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These 92 comments are related to an article called:

The McGregor Situation

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posted on 16/6/23

comment by Elvis (U7425)
posted 4 hours, 37 minutes ago
comment by FootyMcfootfoot (U21853)
posted 0 seconds ago
On one part I find it hard to believe a guy as rich and we'll known as he is needs to force himself onto women, especially when he has paid off strippers he's impregnated already. In this day and age I'm sure there's plenty of clout chasing stupid women who would love to 5hag him


We have another one!

Rape isn't about not being able to get laid. It is about power.
Did you read my whole post? Bit stupid to chop a bit out to suit your weird agenda. I don't condone rape at all.

Strange coming from a guy who is named after a bloke that 5hagged and married a kid 😂

This place cracks me up.

comment by Elvis (U7425)

posted on 16/6/23

comment by FootyMcfootfoot (U21853)
posted 51 seconds ago
comment by Elvis (U7425)
posted 4 hours, 37 minutes ago
comment by FootyMcfootfoot (U21853)
posted 0 seconds ago
On one part I find it hard to believe a guy as rich and we'll known as he is needs to force himself onto women, especially when he has paid off strippers he's impregnated already. In this day and age I'm sure there's plenty of clout chasing stupid women who would love to 5hag him


We have another one!

Rape isn't about not being able to get laid. It is about power.
Did you read my whole post? Bit stupid to chop a bit out to suit your weird agenda. I don't condone rape at all.

Strange coming from a guy who is named after a bloke that 5hagged and married a kid 😂

This place cracks me up.

1. I didn't say you condoned rape. I questioned your understanding of why men carry out such attacks.

2. I am named after Elvis Hammond.

posted on 16/6/23

comment by Joe: Hart to Joehnston to Jony Ralston to Joeta to Rejoe to Matt JO'Riley onto Kyojoe and its Hyeongyu Joh at the back post!! JOALLLLLLLL!! (U15888)
posted 6 hours, 59 minutes ago
Ahh the good old jump to conlusions and sentence without one iota of proof.

I think, and this is as controversion a take as they come, that someone as handsome (haha gay statement but simply a fact) and rich and famous and lets face it smart, as McGregor is not going to rape someone when he could get most women
You should have been Epstein's lawyer. You could have got him off the hook with this argument.

posted on 16/6/23

comment by rosso says the time has come to unlock the unlimited Pote-ntial of the Fernançalvemiro triumvirate (U17054)
posted 6 hours, 30 minutes ago
comment by rooney_hernandez (U7012)
posted 7 minutes ago
comment by Red Russian (U4715)
posted 22 seconds ago
comment by rooney_hernandez (U7012)
posted 4 minutes ago
“ Although the woman reported the alleged sexual assault to local authorities, she apparently does not want to press charges, with Mitchell writing in her letters that the woman is only seeking settlements with McGregor, the NBA and Heat. TMZ reported that the Miami Police Department said it has conducted an investigation since Sunday, which remains ongoing.”

The Mitchell referred to is the accuser’s attorney.

Always disheartening how many men seek to levy judgement upon others to appear righteous without doing the most basic level of background research possible.

I wasn't referring to the question of whether she was pressing charges when I made my broader point; Rosso didn't make that statement which you're referencing when he noted she made a police report. So it's not quite clear what you're trying to refute here.

But more generally, with every high profile rape allegation case you get a swathe of dudes arguing that the woman wasn't raped and is motivated by money. That's just a fact. It's also a fact that women do get raped, and so in at least some of the cases where men are instinctively siding with the accused, they are siding with a rapist. It doesn't make me righteous disliking that state of affairs. It's not that I'm a morally fine human being. I have many flaws, and have done plenty of selfish things that I shouldn't be proud of. So no, it's not about me being righteous. It's about some people being woman-hating cиnts.
You’ve responded directly to a comment which responds directly to my own comment, so the implication is very clear in that respect.

We’re not talking about rape accusations in general or the makeup of your - or indeed others’ - morale fibre; we’re talking about the case at hand.

Based on the points I’ve made in my original post, the fact pattern and information being provided here seems far from credible and certainly points to the fact that pecuniary motives will be accepted in lieu of persecution, which has been directly stated by her attorney.

My point was that this fact - the pursuit of fiscal reimbursement in lieu of persecution - is incongruent with the typical desires of a victim of rape and is among other things incredibly contrarian to the wellbeing of rape victims globally.

I’m not jumping on a bandwagon and screaming “gold digger” at the first accusation of rape; I’ve read the facts of the case that are publicly available at this moment in time and recognised that hey attorney has literally stated that the victim will accept cash in lieu of persecution. I would suggest you observe some specificity when approaching specific questions and conversations.
“My point was that this fact - the pursuit of fiscal reimbursement in lieu of persecution - is incongruent with the typical desires of a victim of rape…”

No, it isn’t. Not after good legal advice anyway.

