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5k times

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posted on 16/11/23

I was doing 60 minute runs moving from 11kmph to 14kmph until june this year, joint pain stopped me just restarted at 10kmph and finishing the hour is the goal.

My fastest 5k in since lockdown was on a treadmill and it was 21:20

posted on 16/11/23

I’m a sprinter, not a marathon man.

Anyway enough about my 53x life, what was the question?

comment by Szoboss (U6997)

posted on 16/11/23

I've always gone for runs to supplement other exercise (football when younger, now gym). Back in my 20's I got down to low 19's.

I'm in my late 40's and over the last few years I've seriously struggled for motivation to go running. Then I changed one thing - I stopped timing myself. Gone was the self-imposed pressure to hit a certain pace or beat a certain time. Now I just run and listen to either a podcast or music. It's great, I enjoy it again and I get at least a couple of runs in a week.

So what time can I do now? I could guess but I don't know. Fully intend to keep it that way too.

posted on 16/11/23

comment by Naby8 (U6997)
posted 7 minutes ago
I've always gone for runs to supplement other exercise (football when younger, now gym). Back in my 20's I got down to low 19's.

I'm in my late 40's and over the last few years I've seriously struggled for motivation to go running. Then I changed one thing - I stopped timing myself. Gone was the self-imposed pressure to hit a certain pace or beat a certain time. Now I just run and listen to either a podcast or music. It's great, I enjoy it again and I get at least a couple of runs in a week.

So what time can I do now? I could guess but I don't know. Fully intend to keep it that way too.

yeah I get that.

I think it's easier to get out and do something if you're not pushing yourself too hard. And getting out there is the main thing.

posted on 16/11/23

I was doing 5ks regularly enough pre COVID but never really timed precisely, was always back home within a half hour so I’m guessing around the 28 minute mark.

Stopped the running as I play football 3 times a week and get plenty done there, but have replaced the runs with walking 10km 4 or 5 times a week now. I do those in about 1hr 20mins going a fairly quick pace. I find this so much better for me personally as I get zero aches or pains from it, plenty more fresh air, gets me away from the littlun, and best of the lot, it’s done during ‘working’ hours 😂

comment by Szoboss (U6997)

posted on 16/11/23

comment by Bill Nick (U23088)
posted 10 minutes ago
comment by Naby8 (U6997)
posted 7 minutes ago
I've always gone for runs to supplement other exercise (football when younger, now gym). Back in my 20's I got down to low 19's.

I'm in my late 40's and over the last few years I've seriously struggled for motivation to go running. Then I changed one thing - I stopped timing myself. Gone was the self-imposed pressure to hit a certain pace or beat a certain time. Now I just run and listen to either a podcast or music. It's great, I enjoy it again and I get at least a couple of runs in a week.

So what time can I do now? I could guess but I don't know. Fully intend to keep it that way too.

yeah I get that.

I think it's easier to get out and do something if you're not pushing yourself too hard. And getting out there is the main thing.

Thing is, some days I do push myself. But it's because I'm feeling good and I want to. Other days I'm happy to find a comfortable pace and do the km's.

I just love the fact I don't spend the entire run doing maths in my head about per km split times and how much faster I would need to go per km to hit X time

You sound like you're good for motivation Bill but to anyone struggling I would really recommend taking the pressure off and just enjoying the run.

posted on 16/11/23

Whilst I was a good distance runner in my youth, my running days are a long way behind me.
However I have just re-joined my local sports centre and use their equipment 3-4 times a week. Having had a new left knee and a new right hip in the past 20 months, I now measure my exercise in the number of steps I achieve each day.

For the past week I am averaging 10,500 a day, a mixture of the treadmill and walking around my village twice a day.
I do feel a bit achy at times but at the age of 73 I think I am allowed that🤔
Still think I might be more mobile than Mr Dier was on Saturday😵‍💫🤣

posted on 16/11/23

My best is something like 23.30

Now? Nearer to 35 mins

comment by Silver (U6112)

posted on 16/11/23

comment by Striketeam7 - There used to be a football club over there (U18109)
posted 2 hours ago

I’ve got a mate who does ultras - his wife goes faaaacking mental at him when he is training as he will take off at 8am on a Saturday morning and she won’t see him again until about 4pm and then all he wants to do is eat and sleep
Touche - at least he has the decency not to throw in a headache as well

posted on 16/11/23

It's takes Sandy 25 minutes to have a wee

comment by Admin1 (U1)

posted on 16/11/23

I ran at a pretty decent level so ran under 17mins a few times. Though my last 5K 2019ish was 38mins and was slower than my fastest 10K

comment by Admin1 (U1)

posted on 16/11/23

Is you want to improve speed:

