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Trevor Sinclair is a disgrace

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posted on 9/9/22

comment by “I repeat” (U8366)
posted 37 seconds ago
comment by Hod idol (U5117)
posted 17 seconds ago
comment by “I repeat” (U8366)
posted 3 minutes ago
Yeah but why should black and brown people mourn the passing of a person who was the figurehead of what may represent to them colonialism and institutional racism?

The Queen was obviously not the one giving out orders but is still the figurehead

Ideally black and brown people would be mourning by focusing on the positives.

How about respect and appreciation for this country evolving into one of the most diverse and multicultural societies throughout the Queen's reign, more than likely because of the historical impact of the British Empire and not in spite of it.
It is a beautifully diverse country, specifically in the main cities, and I love London. The reason why it is so diverse though is founded upon the brutal colonialism of the British Empire let’s not sugarcoat it.

Not sugar coating at all just pointing out some positives. I say this as someone whose Irish ancestors were treated brutally by the British and have every reason to hate and get burdened in the negatives as much as any black or brown person. There were white people who were also persecuted which sometimes gets conveniently forgotten about.

posted on 9/9/22

comment by “I repeat” (U8366)
posted 6 minutes ago
comment by Hod idol (U5117)
posted 17 seconds ago
comment by “I repeat” (U8366)
posted 3 minutes ago
Yeah but why should black and brown people mourn the passing of a person who was the figurehead of what may represent to them colonialism and institutional racism?

The Queen was obviously not the one giving out orders but is still the figurehead

Ideally black and brown people would be mourning by focusing on the positives.

How about respect and appreciation for this country evolving into one of the most diverse and multicultural societies throughout the Queen's reign, more than likely because of the historical impact of the British Empire and not in spite of it.
It is a beautifully diverse country, specifically in the main cities, and I love London. The reason why it is so diverse though is founded upon the brutal colonialism of the British Empire let’s not sugarcoat it.
Which again is why it should be celebrated that this didn't continue under the Queens reign. If it did we wouldn't even be able to have this discussion.

posted on 9/9/22

comment by “I repeat” (U8366)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by Ole dirty Baztard - penited and penandes (U19119)
posted 21 seconds ago
comment by “I repeat” (U8366)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by Ole dirty Baztard - penited and penandes (U19119)
posted 2 minutes ago
comment by “I repeat” (U8366)
posted 17 seconds ago
Yeah but why should black and brown people mourn the passing of a person who was the figurehead of what may represent to them colonialism and institutional racism?

The Queen was obviously not the one giving out orders but is still the figurehead
Not much she could do about that though is there. You are a member of the human race who’ve committed atrocities against themselves and nature. So it’s you fault too isn’t it?
I am not the figurehead of an empire am I, the state of your argument 😂😂. And yes, if the Queen had “taken a stand” against things she would definitely have been able to influence change
Hardly like she could change her role is it? Unless she abdicated. You seem to be blaming the actions of government on her, you are getting confused. Perhaps she could of spoke up, maybe she did, maybe she wasn’t aware of some of the stuff? Who knows.

I’m not blaming anything, in fact the first comment I made mentioned that she is just the figurehead. But you see, thing with figureheads is that they “represent” the institution/country/regime etc. So my point is that black/brown people may not want to mourn for that reason, not because she was out there colonising herself.
That’s fair enough, as I’ve said if people want to mourn or not, up to them.completely understand that some minorities wouldn’t want to given the history. But blaming everything ‘in her name’ when she was not ordering, or committing these acts is stupid, which is what others are hinting. .

posted on 9/9/22

comment by “I repeat” (U8366)
posted 3 minutes ago
comment by Just HojSpjurs (U22695)
posted 3 minutes ago
comment by “I repeat” (U8366)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by Just HojSpjurs (U22695)
posted 3 minutes ago
comment by “I repeat” (U8366)
posted 1 minute ago
Yeah but why should black and brown people mourn the passing of a person who was the figurehead of what may represent to them colonialism and institutional racism?

The Queen was obviously not the one giving out orders but is still the figurehead

So ultimately then there should be a seperatestate for black and brown people within the larger state?
That’s what the black panthers wanted but thats a discussion for another day 😉

Why not today? Do you think most black and brown people in the UK want a seperate state for black and brown people?
Because todays convo is about the Queen isn’t it, not the Black Panthers. And I have no idea what a stupid question. What do you think?

So out of respect for the Queen you would just like to talk today about her being a racist and how as a result the white people should mourn her but not the black and brown people? Got it 👍

posted on 9/9/22

comment by Just HojSpjurs (U22695)
posted 5 minutes ago
Anyway AFC, we've just gone round down in a circle.

You couldn't explain all the horrific things that were done in QE2's name, because they burned all the books in which the things were recorded.

