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These 507 comments are related to an article called:

Boris In Intensive Care

Page 18 of 21

posted on 7/4/20

comment by Phendombele (U20037)
posted 21 minutes ago

posted on 7/4/20

comment by Irishred (U2539)
posted 34 minutes ago
comment by What would Stuart Pearce do? Better than Gozer the Gozerian (U3126)
posted 2 minutes ago
comment by thebluebellsarablue (U9292)
posted 2 minutes ago
comment by Kunta Kante (U1641)
posted 39 seconds ago
comment by The_Red_Cognoscente (U9741)
posted 16 minutes ago
Iceland, not S.Korea is actually leading the way in coping with Covid-19. Though S.Korea is a hearty second.

Boris is an idiot. Though he is 'our' idiot. He is one of the 'better' lights in his inchoate government. Just as Trump is a more palatable choice than Pence. Leaving the country to Raab and his rabid cohorts is actually dangerous.

Wish Boris a full recovery.
What have been Iceland’s strategies? Haven’t read much on their response. If we’re looking at other European countries doing well I believe Czech Republic are doing well (early lockdown and closing of borders. And interestingly, mandatory face mask use, even if home-made eg. A scarf or a t-shirt. I’m not sure how strict they’ve been with testing and contact tracing).

I also think it will be very interesting to see if Sweden have significantly different rate of cases or deaths with their relaxed ‘lockdown’.

I do think if you were going to build a country easiest to plan for a crisis like this, you’d build Iceland. Small well educated population, small landmass, only one mode of transportation in and out.
China locked down to foreigners flying in.

We allow people from all high infected areas to come in unchecked.

Massive mistake.
Hi TBAB hope you and family are well.

Good on you btw for volunteering!

In regard to testing etc I understand you can carry covid19 but not display any symptoms for a week or so later. Therefore makes it very difficult to screen those entering the country.
Pearce how is life on the other side of the border?

Not seen you on the politics thread lately or is that because brexit is on the back burner
Most folk seem to be adhering to the social distancing guidelines which is good. Still, strange times!

Been dipping in every now and again (politics thread) - been really busy working

posted on 7/4/20

comment by Stay Safe (U1250)
posted 1 hour, 7 minutes ago
comment by RED666👺. (U6562)
posted 3 hours, 10 minutes ago
comment by Stay Safe (U1250)
posted 52 minutes ago
comment by JustCallMeTed (U21528)
posted 11 minutes ago
comment by Stay Safe (U1250)
posted 6 minutes ago
comment by JustCallMeTed (U21528)
posted 9 minutes ago
comment by Stay Safe (U1250)
posted 21 minutes ago
comment by JustCallMeTed (U21528)
posted 5 hours, 2 minutes ago
comment by palmers_spur (U8896)
posted 1 hour, 59 minutes ago
comment by JustCallMeTed (U21528)
posted 6 minutes ago
too damned bad whats happened to Boris won't happen to Trump.
On the other hand, since Trump won't wear a mask over his big mouth,.....maybe it will


Fack off Ted. Pathetic thing to say
You are Not living under Trump day-to-day .....
so you just don't know how bad the guy is, do you?
But wait ........
if he gets a second term...you will find out just how bad Trump is .....
because then his reach will cross the Atlantic...
and you will rue the day you thought I was being unkind!
Yup Trump and Bolsanaro ... the Adoph Hitlers of the 21st century..
There it is - Godwin's law
An analysis of the threads on JA606 that are longer than 25 posts show that Godwins law applies to
Some Law!!
Well for starters, that's not what that law says at all.

"if an online discussion (regardless of topic or scope) goes on long enough, sooner or later someone will compare someone or something to Adolf Hitler or his deeds"
So it really says nothing.
How about this....
"If an on-line discussion goes on long enough the world will end."
You can call that "Ted's Law"! <OK>
I'll call it Thick's Law
AKA - Stay Safes Law!
Missing the point againYou make a career out of being retaarded or are you really just a moron?
Oh no! You are thick!

posted on 7/4/20

comment by What would Stuart Pearce do? Better than Gozer the Gozerian (U3126)
posted 1 hour, 37 minutes ago
comment by thebluebellsarablue (U9292)
posted 2 minutes ago
comment by Kunta Kante (U1641)
posted 39 seconds ago
comment by The_Red_Cognoscente (U9741)
posted 16 minutes ago
Iceland, not S.Korea is actually leading the way in coping with Covid-19. Though S.Korea is a hearty second.

Boris is an idiot. Though he is 'our' idiot. He is one of the 'better' lights in his inchoate government. Just as Trump is a more palatable choice than Pence. Leaving the country to Raab and his rabid cohorts is actually dangerous.

