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Peter Lawell puts pressure on the SFA

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posted on 7/9/17

comment by P72 (U21554)
posted 31 seconds ago
comment by timmy (U14278)
posted 45 seconds ago
comment by esctosh - Saying it like it is 😎 (U8215)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by timmy (U14278)
posted 1 minute ago
Yes but Celtic are still pursuing for an independent review as the SFA's conduct in this has been very questionable.

Good on them 😂😂😂😂

Good luck wi that... it's been 5 years

How's it coming along ? 😂😂

The SFA cant hide for much longer or UEFA will step in.


Of course they will

Because UEFA are the bastions of honesty and fairness.

I checked under the bed this morning.

And i can confirm that I didn't lose any sleep 👍

posted on 7/9/17

i dont think there is a brain amongst them at the sfa tbh.

they wouldnt know where to start imo so best to just ignore it and hope it goes away.

when rangers were liquidated their ineptitude was there for all to see.

the vote to put rangers straight into the top flight is the most embarrassing thing to happen to scottish football imo.

posted on 7/9/17

comment by JFK - Trebs done, the rebs won. "how ye d... (U8919)
posted 7 seconds ago
i dont think there is a brain amongst them at the sfa tbh.

they wouldnt know where to start imo so best to just ignore it and hope it goes away.

when rangers were liquidated their ineptitude was there for all to see.

the vote to put rangers straight into the top flight is the most embarrassing thing to happen to scottish football imo.


posted on 7/9/17

comment by Mr T - (U20754)
posted 1 minute ago
If the SFA could have done anything about it then it would already be in motion.


You hit the nail on the head there while trying to defend your club

If the SFA COULD have done anything.

Could being the operative word. I don't believe there was any legislature in place for such a thing that the SFA could use.

They are not saying there wasn't any wrong doing they are saying they have/had no such rule sin place to charge the club over

That won't change no natter how many letters are sent to the SFA. If any wrong doing is to be punished it would need to come from UEFA or FIFA IMO

posted on 7/9/17

the whole thing was a sham esc

rangers start again, have a depleted squad, lets ban them from signing players.

"but we dont have a big enough squad"

"awrite well,u can buy some players for some of this window, and some of that window"

what was the point why not just let u sign players ffs

i've said it a million times on here as well, the hearts administration issue

"hearts haven't paid their players"

"lets fine them"

what f...ing moron came up with that plan? cant afford to pay their players so fining them so they have less money will absoluetely help solve that issue.

chimps, utter chimps.

posted on 7/9/17


posted on 7/9/17

assume there was no measures in place for players not properly registered at the time?

posted on 7/9/17

comment by JFK - Trebs done, the rebs won. "how ye d... (U8919)
posted 37 seconds ago
the whole thing was a sham esc

rangers start again, have a depleted squad, lets ban them from signing players.

"but we dont have a big enough squad"

"awrite well,u can buy some players for some of this window, and some of that window"

what was the pointwhy not just let u sign players ffs

i've said it a million times on here as well, the hearts administration issue

"hearts haven't paid their players"

"lets fine them"

what f...ing moron came up with that plan? cant afford to pay their players so fining them so they have less money will absoluetely help solve that issue.

chimps, utter chimps.

Ffs you're really are still hurting

This is hilarious 😂😂😂

posted on 7/9/17

don't think esc quite grasped that my last post was in defence of rangers...



daily record.

comment by Mr T - (U20754)

posted on 7/9/17

comment by JFK - Trebs done, the rebs won. "how ye doin anyway?" (U8919)
posted 38 seconds ago
the whole thing was a sham esc

rangers start again, have a depleted squad, lets ban them from signing players.

"but we dont have a big enough squad"

"awrite well,u can buy some players for some of this window, and some of that window"

what was the pointwhy not just let u sign players ffs

i've said it a million times on here as well, the hearts administration issue

"hearts haven't paid their players"

"lets fine them"

what f...ing moron came up with that plan? cant afford to pay their players so fining them so they have less money will absoluetely help solve that issue.

chimps, utter chimps.
So if Rangers started again why were they punished? As a new entity they did nothing wrong

posted on 7/9/17

comment by JFK - Trebs done, the rebs won. "how ye d... (U8919)
posted 18 seconds ago
the whole thing was a sham esc

rangers start again, have a depleted squad, lets ban them from signing players.

"but we dont have a big enough squad"

"awrite well,u can buy some players for some of this window, and some of that window"

what was the pointwhy not just let u sign players ffs

i've said it a million times on here as well, the hearts administration issue

"hearts haven't paid their players"

"lets fine them"

what f...ing moron came up with that plan? cant afford to pay their players so fining them so they have less money will absoluetely help solve that issue.

chimps, utter chimps.

Exactly my point

They half heartedly made up rules and punishments when Rangers and Hearts got into bother

To me a fine is the most ridiculous thing.