But now you've remembered Operation Legacy - the book they forgot to burn 🔥, you CAN explain the horrific things that WERE done in her name after all
Didn't say I couldn't explain, I said I dont want to explain anything to u coz its long and u seem ignorant. And your demonstrating it with your comments, I never said it was a book called 'Operation Legacy' , that is what the protocol was called , once again, quick Google and you'll see but u won't.

posted on 9/9/22


posted on 9/9/22

207 comments…and Winston hasn’t even turned up yet…

posted on 9/9/22

comment by Ole dirty Baztard - penited and penandes (U19119)
posted 39 minutes ago
comment by “I repeat” (U8366)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by Ole dirty Baztard - penited and penandes (U19119)
posted 21 seconds ago
comment by “I repeat” (U8366)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by Ole dirty Baztard - penited and penandes (U19119)
posted 2 minutes ago
comment by “I repeat” (U8366)
posted 17 seconds ago
Yeah but why should black and brown people mourn the passing of a person who was the figurehead of what may represent to them colonialism and institutional racism?

The Queen was obviously not the one giving out orders but is still the figurehead
Not much she could do about that though is there. You are a member of the human race who’ve committed atrocities against themselves and nature. So it’s you fault too isn’t it?
I am not the figurehead of an empire am I, the state of your argument 😂😂. And yes, if the Queen had “taken a stand” against things she would definitely have been able to influence change
Hardly like she could change her role is it? Unless she abdicated. You seem to be blaming the actions of government on her, you are getting confused. Perhaps she could of spoke up, maybe she did, maybe she wasn’t aware of some of the stuff? Who knows.

I’m not blaming anything, in fact the first comment I made mentioned that she is just the figurehead. But you see, thing with figureheads is that they “represent” the institution/country/regime etc. So my point is that black/brown people may not want to mourn for that reason, not because she was out there colonising herself.
That’s fair enough, as I’ve said if people want to mourn or not, up to them.completely understand that some minorities wouldn’t want to given the history. But blaming everything ‘in her name’ when she was not ordering, or committing these acts is stupid, which is what others are hinting. .
Yep fair enough mate. Tbh those that think that are obviously struggling to view the bigger picture.

posted on 9/9/22

comment by Just HojSpjurs (U22695)
posted 41 minutes ago
comment by “I repeat” (U8366)
posted 3 minutes ago
comment by Just HojSpjurs (U22695)
posted 3 minutes ago
comment by “I repeat” (U8366)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by Just HojSpjurs (U22695)
posted 3 minutes ago
comment by “I repeat” (U8366)
posted 1 minute ago
Yeah but why should black and brown people mourn the passing of a person who was the figurehead of what may represent to them colonialism and institutional racism?

The Queen was obviously not the one giving out orders but is still the figurehead

So ultimately then there should be a seperatestate for black and brown people within the larger state?
That’s what the black panthers wanted but thats a discussion for another day 😉

Why not today? Do you think most black and brown people in the UK want a seperate state for black and brown people?
Because todays convo is about the Queen isn’t it, not the Black Panthers. And I have no idea what a stupid question. What do you think?

So out of respect for the Queen you would just like to talk today about her being a racist and how as a result the white people should mourn her but not the black and brown people? Got it 👍
Mate your first comment in reply to me was nonsense, you continued it and now you are literally making rubbish up. How embarrassing but clearly representative of your mindset and intelligence level

posted on 9/9/22

comment by Hod idol (U5117)
posted 45 minutes ago
comment by “I repeat” (U8366)
posted 37 seconds ago
comment by Hod idol (U5117)
posted 17 seconds ago
comment by “I repeat” (U8366)
posted 3 minutes ago
Yeah but why should black and brown people mourn the passing of a person who was the figurehead of what may represent to them colonialism and institutional racism?

The Queen was obviously not the one giving out orders but is still the figurehead

Ideally black and brown people would be mourning by focusing on the positives.

How about respect and appreciation for this country evolving into one of the most diverse and multicultural societies throughout the Queen's reign, more than likely because of the historical impact of the British Empire and not in spite of it.
It is a beautifully diverse country, specifically in the main cities, and I love London. The reason why it is so diverse though is founded upon the brutal colonialism of the British Empire let’s not sugarcoat it.

Not sugar coating at all just pointing out some positives. I say this as someone whose Irish ancestors were treated brutally by the British and have every reason to hate and get burdened in the negatives as much as any black or brown person. There were white people who were also persecuted which sometimes gets conveniently forgotten about.
Well anyone who knows history knows about “no blacks, no dogs, no irish” so its not really forgotten about. I get your point here. I’m assuming (maybe incorrectly) that you are implying that persecution to white people doesn’t get enough attention as to black/brown/yellow etc people? If yes, and I CBA to get too much deeper into it but the reason there IMO is because ultimately they are still white and so if it came down to it, they are still closer to the persecutor. In a job interview for example, the hiring manager might not realise that Mr Smith is Irish, but they would know Mr Boateng is African. I’m not articulating it very well but hopefully that makes sense

comment by Jay. (U16498)

posted on 9/9/22

In this thread - people not understanding what freedom of speech means. It doesn't mean he can say whatever he likes and no one can call him out on it and demand consequences.