Wish Boris a full recovery.
What have been Iceland’s strategies? Haven’t read much on their response. If we’re looking at other European countries doing well I believe Czech Republic are doing well (early lockdown and closing of borders. And interestingly, mandatory face mask use, even if home-made eg. A scarf or a t-shirt. I’m not sure how strict they’ve been with testing and contact tracing).

I also think it will be very interesting to see if Sweden have significantly different rate of cases or deaths with their relaxed ‘lockdown’.

I do think if you were going to build a country easiest to plan for a crisis like this, you’d build Iceland. Small well educated population, small landmass, only one mode of transportation in and out.
China locked down to foreigners flying in.

We allow people from all high infected areas to come in unchecked.

Massive mistake.
Hi TBAB hope you and family are well.

Good on you btw for volunteering!

In regard to testing etc I understand you can carry covid19 but not display any symptoms for a week or so later. Therefore makes it very difficult to screen those entering the country.
Afternoon WWSPD.

Hope you guys are ok in Down.

Strange days indeed.

Stay safe.♥️

posted on 7/4/20

comment by Black Starr (U12353)
posted 14 hours, 9 minutes ago
comment by Redinthehead - FreeGaza - فلسطين (U1860)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by Black Starr (U12353)
posted 4 seconds ago
comment by Redinthehead - FreeGaza - فلسطين (U1860)
posted 2 minutes ago
comment by Black Starr (U12353)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by Redinthehead - FreeGaza - فلسطين (U1860)
posted 12 seconds ago
comment by Black Starr (U12353)
posted 4 minutes ago
comment by Redinthehead - FreeGaza - فلسطين (U1860)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by Black Starr (U12353)
posted 25 seconds ago
comment by Redinthehead - FreeGaza - فلسطين (U1860)
posted 40 seconds ago
comment by Black Starr (U12353)
posted 26 minutes ago
comment by Redinthehead - FreeGaza - فلسطين (U1860)
posted 8 seconds ago
comment by Black Starr (U12353)
posted 2 minutes ago
comment by Robb, the fourth husband of Joe Exotic (U22311)
posted 34 seconds ago
Blackstarr’s MO..

Call everyone who disagrees with him a ‘medical expert’ and say that unless they really are one they couldn’t possibly be right.
It’s not me you’re disagreeing with - it’s epidemiologists and chief medical officers, not only in this country but in many others in terms of timing interventions to flatten the curve

I think it’s fair to say that a load of football fans (myself included) maybe aren’t best placed to calling the shots on an infectious disease outbreak.
Because scientists and data modelling experts can't be football fans, and certainly can't go on sports forums. (!)
I’m sure they can but I’m pretty sure none of you actually are
... That's what you said. Deny it again if you must.
I haven’t seen anyone post their medical or scientific credentials on here which would back up what they are saying. If they care to elaborate then fair play I’m all ears
You presumed to know everyone's vocation... when in fact you know jacksheet.

I haven't seen you post your birth certificate on here ergo you must be a bastrd.
Normally when someone makes a concerted argument about a subject that’s within their field of expertise - they tend to back it up. I’ll say it again, I don’t think Sandy, Sizzle, Robb, Edward (the leading lights on this debate) are experts in the spread of infectious diseases
I guess according to you the views of those scientists that signed the letter calling for far more wide reaching and swifter action shouldn't be cited either then..
They published that article a week before a full lockdown was implemented. They were right to post the article. They weren’t calling for that lockdown back in February though let’s be honest. They didn’t even post that at the beginning of March
Ah, so they only had that view a week before lockdown.. it just came go them in an epiphany and wasn't the result of any study or modelling. Just boom, one week before lockdown they all had the same mass epiphany.

Ok then.. if that's what you say you believe.
I’m saying if they had that view weeks before why not publish it weeks before?
So you're still contending that they may not have had those views before and just voiced them en masse without knowing how or why?

Do you know how ridiculous you sound? They voiced those concerns a full week before the government took action, they already had those views anyway.

You still maintain the government took the correct action, therefore you say these scientists (who's credentials haven't been displayed) were wrong in their timing, but then ask why they didn't voice their concerns even earlier.

You are facking 100% all over the place, aside from presuming to know every contributors competency on this thread, you want to maintain the government decisions were right and that wilfully shaking hands with corona patients is a wholly sensible thing to do and Boris Johnson shouldn't be criticised for it.

That he is in ICU taking up a bed space is right and proper and is in no way Boris Johnson's fault despite him having been one of the most informed people in Britain on this topic.

Jeezus facking christ.
And you’re putting dozens of words in my mouth and leaping to ridiculous conclusions because you’re too busy trying to win an argument rather than debating in a reasoned way.

