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Arguing w/strangers cause I'm lonely thread

Page 3787 of 4894

posted on 30/10/23

Crouchy asked when the west last efficiently efficiently murdered hundreds of thousands of people.
I answered. You then say it's arguable?
What is arguable? The numbers?

Check with me? You're on here calling out anyone who doesn't agree with you. You seem to be the gatekeeper of what people post on here. So no projection from you, please.

posted on 30/10/23

comment by son of quebec (U8127)
posted 6 minutes ago
Crouchy asked when the west last efficiently efficiently murdered hundreds of thousands of people.
I answered. You then say it's arguable?
What is arguable? The numbers?

Check with me?You're on here calling out anyone who doesn't agree with you. You seem to be the gatekeeper of what people post on here. So no projection from you, please.
I answered myself not in response to you didn’t I?

posted on 30/10/23

Yes it had nothing to do with you SoQ. Stop being weird

posted on 30/10/23

Okay. A lot of posts have nothing to do with you, but somehow you have a right to respond to posts not directed at you and I don't?

posted on 30/10/23

comment by son of quebec (U8127)
posted 4 minutes ago
Okay. A lot of posts have nothing to do with you, but somehow you have a right to respond to posts not directed at you and I don't?


Have you only just noticed this. I'm surprised anyone genuinely converses with him because he will say absolutely anything.

comment by Hector (U3606)

posted on 30/10/23

General conversation isn't for everybody.

posted on 30/10/23

comment by son of quebec (U8127)
posted 7 minutes ago
Okay. A lot of posts have nothing to do with you, but somehow you have a right to respond to posts not directed at you and I don't?

Except that you made a mistake by thinking that I was querying the answer being the Iraq war when in fact I was giving the same answer. And as mentioned, there were additional components to the question that didn’t make it guaranteed.

For example, it’s also arguable that the Afghanistan War was the last one as it met all of those criteria also I believe.

posted on 30/10/23

comment by Robbing Hoody - I taught Szoboszlai how to cushion half volleys (U6374)
posted 5 minutes ago
comment by son of quebec (U8127)
posted 4 minutes ago
Okay. A lot of posts have nothing to do with you, but somehow you have a right to respond to posts not directed at you and I don't?


Have you only just noticed this. I'm surprised anyone genuinely converses with him because he will say absolutely anything.
Hey Mr Grammar School! How goes it? Do you still hope I am in pain? 😔

posted on 30/10/23

comment by Robbing Hoody - I taught Szoboszlai how to cushion half volleys (U6374)
posted 14 minutes ago
comment by son of quebec (U8127)
posted 4 minutes ago
Okay. A lot of posts have nothing to do with you, but somehow you have a right to respond to posts not directed at you and I don't?


Have you only just noticed this. I'm surprised anyone genuinely converses with him because he will say absolutely anything.
He really does. Watch him just say anything in reply to this post.

comment by Tu Meke (U3732)

posted on 30/10/23

comment by tliv7-0 (U11882)
posted 1 hour, 53 minutes ago
comment by Robbing Hoody - I taught Szoboszlai how to cus... (U6374)
posted less than a minute ago
comment by tliv7-0 (U11882)
posted 13 seconds ago
comment by Robbing Hoody - I taught Szoboszlai how to cus... (U6374)
posted 4 minutes ago
comment by tliv7-0 (U11882)
posted 5 seconds ago
comment by Tamwolf (U17286)
posted 35 minutes ago
Meanwhile, Ttliv goes round calling people subhuman and advocating for barbaric executions. Sat Nav ignores it again.
Why would SatNav, or anyone for that matter, call it out. Terrorist groups should be wiped out, there is nothing controversial about that.

Like Nelson Mandela?
Nelson Mandela wasn't a terrorist, even if some governments listed him as such. Hamas are. I see your point in "one man's terrorist is another's freedom fighter", but no, freedom fighters do not behead innocent civilians and burn babies in ovens.
"But Not all Hamas members". The Hamas members who are allegedly just fighting for freedom should then call out the more depraved acts of 7th October. Can you find me one example of that please?

Ohhhhh, so you decide. Righto.

You're an idiot.
Invading a village of civilians and commiting a mass slaughter of their women and babies, including doing depraved acts of torture to them (burning, beheading) is, by every single definition of the word, terrorism. Reetard.

But this is what Israel do. Israeli soldiers also rape the women. We have Israeli soldiers from the past who have admitted to this. Laughing as they recall it.

