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posted on 29/3/23

Christ. That's a shock.

Really so sorry to hear that. He was a great lad on here.

And thank you for all the sleuthing. I guess we'd never have known otherwise.

RIP mate.

posted on 29/3/23

Gutted to get the news. Despite thinking it may be the case it's still sad news.

A well respected member of JA who will be sadly missed.

posted on 29/3/23

I got the chance to meet him once, a really nice guy and a pleasant poster.

Could never get into a wum with him, just too damn nice

Maybe if we're both lucky we'll meet again.

Rip ath

posted on 29/3/23


posted on 29/3/23

Terribly sad news
Ath was a top man who I was privileged to meet on one occasion

Thoughts with all his loved ones at the tragic time

And well done Silver on the hard work to get to this sad conclusion

RIP Atheist

posted on 29/3/23


posted on 29/3/23

Top man and testament to the amount of digging Silver has gone out of his way to try and locate him.

A loss to these boards. Like others I had the pleasure of meeting him the once and “assisting” him into his taxi home.

RIP my friend

posted on 29/3/23

I have a fantastic group photo of the JA team with Atheist. Obviously I won't post it on here but glad to have something from the occassion he was able to join us.

posted on 29/3/23

that in the admiral?

was thinking about that one there, anyone less TMQ know i think he helped Ath make his appearance at the night out didn't he?

one i never begrudged a rangers win, just a good guy, will miss him on here.

posted on 29/3/23

Sad news.

RIP Ath, you were a good guy and well liked on here, you'll be missed mate.

posted on 29/3/23

JFK yeah the one from the admiral

posted on 29/3/23

I’m genuinely gutted about this. Ath was always just a total gentleman on here, and was always decent and balanced in his comments.

He’s a loss to the forum, and I can only imagine an even bigger loss to his family.

Rest in peace ath.

And thank you Silver for persisting with this. As much as it’s not the news anyone wanted, at least we know what the situation is.

posted on 29/3/23

Silver obviously we've been in communication to try help your hunt but you put in a lot of effort to get us here and unfortunately not the place we hoped.

Enjoy the wine as you toast a friend of all on JA

comment by Admin1 (U1)

posted on 29/3/23

So sad to hear of this. I did fear the worst. He really was a great guy who you could see was respected by everyone on here.

posted on 29/3/23

comment by Silver (U6112)

posted on 29/3/23

comment by Call Sign (U3627)
posted 21 minutes ago
I have a fantastic group photo of the JA team with Atheist. Obviously I won't post it on here but glad to have something from the occassion he was able to join us.
Was there not much hilarity about his prosthetic leg? I wasn't there but seem to remember the comments.

posted on 29/3/23

Thanks for your OP Silvet. Really sad news about Ath. He was a great poster and he will be missed. R.I.P.

posted on 29/3/23


comment by lauders (U9757)

posted on 29/3/23

Very sad news. Was just the same in person as on here. Total gent.

CS would you mind sending me that photo?

Really hoped Silver’s update would be better news. Fair play for putting the hard work in mate.

I too will raise a glass to him tonight.

posted on 29/3/23

Really really saddened to hear this news. It's a wee community on here and he was a massive part of it. A really good guy. RIP.

posted on 29/3/23

Sad to hear.

RIP chief.

posted on 29/3/23

Sadly, this was the news that we all feared. Well done Silver for sterling work to put our minds at rest and Atheist memory fondly at the forefront.

posted on 29/3/23

So sad to read of Aths departure,a really nice guy so he was,had a good few laughs on here with him,now at peace with his wife. God bless you Sir. Rest in peace.

posted on 29/3/23

Nice thread, well done Silver. RIP

posted on 29/3/23

He'll be raging when he finds out I was right all along.

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