I think the scientists views were informed by a change in the modelling - very similar to the governments shift in strategy when Neil Ferguson advised on the huge impact on the NHS based on new and updated modelling. Back in February - it wasn’t as obvious as you now make it out to be, hence the reason very few leading experts (if any) were calling for a nationwide lockdown back then. Something changed - they realised the virus couldn’t be contained and traced any longer

Not saying the government got this all spot on, they didn’t, but they were advised by scientists (including behavioural scientists) and were probably a week too late with their measures. I don’t think that calls for a hysterical criticism of the government though and I can only conclude that party politics is behind that

We are dealing with something not seen in 100 years. Italy, France, Spain, now the US and today Japan are all behind the curve in tackling this disease. They are all badly prepared.

You thought you knew everyone's vocation on here.. That's about what your thoughts are.

So if the government didn't get it all spot on, what bits did they get spot on?

posted on 7/4/20

comment by peks..#masks4all (U6618)
posted 1 hour, 39 minutes ago
evidence is emerging given early enough in the disease progression it clears the virus within a day
What does?

posted on 7/4/20

comment by Cinciwolf----JA606 NFL Fantasy Champion 2019----No Emotional Attachments....five long years (U11551)
posted 5 minutes ago
comment by peks..#masks4all (U6618)
posted 1 hour, 39 minutes ago
evidence is emerging given early enough in the disease progression it clears the virus within a day
What does?
hydroxychloroquine + zinc

posted on 7/4/20

comment by peks..#masks4all (U6618)
posted 4 minutes ago
comment by Cinciwolf----JA606 NFL Fantasy Champion 2019----No Emotional Attachments....five long years (U11551)
posted 5 minutes ago
comment by peks..#masks4all (U6618)
posted 1 hour, 39 minutes ago
evidence is emerging given early enough in the disease progression it clears the virus within a day
What does?
hydroxychloroquine + zinc

is that legit though, i know Trump is pushing it. Stockpiled 27 million pills or something but Fauci doesn't seem convinced.

posted on 7/4/20


posted on 7/4/20

comment by peks..#masks4all (U6618)
posted 9 minutes ago

Well fingers crossed this does turn out to be effective, it would be a game changer

posted on 7/4/20

comment by Cinciwolf----JA606 NFL Fantasy Champion 2019----No Emotional Attachments....five long years (U11551)
posted 10 minutes ago
comment by peks..#masks4all (U6618)
posted 9 minutes ago

Well fingers crossed this does turn out to be effective, it would be a game changer
needs to be given early on in the disease though to be effective...not at the point someone is put in ICU

posted on 7/4/20

comment by peks..#masks4all (U6618)
posted 24 minutes ago
Can you imagine the relief this will cause worldwide if it works ?

posted on 7/4/20

comment by peks..#masks4all (U6618)
posted 5 minutes ago
comment by Cinciwolf----JA606 NFL Fantasy Champion 2019----No Emotional Attachments....five long years (U11551)
posted 10 minutes ago
comment by peks..#masks4all (U6618)
posted 9 minutes ago

Well fingers crossed this does turn out to be effective, it would be a game changer
needs to be given early on in the disease though to be effective...not at the point someone is put in ICU
Afternoon Peks n Cini.

Sounds like a pop duo.

Wish I had studied science more at school, but got expelled from Chemistry in 4th year and picked art over biology as a cop out.

I read your posts and learn.♥️

posted on 7/4/20

Trump owns shares in the pharma company that produces that drug, that's why he's touting it.

posted on 7/4/20

i work as an industrial chemist, including research

i'm used to reading scientific papers , and seeing which ones are peer reviewed and decent, and not just utter shiiiite

i've been following this virus since it first emerged in china , and the progress being made with treatments, and knowledge of the disease

the Uk Gov have been consistently behind the knowledge curve imo

posted on 7/4/20

comment by peks..#masks4all (U6618)
posted 1 minute ago
i work as an industrial chemist, including research

i'm used to reading scientific papers , and seeing which ones are peer reviewed and decent, and not just utter shiiiite

i've been following this virus since it first emerged in china , and the progress being made with treatments, and knowledge of the disease

the Uk Gov have been consistently behind the knowledge curve imo
Any ideas as to it just destroys some people and not others , I'm on about regular healthy people ?