Israel also use white phosphorus - a substance that burns up all the oxygen in the surrounding area, so whoever breathes it in gets savagely burnt from the inside out. It stays in the soil, affecting anything that gets grown there. People who give birth years after being affected by this substance, their children are often born with defects. White phosphorus is banned and most nations agreed not to use it. But not Israel!

But it's ok as long as the people who commit atrocities aren't Muslim. Right?

posted on 30/10/23

BREAK: Paul Bristow sacked as a PPS after calling for a ceasefire...

“Paul Bristow has been asked to leave his post in government following comments that were not consistent with the principles of collective responsibility."


posted on 30/10/23

Note from meeting between Boris Johnson and Rishi Sunak in March 2020

“We are killing the patient to tackle the tumour”

Next line: Why are we destroying the economy for people who are going to die anyway?



posted on 30/10/23

But Not all Hamas members". The Hamas members who are allegedly just fighting for freedom should then call out the more depraved acts of 7th October. Can you find me one example of that please?
You should start by calling out the people making Palestinians fight for their freedom then. If they didn't do that Hamas wouldn't exist, whether as terrorists or freedom fighters. Can you find me one example of that please?

You just kiss Israel's ass but want to declare death to Hamas. Ridiculous.

posted on 30/10/23

Shani Louk....was beheaded

comment by Movies (U23088)

posted on 30/10/23

comment by Oscar #TeamFury. #Trump2024 (U12980)
posted 4 hours, 31 minutes ago
Israel’s President Yitzchak Herzog has confirmed that the German-Israeli citizen Shani Louk has been found beheaded.

He tells

“Her skull was found. That means those barbaric, sadistic animals simply chopped off her head.”


no need to share these details though, to use her as propaganda. no doubt the family has not been consulted.

poor poor girl, so horrible. RIP.

posted on 30/10/23

The Israeli military says it has rescued a female soldier in Gaza who was taken hostage by Hamas on 7 October
They say Private Ori Megidish was freed during overnight ground operations and is "doing well"; it's the first known rescue of a hostage since the conflict began

excellent news

comment by Hector (U3606)

posted on 30/10/23

comment by Dushane Hill (U11781)
posted 30 minutes ago
Note from meeting between Boris Johnson and Rishi Sunak in March 2020

“We are killing the patient to tackle the tumour”

Next line: Why are we destroying the economy for people who are going to die anyway?


Dominic Cummings is up tomorrow

GBNews newest employee will get a slaughtering

comment by Movies (U23088)

posted on 30/10/23

comment by tliv7-0 (U11882)
posted 4 hours, 12 minutes ago
comment by Oscar #TeamFury. #Trump2024 (U12980)
posted 19 minutes ago
Israel’s President Yitzchak Herzog has confirmed that the German-Israeli citizen Shani Louk has been found beheaded.

He tells

“Her skull was found. That means those barbaric, sadistic animals simply chopped off her head.”

"dude just give in to Hamas' demands and they will go away."

What happened on 7th October was a point of no return. Hamas must be exterminated before negotians can resume, where by then pressure should be put on Israel to treat Palestine and by extension Gaza as a fully autonomous independent country.


One of the more sensible and relatable comments.

posted on 30/10/23

comment by Bill Nick (U23088)
posted 8 seconds ago
comment by tliv7-0 (U11882)
posted 4 hours, 12 minutes ago
comment by Oscar #TeamFury. #Trump2024 (U12980)
posted 19 minutes ago
Israel’s President Yitzchak Herzog has confirmed that the German-Israeli citizen Shani Louk has been found beheaded.

He tells

“Her skull was found. That means those barbaric, sadistic animals simply chopped off her head.”

"dude just give in to Hamas' demands and they will go away."

What happened on 7th October was a point of no return. Hamas must be exterminated before negotians can resume, where by then pressure should be put on Israel to treat Palestine and by extension Gaza as a fully autonomous independent country.


One of the more sensible and relatable comments.
Agreed, the Palestinian people also need to start taking some responsibility as well and owning that they have terrorists amongst them

If the good Palestinian people called out Hamas’ evil and stood up to Hamas and tell them they’re wrong and going about things in the wrong way, they wouldn’t exist either

Hamas live amongst them, it’s their job just as much to call them out for their unnecessary terror and evil. But they haven’t, or only a minority has

Palestinians in their numbers should be marching at Hamas and protesting and calling them out and telling them to release the hostages they’ve had for 4 weeks.

