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These 86 comments are related to an article called:

Saudi Arabia 2034

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comment by Elvis (U7425)

posted on 31/10/23

comment by CurrentlyInPoland (U11181)
posted 1 hour, 4 minutes ago
comment by Elvis (U7425)
posted 1 hour, 50 minutes ago
comment by CurrentlyInPoland (U11181)
posted 26 minutes ago
comment by Elvis (U7425)
posted 10 minutes ago
comment by CurrentlyInPoland (U11181)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by Elvis (U7425)
posted 13 minutes ago
Just a joke. Average attendances in SA can't even compete with League 1 attendances. There just isn't the interest there to create a decent atmosphere. And the draconian laws only add to that. As Robb said, it'll be another soulless affair.
Do you think they'll grow or stay the same? Can you tell me what laws prevent ot hinder the attendance number at the games?

The reason why I ask this is that Japan and Korea have larger attendance than they did 30 years ago. The game had to grow and one of the things was to get in generally big names, though past their best. The MSL has grown quite a bit since Beckham first arrived.

If Saudi do want to grow their league, they should be looking at Korea and Japan and the MSL and hope to avoid pitfalls made by the Chinese league.
I didn't say that laws hamper attendance. I said they will hamper a decent atmosphere
Ok. What laws are going to affect the atmosphere?
Alcohol. Painted t¡ts. Lesbians. In that order.
So that's the only way to enjoy football?
It's the best way. You will of course have your own opinion.

comment by #4zA (U22472)

posted on 31/10/23

comment by Glazers Out (SE85) (U21241)
posted 2 hours, 39 minutes ago
comment by #4zA Napul3🤌 (U22472)
posted 1 hour, 7 minutes ago
I really did not notice any difference in Qatar wc too any other wc tbh

The fact it cost about 80bn more than any other world cup purely down to them having no infrastructure whatsoever and they even needed to upgrade everything to roads and the airport?

The fact it was won by bribes?

Migrant deaths who built the stadia?

Played in the winter?

Other than that yeah it was no different at all. 🙃
From watching games on tv it was just like any uther wc

posted on 31/10/23

Never mind all of your opinions, what has Jordan Henderson got to say about this?

posted on 31/10/23

comment by Elvis (U7425)
posted 47 minutes ago
comment by CurrentlyInPoland (U11181)
posted 1 hour, 4 minutes ago
comment by Elvis (U7425)
posted 1 hour, 50 minutes ago
comment by CurrentlyInPoland (U11181)
posted 26 minutes ago
comment by Elvis (U7425)
posted 10 minutes ago
comment by CurrentlyInPoland (U11181)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by Elvis (U7425)
posted 13 minutes ago
Just a joke. Average attendances in SA can't even compete with League 1 attendances. There just isn't the interest there to create a decent atmosphere. And the draconian laws only add to that. As Robb said, it'll be another soulless affair.
Do you think they'll grow or stay the same? Can you tell me what laws prevent ot hinder the attendance number at the games?

The reason why I ask this is that Japan and Korea have larger attendance than they did 30 years ago. The game had to grow and one of the things was to get in generally big names, though past their best. The MSL has grown quite a bit since Beckham first arrived.

If Saudi do want to grow their league, they should be looking at Korea and Japan and the MSL and hope to avoid pitfalls made by the Chinese league.
I didn't say that laws hamper attendance. I said they will hamper a decent atmosphere
Ok. What laws are going to affect the atmosphere?
Alcohol. Painted t¡ts. Lesbians. In that order.
So that's the only way to enjoy football?
It's the best way. You will of course have your own opinion.
Agreed on the best way

posted on 31/10/23

I object to SA getting it, not so much that they are Saudi Arabia, but that FIFA will be lining their pockets from this. They have clearly bent over to make sure this happens for SA and I just cannot stand the FIFA gravy train that all these execs ride. They will be getting kick backs left right and centre.

posted on 31/10/23

Shock. Arabs pay the biggest bribes.

posted on 31/10/23

comment by 🦍 Power & Strength 🦍 (U9335)
posted 17 minutes ago
Shock. Arabs pay the biggest bribes.
And the English take those bribes to let the Arabs owns their football clubs

posted on 31/10/23

Am I being unreasonable in pointing out the hypocrisy in PL fans bemoaning the influence of Arab oil money in football elsewhere? FIFA being corrupt etc for accepting the Arab oil money? One thinks that you should look closer to home. Unless I'm completely off the mark on this?

posted on 31/10/23

I suppose though if you put a toad in a pan of cold water and slowly boil it, it won't notice and get boiled alive. However if you put a toad into boiling water, it will get a big shock and jump out again.

