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Arguing w/strangers cause I'm lonely thread

Page 4379 of 4713

posted on 9/7/24

I’m sure there was a recent scandal about the working conditions in Dyson Asian factories

posted on 9/7/24

comment by Gingernuts (U2992)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by rosso says the time has come to unlock the unl... (U17054)
posted less than a minute ago
comment by Boris 'Inky’ Gibson (U5901)
posted 2 minutes ago
comment by Sydney Sweeney (U11781)
posted 35 minutes ago
Dyson could cut up to 1,000 UK jobs as part of a global restructure.

The engineering giant is based in Wiltshire and hundreds of staff across the country are impacted.

The firm, best known for the invention of the bag-less vacuum cleaner, has said it is responding to global markets and ensuring its future.

Timed it so it would happen under Labour’s watch.

I hate James Dyson with a passion
Another one of those who’s a True British Patriot until acting as such might negatively impact his net wealth.

But that’s a genuine concern when taxation hits certain high levels. These individuals will happily uproot and take their business elsewhere. I actually wonder how much of their own time they spend in the uk anyway.
I think this is probably more about labour costs than taxation.

He re-domiciled himself in the UK a few years back, didn’t he? So maybe I’m being a little unfair on him

posted on 9/7/24

comment by Boris 'Inky’ Gibson (U5901)
posted about a minute ago
I’m sure there was a recent scandal about the working conditions in Dyson Asian factories

Used to have suppliers in China and Singapore until very recently. Not one of them would be allowed to operate like they do were they in any first world country.

posted on 9/7/24

comment by rosso says the time has come to unlock the unl... (U17054)
posted about a minute ago
comment by Gingernuts (U2992)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by rosso says the time has come to unlock the unl... (U17054)
posted less than a minute ago
comment by Boris 'Inky’ Gibson (U5901)
posted 2 minutes ago
comment by Sydney Sweeney (U11781)
posted 35 minutes ago
Dyson could cut up to 1,000 UK jobs as part of a global restructure.

The engineering giant is based in Wiltshire and hundreds of staff across the country are impacted.

The firm, best known for the invention of the bag-less vacuum cleaner, has said it is responding to global markets and ensuring its future.

Timed it so it would happen under Labour’s watch.

I hate James Dyson with a passion
Another one of those who’s a True British Patriot until acting as such might negatively impact his net wealth.

But that’s a genuine concern when taxation hits certain high levels. These individuals will happily uproot and take their business elsewhere. I actually wonder how much of their own time they spend in the uk anyway.
I think this is probably more about labour costs than taxation.

He re-domiciled himself in the UK a few years back, didn’t he? So maybe I’m being a little unfair on him

Probably both to be honest. Wasn’t aware he’d re domiciled but you be as unfair as you like on him as far as I’m concerned.

posted on 9/7/24

comment by Sat Nav (U18243)
posted 10 minutes ago
comment by Darren The String Fletcher (U10026)
posted 1 hour, 36 minutes ago
The trans issue is an example of how successful left wing propaganda is.
Agreed. 👍🏻

posted on 9/7/24

He’ll be off again soon and will pin the blame on Labour even if tax doesn’t go up 😹

posted on 9/7/24

comment by Darren The String Fletcher (U10026)
posted 2 minutes ago
comment by Sat Nav (U18243)
posted 10 minutes ago
comment by Darren The String Fletcher (U10026)
posted 1 hour, 36 minutes ago
The trans issue is an example of how successful left wing propaganda is.
Agreed. 👍🏻

posted on 9/7/24


posted on 9/7/24

comment by Boris 'Inky’ Gibson (U5901)
posted 6 minutes ago
He’ll be off again soon and will pin the blame on Labour even if tax doesn’t go up 😹

Oh, tax will go up. It needs to go up and should go up. It’s how it goes up that matters

posted on 9/7/24

comment by Gingernuts (U2992)
posted 26 minutes ago
comment by The Welsh Xavi (U15412)
posted 14 minutes ago
Always wonder how the age demographic that relies more on the NHS than most is consistently voting for the party that has absolutely decimated it.
I don't know how he votes but my partner's uncle is kind of like this.

