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Adam Vs Meireles

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posted on 10/10/11

Meireles - Better Hair and he's got all his teeth.

posted on 10/10/11

Please give an opinion, and a reason why you've chosen Meireles
Just noticed.

posted on 10/10/11

Meireles >>>> Adam

posted on 10/10/11

Anyone who thinks Adam is better is a t00l

posted on 10/10/11

Anyone who thinks Adam and Meireles are remotely the same type of player is a t00l.

posted on 10/10/11

Really don't get Liverpool's transfer policy. Most people would argue Meireles was their best player last season so why did they decide to phase him out in favour of Charlie Adam, the one Premier League standard performer on relegated Blackpool

That would have been comparable to Chelsea dumping Lampard to accomodate Sidwell

posted on 10/10/11

Are you kidding me? Meireles by far!

Hes got better creativity and vision, Adam just a big fish in a small pond, with blackpool, hes a good bench player at best for Liverpool

posted on 10/10/11

Why compare Adam to Meireles? Adam was never brought in to replace Meireles. They don't play the same position.

Meireles is the better player though....

Messi vs Xavi

posted on 10/10/11

comment by Mr Chelsea (U3579)

posted 7 minutes ago

Meireles - Better Hair and he's got all his teeth.
better tattoos too. there are some who believe Kenny sold Meireles because he was intimidated by his hair, tattoos.....etc

posted on 10/10/11

Adam's got better creativity.
Meireles has got the better technique over all is the better player.

posted on 10/10/11

It dosent really matter.
Meireles was looking at being a second maybe third choice this season, so moved to a team were he might get more first team chances.
Adam is much more the type of player Liverpool need this season, rather than an in and out type of player, who to be honest, until Dalglish gave him a little guidance, was pretty poor in an attacking sense, and seemed almost scared to put a tackle in.
So we all move on, chelsea fans all of a sudden give praise to Meireles that was never forthcoming when he wore a red shirt, and Liverpool fans have little regret in seeing a player leave, who didnt want to be at the club.

posted on 10/10/11

'How about we start with last season. Adam played in 34 games and Meireles played in 32. Adam had more assists, created more goal scoring chances, scored more goals (although to be fair Adam took the penalties for Blackpool), had more shots, had more shots on target. I would say that made him more creative than Meireles.

This season Adam already has 3 assists in comparison to Meireles 2 (one of which was for Liverpool) and he's also scored more.'

After reading this, do you Chelsea fans wish Adam was the player supplying Fernando Torres.

Thought Not...

posted on 10/10/11

Meireles is better than Adam in the deeper role and in a more attacking role in my eyes, and watching him come off the bench against arsenal and seeing your other games, in Gerrard's absence he is the player you needed, you've looked very one dimensional of late which Meireles would have changed.
Meireles was also poor before Daglish because Hodgson played him out of position.
All in all Meireles>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Adam

posted on 10/10/11

Look at those stats, when teams played blackpool they were more expansive which allowed more space for Blackpool. The fact that Adam has made the step up to a better team and hasn't done as well shows that already.

posted on 10/10/11

Coming from a neutral both Meireles and Adam are average players but Meireles is the better player.

Adam (given time and space) is a good passer of the ball and good at set pieces, but when closed down and given no time becomes very ordinary and subsequently gets frustrated.

Meireles has a better all round game, but neither would get in the Spurs midfield or on the bench.

posted on 10/10/11

Adam is average, Meireles is a good player. Not a world beater but still a good player

posted on 10/10/11

Both good players.

posted on 10/10/11

posted on 10/10/11

That's sweet Sir Alfredo. You couldn't handle the debate on your own so you've tried to get some "mates" on your side.

For those who didn't see the original post, Sir Alfredo argued that we'd lost creativity in our midfield by losing our Meireles, Although this is partly true, based on last season's stats Adam is the more creative player, in terms of chances created, assists, passing, shots on target, goals scored so we're not really missing out that much.

I don't think many people said that Adam was better than Meireles, more so that we haven't missed out on that much as Adam can also create chances and can pick a pass.

posted on 10/10/11

Like I said. If Chelsea fans would rather have Charlie Adam supplying Torres. Do say so...

posted on 10/10/11

Look at those stats, when teams played blackpool they were more expansive which allowed more space for Blackpool. The fact that Adam has made the step up to a better team and hasn't done as well shows that already.


How has he not made the step up. 7 games, 3 assists and 1 goal so far this seaso.. If he continues at that rate he'll have done a good job.

And why does it matter that he did it at Blackpool? Are you saying that no player can make the step up from a relegated team to a good team. If that was the case then Fergie wouldn't have bought Roy Keane.

posted on 10/10/11

Like I said. If Chelsea fans would rather have Charlie Adam supplying Torres. Do say so...


I doubt they would but whatever opinion they do give it is exactly that...an opinion. If you want cold hard facts then Adam had more assists. created more goal scoring opportunities, had more shots on target and scored more goals than Meireles last season, which means he we'll be fine without Meireles. You don't need to worry about it mate.

posted on 10/10/11

here fishy, fishy...

posted on 10/10/11

Ok if stats the is order of the day. Van Persie puts Suarez in the shade.

posted on 10/10/11


I think you should be a bit more honest on your profile. Who do you support?

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