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These 151 comments are related to an article called:

Peter Lawell puts pressure on the SFA

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comment by NNH (U10730)

posted on 7/9/17

I thought all of this sheidt had finally died down. What is the reasoning for leaking details of this letter from 5 years ago ffs?

posted on 7/9/17

comment by NNH7 (U10730)
posted 3 minutes ago
I thought all of this sheidt had finally died down. What is the reasoning for leaking details of this letter from 5 years ago ffs?

Timmy does what he wants

posted on 7/9/17

comment by NNH7 (U10730)
posted 3 minutes ago
I thought all of this sheidt had finally died down. What is the reasoning for leaking details of this letter from 5 years ago ffs?


Have a look at the source

no not Timmy the newsrag

posted on 7/9/17

Aye I know.. I was jesting.

I imagine it's because he was appointed to the executive council of the ECA yesterday, so our media have to try and undermine him somehow.

comment by Mr T - (U20754)

posted on 7/9/17

The SFA do have the power to act.They are just hoping people will forget and move on but the reality is you cant
Problem is that the multi party agreement pushed for by the SFA to be put in place when Green took charge barred all parties from seeking further punishments and taking further action against signatories.

This was when pretty much everything court case-wise was still up in the air and there was a risk that should cases go in Rangers' favour then Rangers could sue the other parties. The main aim was to protect the SFA etc from this risk.

The SFA et al have been hoisted by their own petard on this occasion. The SFA know it. Lawell knows it. Yahoos are too ignorant to know it unfortunately.

As for moving on; when obsessed people with a vague interest in the actual matches, massive chips on their shoulder and too much time on their hands accept that Rangers are still here and there's nothing they can do, maybe then we can all move on.

As for the SFA - Rangers, Hearts etc aside, it is clear that they are not fit for purpose. Their role is to govern the game.

The game up here is pash poor. It'll be at least 22 years since Scotland last were at a major tournament (after another hard luck story is about to happen).
Clubs are under performing in Europe bar Celtic.

They gave Malky Mackay a job. A key job.

If Fifa and Uefa are the shining examples of governance of our game, then how can the SFA be expected to be any better?

posted on 7/9/17

comment by timmy (U14278)
posted 1 hour, 25 minutes ago
Finally we might get justice for what is the most blatant act of cheating the sporting world has ever seen.

How the SFA can continue to ignores this is beyond comprehension. They must be rangers fans to ignore this, can be the only explanation.
He sent the letter in 2012

Lord Nimmo Smith had his enquiry in 2013

No sporting advantage


posted on 7/9/17

comment by JukeboxJunkie - A wrong decision is better tha... (U10162)
posted 6 minutes ago
Aye I know.. I was jesting.

I imagine it's because he was appointed to the executive council of the ECA yesterday, so our media have to try and undermine him somehow.
they are out to get you

comment by Timmy (U14278)

posted on 7/9/17

comment by Laudrup:Is it a bird? Is it a PLANE? Naw it�... (U12366)
posted 10 minutes ago
comment by timmy (U14278)
posted 1 hour, 25 minutes ago
Finally we might get justice for what is the most blatant act of cheating the sporting world has ever seen.

How the SFA can continue to ignores this is beyond comprehension. They must be rangers fans to ignore this, can be the only explanation.
He sent the letter in 2012

Lord Nimmo Smith had his enquiry in 2013

No sporting advantage

You then lost the tax case in 2017 with no more appeals. Now the SFA know the real facts they should have a review of the decision. Legally there is nothing stopping them they just dont want to do anything because its rangers.

If this was Dundee united they would hammer them.

comment by Timmy (U14278)

posted on 7/9/17

Surely from a rangers fans point of view you wont your name cleared?

If this was Celtic I would like it for my club to be known as cheats and to get help from the governing body to cover it up.

I would much rather our name was clean.

No point claiming those trophies if they are not clean.

comment by Timmy (U14278)

posted on 7/9/17


comment by M72 (U21554)

posted on 7/9/17

If this was Celtic I would like it for my club to be known as cheats

- - -


comment by Mr T - (U20754)

posted on 7/9/17

comment by timmy (U14278)
posted 6 minutes ago
Surely from a rangers fans point of view you wont your name cleared?

If this was Celtic I would like it for my club to be known as cheats and to get help from the governing body to cover it up.