He's got multiple houses, a really good private pension, and asset's easily over £1m yet he has various tax saving schemes on the go including fiddling his address so he won't have to pay capitals gains tax when he sells one of the houses next year.

He then complains whenever he goes to the Drs that the service is crap and the NHS has gone down the pan, and it's like maybe if people like you paid your taxes properly the NHS would actually get more funding.

Agree on the taxation front but it’s not true that anyone can “fiddle” their addresses to avoid paying capital gains tax. Particularly if they have multiple properties as you suggest.

One does wonder what each of these properties are worth if you believe he only has assets “easily over £1m”. Average property value in the uk is some £280k
I don't really know how he does it but just going off what I've been told by my partner's family members, I've barely met the guy as they all say he's a massive kn0b

He has 2 houses he rents out that I'd wager are £200k minimum each and his primary address he bought for £400k 10 odd years ago. On top of that he has a couple of classic cars so I'd say all that alone you must be talking around £1m before you even get into the usual possessions and any savings.

posted on 9/7/24

He’s probably got himself down as an owner occupier in one of the properties he rents to fiddle it.

posted on 9/7/24

Ginger welcome back

Sorry to read of your troubles

posted on 9/7/24

comment by Sat Nav (U18243)
posted 28 minutes ago
comment by Darren The String Fletcher (U10026)
posted 2 minutes ago
comment by Sat Nav (U18243)
posted 10 minutes ago
comment by Darren The String Fletcher (U10026)
posted 1 hour, 36 minutes ago
The trans issue is an example of how successful left wing propaganda is.
Agreed. 👍🏻
Some Conservative chap bemoaning the election outcome on the radio was warning that we should be ready for 'constant identity politics' from a Labour government. Almost spat my tea across the room.

posted on 9/7/24

comment by HenrysCat (U3608)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by Sat Nav (U18243)
posted 28 minutes ago
comment by Darren The String Fletcher (U10026)
posted 2 minutes ago
comment by Sat Nav (U18243)
posted 10 minutes ago
comment by Darren The String Fletcher (U10026)
posted 1 hour, 36 minutes ago
The trans issue is an example of how successful left wing propaganda is.
Agreed. 👍🏻
Some Conservative chap bemoaning the election outcome on the radio was warning that we should be ready for 'constant identity politics' from a Labour government. Almost spat my tea across the room.

posted on 9/7/24

comment by Irishred (U2539)
posted 20 minutes ago
Ginger welcome back

Sorry to read of your troubles

Thanks mate. Good to interact again.

If that’s the right word

posted on 9/7/24

comment by Gingernuts (U2992)
posted 23 minutes ago
comment by Boris 'Inky’ Gibson (U5901)
posted 6 minutes ago
He’ll be off again soon and will pin the blame on Labour even if tax doesn’t go up 😹

Oh, tax will go up. It needs to go up and should go up. It’s how it goes up that matters
Definitely but it certainly will be an excuse for some people to make political capital out of it even if the rises have a minimal effect on them

posted on 9/7/24

comment by The Welsh Xavi (U15412)
posted 35 minutes ago
comment by Gingernuts (U2992)
posted 26 minutes ago
comment by The Welsh Xavi (U15412)
posted 14 minutes ago
Always wonder how the age demographic that relies more on the NHS than most is consistently voting for the party that has absolutely decimated it.
I don't know how he votes but my partner's uncle is kind of like this.

He's got multiple houses, a really good private pension, and asset's easily over £1m yet he has various tax saving schemes on the go including fiddling his address so he won't have to pay capitals gains tax when he sells one of the houses next year.

