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Arguing w/strangers cause I'm lonely thread

Page 368 of 4635

posted on 17/3/21

Sorry but 48 hours ago the government started to realise we are gonna hit a shortage with these jabs?

posted on 17/3/21

Early results from NL suggest populists everyone freaks out over constantly (PVV)are down, socially liberal centrist dads (D66) are up.


comment by BB⁷ (U13430)

posted on 17/3/21

comment by What would Stuart Pearce do? Percy Pig aficionado (U3126)
posted 7 minutes ago
comment by BB⁷ (U13430)
posted 17 minutes ago
Fair enough, it's easy to fall into the trap of Britain First. The reality is Johnson and co made a complete balls of the pandemic and are now diverting your attention towards the EU.

There's no point in having Britain or the EU vaccinated unless the world is vaccinated.
Decent thread on the delivery hold ups impacting the AZ vaccine:

Cheers Stu will have a look tomorrow. Gonna tune into the late late and have a couple of I hope you and a good day

comment by BB⁷ (U13430)

posted on 17/3/21


comment by Blarmy (U14547)

posted on 17/3/21

comment by What would Stuart Pearce do? Percy Pig aficionado (U3126)
posted 30 minutes ago
comment by BB⁷ (U13430)
posted 17 minutes ago
Fair enough, it's easy to fall into the trap of Britain First. The reality is Johnson and co made a complete balls of the pandemic and are now diverting your attention towards the EU.

There's no point in having Britain or the EU vaccinated unless the world is vaccinated.
Decent thread on the delivery hold ups impacting the AZ vaccine:

So they need to get the Halix approved? What is the move?

Yields seem to be a big factor btw Arab in why the production updates are on short notice

posted on 17/3/21

Tom Newton Dunn

The good news: AstraZeneca have promised (!) ministers they will be able to increase supply again in May, June and July as well. Plus more doses also due to arrive in May from Pfizer, and Moderna also starts kicking in then too. More on @TimesRadio after 7am (4)

comment by Blarmy (U14547)

posted on 17/3/21

I actually sort of believed Hancock for once with the bumpy comments

The vaccine supply was not expected to be a constant tap that would always be flowing at the same rate

posted on 18/3/21

Welsh NHS and Care staff to each receive a £775 bonus

posted on 18/3/21


Misogyny to be recorded as a hate crime.

posted on 18/3/21


posted on 18/3/21

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

comment by Hector (U3606)

posted on 18/3/21


Cancel culture is a leftist disease

posted on 18/3/21

comment by CrouchEndGooner (U13531)
posted 8 minutes ago

"Troubled soul" etc

Bless his little white privileged heart.

posted on 18/3/21

comment by Automatic For The People (U21889)
posted 1 hour, 1 minute ago
comment by CrouchEndGooner (U13531)
posted 8 minutes ago

"Troubled soul" etc

Bless his little white privileged heart.
What has skin tone got to do with this?

Genuine question...was the incident racist?

posted on 18/3/21

comment by CrouchEndGooner (U13531)
posted 1 hour, 12 minutes ago

"Troubled soul" etc
Read one report say his massage parlour attack was related to shex addiction?

Mental health issues are real and all creeds and colours are affected and quite often those carrying out attacks are suffering from mental health problems, be they white, black or Asian..or just boring old humans.

posted on 18/3/21

comment by Automatic For The People (U21889)
posted 3 hours, 17 minutes ago

Misogyny to be recorded as a hate crime.
Is hating men treated differently? Lol

posted on 18/3/21

comment by thebluebellsarablue (U9292)
posted 6 minutes ago
comment by Automatic For The People (U21889)
posted 1 hour, 1 minute ago
comment by CrouchEndGooner (U13531)
posted 8 minutes ago

"Troubled soul" etc

Bless his little white privileged heart.
What has skin tone got to do with this?

Genuine question...was the incident racist?
White male slaughters 8 Asian women, how much more racist can something possibly be?


posted on 18/3/21

comment by Hector (U3606)
posted 1 hour, 11 minutes ago

Cancel culture is a leftist disease
You got there in the end.

posted on 18/3/21

comment by Hector (U3606)
posted 1 hour, 12 minutes ago

Cancel culture is a leftist disease

posted on 18/3/21

comment by Automatic For The People (U21889)
posted 14 seconds ago
comment by thebluebellsarablue (U9292)
posted 6 minutes ago
comment by Automatic For The People (U21889)
posted 1 hour, 1 minute ago
comment by CrouchEndGooner (U13531)
posted 8 minutes ago

"Troubled soul" etc

Bless his little white privileged heart.
What has skin tone got to do with this?

Genuine question...was the incident racist?
White male slaughters 8 Asian women, how much more racist can something possibly be?

The attacks were on massage parlours and shex addiction was refetenced, so until we know, lets not jump to conclusions.

Even if you want to.

posted on 18/3/21

comment by Automatic For The People (U21889)
posted 33 seconds ago
comment by Hector (U3606)
posted 1 hour, 12 minutes ago

Cancel culture is a leftist disease

Thought you would love the anti-natzi.

Do you like Ghandi, btw, as he was racist against black Africans?

posted on 18/3/21

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

posted on 18/3/21

I see he comes from “ a good Christian home” too, which tells you all you need to know about f*cking God botherers.

comment by Hector (U3606)

posted on 18/3/21

comment by thebluebellsarablue (U9292)
posted 9 minutes ago
comment by Automatic For The People (U21889)
posted 33 seconds ago
comment by Hector (U3606)
posted 1 hour, 12 minutes ago

Cancel culture is a leftist disease

Thought you would love the anti-natzi.

Do you like Ghandi, btw, as he was racist against black Africans?
Can you just respond on-topic without whitabootery?

posted on 18/3/21

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

Page 368 of 4635

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