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Arguing w/strangers cause I'm lonely thread

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posted on 27/2/22

The idea of a proportionate nuclear response is an odd one. Not sure how either side could launch just one.

posted on 27/2/22

comment by 4zA - ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡น๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ฆ thru all the searching n the need too work it out, I stop b-leaving everything wud b alrite….. (U22472)
posted 57 seconds ago
Whits that?
Are you Italian or Scottish?

comment by #4zA (U22472)

posted on 27/2/22

comment by son of quebec (U8127)
posted 9 seconds ago
comment by 4zA - ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡น๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ฆ thru all the searching n the need too work it out, I stop b-leaving everything wud b alrite….. (U22472)
posted 57 seconds ago
Whits that?
Are you Italian or Scottish?

posted on 27/2/22

comment by bmcl1987 (U14177)
posted 19 seconds ago
The idea of a proportionate nuclear response is an odd one. Not sure how either side could launch just one.

We might launch just one, but it's because the others will malfunction

posted on 27/2/22

comment by Insert random username (U10647)
posted 52 seconds ago
The Thermobarics they are rolling in to Ukraine aren't much better.. might well constitute a war crime if they use them

Honestly, it's Hague level stuff if he does that, no Black Sea retirement for him.

posted on 27/2/22

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

comment by #4zA (U22472)

posted on 27/2/22

Yer can u imagine Putin gives order too fire nukes n they all fale to go off but still trigger auto response from UK/US bases

Mite damage his domestic popularity sum-wot

posted on 27/2/22

I don't want to get my hopes up concerning Ukraine's bravery, as much as it warms my heart I fear all the talk Russia is floundering and messing up its invasion just mean it has held back from more extreme measures so far.

posted on 27/2/22

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

comment by #4zA (U22472)

posted on 27/2/22

comment by Don't Shoot ๐Ÿ•Š๏ธ (U10408)
posted 13 seconds ago
comment by NPE - Puns are for Prats (U22712)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by bmcl1987 (U14177)
posted 19 seconds ago
The idea of a proportionate nuclear response is an odd one. Not sure how either side could launch just one.

We might launch just one, but it's because the others will malfunction
Reminds me of the Chernobyl series joke.

What's big as a house, burns 20 liters of fuel every hour, puts out a sh:tload of smoke and noise and cuts an apple into three pieces?

A Soviet machine made to cut apples into four pieces!

posted on 27/2/22

comment by Don't Shoot ๐Ÿ•Š๏ธ (U10408)
posted 33 seconds ago
comment by NPE - Puns are for Prats (U22712)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by bmcl1987 (U14177)
posted 19 seconds ago
The idea of a proportionate nuclear response is an odd one. Not sure how either side could launch just one.

We might launch just one, but it's because the others will malfunction
Reminds me of the Chernobyl series joke.

What's big as a house, burns 20 liters of fuel every hour, puts out a sh:tload of smoke and noise and cuts an apple into three pieces?

A Soviet machine made to cut apples into four pieces!
When I worked in ship repairs I worked on a good number of soviet ships. Workmanship was absolutely laughable.

posted on 27/2/22

SoQ are all North American adds like the Applebees monstrosity CNN played after a long take showing Kyiv on fire?

posted on 27/2/22

I reckon US has hidden capabilities that can either stop Russia’s or anyone’s nukes whether it be some machine or cyber hack

posted on 27/2/22

Also surely if Putin nuked somewhere and we nuked them back we’d destroy the place where the launch codes are so they couldn’t launch anymore anyway?

posted on 27/2/22

Can’t believe we’re talking about a nuclear war ffs

Russia Ukraine
Potential nuclear war

Any chance of a peaceful year in 2023? lol

posted on 27/2/22

Expanding on that TikTok clip I saw the other day of the Ukrainians driving past a broken down Russian tank and offered to tow them back to Russia and everyone laughed etc, there is a longer clip and it’s quite fascinating.