posted on 7/4/20

comment by Edward Elizabeth Hitler. (U14393)
posted 19 seconds ago
comment by peks..#masks4all (U6618)
posted 1 minute ago
i work as an industrial chemist, including research

i'm used to reading scientific papers , and seeing which ones are peer reviewed and decent, and not just utter shiiiite

i've been following this virus since it first emerged in china , and the progress being made with treatments, and knowledge of the disease

the Uk Gov have been consistently behind the knowledge curve imo
Any ideas as to it just destroys some people and not others , I'm on about regular healthy people ?
Viral load

posted on 7/4/20

comment by Edward Elizabeth Hitler. (U14393)
posted 3 minutes ago
comment by peks..#masks4all (U6618)
posted 1 minute ago
i work as an industrial chemist, including research

i'm used to reading scientific papers , and seeing which ones are peer reviewed and decent, and not just utter shiiiite

i've been following this virus since it first emerged in china , and the progress being made with treatments, and knowledge of the disease

the Uk Gov have been consistently behind the knowledge curve imo
Any ideas as to it just destroys some people and not others , I'm on about regular healthy people ?
as stated above ..viral load

posted on 7/4/20

comment by peks..#masks4all (U6618)
posted 20 minutes ago
comment by Cinciwolf----JA606 NFL Fantasy Champion 2019----No Emotional Attachments....five long years (U11551)
posted 10 minutes ago
comment by peks..#masks4all (U6618)
posted 9 minutes ago

Well fingers crossed this does turn out to be effective, it would be a game changer
needs to be given early on in the disease though to be effective...not at the point someone is put in ICU
That link says the complete opposite?!

posted on 7/4/20

comment by peks..#masks4all (U6618)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by Edward Elizabeth Hitler. (U14393)
posted 3 minutes ago
comment by peks..#masks4all (U6618)
posted 1 minute ago
i work as an industrial chemist, including research

i'm used to reading scientific papers , and seeing which ones are peer reviewed and decent, and not just utter shiiiite

i've been following this virus since it first emerged in china , and the progress being made with treatments, and knowledge of the disease

the Uk Gov have been consistently behind the knowledge curve imo
Any ideas as to it just destroys some people and not others , I'm on about regular healthy people ?
as stated above ..viral load

Is that just the strength of the virus, as in each individual has different amounts of virus in their body?

posted on 7/4/20

comment by Cinciwolf----JA606 NFL Fantasy Champion 2019--... (U11551)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by peks..#masks4all (U6618)
posted 20 minutes ago
comment by Cinciwolf----JA606 NFL Fantasy Champion 2019----No Emotional Attachments....five long years (U11551)
posted 10 minutes ago
comment by peks..#masks4all (U6618)
posted 9 minutes ago

Well fingers crossed this does turn out to be effective, it would be a game changer
needs to be given early on in the disease though to be effective...not at the point someone is put in ICU
That link says the complete opposite?!
Yeah - doesn't exactly inspire confidence re. peks' research skills

posted on 7/4/20

comment by peks..#masks4all (U6618)
posted 31 minutes ago

They've been talking about this as a possibility for a while now.

Need to be careful about changing the intended use of medicines though and particularly with malaria drugs. There was a case in Pakistan 8 or so years ago where there was a heart medicine that got cross contaminated with a malaria drug and it caused over 200 deaths.

posted on 7/4/20

comment by Cinciwolf----JA606 NFL Fantasy Champion 2019--... (U11551)
posted 17 seconds ago
comment by peks..#masks4all (U6618)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by Edward Elizabeth Hitler. (U14393)
posted 3 minutes ago
comment by peks..#masks4all (U6618)
posted 1 minute ago
i work as an industrial chemist, including research

i'm used to reading scientific papers , and seeing which ones are peer reviewed and decent, and not just utter shiiiite

i've been following this virus since it first emerged in china , and the progress being made with treatments, and knowledge of the disease

the Uk Gov have been consistently behind the knowledge curve imo
Any ideas as to it just destroys some people and not others , I'm on about regular healthy people ?
as stated above ..viral load

Is that just the strength of the virus, as in each individual has different amounts of virus in their body?
Number of viral particles the person carries. Someone who's heavily exposed to the virus for a long period will carry a much higher viral load than someone who just passes by another carrier in the corridor. Higher viral load > more severe infection. That's how it worked with SARS and MERS, both of which are coronaviruses too

posted on 7/4/20

yes hydroxychloroquine can occasionally cause heart rhythm problems and other side affects too

posted on 7/4/20

comment by peks..#masks4all (U6618)
posted 6 minutes ago
comment by Edward Elizabeth Hitler. (U14393)
posted 3 minutes ago
comment by peks..#masks4all (U6618)
posted 1 minute ago
i work as an industrial chemist, including research

i'm used to reading scientific papers , and seeing which ones are peer reviewed and decent, and not just utter shiiiite

i've been following this virus since it first emerged in china , and the progress being made with treatments, and knowledge of the disease

the Uk Gov have been consistently behind the knowledge curve imo
Any ideas as to it just destroys some people and not others , I'm on about regular healthy people ?
as stated above ..viral load

Is that actually the case though? I thought when it was looked into, they have found people who are asymptomatic with a high viral load.

Page 18 of 21

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