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Arguing w/strangers cause I'm lonely thread

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posted on 10/7/24

comment by Boris 'Inky’ Gibson (U5901)
posted 3 minutes ago
Different people will have different views on who does and who doesn't go to prison and the length of sentence, especially if they've been affected by crime.

If someone has burgled your house or stolen your car, you probably want them to serve 10 years minimum.
I'd want death

posted on 10/7/24

comment by Boris 'Inky’ Gibson (U5901)
posted 3 minutes ago
Different people will have different views on who does and who doesn't go to prison and the length of sentence, especially if they've been affected by crime.

If someone has burgled your house or stolen your car, you probably want them to serve 10 years minimum.
Yeah victims will most definitely have a strong opinion and rightfully so.

posted on 10/7/24

Had some sad news late last night.

Our new foster kids mother was found was found dead yesterday.

That’s all we know, is gonna to be a tough time for the foreseeable.

posted on 10/7/24

I get both sides to the discussion on prisoner release, a fair part of the demographic I deal with at my work are the repeat short term offenders who often have been jailed 10 plus times and being honest some of them are so entrenched in that lifestyle no amount of support would change them and they can often only be in the 25-35 age range, equally there are also those who given the right back up and help would be, or have been able to change their way of living and are now living without the threat of reoffending.

I honestly could not give any sorta answer on how this should move forward as I also deal with the victims and see how this hugely impacts on them, whatever happens I wish good luck to it having any sort of change and improvement

posted on 10/7/24

comment by Pranks - 2024 LFC Draft Champ (U22336)
posted 2 minutes ago
Had some sad news late last night.

Our new foster kids mother was found was found dead yesterday.

That’s all we know, is gonna to be a tough time for the foreseeable.
Aw fck Pranks that won't be easy in any way, hope the kid is doing ok and as well as could be expected in this scenario, kudos to you and all foster parents

posted on 10/7/24

comment by CrouchEndGooner (U13531)
posted 7 minutes ago
comment by Boris 'Inky’ Gibson (U5901)
posted 3 minutes ago
Different people will have different views on who does and who doesn't go to prison and the length of sentence, especially if they've been affected by crime.

If someone has burgled your house or stolen your car, you probably want them to serve 10 years minimum.
I'd want death

posted on 10/7/24

Sorry to hear that Pranks, hope all OK

posted on 10/7/24

The prison situation annoys me greatly.

The Tories would have known we were approaching this crisis point for several years and they had a good 10 years to be proactive over this, but did nowt.

Now Labour are in power and discussing immediate short terms fixes to give them time to implement the longer term ones, they're already getting fear mongering in the press that they're going to release all the murderers and rapists.

posted on 10/7/24

comment by CrouchEndGooner (U13531)
posted 40 minutes ago
comment by Boris 'Inky’ Gibson (U5901)
posted 3 minutes ago
Different people will have different views on who does and who doesn't go to prison and the length of sentence, especially if they've been affected by crime.

If someone has burgled your house or stolen your car, you probably want them to serve 10 years minimum.
I'd want death
I think that's what most people would say!

Which is why although it's both right and important that victims are able to face their accusers and give impact statements in court, they should be completely ignored when it comes to sentencing

posted on 10/7/24

comment by The Welsh Xavi (U15412)
posted 1 minute ago
The prison situation annoys me greatly.

The Tories would have known we were approaching this crisis point for several years and they had a good 10 years to be proactive over this, but did nowt.

Now Labour are in power and discussing immediate short terms fixes to give them time to implement the longer term ones, they're already getting fear mongering in the press that they're going to release all the murderers and rapists.
The right wing press gets *at least* as frothy about petty shoplifters and small-time soft drug dealers as it does about murderers and raapists, so I'm not sure they'll find any easy wins in terms of early releases.

posted on 10/7/24

comment by Boris 'Inky’ Gibson (U5901)
posted 50 minutes ago
Different people will have different views on who does and who doesn't go to prison and the length of sentence, especially if they've been affected by crime.

If someone has burgled your house or stolen your car, you probably want them to serve 10 years minimum.
That's why punishment should not be left to the victims to decide. You'd get all sorts of disproportionately harsh and unfair sentences.

posted on 10/7/24

comment by The Welsh Xavi (U15412)
posted 9 minutes ago
The prison situation annoys me greatly.

The Tories would have known we were approaching this crisis point for several years and they had a good 10 years to be proactive over this, but did nowt.

Now Labour are in power and discussing immediate short terms fixes to give them time to implement the longer term ones, they're already getting fear mongering in the press that they're going to release all the murderers and rapists.
The fear mongering in the press wouldn't be a problem if so many people didn't fall for it.

comment by Hector (U3606)

posted on 10/7/24

Pranks. sad news, small mercies but at least the kid has you and your family around.

comment by Hector (U3606)

posted on 10/7/24

comment by rosso says the time has come to unlock the unl... (U17054)
posted 1 hour, 9 minutes ago
comment by Hector (U3606)
posted 4 minutes ago


Another wonderful facet of austerity’s legacy.

If people come out of prison back into a society with no community support, no mental health support, no financial support and a job market in which the majority of vacancies don’t even cover monthly expenses, guess where they’re going to end up again.
I was pleased to read about this guy, someone who seems to be informed and engaged with the problems and how to, hopefully and eventually, fix them.

posted on 10/7/24

When I was involved in welfare to work contracts (before IDS came in and destroyed thousands of lives) we used to have an early engagement employment programmes one year before release). It demonstrably lead to less reoffending.

As with most things the Baltic countries have the prison system about right.

