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Arguing w/strangers cause I'm lonely thread

Page 367 of 4635

posted on 17/3/21

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posted on 17/3/21

I think headaches are quite common.

posted on 17/3/21

Robert Peston @peston
Important from AZN: "Our UK domestic supply chain is not experiencing any disruption and there is no impact on our delivery schedule." So why the UK drop in vaccinations in coming month?

comment by BB⁷ (U13430)

posted on 17/3/21

Just seen Prince William speaking a few words in Irish today. The DUP won't be happy.

posted on 17/3/21

comment by BB⁷ (U13430)
posted 3 minutes ago
Just seen Prince William speaking a few words in Irish today. The DUP won't be happy.
Are they ever?

posted on 17/3/21

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posted on 17/3/21

comment by Constantinople (U11781)
posted 19 minutes ago
Robert Peston @peston
Important from AZN: "Our UK domestic supply chain is not experiencing any disruption and there is no impact on our delivery schedule." So why the UK drop in vaccinations in coming month?
Something doesn’t add up.

posted on 17/3/21

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comment by BB⁷ (U13430)

posted on 17/3/21

comment by Automatic For The People (U21889)
posted 3 minutes ago
comment by BB⁷ (U13430)
posted 3 minutes ago
Just seen Prince William speaking a few words in Irish today. The DUP won't be happy.
Are they ever?
No 🤣

Justin Trudeau, Jacinda Ardern and Scott Morrison just added to the list too no doubt.. When Sammy Wilson sees the White House turn into the Green House later he'll burst 😆

posted on 17/3/21

So is there gonna be folk who will have to wait longer than 12 weeks for that second dose now?

posted on 17/3/21

comment by Constantinople (U11781)
posted 4 minutes ago
So is there gonna be folk who will have to wait longer than 12 weeks for that second dose now?
I thought they were going to give second doses?

Not sure whats going on now!

posted on 17/3/21

my 2nd dose is scheduled for May

hope i still get it tbh

posted on 17/3/21

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posted on 17/3/21

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comment by BB⁷ (U13430)

posted on 17/3/21

comment by Gingernuts (U2992)
posted 2 hours, 12 minutes ago
comment by Constantinople (U11781)
posted 42 minutes ago
comment by De Gea's Legs (U14210)
posted 57 minutes ago
And the reason why - well it appears a shortage of #AstraZenaca vaccines

AstraZeneca supply issues have beset not just the EU but UK and it appears that will continue for UK throughout April
Not surprised, the EU kicked up a stink over AstraZeneca because they didn’t adhere to the contracted doses that they promised.


The EU thought they had a watertight contract. They didn’t. Some negotiation that eh?

So now they can’t get their own way; hijacking other countries equally legitimate contracts is the threat.
Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna will meet their first quarter delivery targets yet Astra can only deliver about 30% of what it was to deliver. In the past 6 weeks the UK has imported over 10m doses from the EU and the UK has exported none, zero, nada. You can't be Britain First and then scream at other countries.

comment by Hector (U3606)

posted on 17/3/21

comment by Sat Nav (U18243)
posted 58 minutes ago
comment by Hector (U3606)
posted 3 minutes ago
comment by Sat Nav (U18243)
posted 30 minutes ago
comment by Hector (U3606)
posted 12 seconds ago
comment by Sat Nav (U18243)
posted less than a minute ago
comment by Hector (U3606)
posted 4 minutes ago
comment by Sat Nav (U18243)
posted 8 minutes ago
comment by Edinspur (U1109)
posted 13 minutes ago
Some fair comments Sat Nav. I think the major criticism the government should come under (and some/most should be sacked for) are:
* an island that doesn’t rely on exports/tourism as much as other nations should have reacted earlier - way earlier and it was so obvious.
* PPE scandal
* Hypocrisy from government (Cummings-Durham etc)
* Corrupt contract awarding (actually disgraceful)
* Test and trace failure
* Christmas flip-flopping and failing
Agree with 1 but I think unless it was literally an airtight, nothing comes in nothing goes out scenario then we still would have got it. Even then how long could we really have shut the entire world out completely for?