He then complains whenever he goes to the Drs that the service is crap and the NHS has gone down the pan, and it's like maybe if people like you paid your taxes properly the NHS would actually get more funding.

Agree on the taxation front but it’s not true that anyone can “fiddle” their addresses to avoid paying capital gains tax. Particularly if they have multiple properties as you suggest.

One does wonder what each of these properties are worth if you believe he only has assets “easily over £1m”. Average property value in the uk is some £280k
I don't really know how he does it but just going off what I've been told by my partner's family members, I've barely met the guy as they all say he's a massive kn0b

He has 2 houses he rents out that I'd wager are £200k minimum each and his primary address he bought for £400k 10 odd years ago. On top of that he has a couple of classic cars so I'd say all that alone you must be talking around £1m before you even get into the usual possessions and any savings.

Think you can maybe get away with one. Either that or he’s simply hoping tax man doesn’t catch on which is a bit of a risk as every property ownership is registered with Land Registry.

Or maybe he’s registering them as primary address under other family members?

Asset value works as you suggest

posted on 9/7/24

comment by Boris 'Inky’ Gibson (U5901)
posted less than a minute ago
comment by Gingernuts (U2992)
posted 23 minutes ago
comment by Boris 'Inky’ Gibson (U5901)
posted 6 minutes ago
He’ll be off again soon and will pin the blame on Labour even if tax doesn’t go up 😹

Oh, tax will go up. It needs to go up and should go up. It’s how it goes up that matters
Definitely but it certainly will be an excuse for some people to make political capital out of it even if the rises have a minimal effect on them

Par for the course that. Everyone claims to understand the notion of tax increases but as individuals, nobody wants them as such. Especially during these economic times.

posted on 9/7/24

comment by HenrysCat (U3608)
posted 43 minutes ago
comment by Sat Nav (U18243)
posted 28 minutes ago
comment by Darren The String Fletcher (U10026)
posted 2 minutes ago
comment by Sat Nav (U18243)
posted 10 minutes ago
comment by Darren The String Fletcher (U10026)
posted 1 hour, 36 minutes ago
The trans issue is an example of how successful left wing propaganda is.
Agreed. 👍🏻
Some Conservative chap bemoaning the election outcome on the radio was warning that we should be ready for 'constant identity politics' from a Labour government. Almost spat my tea across the room.
It depends on whether Sir Keir has a backbone or fears getting ousted by the identity politics ideologues in his party; of which there are many.

Given that he struggled to define a woman as an adult human female then he’s probably lacking in that department.

posted on 9/7/24

Also Lammy as Foreign Secretary that’s scary


posted on 9/7/24

comment by Sat Nav (U18243)
posted less than a minute ago
comment by HenrysCat (U3608)
posted 43 minutes ago
comment by Sat Nav (U18243)
posted 28 minutes ago
comment by Darren The String Fletcher (U10026)
posted 2 minutes ago
comment by Sat Nav (U18243)
posted 10 minutes ago
comment by Darren The String Fletcher (U10026)
posted 1 hour, 36 minutes ago
The trans issue is an example of how successful left wing propaganda is.
Agreed. 👍🏻
Some Conservative chap bemoaning the election outcome on the radio was warning that we should be ready for 'constant identity politics' from a Labour government. Almost spat my tea across the room.
It depends on whether Sir Keir has a backbone or fears getting ousted by the identity politics ideologues in his party; of which there are many.

Given that he struggled to define a woman as an adult human female then he’s probably lacking in that department.
Shhhhhhhhh you can't say that mate...

posted on 9/7/24

I can guarantee right now there's no way Keir gets ousted by a trans influenced VNC

posted on 9/7/24

Feels so good to finally see the Tories on the opposite benches and in such small numbers, that cuuunt Dowden sitting there with a face like a slapped fish

posted on 9/7/24

I see the Green NIMBY MP is wearing a blue tie 👀

posted on 9/7/24

Poor Diane can barely stand up

Page 4379 of 4713

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