There is a much higher burden of proof in criminal versus civil cases, the majority of raapists walk free in criminal trials, the restitution is better in civil cases (in the US at least), civil claims can also be brought against parties who failed to undertake reasonable actions to prevent sexual assault (which in this case might include the likes of the NBA, the NBA team, and the private security contractors), civil claimants have more control over proceedings than criminal plaintiffs, and multiple parties can be sued at once under the same case.
And you dont need an unanimous verdict.

posted on 16/6/23

comment by Elvis (U7425)
posted 29 minutes ago
comment by FootyMcfootfoot (U21853)
posted 51 seconds ago
comment by Elvis (U7425)
posted 4 hours, 37 minutes ago
comment by FootyMcfootfoot (U21853)
posted 0 seconds ago
On one part I find it hard to believe a guy as rich and we'll known as he is needs to force himself onto women, especially when he has paid off strippers he's impregnated already. In this day and age I'm sure there's plenty of clout chasing stupid women who would love to 5hag him


We have another one!

Rape isn't about not being able to get laid. It is about power.
Did you read my whole post? Bit stupid to chop a bit out to suit your weird agenda. I don't condone rape at all.

Strange coming from a guy who is named after a bloke that 5hagged and married a kid 😂

This place cracks me up.

1. I didn't say you condoned rape. I questioned your understanding of why men carry out such attacks.

2. I am named after Elvis Hammond.
Basically, if you're rich and well known it means you can't commit rape.


posted on 16/6/23

I'm sure there's car more women that find McGregor repulsive than those that find hI'm 'sexy'

Even if wealth and being hard as 5hit are qualities some women like, behaviour can be one of the most off putting things around. He isn't the brightest spark and his ego has got way out of control.

Dan must be sick of sticking up for 'his boy'

Didn't he smack some mascot the other day too and he had to go to hospital? I saw it was or for his healing spray and the mascot may have asked him.to do it but he seems to Def not think before he acts nowadays, or just thinks dif rules apply to him.

Thing that I get my head around is his security apparently aiding him in this supposed rape, and in a really high profile location too. Just seems a bit bonkers no one would say wait a minute mate....wtf is going on here.

comment by Elvis (U7425)

posted on 16/6/23

comment by K7-0ptimus Primal (U1282)
posted 56 seconds ago
comment by Elvis (U7425)
posted 29 minutes ago
comment by FootyMcfootfoot (U21853)
posted 51 seconds ago
comment by Elvis (U7425)
posted 4 hours, 37 minutes ago
comment by FootyMcfootfoot (U21853)
posted 0 seconds ago
On one part I find it hard to believe a guy as rich and we'll known as he is needs to force himself onto women, especially when he has paid off strippers he's impregnated already. In this day and age I'm sure there's plenty of clout chasing stupid women who would love to 5hag him


We have another one!

Rape isn't about not being able to get laid. It is about power.
Did you read my whole post? Bit stupid to chop a bit out to suit your weird agenda. I don't condone rape at all.

Strange coming from a guy who is named after a bloke that 5hagged and married a kid 😂

This place cracks me up.

1. I didn't say you condoned rape. I questioned your understanding of why men carry out such attacks.

2. I am named after Elvis Hammond.
Basically, if you're rich and well known it means you can't commit rape.


2 posters have come up with the same guff.

posted on 16/6/23

comment by Elvis (U7425)
posted 35 minutes ago
comment by FootyMcfootfoot (U21853)
posted 51 seconds ago
comment by Elvis (U7425)
posted 4 hours, 37 minutes ago
comment by FootyMcfootfoot (U21853)
posted 0 seconds ago
On one part I find it hard to believe a guy as rich and we'll known as he is needs to force himself onto women, especially when he has paid off strippers he's impregnated already. In this day and age I'm sure there's plenty of clout chasing stupid women who would love to 5hag him


We have another one!

Rape isn't about not being able to get laid. It is about power.
Did you read my whole post? Bit stupid to chop a bit out to suit your weird agenda. I don't condone rape at all.

Strange coming from a guy who is named after a bloke that 5hagged and married a kid 😂

This place cracks me up.

1. I didn't say you condoned rape. I questioned your understanding of why men carry out such attacks.

2. I am named after Elvis Hammond.
Sorry I apologise. Trouble with reading stuff online. Reader determines the tone. I did think you was being unnecessarily judgemental but totally take it back.

