many who use the same old arguments.

You believe in sky fairys, you believe in a bloke with a beard in the sky, why do you believe in old books... Some of the stupidest schittiest arguments I've ever heard. It's refreshing when people like itsonlyagame and shinjury come a long and actually try and read some material before making a judgment.

posted on 7/2/17

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posted on 7/2/17

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posted on 7/2/17

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posted on 7/2/17

comment by Brightdave: (U11711)
posted 47 seconds ago
comment by Kung Fu Cantona *JeSuisPalestinian* (U18082)
posted 40 minutes ago
comment by Galvs...Friend of Reason (U10415)
posted 3 minutes ago
comment by Zlatanariyan (U19849)
posted about a minute ago
OK I seemed to have missed the whole sexual repression thing.
It goes like this

You think Western women are sluuuts in the way they dress


a) This is what you were told

b) You secretly want them

c) You don't want YOUR women seeing other women having freedom....it might give them ideas


Who thinks western women are sl*ts?
This guy:



I thought he was talking about people on this thread not random guys.

posted on 7/2/17

comment by Galvs...Friend of Reason (U10415)
posted 8 seconds ago
Lots of people say/think that....it's no secret....
I just want to get to the bottom of why they do.

I don't, maybe they are just cu*ts?

posted on 7/2/17

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posted on 7/2/17

I don't know*

posted on 7/2/17

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posted on 7/2/17

comment by Galvs...Friend of Reason (U10415)
posted 2 seconds ago
Not really 'random guys'...more so religious people.

If a religion preaches that you judge people like that then you are spot on but the religion of of course HAS to preach that.

Otherwise that person saying those things is just a cu*t.

That's how distinguish cu*ts from religious folk, you analyse how they practise and set it against what the religious practises are supposed to be.

It's also a good way of identifying who is taking advantage of religion and manipulating it for power 👍🏼

posted on 7/2/17

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posted on 7/2/17

comment by Galvs...Friend of Reason (U10415)
posted 1 minute ago
Ok...we can agree they are cu*tsentitled to their opinion of course.
I need to speak to someone who DOES feel that way then....

I do feel its more to do with keeping women lower than men tho.....which is a running theme in most of these books.

That last line... I don't know how to respond to that.

If you are talking about other religions then I don't know enough about them to argue there case.

IF you are including Islam/Quran in that last line then I can successfully argue that it isn't a running theme in that book.

posted on 7/2/17

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