Can only go off the evidence we’ve got, which is to date they’ve done or said fack all to the Hamas leaders so they’re simply just allowing terrorists to live among them and atrocities to be committed so sympathy can only stretch so far given that

comment by Hector (U3606)

posted on 30/10/23

Are you genuinely dumb or just playing at being a dummy?

comment by Tu Meke (U3732)

posted on 30/10/23

Cannot believe how thick Oscar is. This must be an act.

posted on 30/10/23

comment by Oscar #TeamFury. #Trump2024 (U12980)
posted 19 minutes ago
comment by Bill Nick (U23088)
posted 8 seconds ago
comment by tliv7-0 (U11882)
posted 4 hours, 12 minutes ago
comment by Oscar #TeamFury. #Trump2024 (U12980)
posted 19 minutes ago
Israel’s President Yitzchak Herzog has confirmed that the German-Israeli citizen Shani Louk has been found beheaded.

He tells

“Her skull was found. That means those barbaric, sadistic animals simply chopped off her head.”

"dude just give in to Hamas' demands and they will go away."

What happened on 7th October was a point of no return. Hamas must be exterminated before negotians can resume, where by then pressure should be put on Israel to treat Palestine and by extension Gaza as a fully autonomous independent country.


One of the more sensible and relatable comments.
Agreed, the Palestinian people also need to start taking some responsibility as well and owning that they have terrorists amongst them

If the good Palestinian people called out Hamas’ evil and stood up to Hamas and tell them they’re wrong and going about things in the wrong way, they wouldn’t exist either

Hamas live amongst them, it’s their job just as much to call them out for their unnecessary terror and evil. But they haven’t, or only a minority has

Palestinians in their numbers should be marching at Hamas and protesting and calling them out and telling them to release the hostages they’ve had for 4 weeks.

Can only go off the evidence we’ve got, which is to date they’ve done or said fack all to the Hamas leaders so they’re simply just allowing terrorists to live among them and atrocities to be committed so sympathy can only stretch so far given that
Yeah, they should march against Hamas while dodging all the missiles Israel is firing at them.

posted on 30/10/23

comment by Oscar #TeamFury. #Trump2024 (U12980)
posted 31 minutes ago
comment by Bill Nick (U23088)
posted 8 seconds ago
comment by tliv7-0 (U11882)
posted 4 hours, 12 minutes ago
comment by Oscar #TeamFury. #Trump2024 (U12980)
posted 19 minutes ago
Israel’s President Yitzchak Herzog has confirmed that the German-Israeli citizen Shani Louk has been found beheaded.

He tells

“Her skull was found. That means those barbaric, sadistic animals simply chopped off her head.”

"dude just give in to Hamas' demands and they will go away."

What happened on 7th October was a point of no return. Hamas must be exterminated before negotians can resume, where by then pressure should be put on Israel to treat Palestine and by extension Gaza as a fully autonomous independent country.


One of the more sensible and relatable comments.
Agreed, the Palestinian people also need to start taking some responsibility as well and owning that they have terrorists amongst them

If the good Palestinian people called out Hamas’ evil and stood up to Hamas and tell them they’re wrong and going about things in the wrong way, they wouldn’t exist either

Hamas live amongst them, it’s their job just as much to call them out for their unnecessary terror and evil. But they haven’t, or only a minority has

Palestinians in their numbers should be marching at Hamas and protesting and calling them out and telling them to release the hostages they’ve had for 4 weeks.

Can only go off the evidence we’ve got, which is to date they’ve done or said fack all to the Hamas leaders so they’re simply just allowing terrorists to live among them and atrocities to be committed so sympathy can only stretch so far given that
Come on Oscar.

1. They’re likely under serious threat from Hamas
2. They have suffered a lot at the hand of Israel

comment by Tu Meke (U3732)

posted on 30/10/23


Israeli soldiers, recalling tales of their youth. You know, the usual stuff. How they dragged people out their homes in pyjamas, and shot them dead to take their land.

How they raped young, good looking girls leaving them "half-alive".

Fools like ttliv and Oscar still have the audacity to claim only one side are the terrorists.

posted on 30/10/23

There's still ongoing cases in Cyprus involving Israeli soldiers raping young girls.

Our very own FCO practically ignored one of the cases even though it involved a British girl.

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