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Films you'd like a sequel to.......

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comment by Superb (U6486)

posted on 10/5/17

comment by HenrysCat (U3608)
posted 16 minutes ago
comment by Edinspur (U1109)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by HenrysCat (U3608)
posted 1 minute ago
The Rocky films sort of blur into one for me, saying that I've probably only seen the first two.

Or a montage of all 6.
There were 6?!? All with Sly?
Technically there are 7 if you count Creed as a Rocky movie. It's certainly set in the Rockyverse.

Rocky 3 is the best Rocky by miles You ain't so bad

posted on 10/5/17

In the Italian Job, i'm the odd one out............. The "iconic" line in that film is a distant second to my favourite line/conversation.

"But Camp Freddie, this job is Big!!"

"Charlie you couldn't even spell Big" Slams phone....

"B I G............. Big!"

posted on 10/5/17

comment by Bobby Dazzler (U1449)
posted 7 minutes ago
comment by Just Shoot (U10408)
posted 13 minutes ago
comment by Bobby Dazzler (U1449)
posted 33 minutes ago
2nd 3rd and 4th, all better than the 1st
Oh dear!!!! Rocky I was the best by far.

As a fan of movies and Rocky films, I find them brilliant examples of the changes in society. The style, the stories, the excess, everything about could be used in a study of film. Marvellous!!
Rocky 3 easily the best
Rocky is a drama, a human story with him being a boxer as the McGuffin to help the human story unfold, namley him developing a relationship with Adrian, he doesn't even win the title in it, he just goes the distince, which is all he wanted to do.

The rest of them, while great are much more cartoonish in a way of you get me, the fights become more dramatic, the training montage become such a central part of each movie.

posted on 10/5/17

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

comment by Superb (U6486)

posted on 10/5/17

Oh and speaking about Rocky sequels I definitely want a Creed 2. Still no official confirmation if it's happening.

posted on 10/5/17

comment by Superb (U6486)
posted 29 seconds ago
Oh and speaking about Rocky sequels I definitely want a Creed 2. Still no official confirmation if it's happening.
Have you seen the video of Tony Bellew accidently connecting with a right hand and KO'ing the lad from thw Wire???

Creed was decent especially when you look at the 5th and 6th movies which are pretty poor.

posted on 10/5/17

I'd like to see a follow up to Mad Max Fury road, or a prequel to it.

posted on 10/5/17

comment by Superb (U6486)
posted 1 minute ago
Oh and speaking about Rocky sequels I definitely want a Creed 2. Still no official confirmation if it's happening.

Talking of Boxing............Do you think Bellew is believing the stuff he's coming out with? Or do you think he's trying to be clever to get one last big pay-day?

Because any natural heavyweight be it Joshua, or even Wilder, is gonna hurt him.

I don't get how he's saying he's seen off one of the most dangerous Heavyweights. For me he struggled against a man on one leg for 5 rounds.

posted on 10/5/17

comment by The Noble Lord Flash (U8334)
posted 2 minutes ago
comment by Gillespie Rd. (U18361)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by HenrysCat (U3608)
posted 10 minutes ago
comment by Gillespie Rd. (U18361)
posted 25 seconds ago
The Italian Job.

The original 1969 version.
Why? The end is one of the best things about it, why spoil it?
I facking hate soap opera endings.
On that point. I do want to know if the Authorities have been advised of Andy Dufresne’s innocence and don’t have any real interest in tracking him down and returning him to Prison……………..

And with Mary Gump, was it definitely AIDS?

A sequel would probably have Andy Dufresne spending the entire movie in hospital recovering from full-blown Campylobacteriosis and skin lesions as a result of the sewage bath.

Throw in a hot doctor, and you have a rom-com.

comment by Superb (U6486)

posted on 10/5/17

Have you seen the video of Tony Bellew accidently connecting with a right hand and KO'ing the lad from thw Wire???
No , you got a link ?

comment by Superb (U6486)

posted on 10/5/17

Flash I think it's all about the money and in his own words securing his children's future.

posted on 10/5/17

comment by Gillespie Rd. (U18361)
posted 56 seconds ago
comment by The Noble Lord Flash (U8334)
posted 2 minutes ago
comment by Gillespie Rd. (U18361)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by HenrysCat (U3608)
posted 10 minutes ago
comment by Gillespie Rd. (U18361)
posted 25 seconds ago
The Italian Job.

