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Arguing w/strangers cause I'm lonely thread

Page 4376 of 4713

posted on 8/7/24

Rishi Sunak announcing shadow cabinet positions shortly

Kemi Badenoch expected to get the shadow housing, communities and local government brief

Cameron will not take shadow foreign sec role - Andrew Mitchell will step in

James Cleverly shadow home secretary

Jeremy Hunt shadow chancellor

Vicky Atkins shadow health

Feels like my childhood all over again, Tories irrelevant. My heart is melting.

comment by Hector (U3606)

posted on 8/7/24

Bad-enoch getting communities.

Does to community cohesion what white spirits does to paint.

posted on 8/7/24

Kemi Badenoch Powell.

posted on 8/7/24

Breaking: Richard Holden has resigned as Conservative party chairman - replaced in the interim by Richard Fuller.

what a surprise

posted on 8/7/24

And who else is surprised the scuuumbag Cameron running off when he’s lost again

posted on 8/7/24

James Cleverley and Jeremy Hunt, former Home Secretary and Chancellor to become Shadow Home Secretary and Shadow Chancellor.

The gift that keeps on giving - How can they attack Labour after being part of the most disasterous Government in living memory?

posted on 8/7/24

‘The Israeli army invoked its controversial “Hannibal Directive” during the 7 October Hamas attack, according to a report, a measure that has the potential to increase risks to civilian lives.

The directive was created by the Israeli military in the 1980s as an operating procedure designed to prevent the kidnap of soldiers by whatever means necessary, even if that comes at the expense of the lives of civilian hostages.

It has previously been blamed for possible war crimes, encouraging excessive or indiscriminate fire, and was formally discontinued in 2016.

But the protocol was invoked at three military facilities attacked by Hamas last year, the Israeli newspaper Haaretz reported, citing testimonies of army officers and soldiers...

While Haaertz said its investigation could not confirm if and how many Israeli soldiers and civilians were struck by their own military under the Hannibal protocol, it said “the cumulative data indicates that many of the kidnapped people were at risk, exposed to Israeli gunfire, even if they were not the target”.

As the attack unfolded, the paper reported, the military ordered that “not a single vehicle can return to Gaza” while making decisions based on limited and unverified information.‘


Holy fack, that’s brutal.

comment by #4zA (U22472)

posted on 8/7/24


War aint pretty

posted on 8/7/24

Wonder what’s gonna happen to GB ‘News’ now they won’t get Labour politicians on and no one cares about Tory ones. I assume Farage can’t do a show on there now either. Are they just gonna sink even further and just hire people they found in Primark who are willing to hate anything and anyone for £5?

posted on 8/7/24

They had Tory MPs presenting shows when they were in power.

posted on 8/7/24

It'll probably become even more like Alex Jones' Infowars or Steve Bannon's War Room

posted on 8/7/24

Both Nigel Farage and Lee Anderson have had shows on GBN, it'll be a mouthpiece for Reform now.

posted on 8/7/24

Worth taking a moment to consider the media’s characterisation of the three main players in the French election: Le Pen’s National Front, characterised as ‘far right’; Macron’s Renaissance, an economically neo-liberal, tax cutting party, characterised as ‘centrist’ (but described by almost half of French voters as centre right to right wing); and the New Popular Front, which Sky News and other outlets characterise as ‘far left’.

The NPF is a hugely broad coalition, including everything from centrist, liberal greens, through social democrats (actually the bulk of the coalition partners) and democratic socialists, to a tiny minority of Marxist/communist members.