Here, it’s just a business.

posted on 10/7/24

IDF soldiers’ testimonies:

‘But before humanitarian convoys arrive, S. noted, the bodies are removed. “A D-9 [Caterpillar bulldozer] goes down, with a tank, and clears the area of corpses, buries them under the rubble, and flips [them] aside so that the convoys don’t see it — [so that] images of people in advanced stages of decay don’t come out,” he described.’

‘“There was total freedom of action… If there is [even] a feeling of threat, there is no need to explain — you just shoot.” When soldiers see someone approaching, “it is permissible to shoot at their center of mass [their body], not into the air. It’s permissible to shoot everyone, a young girl, an old woman.”’

‘S. remembered hearing over the radio about a soldier stationed in a protective compound who shot a Palestinian family walking around nearby. “At first, they say ‘four people.’ It turns into two children plus two adults, and by the end it’s a man, a woman, and two children. You can assemble the picture yourself.”’

‘A. explained that shooting at “hospitals, clinics, schools, religious institutions, [and] buildings of international organizations” required higher authorization. But in practice, “I can count on one hand the cases where we were told not to shoot. Even with sensitive things like schools, [approval] feels like only a formality.”

In general, A. continued, “the spirit in the operations room was ‘Shoot first, ask questions later.’ That was the consensus … No one will shed a tear if we flatten a house when there was no need, or if we shoot someone who we didn’t have to.”’

‘“In the end you die of boredom, [after] days of waiting there,” Green said. “You draw on the walls, rude things. Playing with clothes, finding passport photos they left, hanging a picture of someone because it’s funny. We used everything we found: mattresses, food, one found a NIS 100 bill [around $27] and took it.”

“We destroyed everything we wanted to,” Green testified. “This is not out of a desire to destroy, but out of total indifference to everything that belongs to [Palestinians]. Every day, a D-9 demolishes houses. I haven’t taken before-and-after photos, but I’ll never forget how a neighborhood that was really beautiful … is reduced to sand.”’


posted on 10/7/24

comment by Black Hawk (U16342)
posted 12 hours, 53 minutes ago
Genuinely, I could not give much of a crap about the PM's metaphysical or ontological beliefs - Westminster is not the Symposium.

Instead, it only really matters how Starmer and his party will govern, and what rights they give to both women and transgender people. It seems that women born in their gender will have the right to exclusive access to certain spaces. Transgender people will keep their right to change their legal gender and medically transition, whilst ensuring the process is more straightforward.

I'm not really sure what else conservatives really want, to be honest - as trans people are likely to be excluded from female spaces. Do they want to make it harder to transition or remove rights from trans people? Or is it just about changing the information on the existence of trans people?
I don’t really care what his personal opinion is on these things, that’s nowhere near the point. What is much more important is whether he will state his own beliefs or whether he will pander.

As for what conservatives want, I would recommend spending a little time reading or listening to them speak on the topic, they will tell you clear as day.

The concerns are children first and foremost (just look at the Tavistock Clinic, what it was doing and why it shut down. That won’t take you long to figure out what the issue is and it has nothing to do with an individual adult wanting to identify as something, even if it’s something as stupid as cats, broccoli etc

Safety - this gets deliberately conflated by the left whereby they will imply that conservatives are worried about trans people attacking women in women’s spaces. Now whilst that has happened and will happen in small numbers, the main concern is that men (not trans women, actual men) who are sick people will use things like gender neutral spaces to take advantage of curable women.

Social trends - no-one will ever convince (feel free to try) that this ideology has not become ‘cool’ and popular in recent years with the gen z / tik tok generations. As is having a mental disorder. This is quite simply an unhealthy trend to promote (and no, it’s not the same as promoting compassion and acceptance that people are different and that’s fine).

Others can talk through it better than I, so I think you should watch a video or two of people debating the topic.

posted on 10/7/24


posted on 10/7/24

Is there a PMQs today 🤠

comment by Hector (U3606)

posted on 10/7/24

Not until after the state opening on the 17th

posted on 10/7/24


comment by Hector (U3606)

posted on 10/7/24

No-one will ever convince (feel free to try) that this right wing, culture war, anti-trans ideology is anything other than pearl clutchers not liking the idea of c**ks in frocks.

posted on 10/7/24

comment by Hector (U3606)
posted 3 minutes ago
No-one will ever convince (feel free to try) that this right wing, culture war, anti-trans ideology is anything other than pearl clutchers not liking the idea of c**ks in frocks.

Of course it’s that.

They dress it up as them being worried about the kids… these are the same people that voted for kids to live below the poverty line, they don’t give a shiiiiiit.

Regardless, it doesn’t affect them in any way, shape or form.

posted on 10/7/24

I've always thought the majority of people vehemently against it are people who are worried about 'accidentally' being attracted to someone transgender.

It's the same type of person who thinks that because someone is gay, they probably fancy them.

comment by Hector (U3606)

posted on 10/7/24

comment by Robbing Hoody - I want to play by my own rules... (U6374)
posted less than a minute ago
comment by Hector (U3606)
posted 3 minutes ago
No-one will ever convince (feel free to try) that this right wing, culture war, anti-trans ideology is anything other than pearl clutchers not liking the idea of c**ks in frocks.

Of course it’s that.

They dress it up as them being worried about the kids… these are the same people that voted for kids to live below the poverty line, they don’t give a shiiiiiit.

Regardless, it doesn’t affect them in any way, shape or form.
It's the casual, consistent equating of trans with s3x pests that is disgusting, as if they're not marginalised enough.

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