The original 1969 version.
Why? The end is one of the best things about it, why spoil it?
I facking hate soap opera endings.
On that point. I do want to know if the Authorities have been advised of Andy Dufresne’s innocence and don’t have any real interest in tracking him down and returning him to Prison……………..

And with Mary Gump, was it definitely AIDS?

A sequel would probably have Andy Dufresne spending the entire movie in hospital recovering from full-blown Campylobacteriosis and skin lesions as a result of the sewage bath.

Throw in a hot doctor, and you have a rom-com.
wouldn't want a sequel, just wish the original answered that question. Also the book to Forest Gump may answer the question about Mary Gump, but even though i think i know, it's never been confirmed.

posted on 10/5/17

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

posted on 10/5/17

I prefer to believe that version Frankie. Cos if he really believes his own version, he’s deluded.

posted on 10/5/17

comment by Superb (U6486)
posted 23 seconds ago
Flash I think it's all about the money and in his own words securing his children's future.
I saw it on twitter but am in work so can't get twitter in here

posted on 10/5/17

I've often thought of a sequel to the Shining, Danny has grown up but is still haunted by what happened to him as a child in the Overlook and has a connection to the place that drags him back there.

Or he could have completley forgotten about the trauma as a child and then ends up back at the Overlook as an adult and it all kicks off again.

But I don't think anyone could really replicate what Kubrick did.

comment by Superb (U6486)

posted on 10/5/17

He's not stupid Flash, quite the opposite. He's done well for himself over the last couple of years.

posted on 10/5/17


Great stuff

comment by Superb (U6486)

posted on 10/5/17

I actually think that a sequel to Seven might work with Brad Pitt as on older, cynical beaten down cop. Basically playing the Morgan Freeman role and a young, optimistic rookie playing the Pitt role from the first movie.

Haven't quite worked out plot details yet but nobody's paying me to write a script so I won't.

posted on 10/5/17

comment by Superb (U6486)
posted 2 seconds ago
He's not stupid Flash, quite the opposite. He's done well for himself over the last couple of years.
IMO he wouldn't even have beaten Haye if injury didn't intervene.

I hope not, because even if he went for the WBC the only way he isn't getting hurt is if he fights in the words of Creed from your favourite Rocky, a "counter and move" fight.

posted on 10/5/17

comment by Superb (U6486)
posted 2 minutes ago
I actually think that a sequel to Seven might work with Brad Pitt as on older, cynical beaten down cop. Basically playing the Morgan Freeman role and a young, optimistic rookie playing the Pitt role from the first movie.

Haven't quite worked out plot details yet but nobody's paying me to write a script so I won't.
He could keep his wife's head in a pickle jar in some shrine type room at his home

posted on 10/5/17

Con Air

posted on 10/5/17

comment by Just Shoot (U10408)
posted 56 minutes ago
What is this conspiracy around Rocky 3!!!!
Rocky 3 is pretty poor.

the 2 fights barely last more than 3 rounds if memory serves. Very underwhelming. They win 1 apiece. Where's the trilogy?

And there's too much yellow.

And Thunderlips

posted on 10/5/17

comment by kneerash-23 Cara Gold (U6876)
posted 47 minutes ago
I've often thought of a sequel to the Shining, Danny has grown up but is still haunted by what happened to him as a child in the Overlook and has a connection to the place that drags him back there.

Or he could have completley forgotten about the trauma as a child and then ends up back at the Overlook as an adult and it all kicks off again.

But I don't think anyone could really replicate what Kubrick did.
King wrote Dr Sleep a few years ago which is a sequel and I might add a bl00dy good read.

Don't know if there is any plans to make a movie from it.

posted on 10/5/17


Ok that's an old joke. Master and Commander is a great film. Surprised they didn't make another one tbh

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