The Ukrainians and Russians talked for a few minutes and it was clear the Russians weren’t told why they were there and that they were reluctantly following orders (I know we’ve heard that before). They just seemed like kids who had been told to drive into Ukraine and shoot. If this is a representation of the average Russian soldier there it’s no wonder that the Ukrainians are repelling them as well as they’re doing.

posted on 27/2/22

comment by Oscar. #TeamFury. (U12980)
posted 2 minutes ago
Also surely if Putin nuked somewhere and we nuked them back we’d destroy the place where the launch codes are so they couldn’t launch anymore anyway?

Depends if anyone knows where the launch codes are. There is probably a myriad of underground tunnels in Moscow that would take the codes and generals etc all the way out of town to safety.

posted on 27/2/22

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

posted on 27/2/22


posted on 27/2/22

comment by bmcl1987 (U14177)
posted 12 hours, 20 minutes ago
comment by The goat did it (U10408)
posted 3 minutes ago
comment by bmcl1987 (U14177)
posted 34 seconds ago
I do find it concerning how certain posters have swallowed the “far right nahtzi Ukrainian” line spouted by Putin. Suggests that either there’s a certain gullibility from listening directly to Putin (which seems downright bizarre and not that likely IMO) or they are picking up on it from certain other media channels (far more likely IMO) but unable to discern the biases of said media channels.
Who is that aimed at? It helps.
Happy to clarify. I’ve seen it from tbbab and from peks before I filtered him.
I qualified posts on the far right Azof Battalions and groups such as Section Sector Right, paramilitary groups operating in Ukraine and in the fighting in Donbass right now, with Putin using denatzification as an excuse to invade...so please, read my post in its entirety and do not pick pieces in isolation or distort๐Ÿ‘

Far right nationalists have attacked ethnic Russians and some hold those who worked with the natzis in WW2 as heroes, and can be seen holding natzi torchlight marches, as seen in far right America too.

Friends who were in Kyiv for NI games were approached by racist Ukrainian fans who asked if Norn Iron fans hated black people, so like Russia, there is a racist far right element in Ukrainian nationalism and their armed forces.

Russia lost 30 million people to natzis in WW2 so when far right Ukrainians are seem pulling down Soviet statues, painting swaztikas on tanks, parading in torchlight marches with far right flags and emblems, Russians and the world should be concerned.

Again, the far right and natzi element in Ukraine does not justify or excuse what Putin has done, as most Ukrainian people are not far right, and Putin is calling Zelensky a neo natzi and using the term denatzification as cover to exterminate Ukraine.

Google Azof Battalions or Section-Sector Right, Bmcl and check out how historically, far right Ukrainian nationalists sided with Hitler in WW2, while ultra nationalist Ukrainan youth wear Viking 88 insignia at anti- Russian displays.

posted on 27/2/22

comment by Oscar. #TeamFury. (U12980)
posted 9 minutes ago
Can’t believe we’re talking about a nuclear war ffs

Russia Ukraine
Potential nuclear war

Any chance of a peaceful year in 2023? lol
And Chelsea losing 10- 11 on pens to Liverpool.

posted on 27/2/22

comment by NPE - Puns are for Prats (U22712)
posted 11 minutes ago
I don't want to get my hopes up concerning Ukraine's bravery, as much as it warms my heart I fear all the talk Russia is floundering and messing up its invasion just mean it has held back from more extreme measures so far.
He's held back the big weapons...

Take those Thermobarics.. America used one against the Taliban detonated 6ft above the surface and left a 300m wide crater, with the blast radius being a mile in all directions, Russia's version is bigger in terms of explosive tonnage..

comment by #4zA (U22472)

posted on 27/2/22

comment by peks - 1974 (U6618)
posted 1 minute ago
(If true) U still pro-Putin after that Peks

posted on 27/2/22

comment by peks - 1974 (U6618)
posted 2 minutes ago

I don't click on your links mate - if I wanted to see 18 years olds gyrating I'd buy only fans

posted on 27/2/22

comment by peks - 1974 (U6618)
posted 32 seconds ago

Fack. What Ukraine has going for it is this is the most ‘viewed’ war of all time and there’s no way atrocities will be unseen by the world. Hopefully that shames the Russian people into some kind of uprising.

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