The slow boil is the PL. The already boiling water is like middle east world cup announcements or super league announcements.

English football, you are also boiling. You are just unaware of it.

Thank God I exist to tell you though. Lucky you.

posted on 31/10/23

comment by Malachi Boateng (U1734)
posted 10 minutes ago
Am I being unreasonable in pointing out the hypocrisy in PL fans bemoaning the influence of Arab oil money in football elsewhere? FIFA being corrupt etc for accepting the Arab oil money? One thinks that you should look closer to home. Unless I'm completely off the mark on this?
Yes because most ‘pl fans’ don’t like what happened with Chelsea, City and Newcastle.

posted on 31/10/23

comment by Kobbie The King Mainoo (U10026)
posted 3 minutes ago
comment by Malachi Boateng (U1734)
posted 10 minutes ago
Am I being unreasonable in pointing out the hypocrisy in PL fans bemoaning the influence of Arab oil money in football elsewhere? FIFA being corrupt etc for accepting the Arab oil money? One thinks that you should look closer to home. Unless I'm completely off the mark on this?
Yes because most ‘pl fans’ don’t like what happened with Chelsea, City and Newcastle.
Was that Fifa what caused that as well then through wanting to line their pockets with Arab money? Or who caused that to be allowed to happen?

comment by #4zA (U22472)

posted on 31/10/23

The frog n the scorpion

posted on 31/10/23

comment by Malachi Boateng (U1734)
posted 16 minutes ago
comment by Kobbie The King Mainoo (U10026)
posted 3 minutes ago
comment by Malachi Boateng (U1734)
posted 10 minutes ago
Am I being unreasonable in pointing out the hypocrisy in PL fans bemoaning the influence of Arab oil money in football elsewhere? FIFA being corrupt etc for accepting the Arab oil money? One thinks that you should look closer to home. Unless I'm completely off the mark on this?
Yes because most ‘pl fans’ don’t like what happened with Chelsea, City and Newcastle.
Was that Fifa what caused that as well then through wanting to line their pockets with Arab money? Or who caused that to be allowed to happen?
Multiple stakeholders allowed that to happen. Doesn’t make any difference to my point.

posted on 31/10/23

You sound like a Tory trying to deflect with incorrect use of the word hypocrisy.

posted on 31/10/23

comment by Robbing Hoody - I taught Szoboszlai how to cus... (U6374)
posted 4 hours, 26 minutes ago
Which countries would find it impossible to hold in the summer? South Africa nanaged just fine.

I mean it's a winter sport for starters but does anyone get upset that Qatar can't hold a winter Olympics? No.

There is very little positive at all about holding it in Qatar or SA and a long, long, list of negatives.

At the end if the day, is it actually good for world football? I'm going to say no.
Is it a winter sport? Then why isn't it part of the winter Olympics rather than the normal Olympics?

There have been positives of it being held in Qatar. Women felt safe for instance as no drunks where around to make them feel unsafe. The world cup had one of the best behaved fans of any world cup, hardly any trouble (lack of drink and the culture there probably helped). Qatar world cup has been overall a successful world cup (other than Qatar's performance on the pitch).

I would say all that good is outweighed by deaths and poor treatment of migrant workers.

comment by #4zA (U22472)

posted on 31/10/23

Was not incorrect

comment by #4zA (U22472)

posted on 31/10/23

comment by CurrentlyInPoland (U11181)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by Robbing Hoody - I taught Szoboszlai how to cus... (U6374)
posted 4 hours, 26 minutes ago
Which countries would find it impossible to hold in the summer? South Africa nanaged just fine.

I mean it's a winter sport for starters but does anyone get upset that Qatar can't hold a winter Olympics? No.

There is very little positive at all about holding it in Qatar or SA and a long, long, list of negatives.

At the end if the day, is it actually good for world football? I'm going to say no.
Is it a winter sport? Then why isn't it part of the winter Olympics rather than the normal Olympics?

There have been positives of it being held in Qatar. Women felt safe for instance as no drunks where around to make them feel unsafe. The world cup had one of the best behaved fans of any world cup, hardly any trouble (lack of drink and the culture there probably helped). Qatar world cup has been overall a successful world cup (other than Qatar's performance on the pitch).

I would say all that good is outweighed by deaths and poor treatment of migrant workers.

Soccer is not a winter sport.