2. PPE was a complete mess for most countries, we actually faired better than lots of places

3. I don’t buy into that too much. The country was already misbehaving long before Cummings.

4. Sure but not really on the topic of lockdowns, plenty of contracts were given to Labour donors too

5. Would have been great but we don’t have good social obedience in this country either. So even if it worked, it wouldn’t have done as people didn’t use it properly.

6. Christmas flip-flopping we were already in a tiered system which was anywhere from 60% of lockdown to 100% of lockdown anyway. This is the time of year that this thing was always going to hit hard here as per our influenza performance.
Sweep sweep.
The conversation was about lockdowns tbh but yeah what you label sweep sweep, I say is perspective and factual.

Is there anything I have written that you think is incorrect?

Operation Cygnus highlighted the lack of PPE and ventilators.
The country wasn't misbehaving as badly as you'rd insinuating, plus a fkn advisor refused to resign.
Labour contracts have got nothing to do with the corruption around £100m's for facemasks that were unfit for purpose that didn't even have earloops.
Christmas break because viruses take a holiday.


Did I say that we didn’t have a PPE problem? I provided context, you know - perspective to properly gauge the level of a problem by comparison with other countries.

Yes it was, we’ve been over this already. Parks & beaches etc were filled with people long before Cummings.

The point is that everyone focused on Tory donor contracts even though Labour donors were also given contracts. The absolute joke ones such as one employee listed company and such like are a disgrace and heads should roll. I’ve said so many times as you know.

Christmas was cancelled and we were already in Tier 3/4 at the time that it was going ahead anyway. But thank you for agreeing that viruses of this nature come strongest at that time of year and decline massively by March. What month are we in now by the way? Oh yeah...
So we can't compare deaths to other countries but PPE failure are conveniently comparable.

Nobody who helped set the restrictions drove a symptomatic wife hundreds of miles and no the beaches weren't full.

What labour donors, crony, whatsapp pals from the pub got contracts?

Christmas tiers were 'relaxed' for 5 days.

Did I say we can’t compare deaths with our countries? I don’t remember saying that. Just like I didn’t say we didn’t have a PPE problem.

What’s the point in discussing the topic if you’re just going to continue to put words into my mouth to make straw man arguments? It’s just boring and a waste of time.

Yeah no point, enjoy your evening
Boo hoo toddle off with your snidey remarks and move the goalposts.

posted on 17/3/21

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comment by BB⁷ (U13430)

posted on 17/3/21

So 'you' have not exported one single vaccine, as I said.

posted on 17/3/21

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comment by BB⁷ (U13430)

posted on 17/3/21

Fair enough, it's easy to fall into the trap of Britain First. The reality is Johnson and co made a complete balls of the pandemic and are now diverting your attention towards the EU.

There's no point in having Britain or the EU vaccinated unless the world is vaccinated.

posted on 17/3/21

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comment by BB⁷ (U13430)

posted on 17/3/21

I get that I would take any on offer personally.

comment by BB⁷ (U13430)

posted on 17/3/21

I was in Dublin city centre a couple of hours ago. I was just driving through but it was so sad man. There wasn't a sinner on the streets, and on Paddy's night. Ghost town. The fact they put up the flags and stuff just added to it. Tough one tbh 😔

posted on 17/3/21

-Govt became aware of problem with vaccine shortage in last 48 hours
- Issue is with AZ international supply, not UK
- seems all manufacturers apart from Pfizer having supply issues
- some AZ batches that were expected to be available are not going to be


posted on 17/3/21

comment by BB⁷ (U13430)
posted 17 minutes ago
Fair enough, it's easy to fall into the trap of Britain First. The reality is Johnson and co made a complete balls of the pandemic and are now diverting your attention towards the EU.

There's no point in having Britain or the EU vaccinated unless the world is vaccinated.
Decent thread on the delivery hold ups impacting the AZ vaccine:


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