I'll be the first to apologise when it's justified and youve shown I got the wrong end of the stick.

posted on 16/6/23

Just to add further fuel to the fire:

TMZ have now released the video footage that her attorney reference in her letter, which appears contrary to several points raised in the alleged victim’s account as documented in that letter, further diluting the credibility of her account.

posted on 17/6/23

comment by rooney_hernandez (U7012)
posted 8 hours, 19 minutes ago
Just to add further fuel to the fire:

TMZ have now released the video footage that her attorney reference in her letter, which appears contrary to several points raised in the alleged victim’s account as documented in that letter, further diluting the credibility of her account.
Which several points is the video contrary to?

posted on 17/6/23

comment by K7-0ptimus Primal (U1282)
posted 1 hour, 1 minute ago
comment by rooney_hernandez (U7012)
posted 8 hours, 19 minutes ago
Just to add further fuel to the fire:

TMZ have now released the video footage that her attorney reference in her letter, which appears contrary to several points raised in the alleged victim’s account as documented in that letter, further diluting the credibility of her account.
Which several points is the video contrary to?
comment by K7-0ptimus Primal (U1282)
posted 1 hour, 1 minute ago
comment by rooney_hernandez (U7012)
posted 8 hours, 19 minutes ago
Just to add further fuel to the fire:

TMZ have now released the video footage that her attorney reference in her letter, which appears contrary to several points raised in the alleged victim’s account as documented in that letter, further diluting the credibility of her account.
Which several points is the video contrary to?
The account claims that the accuser was physically forced into the bathroom by security; this didn’t happen and she in fact appears to enter willingly/cordially, without any security intervention.

The account claims that McGregor was already in the bathroom and appeared from within a stall; this didn’t happen, as he is outside the bathroom, whispers something to her (probably along the lines of “join me in the bathroom&rdquo, and they both enter the bathroom together.

The account claims that security coercively separated her from her friend, this didn’t happen and the friend walks to the bathroom with them, again in a cordial manner.

The account claims that security would not let her friend enter the bathroom, this didn’t happen (at least, from the snippet that the video shows).

The account implies (though, in fairness, does not explicitly state) that this was their first interaction, at least of that evening. Video footage has emerged that shows the two partying together earlier in the evening.

Again, all of these things do not discount the possibility of rape - you could very much enter a bathroom willingly and still fall victim to sexual assault - however, it does somewhat alleviate (or at least place doubt upon) the credibility of the account, given several direct contradictions.

That’s what McGregor’s lawyers would argue, anyway, and in the absence of physical evidence (which is an assumption on my part), it becomes much harder to land your point in a ‘he said, she said’ battle.

Upon emergence of the video footage, McGregor’s lawyers have said that Mitchell - the accuser’s attorney - has “changed her story”, but we don’t know what that means as yet (or at least I can’t find anything other than assumption and/or implication)

posted on 17/6/23

Perhaps the video I've seen isn't the same as the one you're referring to. How many are there? From what I've seen, the above comment is pure bolloxx. I'll try to see if I missed something.

Might you have a link? Where did you watch the video?

posted on 17/6/23

I’ve seen the same one reported by various media outlets, which seems to originate from TMZ:


Then the footage of them partying earlier in the night is apparently taken by the accuser and posted on her social media.

Apparently the “changing her story” bit re Mitchell is referencing the fact that Mitchell now claims that the accuser believed she was being taken to the Four Seasons, after McGregor had invited her to his room earlier in the evening.

posted on 17/6/23

That video seems to cut off for me - I don’t know if it’s the same for you - but this link includes the video in full:


posted on 17/6/23

It wouldn’t surprise me if he did, he’s a narcissistic gobshite who thinks he can get whatever he wants, saying that, that video isn’t enough to convince me he did what he’s accused of.

posted on 17/6/23

Bit where she claimed security forced her in the toilets, at a huge public venue, is the bit I was 🤔geared up mcgregor with his ego I wouldn't put anything past him but the idea a security team would take part just stank of bs. Especially noting the time and location.

They need to really punish her if it's just a money grab to set a precedent as it just undermines genuine rape claims tbh.

posted on 17/6/23

comment by FootyMcfootfoot (U21853)
posted 4 hours, 40 minutes ago
Bit where she claimed security forced her in the toilets, at a huge public venue, is the bit I was 🤔geared up mcgregor with his ego I wouldn't put anything past him but the idea a security team would take part just stank of bs. Especially noting the time and location.

They need to really punish her if it's just a money grab to set a precedent as it just undermines genuine rape claims tbh.
Watched the full video. Agree with this but it seems like security was protecting the entrance to the bathroom. Was she forced into the bathroom though? Perhaps using verbal threats? Why isn't there more video? The place must be full of cameras.

Her lawyer is greedy and stupid for deciding to immediately declare they just want money. There was no need for that, people don't need to know that right now and the lawyer facked up. Stoopid move.

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