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These 151 comments are related to an article called:

Peter Lawell puts pressure on the SFA

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comment by Timmy (U14278)

posted on 7/9/17

Finally we might get justice for what is the most blatant act of cheating the sporting world has ever seen.

How the SFA can continue to ignores this is beyond comprehension. They must be rangers fans to ignore this, can be the only explanation.

comment by Timmy (U14278)

posted on 7/9/17

The Celtic chief’s correspondence went on: “The interests of fairness and Scottish football now demand that the SFA act decisively.

posted on 7/9/17

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comment by Timmy (U14278)

posted on 7/9/17

The Celtic chief’s correspondence went on: “The interests of fairness and Scottish football now demand that the SFA act decisively.

“The initial inquiry should now be reconvened or a new independent panel led by a judge or senior lawyer should be formed to investigate and report upon the Rangers EBT issues and consider whether there has been any further breach of the Association’s rules, including those on disrepute.

The roles of individuals (past and present) subject to the jurisdiction of the Association should also be examined.

“This should take place as quickly as possible, irrespective of the SPL’s own investigations.”

comment by Timmy (U14278)

posted on 7/9/17

That any clearer for you.

posted on 7/9/17

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

posted on 7/9/17

Mind all the " dignified silence " chat at the time from the bhoys

All the time lawell is bumping his gums wailing like a wee child whose not got his dummy


comment by M72 (U21554)

posted on 7/9/17

comment by Curly 💩 - I'm mumpsimus and I know it.' (except on a Wednesday, that is my obstreperous day ) - ITS JIST A BIG CLIQUE N'AT (U1103)
posted 2 minutes ago
The letter was sent in 2012 ya spazzy mongol bastirt

posted on 7/9/17

Desperate stuff 👍

Sad indictment of our game and Celtic that this is still going on and they are still pursuing this.

posted on 7/9/17

comment by Curly 💩 - I'm mumpsimus and I know it.... (U1103)
posted 4 minutes ago
The letter was sent in 2012 ya spazzy mongol bastirt


Shoulda read your comment first before responding 😂😂😂😂😂😂

posted on 7/9/17

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

posted on 7/9/17

comment by Curly 💩 - I'm mumpsimus and I know it.... (U1103)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by timmy (U14278)
posted 1 minute ago
That any clearer for you.

2012 the letter was sent ya fookin eejit

If I ever need a lawyer I would rather have Kirk Broadfoot defend me than a full time reta rd like you



Admin close Timmys account forever 👍

posted on 7/9/17

...sorry did I say Timmy..

..should be Mitty ...lives in a fookin fantasy world 😂

posted on 7/9/17

comment by Curly 💩 - I'm mumpsimus and I know it.... (U1103)
posted 8 minutes ago
The letter was sent in 2012

posted on 7/9/17

The sleekit bastirt did not have the cajones to come out public with this view.

comment by Timmy (U14278)

posted on 7/9/17

Yes but Celtic are still pursuing for an independent review as the SFA's conduct in this has been very questionable.

posted on 7/9/17

The letter was sent in 2012

the beautiful thing here is that u guys think he didnt know that already

posted on 7/9/17

comment by JFK - Trebs done, the rebs won. "how ye d... (U8919)
posted 45 seconds ago
The letter was sent in 2012

the beautiful thing here is that u guys think he didnt know that already

They call Lawell sleekit for demanding honesty yet this is all because they were sly and sleekit with how they paid wages and their players paid tax


posted on 7/9/17

comment by timmy (U14278)
posted 1 minute ago
Yes but Celtic are still pursuing for an independent review as the SFA's conduct in this has been very questionable.

Good on them 😂😂😂😂

Good luck wi that... it's been 5 years

How's it coming along ? 😂😂

posted on 7/9/17

its a joke lets be honest, "nae appetite"

posted on 7/9/17

comment by Call Sign: Armstrong's Sexy Quiff (U3627)
posted 27 seconds ago
comment by JFK - Trebs done, the rebs won. "how ye d... (U8919)
posted 45 seconds ago
The letter was sent in 2012

the beautiful thing here is that u guys think he didnt know that already

They call Lawell sleekit for demanding honesty yet this is all because they were sly and sleekit with how they paid wages and their players paid tax


They've had honest. In fact they had an independent review that found us guilty of an admin error

There you are. You got justice.

That not enough ?

comment by Timmy (U14278)

posted on 7/9/17

comment by esctosh - Saying it like it is 😎 (U8215)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by timmy (U14278)
posted 1 minute ago
Yes but Celtic are still pursuing for an independent review as the SFA's conduct in this has been very questionable.

Good on them 😂😂😂😂

Good luck wi that... it's been 5 years

How's it coming along ? 😂😂

Only just recently lost the tax case to confirm your cheating according to nimmo smith. The SFA cant hide for much longer or UEFA will step in.

comment by Mr T - (U20754)

posted on 7/9/17

If the SFA could have done anything about it then it would already be in motion.

It's time for any yahoos wailing and gnashing their gums about it to suck it up and find something else to crywhank over.

comment by M72 (U21554)

posted on 7/9/17

comment by timmy (U14278)
posted 45 seconds ago
comment by esctosh - Saying it like it is 😎 (U8215)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by timmy (U14278)
posted 1 minute ago
Yes but Celtic are still pursuing for an independent review as the SFA's conduct in this has been very questionable.

Good on them 😂😂😂😂

Good luck wi that... it's been 5 years

How's it coming along ? 😂😂

The SFA cant hide for much longer or UEFA will step in.

posted on 7/9/17

comment by timmy (U14278)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by esctosh - Saying it like it is 😎 (U8215)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by timmy (U14278)
posted 1 minute ago
Yes but Celtic are still pursuing for an independent review as the SFA's conduct in this has been very questionable.

Good on them 😂😂😂😂

Good luck wi that... it's been 5 years

How's it coming along ? 😂😂

Only just recently lost the tax case to confirm your cheating according to nimmo smith. The SFA cant hide for much longer or UEFA will step in.

You're right. You could be onto something. Keep sending those letter comrade Timothy 👍

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