It’s easy to Google search to find a full list of the partners in the coalition, and I recommend to anyone who is under the illusion that a ‘far left’ coalition has triumphed in France to do so to see the true balance of opinion across the bloc.

posted on 9/7/24

Cruella is still continuing her hateful campaign then


posted on 9/7/24

comment by Sydney Sweeney (U11781)
posted 21 minutes ago
Cruella is still continuing her hateful campaign then


She’s just awful

posted on 9/7/24

comment by Sydney Sweeney (U11781)
posted 34 minutes ago
Cruella is still continuing her hateful campaign then

“…tricked by monsters seeking to mutilate children…”

Disgusting, disingenuous nonsense designed to do nothing other than serve distractionary divide-and-rule politics.

comment by Hector (U3606)

posted on 9/7/24

Relax, relax, the British media will slaughter her for this obscenity....

posted on 9/7/24

They spend an awful lot of time railing against ‘ideologies’ of various flavours, but exactly who are the ideologues?

In the above, Braverman is referring to medical practitioners who have studied, trained, practised, researched and collaborated across disciplines and borders in some cases for *decades* with the sole intention of finding the best possible medical, psychological and wellness solutions for their patients as “sick fanatics”.

Research academics and physicians who have based their evidence-based practices on the most up-to-date science available and the study of real world data. These aren’t ideological people; they’re scientists ffs. Not only is her characterisation a complete fantasy, it’s deeply cruel, unfair and unhelpful.

What we desperately need more of in government and across our institutions - whether responsible for people’s and public health, law and order, education or fiscal matters - is more policy and practice grounded in science and *based on real world evidence* and not on traditions, ‘accepted norms’, religious strictures or dusty textbooks.

Thankfully, I think we’re much more likely to get a lot more of that now the culture-war obsessed Tories have been removed from office.

posted on 9/7/24

She’s a witch.

posted on 9/7/24

comment by Darren The String Fletcher (U10026)
posted 5 minutes ago
She’s a witch.
I prescribe fire

comment by Hector (U3606)

posted on 9/7/24

comment by Irishred (U2539)
posted less than a minute ago
comment by Darren The String Fletcher (U10026)
posted 5 minutes ago
She’s a witch.
I prescribe fire
If she is burnt to a crisp we can all be the bigger person and apologise to her pile of ashes for being wrong.

posted on 9/7/24

I'm just so bored of hearing about trans people on a near daily basis now.

It's not the trans' community's fault, the media and politicians talk about it because they know it riles people up, but it's all just so tedious seeing it work and hearing about it in the news, or in the office, or from family members.

They make up less than 1% of the population and the vast vast majority just want to live their lives in peace, yet instead we have to constantly hear about how they're all secretly rapists and perverts, and how it's a super important problem we simply must use all our resources tackling.

If even half the energy expended focusing on them were used for things like poverty or climate change, we might actually go some way to solving these problems.

posted on 9/7/24

It's a fantastic wedge issue for these grifters because of how divisive it is.

Try to avoid the subject in polite society but whenever it comes up I'm surprised by how many women aren't comfortable with having trans women in public bathrooms

posted on 9/7/24

comment by The Welsh Xavi (U15412)
posted 7 minutes ago
I'm just so bored of hearing about trans people on a near daily basis now.

It's not the trans' community's fault, the media and politicians talk about it because they know it riles people up, but it's all just so tedious seeing it work and hearing about it in the news, or in the office, or from family members.

They make up less than 1% of the population and the vast vast majority just want to live their lives in peace, yet instead we have to constantly hear about how they're all secretly rapists and perverts, and how it's a super important problem we simply must use all our resources tackling.

If even half the energy expended focusing on them were used for things like poverty or climate change, we might actually go some way to solving these problems.
Or the real, tangible threats to women and girls' health and safety, namely domestic violence, raape and sexxual abuse, and stalking and harassment.

posted on 9/7/24

I honestly don’t know why anyone gives a shiiiiiiiiiit about trans issues.

Djanogly swimming pool near me, which is also a school, has had shared changing rooms for a decade. No-one cares.

It’s never once, in anyway, affected my life. It’s not in anyway ever affected my daughters lives, and yet you will literally get people shouting ‘They trying to make 8 year olds change cex!’

They’re just not. Grow up.

Page 4376 of 4713

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