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These 186 comments are related to an article called:

Cadbury slaps down 'Racist Morons'

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posted on 22/3/17

Couldn't give a toss about how an animal bred to be eaten is killed tbh. Just as long as it tastes good, it could be facked to death by a farmer for all I care.

posted on 22/3/17

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

posted on 22/3/17

Busby, animals are never killed by electrocution - they are sometimes stunned prior to being dispatched. For obvious reasons, no-one really knows what difference being stunned makes - although it makes people feel better it all.

DJ, that happens more often than is comfortable. It happened in the Archers once, in fact.

comment by Sid (U1868)

posted on 22/3/17

Which race were people being "racist" towards?

Halal is daft and I avoid it where possible.

comment by Busby (U19985)

posted on 22/3/17

comment by HenrysCat (U3608)
posted 1 minute ago
Busby, animals are never killed by electrocution - they are sometimes stunned prior to being dispatched. For obvious reasons, no-one really knows what difference being stunned makes - although it makes people feel better it all.

DJ, that happens more often than is comfortable. It happened in the Archers once, in fact.
Fair enough. Do the Halal slaughterhouses in the UK require to stun the animal prior to execution?

comment by Busby (U19985)

posted on 22/3/17

comment by D'Jeezus Mackaroni (U1137)
posted 11 minutes ago
Couldn't give a toss about how an animal bred to be eaten is killed tbh. Just as long as it tastes good, it could be facked to death by a farmer for all I care.
Then you should be all for free range animals. They taste so much better.

posted on 22/3/17

comment by Busby (U19985)
posted 16 seconds ago
comment by HenrysCat (U3608)
posted 1 minute ago
Busby, animals are never killed by electrocution - they are sometimes stunned prior to being dispatched. For obvious reasons, no-one really knows what difference being stunned makes - although it makes people feel better it all.

DJ, that happens more often than is comfortable. It happened in the Archers once, in fact.
Fair enough. Do the Halal slaughterhouses in the UK require to stun the animal prior to execution?
My understanding is that most are, yes. But, unlike some others on here, I'm no expert.

posted on 22/3/17

There's honestly no different in taste between halal meat and normal meat

posted on 22/3/17

comment by Better Call Ander - Football taught by Matt Busby (U11781)
posted 50 seconds ago
There's honestly no different in taste between halal meat and normal meat
Not sure why anyone would think there is, tbh. People are weird - "this meat tastes a bit blessed".

comment by Busby (U19985)

posted on 22/3/17

"My understanding is that most are, yes. But, unlike some others on here, I'm no expert."

Then I don't mind so much. Again, I'm not exactly thrilled about it behind executed for the gods, since I am not religious.

However the bigger issue for me is the poor treatment of the animals. Working on the provision they are unconscious when slaughtered, I think it's only fair to give them a pleasant life. The way chickens are treated is disgusting.

comment by Sid (U1868)

posted on 22/3/17

It's not the taste, it's the religious influence and labels on my food that I don't like.

posted on 22/3/17

comment by Busby (U19985)
posted 26 seconds ago
"My understanding is that most are, yes. But, unlike some others on here, I'm no expert."

Then I don't mind so much. Again, I'm not exactly thrilled about it behind executed for the gods, since I am not religious.

However the bigger issue for me is the poor treatment of the animals. Working on the provision they are unconscious when slaughtered, I think it's only fair to give them a pleasant life. The way chickens are treated is disgusting.
I'm not religious either, so as far as I'm concerned someone could bless the food in the name of satan, or teresa may, or father xmas as far as I'm concerned it's still the same dead animal.

You're right about chickens, and people concerned about animal welfare should really be thinking twice about putting milk in their tea before they bang on about how much their burger suffered. The burger has at least "got out".

posted on 22/3/17

comment by Sid (U1868)
posted 2 minutes ago
It's not the taste, it's the religious influence and labels on my food that I don't like.

posted on 22/3/17

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

comment by Sid (U1868)

posted on 22/3/17

Would mind if some godly entity turned it into wine first.

comment by Sid (U1868)

posted on 22/3/17

Wouldn't *

comment by Kobra (U19849)

posted on 22/3/17

comment by manusince52 (U9692)

But at a guess, it's a bit better for the animals if they are stunned first.

It isn't.

It just looks better on the eye and gets more animals killed in less time

Stunning is torture

comment by Kobra (U19849)

posted on 22/3/17

comment by Alasnomoresmithandjones (long live Israel) (U15157)
posted 1 hour, 24 minutes ago
comment by HenrysCat (U3608)
posted 3 minutes ago
comment by Alasnomoresmithandjones (long live Israel) (U15157)
posted 4 minutes ago
comment by HenrysCat (U3608)
posted 3 minutes ago
comment by The Sniper (U21079)
posted 6 minutes ago
I'm not a Muslim and eat Halal all the time. If anyone cares about the welfare of animals, then they should just avoid eating meat altogether rather than pretend that they care about the method in which the animal is killed.
Exactly. People are so full of sh-t when it comes to Halal - it's pretty much never about the method of dispatch.
A bit of a sweeping statement.
Sorry, less flippantly - I'll clarify. I strongly feel that if the practices conducted in your average slaughterhouse were given as much media exposure as those of Halal slaughter, people would either stop eating meat or shut up about Halal being so "inhumane".
Maybe it's down to the company you keep,because I don't know anyone who'd be happy eating meat knowing the animal had suffered. I don't care what anyone says, stunning an animal is for more humane than slitting the throat of animal whilst it's conscious.

It isn't more humane.

All studies that got done on the subject show the animal that is stunned goes through more pain and suffering. That includes the French ministry of food and agriculture in 2005

posted on 22/3/17

Anyone here had the experience of being stunned and/or slaughtered so we can get a feel for which is worse?

I've tried asking the animals at the nearest farm but they were not open to questions.

comment by Kobra (U19849)

posted on 22/3/17

Halal and kosher isn't a sacrifice to God either

Ignorance is rife when it comes to these topics

comment by Kobra (U19849)

posted on 22/3/17

comment by Mike (U1170)
posted 1 minute ago
Anyone here had the experience of being stunned and/or slaughtered so we can get a feel for which is worse?

I've tried asking the animals at the nearest farm but they were not open to questions.

You could try reading the many studies on the topic from the 1978 german one to the 2005 French one

Or listen to some veterinarians

posted on 22/3/17

Bit insensitive Mike, farm animals are notoriously tight lipped on this subject and you shouldn't really push it with them. Some of them will have likely lost close friends and family recently.

posted on 22/3/17

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

posted on 22/3/17

I have in fact read the 1978 German and the 2005 French studies, and I found them to be lacking when it came to getting the animals point of views across, there was near to no quotes at all from their side of the story.

comment by Kobra (U19849)

posted on 22/3/17

comment by Sideshow (U11809)
posted 12 seconds ago
comment by Zlatanariyan (U19849)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by Mike (U1170)
posted 1 minute ago
Anyone here had the experience of being stunned and/or slaughtered so we can get a feel for which is worse?

I've tried asking the animals at the nearest farm but they were not open to questions.

You could try reading the many studies on the topic from the 1978 german one to the 2005 French one

Or listen to some veterinarians
I prefer to hear it straight from the horse's mouth.

You mean tesco beef lasagna?

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