He is free to say whatever he wants (excluding hate speech), and be free from criminal consequences, etc. It doesn't mean freedom from civil consequences.

It doesn't mean that people can't demand that TalkSPORT sack him. It doesn't mean that he can't lose his job (if anything, his contract will likely have some kind of morality clause, i.e. don't bring us in to disrepute). It doesn't mean that he's entitled to still have some kind of career after the scandal passes.

What he said was very, very stupid, extremely hypocritical given his past, and most of all just a really dumb time to say something like that. It's also really weird and insulting to her to insinuate that it is the Queen's fault there racism is still prevalent in the country. It means that he thinks that people in this country only follow the racist Queen, and sort of absolves the individual racist cvnts from their actions. It's a much wider problem than the Queen or extended monarchy, and very disingenuous of him to lay it at the feet of the Queen.

posted on 9/9/22

Well said Jay, the only thing I think it’s truly highlighted is that Sinclair is an idiot.

posted on 9/9/22

I think one thing's clear and that's that Sinclair's tweet has hugely improved racial harmony, respect, tolerance, integration and invisibility. The journey towards not identifying people by their racial background but by their individual character, has moved on immeasurably as a direct result of the tweet.

I think it's fair to say that we've all seen the racists out there today walking round in their black clothes to mock black people and show their racist solidarity with the grand wizard racist who has spent her life committing horrific acts upon black people to the extent that they burned all the books which recorded her crimes.

Well Sinclair has given us a way to fight back.

It's clear to any reasonable that Sinclar should be rewarded with MINIMUM a knighthood and a peerage. And possibly should be made 1st in line to the throne to avoid the prospect of yet another white monarch ruling kver us with their white privilege.

There's talk about a public holiday for the queen's funeral. Well I propose instead an annual public holiday in the name of Trevor Sinclair to remember the work he has done to move our society forward and eradicate the racists.

God save Trevor Sinclair and Talk Sport.

posted on 9/9/22

comment by clapfreesince2003 (U22207)
posted 5 hours, 37 minutes ago
comment by Automatic For The People (U21889)
posted 23 minutes ago
comment by JFDI (U1657)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by Automatic For The People (U21889)
posted 27 seconds ago
comment by JFDI (U1657)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by PhilspursFGR (U3278)
posted 42 seconds ago
comment by JFDI (U1657)
posted 4 minutes ago
comment by PhilspursFGR (U3278)
posted 6 minutes ago
He expressed a view. It's not exactly hateful. Don't see the big deal.
I'm a brown person, he is entitled to his opinion but to me I find it condescending and disrespectful.
Ok, I'm sure you'll get over it.

I'm not saying I agree with his view either way, I just don't quite get the outrage.

If you're really sad about it, then be really sad.
Not sad, angry that someone chooses to project their views on others.
Well that’s what the British Establishment and their mouthpiece the BBC will be doing for the next twelve days.
They will be reflecting the views of the majority,
Says who?
Who says they aren’t?

She gave 70 fecking years to this country, she was still working 2 days before she died for Christ sake. Let the country mourn you miserable lazy fecker.
shut the fack up sizzle you window licking moron...no-ones interested in anything that comes out of your mouth

posted on 9/9/22

comment by Just HojSpjurs (U22695)
posted 25 minutes ago
I think one thing's clear and that's that Sinclair's tweet has hugely improved racial harmony, respect, tolerance, integration and invisibility. The journey towards not identifying people by their racial background but by their individual character, has moved on immeasurably as a direct result of the tweet.

I think it's fair to say that we've all seen the racists out there today walking round in their black clothes to mock black people and show their racist solidarity with the grand wizard racist who has spent her life committing horrific acts upon black people to the extent that they burned all the books which recorded her crimes.

Well Sinclair has given us a way to fight back.

It's clear to any reasonable that Sinclar should be rewarded with MINIMUM a knighthood and a peerage. And possibly should be made 1st in line to the throne to avoid the prospect of yet another white monarch ruling kver us with their white privilege.

There's talk about a public holiday for the queen's funeral. Well I propose instead an annual public holiday in the name of Trevor Sinclair to remember the work he has done to move our society forward and eradicate the racists.