1. Drop weight. 2 seconds per mile per pound is a decent rule of thumb.
2. Incorporate hill repeat training(run up, walk down), which increases muscle fibre recruitment as it is a concentric contraction in terms of power delivery. This translates to increased speed on the flat.

posted on 16/11/23

comment by Bill Nick (U23088)
posted 4 hours, 13 minutes ago
comment by sandy, golden boot winner fa cup 1901 (U20567)
posted 7 minutes ago
comment by sandy, golden boot winner fa cup 1901 (U20567)
posted 1 second ago
I don't jog or run these days. But I still try to do a country walk once a week over varying terrain. I find it keeps me reasonably fit for a 74 year old.

Should have said a 10 mile country walk.

10 miles is a very good effort. Well done.

It's what I do mate. I used to do 25 mile hillwalks back in the day. But slowing down now.

posted on 16/11/23

comment by Admin1 (U1)
posted 1 hour, 4 minutes ago
Is you want to improve speed:

1. Drop weight. 2 seconds per mile per pound is a decent rule of thumb.
2. Incorporate hill repeat training(run up, walk down), which increases muscle fibre recruitment as it is a concentric contraction in terms of power delivery. This translates to increased speed on the flat.
Remember doing hill drills on banks during preseason. Usually resulted with half the team lying at the bottom of the bank boking by the end

posted on 16/11/23

comment by Devonshirespur (U6316)
posted 1 hour, 23 minutes ago
It's takes Sandy 25 minutes to have a wee

I have about that many wees in that time.

posted on 16/11/23

comment by fridgeboy (U1053) If you're doing that outside, you can shave off a minute or two from your record if you're adapting the times for a treadmill. It's much harder outside as you have to battle wind and a more undulating course. Your fitness will be much higher for doing it outside. You should give it a go on a treadmill to see what kind of time you can pull off. 22.30 for a 50 year old is decent. Keep it up and try to get as near to that 20 min barrier. Go on park runs because they'll provide you with a pacer which will definitely increase your speed.
won't be getting near 20 minutes unless I find a way to grow wings!!! other points are interesting though. thanks. Interesting comments from all

posted on 16/11/23

I do 10miles, 3 or 4 times a week on a bike, that does me at 76

posted on 16/11/23

I find running the hardest activity I do. I can do hard hiit workouts no problem, 6 x 3 min rounds of kickboxing with 30 sit ups between the rounds, but 2.2 km I find barely possible to not stop after 1k. I weigh 90kg, muscular with short strong legs, so I'm not really built for long distance running. Usually take about 11 mins 30 secs to run 2.2km so not bad but not good either.

posted on 16/11/23

In terms of the running (I'll leave the kickboxing and sit ups thanks), I'd suggest running slower until you find where you are able to do the 2.2k (why this distance?) without stopping (there will be a speed where you are comfortable), and build up the speed from there.
Also, try to stop thinking about running while you are running. If you don't think about running, then you don't think about stopping.
Why on earth do you do situps between rounds btw????

posted on 17/11/23

Around school to 21 years old I use to do about 17:30/18 mins.

As an adult a few years ago I done 19:30.

Now with all the injuries i've accumulated i'd do well to do 26/27 minutes.

I want to get back into it though. I have no cartilage in my right knee anymore and although pounding the street isn't great for you, it's still better than twisty bending movements for me.

posted on 17/11/23

comment by Nickasaurus (U9257)
posted 25 minutes ago
Around school to 21 years old I use to do about 17:30/18 mins.

As an adult a few years ago I done 19:30.

Now with all the injuries i've accumulated i'd do well to do 26/27 minutes.

I want to get back into it though. I have no cartilage in my right knee anymore and although pounding the street isn't great for you, it's still better than twisty bending movements for me.
Nice times

I'd like to think I could have beat 20 minutes when I was in my prime but sadly I will never know.

posted on 17/11/23

The best times to run are when you dont actually run lol, I use to do 5 a side 3/4 times a week, never sub off, always in the top league down goals etc.

But found running so tedious.

Now I try and run through necessity of not being a fat b@stard

posted on 18/11/23

doubled up at the finish.
sluggish the whole way, wanted to stop from about 2k

posted on 19/11/23

I'd be well chuffed with that time right now

posted on 19/11/23

26.34 today so fairly consistent

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