Hmm you are in financial bother - have a fine.

You are expelled to the bottom tier.and have a signing ban

Hmm now you don't have the accounts to apply for a place in the lower tier when other clubs do. Have a place anyway and sign just a few players

posted on 7/9/17

I'm saying they shouldn't have been T

why is that hard for people to grasp

posted on 7/9/17

they basically made it up as they went along

"throw in a signing ban as well"

but we need players

"ok, you can get some, then we will ban u "

why bother

posted on 7/9/17

Did Lawwell not send a letter to his best mate Platini at the time?

posted on 7/9/17

comment by JFK - Trebs done, the rebs won. "how ye d... (U8919)
posted 1 minute ago
I'm saying they shouldn't have been T

why is that hard for people to grasp
T and Esc are too busy looking for offence in what we write they miss the part where we agree that the SFA are idiots

posted on 7/9/17


thought we could all agree the SFA are idiots, seems i was wrong...

posted on 7/9/17

comment by JFK - Trebs done, the rebs won. "how ye d... (U8919)
posted 6 seconds ago

thought we could all agree the SFA are idiots, seems i was wrong...

just throw in how much you hate the SFA and esc T and Eck will start defending them

posted on 7/9/17




i think with esc its the same for the sfa as it is with the record

against celtic - all true, all fine.

against rangers - shut it down, disgrace

posted on 7/9/17

comment by esctosh - Saying it like it is 😎 (U8215)
posted 22 seconds ago
comment by JFK - Trebs done, the rebs won. "how ye d... (U8919)
posted 37 seconds ago
the whole thing was a sham esc

rangers start again, have a depleted squad, lets ban them from signing players.

"but we dont have a big enough squad"

"awrite well,u can buy some players for some of this window, and some of that window"

what was the pointwhy not just let u sign players ffs

i've said it a million times on here as well, the hearts administration issue

"hearts haven't paid their players"

"lets fine them"

what f...ing moron came up with that plan? cant afford to pay their players so fining them so they have less money will absoluetely help solve that issue.

chimps, utter chimps.

Ffs you're really are still hurting

This is hilarious 😂😂😂


ffs 😂😂😂

Nobody is hurting ya madman ye.

This all happened years ago and when it did happen nobody knew about the EBT's and side contract letters.

Regardless of whatever you think, Rangers broke the rules on side letter contracts, they misused a tax avoidance scheme under bad advice that was gleefully accepted without being robustly challenged, they chose to ignore a potential settlement with HMRC whist it all became a very grey area (poor stewardship), carried on spending (awful stewardship), broke the law by deliberately withholding and secreting requested documents from HMRC whilst under investigation, deliberately over stated their assets to garner an IPO and then under stated them when it came to purchase from the administrator and then after all that were allowed back into a higher league when the rules state they should have started from scratch. 😂😂😂

Look, you got away with a lot. But trust me nobody is hurting bar the many thousands upon thousands of Rangers fans who are now suffering the real justice of it all whilst multi million pound ex players and staff live off the proceeds of tax free loans which apparently for some obscure reason never have to be paid back even after they've been found to be administered inappropriately while the club now borrows money from its owners because no financial institution will touch them with a very long barge pole.

Who's hurting? 😂😂

Now less of the usual inane whitabooteries and aye bits and suck that little lot up. 😁👍

posted on 7/9/17

I trust I'm helping establish that the SFA and SFPL are not fit for purpose.

And that Rangers cheated and died of course 😂😂

posted on 7/9/17

I'm hurting

Oh that 6 in a row invincibles into the Champions League again pain is unbearable

aye bit 2-2

posted on 7/9/17

good morning ginger,

i think esc may have finally lost the plot

"morning esc"

"awwwww ur pure ragin mwaha"


he's cracked

posted on 7/9/17

comment by JFK - Trebs done, the rebs won. "how ye d... (U8919)
posted 13 seconds ago
good morning ginger,

i think esc may have finally lost the plot

"morning esc"

"awwwww ur pure ragin mwaha"


he's cracked

Morning JFK.

Gents. Good morning 👍

comment by Timmy (U14278)

posted on 7/9/17

The SFA do have the power to act.They are just hoping people will forget and move on but the reality is you cant.

The only way for Scottish football to move on is for the tainted titles to be removed as they weren't won fairly.

Especially when they done the same to Livingston.

posted on 7/9/17

comment by Gingernuts (U2992)
posted 21 minutes ago
comment by JFK - Trebs done, the rebs won. "how ye d... (U8919)
posted 13 seconds ago
good morning ginger,

i think esc may have finally lost the plot

"morning esc"

"awwwww ur pure ragin mwaha"


he's cracked

Morning JFK.

Gents. Good morning 👍

It's a miserable fvcking morning up here

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