God save Trevor Sinclair and Talk Sport.
damn, 1 tweet from 1 guy has got you raging, spouting nonsense.
Once again, Trevor Sinclair doesn't speak for or represent all black or brown people, that's HIS views. chill, have a drink

posted on 9/9/22

I wouldn't ban Trevor Sinclair, in my view his Freedom of Speech gives this convicted racist the right to embarrass himself by talking absolute b0ll0ck$...

posted on 9/9/22

The Queen has been instrumental in developing the modern commonwealth and further relations between us and many countries in Africa Asia etc. She may not have been on any Black Lives Matter marches and has stayed out of the public debate on all such issues, but that does not mean she has not done considerable work in developing such relations and promoting equality.

People like Sinclair are morons, do nothing to promote the good cause & only look to cause further division with ill considered ill informed statements like this, less than 24 hours after she died FFS

posted on 9/9/22

comment by AFCISMYTEAM (U14931)
posted 1 hour, 21 minutes ago
comment by Just HojSpjurs (U22695)
posted 25 minutes ago
I think one thing's clear and that's that Sinclair's tweet has hugely improved racial harmony, respect, tolerance, integration and invisibility. The journey towards not identifying people by their racial background but by their individual character, has moved on immeasurably as a direct result of the tweet.

I think it's fair to say that we've all seen the racists out there today walking round in their black clothes to mock black people and show their racist solidarity with the grand wizard racist who has spent her life committing horrific acts upon black people to the extent that they burned all the books which recorded her crimes.

Well Sinclair has given us a way to fight back.

It's clear to any reasonable that Sinclar should be rewarded with MINIMUM a knighthood and a peerage. And possibly should be made 1st in line to the throne to avoid the prospect of yet another white monarch ruling kver us with their white privilege.

There's talk about a public holiday for the queen's funeral. Well I propose instead an annual public holiday in the name of Trevor Sinclair to remember the work he has done to move our society forward and eradicate the racists.

God save Trevor Sinclair and Talk Sport.
damn, 1 tweet from 1 guy has got you raging, spouting nonsense.
Once again, Trevor Sinclair doesn't speak for or represent all black or brown people, that's HIS views. chill, have a drink
until he get's sacked, these are Talksport's views too

posted on 9/9/22

It’s laughable that some people on here are trying to rationalise or justify this vile racists’ comments.

The same mug tweeted only 2 years ago about what a great woman the Queen was. He was clearly looking to cause racial friction and looks to have succeeded judging on some of the idiotic comments on this thread.

posted on 9/9/22

His views are of literally no meaning or importance to me in all honesty, his path & mine are very unlikely to ever cross, & even if they did he's entitled to his "view"...for whatever its worth

posted on 9/9/22

Twitter is a fackwits charter....& guess what, - it's full of fackwits, many of which can't even perform basic spelling, grammar, or articulation let alone think straight.

Not that it's that important, but it shows the user level alarmingly.

posted on 9/9/22

comment by Sheriff JW Pepper (U1007)
posted 41 minutes ago
comment by AFCISMYTEAM (U14931)
posted 1 hour, 21 minutes ago
comment by Just HojSpjurs (U22695)
posted 25 minutes ago
I think one thing's clear and that's that Sinclair's tweet has hugely improved racial harmony, respect, tolerance, integration and invisibility. The journey towards not identifying people by their racial background but by their individual character, has moved on immeasurably as a direct result of the tweet.

I think it's fair to say that we've all seen the racists out there today walking round in their black clothes to mock black people and show their racist solidarity with the grand wizard racist who has spent her life committing horrific acts upon black people to the extent that they burned all the books which recorded her crimes.

Well Sinclair has given us a way to fight back.

It's clear to any reasonable that Sinclar should be rewarded with MINIMUM a knighthood and a peerage. And possibly should be made 1st in line to the throne to avoid the prospect of yet another white monarch ruling kver us with their white privilege.

There's talk about a public holiday for the queen's funeral. Well I propose instead an annual public holiday in the name of Trevor Sinclair to remember the work he has done to move our society forward and eradicate the racists.

God save Trevor Sinclair and Talk Sport.
damn, 1 tweet from 1 guy has got you raging, spouting nonsense.
Once again, Trevor Sinclair doesn't speak for or represent all black or brown people, that's HIS views. chill, have a drink
until he get's sacked, these are Talksport's views too
No they aren't,it was from his twitter account, not talksports.

posted on 9/9/22

I don’t know why the spurs board on here has a disproportionate amount of complete lowlife b*llends but between Billy & Dons racism and JPB/JustHoj’s inane whataboutery it doesn’t bode well for the human race.

posted on 9/9/22

Trevor Sinclair will not be on air while we carry out a thorough investigation into the circumstances and timing of his tweet.

While we respect the right of Trevor Sinclair to express his opinion on his personal twitter account, talkSPORT does not endorse the tweet.

posted on 9/9/22

Let's talk about what color everyone's skin is so exciting and interesting

Page 9 of 13

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