I would much rather our name was clean.

No point claiming those trophies if they are not clean.
Lord Nimmo Smith, a more learned man than you or I, said no sporting advantage. Good enough for me

posted on 7/9/17

comment by Laudrup:Is it a bird? Is it a PLANE? Naw it's a mhanky banner (U12366)
posted 25 minutes ago
comment by timmy (U14278)
posted 1 hour, 25 minutes ago
Finally we might get justice for what is the most blatant act of cheating the sporting world has ever seen.

How the SFA can continue to ignores this is beyond comprehension. They must be rangers fans to ignore this, can be the only explanation.
He sent the letter in 2012

Lord Nimmo Smith had his enquiry in 2013

No sporting advantage

He's only reporting what's in the Sun

posted on 7/9/17

comment by Laudrup:Is it a bird? Is it a PLANE? Naw it's a mhanky banner (U12366)
posted 27 minutes ago
comment by JukeboxJunkie - A wrong decision is better tha... (U10162)
posted 6 minutes ago
Aye I know.. I was jesting.

I imagine it's because he was appointed to the executive council of the ECA yesterday, so our media have to try and undermine him somehow.
they are out to get you
It's no us who have banned the media from attending press conferences

posted on 7/9/17

comment by Curly 💩 - I'm mumpsimus and I know it.... (U1103)
posted 1 hour, 50 minutes ago
The letter was sent in 2012 ya spazzy mongol bastirt

Your dad must be so proud.

posted on 7/9/17

comment by Laudrup:Is it a bird? Is it a PLANE? Naw it�... (U12366)
posted 29 minutes ago
comment by timmy (U14278)
posted 1 hour, 25 minutes ago
Finally we might get justice for what is the most blatant act of cheating the sporting world has ever seen.

How the SFA can continue to ignores this is beyond comprehension. They must be rangers fans to ignore this, can be the only explanation.
He sent the letter in 2012

Lord Nimmo Smith had his enquiry in 2013

No sporting advantage


posted on 7/9/17

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

comment by Timmy (U14278)

posted on 7/9/17

comment by Mr T - (U20754)
posted 23 minutes ago
comment by timmy (U14278)
posted 6 minutes ago
Surely from a rangers fans point of view you wont your name cleared?

If this was Celtic I would like it for my club to be known as cheats and to get help from the governing body to cover it up.

I would much rather our name was clean.

No point claiming those trophies if they are not clean.
Lord Nimmo Smith, a more learned man than you or I, said no sporting advantage. Good enough for me
Didn't have all the facts though. His verdict was based on rangers winning the tax case.

posted on 7/9/17

So Petey wrote a letter 5 years ago. How topical.

posted on 7/9/17

Lord Nimmo Smith, a more learned man than you or I, said no sporting advantage. Good enough for me


He was also the learned man who led the investigation into Rangers conduct under Craig Whyte and concluded that it was 2nd only to match-fixing.

The punishment meted out was not appreciated by Rangers and their fans

posted on 7/9/17

comment by Blue Heaven (U20912)
posted 3 minutes ago
So Petey wrote a letter 5 years ago. How topical.

Heed will be along any minute with an article about man landing on the moon

comment by Timmy (U14278)

posted on 7/9/17


Told you Celtic are stepping up the pressure.

Either regan calls an inquiry or he steps aside for someone who will follow the rules.

posted on 7/9/17

Or you cry into your cocoa.

posted on 7/9/17

comment by Call Sign: Armstrong's Sexy Quiff (U3627)
posted 37 minutes ago
comment by Blue Heaven (U20912)
posted 3 minutes ago
So Petey wrote a letter 5 years ago. How topical.

Heed will be along any minute with an article about man landing on the moon
Breaking News!

Columbus discovers America and proves the world is round

comment by Mr T - (U20754)

posted on 7/9/17

Lawell is hiding behind this while all the Celtic fans quickly forget that the wool was pulled over their eyes in terms of money spent in the transfer window.

Regan can call an inquiry and all it will show is the SFA being incompetent and a huge circle jerk throughout SCottish football at the thought of punishing Rangers.

I've already explained why stripping titles cannot happen so all the salivating yahoos will be in for a major dissy,

As for Lord Nimmo Smith - the tax case found nothing illegal so I don't see how it affects his ruling.

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