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These 6848 comments are related to an article called:

Anything Goes Politics Edition

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posted on 7/2/17

Galv and Brightdave

A unique aspect of Islam is that we have the Hadith which are catalogued narrations about the Prophets life and how he practised the revelations.

He is the authority we use to understand the Quran.

Muslims are also supposed to have a Caliph to preside over us. A Caliph being the successor to the Prophet who holds religious authority.

We don't have a Caliph and our government has said trying to united all the majority Muslim countries into a Caliphate is extremist.

So now all we have left is thousands of scholars with different agendas and Muslim leaders installed by western governments who don't care about religion at all.... but that's a different story.

posted on 7/2/17

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posted on 7/2/17

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posted on 7/2/17

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posted on 7/2/17

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posted on 7/2/17

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posted on 7/2/17

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posted on 7/2/17

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posted on 7/2/17

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comment by Kobra (U19849)

posted on 7/2/17

comment by Brightdave: (U11711)
posted 1 hour, 45 minutes ago
Was just about to make a similar point Galv.

From my perspective, if so many leaders of the faith have bad interpretations or are unqualified, is it any wonder that Islam is so often poorly represented in both the west and Far East?

dave and galv

The issue here isnt as simple something being poorly represented because of ''leaders''

firstly how are they leaders? Islamically the leaders would be ahl ul hali wal aqd and have a criteria

secondly do you not think its suits the lieks of tony blair with dr naseem to throw money at the MCB and make them the ''representatives'' of Islam?

Here is a thought for you. Remember Abu Qatada that guy who was deported? he was seen as dangerous and terrorist friendly. Apart from being free now he is very anti ISIS yet you wouldn't think so in UK

comment by Kobra (U19849)

posted on 7/2/17

comment by Cal Neva (U11544)
posted 26 minutes ago
comment by Zachsda(until March) (U1850)
posted 47 minutes ago
comment by Cal Neva (U11544)
posted 25 minutes ago
7.5 billion on the planet and you won't find one that God talks to. Why because we know it doesn't happen yet people are prepared to believe it happened over a thousand years ago. The whole notion is a sham. Sorry on my way out for an hour so don't think I am ignoring your replies as I have been busy today.

Apparently he talks to the occasional serial killer to encourage their acts.
Seems odd to me that should i say i killed someone because god told me i am deemed insane yet i swear on his biography to tell the truth.
The revealed religions are a pile of absolute guff
Of course unlike the dark ages they could put these people in a lab and test if there is any communication from God. But although the defenders will say God communicates 'invisibly' you and I know that is just made up rubbish and there is zero communication. Yet it happened over a thousand years ago apparently

The problem with you guys is that you dont apply the principles you apply to religion to your own beliefs

What I mean here is that you question incessantly every bit of religion, never taking it as whole entity.

I never met or saw Muhammad and I accept that he existed and God spoke to him. To you this is worthy of mocking etc

Yet as ''scientists'' or atheists or evolutionists you take a whole entity and happily cant explain many things

Here is a thought you know dinosaurs existed but you accept they were grey and roared but there is no evidence to suggest that they werent sky blue with pink dots and quacked

similarly you accept they reproduced yet have no idea if they even had genitals. This is based on previous information you carry ie to reproduce you need genitals

Yet if i was to say that based on what i know there has to be a creator, for some reason that isnt acceptable

posted on 7/2/17

wow, this will be fun

posted on 7/2/17

wrong thread

posted on 7/2/17

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comment by Kobra (U19849)

posted on 7/2/17

comment by Cal Neva (U11544)
posted 5 minutes ago
The problem with you guys is that you dont apply the principles you apply to religion to your own beliefs

What I mean here is that you question incessantly every bit of religion, never taking it as whole entity.

The fundamental thing about the main faiths is their belief in God and the belief that God has communicated with man. Yet there is no evidence at all that this is possible can you see why I have a problem with it?

No I personally dont tbh. The key is what I said in the whole post not part of it

The complete package helps me to accept the things I dont fully understand

This is no different to anyone with any belief structure

posted on 7/2/17

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posted on 7/2/17

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posted on 7/2/17

Word is Trump has got in....& we're leaving Europe

There will be carnage

posted on 7/2/17

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posted on 7/2/17

comment by Just Shoot (U10408)
posted about a minute ago
Zlatan, I don't think scientists have said what dinosaurs looked like or sounded like, they admit bar the bone structure the rest is just guess work.

Regarding faith and the Quran, how tested do you think you will be on the return of Jesus? What kind of proof would you expect or need?
City have just signed him.....looks decent...taken Aguero's place I hear

comment by Kobra (U19849)

posted on 7/2/17

comment by Galvs...Friend of Reason (U10415)
posted 4 minutes ago
comment by Zlatanariyan (U19849)
posted 31 minutes ago
comment by Cal Neva (U11544)
posted 26 minutes ago
comment by Zachsda(until March) (U1850)
posted 47 minutes ago
comment by Cal Neva (U11544)
posted 25 minutes ago
7.5 billion on the planet and you won't find one that God talks to. Why because we know it doesn't happen yet people are prepared to believe it happened over a thousand years ago. The whole notion is a sham. Sorry on my way out for an hour so don't think I am ignoring your replies as I have been busy today.

Apparently he talks to the occasional serial killer to encourage their acts.
Seems odd to me that should i say i killed someone because god told me i am deemed insane yet i swear on his biography to tell the truth.
The revealed religions are a pile of absolute guff
Of course unlike the dark ages they could put these people in a lab and test if there is any communication from God. But although the defenders will say God communicates 'invisibly' you and I know that is just made up rubbish and there is zero communication. Yet it happened over a thousand years ago apparently

The problem with you guys is that you dont apply the principles you apply to religion to your own beliefs

What I mean here is that you question incessantly every bit of religion, never taking it as whole entity.

I never met or saw Muhammad and I accept that he existed and God spoke to him. To you this is worthy of mocking etc

Yet as ''scientists'' or atheists or evolutionists you take a whole entity and happily cant explain many things

Here is a thought you know dinosaurs existed but you accept they were grey and roared but there is no evidence to suggest that they werent sky blue with pink dots and quacked

similarly you accept they reproduced yet have no idea if they even had genitals. This is based on previous information you carry ie to reproduce you need genitals

Yet if i was to say that based on what i know there has to be a creator, for some reason that isnt acceptable
I've always said we don't know what colour they (dinosaurs)were
You've assumed that
Difference is science when it finds out will tell us so not sure how relevant that is

You seem to have missed the point, it happens a lot when questioned.

I was making a general point to show that people demand answers on some aspects of others faith whilst ignoring their own. I wasnt necessarily singling you out

Its interesting you say what you do after that about me yet do the same thing.

posted on 7/2/17

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posted on 7/2/17

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comment by Kobra (U19849)

posted on 7/2/17

comment by Just Shoot (U10408)
posted 8 minutes ago
Zlatan, I don't think scientists have said what dinosaurs looked like or sounded like, they admit bar the bone structure the rest is just guess work.

Regarding faith and the Quran, how tested do you think you will be on the return of Jesus? What kind of proof would you expect or need?

The dinosaur bit was highlighting a point. Even with bone structure there are huge gaps and artistic impressions and made up stuff.

As regards to Jesus then I dont think it will be difficult to tell

comment by Kobra (U19849)

posted on 7/2/17

comment by Galvs...Friend of Reason (U10415)
posted about a minute ago
We're not going back there again are we ?

Tbh I have asked you certain questions throughout this thread rather than assume ...where possible

going where again? Its like you just make things up tbh

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