It is a summer sport in many countries.

posted on 31/10/23

It is hypocrisy from a large majority. It is like royalists bemoaning how the rich and powerful can continue to get away with being paedos, whilst also still being massive royalists. It is almost exactly the same in every way. We are all culpable in supporting Arab corruption in football cos we keep supporting the PL. I'm a hypocrite. The first step is admitting it. I feel free now.

posted on 31/10/23

comment by CurrentlyInPoland (U11181)
posted 5 minutes ago
comment by Robbing Hoody - I taught Szoboszlai how to cus... (U6374)
posted 4 hours, 26 minutes ago
Which countries would find it impossible to hold in the summer? South Africa nanaged just fine.

I mean it's a winter sport for starters but does anyone get upset that Qatar can't hold a winter Olympics? No.

There is very little positive at all about holding it in Qatar or SA and a long, long, list of negatives.

At the end if the day, is it actually good for world football? I'm going to say no.
Is it a winter sport? Then why isn't it part of the winter Olympics rather than the normal Olympics?

Well football is only fairly recently part of the Olympics and maybe they have it then because players aren't available in the winter.

It's a sh!t idea to have it our winter because 90% of players are taking part in the fvcking league.

Not sure this major point should need making tbh.

Hold it in SA, don't really care, but don't stop all the leagues as a result. On top of that, and although the data is limited, research suggests a 33% increase in injuries as a result after the world Cup.

It's a stupid idea.

posted on 31/10/23


posted on 31/10/23

comment by Robbing Hoody - I taught Szoboszlai how to cushion half volleys (U6374)
posted 34 seconds ago
Most players got a 6 week break or so. Then a minority of players went to the world cup and played some games. Then most of those only played 3 spaced out games. Then a tiny minority went further into the tournament. Most players got an extended break from football to varying extents, making the domestic season less intense than normal.

comment by #4zA (U22472)

posted on 31/10/23

comment by Robbing Hoody - I taught Szoboszlai how to cushion half volleys (U6374)
posted 5 minutes ago
comment by CurrentlyInPoland (U11181)
posted 5 minutes ago
comment by Robbing Hoody - I taught Szoboszlai how to cus... (U6374)
posted 4 hours, 26 minutes ago
Which countries would find it impossible to hold in the summer? South Africa nanaged just fine.

I mean it's a winter sport for starters but does anyone get upset that Qatar can't hold a winter Olympics? No.

There is very little positive at all about holding it in Qatar or SA and a long, long, list of negatives.

At the end if the day, is it actually good for world football? I'm going to say no.
Is it a winter sport? Then why isn't it part of the winter Olympics rather than the normal Olympics?

Well football is only fairly recently part of the Olympics and maybe they have it then because players aren't available in the winter.

It's a sh!t idea to have it our winter because 90% of players are taking part in the fvcking league.

Not sure this major point should need making tbh.

Hold it in SA, don't really care, but don't stop all the leagues as a result. On top of that, and although the data is limited, research suggests a 33% increase in injuries as a result after the world Cup.

It's a stupid idea.
Soccer was in the 1904 olimpics

26 yrs b4 furst world cup

posted on 31/10/23

It is hypocrisy from a large majority.

comment by Busby (U19985)

posted on 31/10/23

comment by Olorin (U22733)
posted 12 hours, 2 minutes ago
Pi.sss off
The Qatar world cup was by far the best organised and most entertaining.
Im sure the Saudi one will be similar
1) Have you seen the stadiums now?
2) Did you see the fans accommodation?
3) It was certainly not the most entertaining, in spite of a good final.

Nations with no history and little participation in the sport shouldn’t be hosting one of the biggest events in world sports. Football is the most watched and most played sport in the world.

It’s an absolute joke when you have so many huge footballing nations who haven’t hosted in decades, or even ever.

comment by #4zA (U22472)

posted on 31/10/23

comment by Busby (U19985)
posted 3 minutes ago
comment by Olorin (U22733)
posted 12 hours, 2 minutes ago
Pi.sss off
The Qatar world cup was by far the best organised and most entertaining.
Im sure the Saudi one will be similar
1) Have you seen the stadiums now?
2) Did you see the fans accommodation?
3) It was certainly not the most entertaining, in spite of a good final.

Nations with no history and little participation in the sport shouldn’t be hosting one of the biggest events in world sports. Football is the most watched and most played sport in the world.

It’s an absolute joke when you have so many huge footballing nations who haven’t hosted in decades, or even ever.
Inaugriabubble Saudi League season: 1976
Inaugriabubble EPL season: 1992

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